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Duna Mission on Kerbalism!


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Rest in Parts

May your essence

Keep the krew alive

Your sacrifice will

Not be forgotten

Someone Tidy that up please

  On 7/6/2017 at 8:23 PM, Mikki said:

Rov-E would have been a good name for it...



Rest in Parts

May Your Essence

Keep The Krew Alive

Throughout Their Mission

Your Sacrifice Will

Never be Forgotten

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Okay, we are back on the new habitat site and the crew is preparing for the Dunaface exploration, Bob insisted to take the wheel first, and the gals where quite happy to have a rest meanwhile... Zelanda made some upgrades to the truck, Rov-Es crewcabin has been mounted to the midsection, luckily there was more than enough space to fit it in... Supplies are stored in ample amounts...


Bob was very excited about the handling of the "Kemaz spez-D", and shortly after leaving the habitat location he showed off some insane rally pilot skills...


Meanwhile on "Kerbin 2", far above their heads, Jebediah began to fight occasional partfailures on the transfervessel, more and more concerned about some important shipsystems... what if the kraken strikes harder while the others are travelling away from the ascendmodule and a major partfailure occurs which only Zelanda could repair?
Missioncontrol had to rethink the ongoing  tasks for sure.


After some heated discussions back in the KSC missiondirectors and engineers decided it would be better to skip the Dunaface exploration in favor of the missionsafety, Jebediahs repairskills are too limited and the lives of all crewmembers depend on a functional transfervessel, so Bobs truckrally got aborted sadly... having his drivinghabbits in mind probably the most reasonable decision at all...


Edited by Mikki
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  On 7/10/2017 at 7:07 PM, The-Doctor said:

I don't get it, Kerbalism really isn't that hard. Oh and never send an interplanetary mission without the habitat landed first, just in case you make a mistake and it fails. 


Lets make it plain simple:

For someone it is difficult to lift off the launch pad.

For someone it is difficult to upload cheats for KSP.

And for someone it is difficult to play with kerbalism.

It is a single player game, after all.

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  On 7/10/2017 at 7:30 PM, cratercracker said:

Lets make it plain simple:

For someone it is difficult to lift off the launch pad.

For someone it is difficult to upload cheats for KSP.

And for someone it is difficult to play with kerbalism.

It is a single player game, after all.


agreed. I tried kerbalism once when I first started moding KSP. Promptly killed my crew due to not realizing how radiation or LS worked. Now I just use USI LS. Might go back though now that I have 2 ksp games on my computer with separate mods.

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  On 7/10/2017 at 7:07 PM, The-Doctor said:

I don't get it, Kerbalism really isn't that hard. Oh and never send an interplanetary mission without the habitat landed first, just in case you make a mistake and it fails. 


Isn`t that hard.... So you have disabled critical partfailures?:wink:
I guess your Kerbals swim back when propulsion suffers unrepairable malfunction...:D

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Nice story and some very well looking spacecraft - I'll keep an eye on your progress and I wish you good luck.

And to be honest, I hope seeing this stuff will make me go back to my RO Mars mission, which I have been avoiding for a while now, because I am properly nervous about sending my crew into interplanetary space, too :)


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  On 7/11/2017 at 10:09 AM, michal.don said:

Nice story and some very well looking spacecraft - I'll keep an eye on your progress and I wish you good luck.

And to be honest, I hope seeing this stuff will make me go back to my RO Mars mission, which I have been avoiding for a while now, because I am properly nervous about sending my crew into interplanetary space, too :)



Thanks for your kind words, these mods give stock KSP alot of interesting tension, KerbalAtomics in combination with Kerbalism has so many small things one must regard to make a successfull interplanetary voyage...

Its simply thrilling sometimes... keeping my Kerbals alive is the basic mood after leaving Kerbins SOI, very intense experience, it just becomes a true adventure.

I have some free time ahead again and will continue with the returnleg of the crew... making awesome adventures with lifesupport is sometimes to risky, but i`ve learned alot with this trip till now.

I wanna go to the joolian system in a similar fashion, but it will become a technical ressource battle without much comparison...

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  On 7/8/2017 at 1:45 PM, Mikki said:

Meanwhile on "Kerbin 2" "Iktomi 3", far above their heads, Jebediah began to fight occasional partfailures on the transfervessel, more and more concerned about some important shipsystems...


At least Jeb is a pilot, and can avoid taking injury moving between modules. Come on Jeb, roll triple sixes for repair!

oops, wrong game.

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Hi @Mikki really enjoying your craft and your writing here! Doing it with Kerbalism creates some very interesting problems for the crew to solve (literally) on-the-fly. As you well know I am all about making things more difficult for my crews, to the point of creating alternate versions of said crews with the goal of intentionally making them dead, so I definitely and enthusiastically support this work :D 

And I, like Bob, am looking forward to witnessing the inevitable onset of spacemadness.

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  On 7/11/2017 at 2:48 PM, Nathangun said:

Enjoying this space adventure, keep it up.

Just tipped my toes into Kerbalism in RSS so I hope to learn from this thread. 


Thank you for confessing fun! :D Good luck, you`ll need some!

  On 7/11/2017 at 3:33 PM, Kuzzter said:

Hi @Mikki really enjoying your craft and your writing here! Doing it with Kerbalism creates some very interesting problems for the crew to solve (literally) on-the-fly. As you well know I am all about making things more difficult for my crews, to the point of creating alternate versions of said crews with the goal of intentionally making them dead, so I definitely and enthusiastically support this work :D 

And I, like Bob, am looking forward to witnessing the inevitable onset of spacemadness.


Thank you too for confessing amusement, :), regarding Bob and spacemadness, i found his facial expression the page ago shows probably first symptoms, i`ve rarely observed such a silly giggle on a Kerbals face... 
As i mentioned further above, due to RL constraints i am planning the returnleg of my crew, Kerbalism provides a strange and unique unconvenience so far from home...:rolleyes: Worst thing would be a critical engine failure, and reorganizing the transfershipstructure in space with KIS and KAS looks more like a nightmare than calmly boating down a river...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 7/23/2017 at 3:48 AM, captainb said:

Hi @Mikki Do you Is the cryosleep pod supposed to reset radiation accumulation to 0% or is that a bug you've managed to exploit?  Any upcoming posts in the mission log or is it finished for now?


Looks like a bug, but a nice one, and the mission will be continued soon, no time actually to pursue the game...:)

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