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Duna Mission on Kerbalism!


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Great idea and nice ships!

I've seen something like this on Youtube a few months ago but, if I'm not wrong, it did not use life support!

What mods (apart from Kerbalism) are you using? I really liked the ships... :wink:

Nevermind: I came here directly from the OP to talk about the ships and did not notice you listing the mods below... Sorry! :blush:

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"High quality lead coffins? - Yes please!"
"High quality equipment? - That would be great!"
"Patch-up your propulsion mods? - Excellent idea!"

While preparing the crewlaunch to "Kerbin 1" and timewarping ahead to the next launchwindow, some major fatal flaws of the vessels became obvious... just some examples...

- Partfailures due to poor standard quality basically scrapped the descend modules "Mun 1" and "Minmus 1", parachutes and even the descend engines, after 100 days in parking orbit both vessels became literally scrap... :0.0:

- Radition protection concerns, my badly planned lack of sufficient lead protection on some crewcompartments and the absence of any protection at both cupolas at all, made me utterly worry about the moral state of mine... :blush:

- Critical problem on the "Kerbin 1" nuclear engine (Core meltdown to 84% due to ActionGroup issue) after 150 days timewarping towards transferwindow finally killed the actual mission design, i was close to tears while reading all the Kerbalism message windows... ;.;

So i decided now to scrap all the current vessels in orbit and make a major refurbish on ground, more lead means more mass, more quality means more mass and more vessel mass means more propellent storage for some of the vessels, at least "Mun 1" needs additional LH2 storage to reach Duna orbit...
And i am going for high quality equipment on every vessel, my Kerbals deserve the best chances they can get... :D

Today i`ll relaunch all the systems and will continue the mission where i aborted it, at 200km parking orbit around Kerbin, 30 days before launchwindow. :)

Heads up for the next missionupdate, thank you for your patience and understanding... 


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As someone who's been running a Kerbalism YouTube series for a while now. I cant wait to see how this turns out for you.

Failures are the big reason I'm worried about sending a crewed vessel anywhere out of Kerbins SOI. Using the higher quality parts should really help, but I'd be very worried about them getting half way to Duna and having a scrubber fail and the brave Kerbals dying of CO2 poisoning before you could do anything for them.

Anyway, good luck with this, will be watching with keen eyes how it all turns out.

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Hi all, i am back in business, after some tedious work and an incredible amount of problems with a annoying certain fuelflow issue on "Mun 2", my crew has finally launched to the transfership, now with proper shielding, higher overall partquality and more redundancy in the ship systems...
"Potato 1" docked safely to the transfervessel, at least one ship worked as intended...

"Kerbin 2" is now the home of four deathdefying Kerbals, none of them have a viable lifeinsurance anymore, the insurancecompanys threw their contracts out of the windows or into toilets with manic laughter...

Time until Duna launchwindow is about twenty days from now, Jeb and co have some time left ali aside their homeplanet, and they keep watching the oceans and the mountains thinking about the snacks they left at the KSC... will they ever return here?

Let`s see how it goes:

"Potato 1" launch at night, bye bye Kerbals...


"Potato 1" docks to "Kerbin 2", the slighty enhanced transfership and new home for the next months or even years among the stars...


"Minmus 2" on its way to the transferinjectionorbit, around 1100km above kerbin, inbetween the radiation belts... All systems are go, no partfailures till now... Nukes are working well and give a nice warm glow... 


"Mun 2" at the parkingorbit, firing the nukes to orbit at 1100km altitude... This vessel has new extended LH2 storage, the smaller tank will be detached as soon we leave Kerbin... Here was a weird issue where the engines lost thrust for unknown reasons, i had to launch a large single piece LH2 and engine stage...
The descendvessel has become rather heavy due to the high performance leadshielding, and so i slapped more parachutes to it, may Kod forgive my dumbness...


And also the crew in "Kerbin 2" has arrived at higher orbit, they activated the lifesupportsystems, the centrifuge and all the other stuff, the single shieldgenerator has been put to work aswell, but doens`t make alot of difference... however, we have one and this is good so far.
Zelanda began to study the ship and all the inventory, looking for snacks and such, not because she interested in engineering at all...
Bob is napping in the large service module, Jeb and Val are together piloting the doom gracefull assembly of best stock and mod parts...


The mission is close to the point of no return, T minus 20 days...

This is the most intense adventure in my KSP gaming time, which is quite long... :0.0: I`m nervous as hell... :confused:

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tell and spell8D
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Hi people, yes we are still going strong here, my Kerbals actually left Kerbins Soi heading towards Duna!
And while i had to dig deep down in the propulsion mod to solve a negative tankmass issue on all the LH2 fueltanks,  i came to think about the unthinkable, the unspeakable... the loss of my crew to an ugly and pitty, sad death in the voids of space, due to my own stupidity and complete ignorance...

I really hope that there is realistic chance to pull this mission to a happy end, whereever this may be, whatever my Kerbals achieved along the way... as long as they are alive.
Okay, i made some pics and will give some comments, don`t know where to begin...
Transferburn on the vessels went fine, staging worked well and engines had reliable thrust, "Kerbin 2" went ahead, followed shortly after by "Mun 2", and a day after them "Minmus 2" made its ejectionburn, tanks have been detached while burning without problems, higher quality of parts seems to pay off now, no partfailures occured untill Mun orbit altitude...


"Kerbin 2" departure..., before staging the two lateral LH2 tanks, Valentina is piloting the vessel, all the other Kerbals have entered the DeepFreeze fridge and are allready asleep...


"Mun 2" and "Minmus 2" at departure, "Mun 2" releasing the front tank, quite thight on deltaV after the propulsion mod hacking... Looks like we must perform some aerobraking at Duna, omg :0.0:...

"Minmus 2" makes a great job untill now, not much to say here, quite a light assembly...


Leaving Kerbins SOI changed alot in my personal mood, Valentina alone in this huge ship with all the other unguilty Kerbals on board... what the hell have i done?
While checking the systems i noticed the radiation stress on Valentina, some 150 days in the journey, at half the stretch to Duna, and i really start feeling uncomfy when i see the stats...
She allready accumulated a 13% lethal radiation dose, and this ain`t really funny... omgomgomg....
Occasional partfailures on the ships look silly now after discovering the literal decay of my crewmembers...


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Ship design looks sharp with the LH2 gold foil tanks and the tripple nuke engines, very Constellation-esque!  Regarding radiation accumulation, could swap Jeb for Val halfway to Duna to keep individual rad exposure down? 

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6 hours ago, captainb said:

Ship design looks sharp with the LH2 gold foil tanks and the tripple nuke engines, very Constellation-esque!  Regarding radiation accumulation, could swap Jeb for Val halfway to Duna to keep individual rad exposure down? 

Hi captainb, sorry i didn`t had the time to answer your questions further above, parts are from Nerteas NFT and StationPartsExpansion, regarding the rovers i`ll have to "drive safe" :D... Mods are listed in the OP.
NFT is basically a constellation engineering style mod, true, and the NASA proposal works also efficient in KSP... this goes light on partcount and logistics.

The radiation load during the transfer is very concerning and i am in fact considering waking up Jeb and see how much dose he`s got in the heavy shielded fridge... I am wondering how the partfailures develop further in the journey, Zelanda can repair basically anything except the parts "are gone for good" as Kerbalism calls terminal partmalfunctions...:confused: 

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Hello all, my adventurous mission to Duna is going straight ahead, Jebediah has been thawed by Valentina and took the commands on "Kerbin 2", looks like the fridge is so heavily shielded that the fish Kerbals are keept fresh and unharmed from any radiation... Jebediahs first task was to perform midcourse correction burns on all the three vessels, aiming for a quite steep aerobrake maneuver at least for the both ships in fairings...
"Kerbin 2" will likely make a powered brakemaneuver because some parts can`t sustain excessive aeroforces, we will see...

Navigation went almost perfect, but other things aren`t looking that good anymore, let`s see what happened during coasting...

Workshift on "Kerbin 2", let`s praise the fridge:


Jebediah makes some precision maneuvers midcoarse, aswell the other vessels "Mun 2" and "Minmus 2"


Duna and its magnetosphere, very unusual shape, blown to a ellipsoid from solar wind.
Periapsis of "Kerbin 2" is very low for now, subject to change further in the approach.


And to my very bad surprise, the small boardinghatch on the small rover attached to "Mun 2" experienced obviously a terminal system failure, lifesupport (pressure or scrubbing) on this part is literally scrapped for unknown reasons, oh crap... I`d love to make this unhappen but... damn!


And close to Dunas orbit around Kerbol, i realized that Jebediah accumulated a rather high radiation dose of far more than... 33%... Kod forgive my sins.... There is not much anymore i can say about that, my feelings for my brave crew are getting really responsible and guilty... :(
There is no excuse for that, i`m so sorry... ;.;


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Yeah its me again...:wink:, things look way better again than a few hours before, my little fleet of unscared Kerbals and autonomous vessels have reached Duna orbit, yeah!
Shortly after reaching Duna SOI, Jebediah thawed his friends and discovered with great pleasure that glykerol seems to cure all the radiation damage done to Kerbals, Valentina disembarked the fridge as pristine and alive as would she`ve never been to space...! Looks like i`ve became some kind of absolution from a higher force...

Valentina and Bob immediatly decided to put Jebediah into to the fridge before his status gets more worst, and Zelanda prepared herself for a extended EVA to inspect the "Kerbin 2" from the outside, looking for sna examining probable damages and weared parts on the ship...

"Mun 2" and "Minmus 2" entered both Duna orbit by a real deep aerocapture to save as much LH2 as possible, who knows what still may happen out here... With rectracted antennas diving into Dunas atmosphere...:


"Minmus 2", still no partfailures occured here, good ship...:


Zelanda on EVA, getting proper engineering tools... She stated to do anything in her force to bring this mission to a success, she is from Krussia and a old schoolmate from Valentina...


Zelanda on her inspection around the ship, checking all the parts...:


Situation in orbit after "Kerbin 2"s powered brakemaneuver, all the vessels around Duna!


And the final burn of the crewtransfervessel, obviously i`ve damaged the nuclearengines, corehealth has decreased to 96%, but this no big deal, if anything more worst happens one of the other propulsion stages would be docked to "Kerbin 2", nothing concerning so far...
Zelandas missionlog is open for the curious, yes this Kerbal once orbited Laythe and took care of the transfervessel then! She has lots of experience with KIS and KAS, i am glad to have her with them...! She has also once been to Dres!


Mission looks surprisingly good suddenly!!! Yes!!! :D

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Well, what should i say... mere words cannot tell what i`ve done today... :cool:

Crewtransfer with "Potato 1" to "Mun 2" and starting the lifesupportsystems, powered descend to one of Dunas large valleys, Valentina, Zelanda and Bob have the pleasure to step on Dunas dusty grounds on Kerbalism:


Docking and farewell to Jebediah, will they ever meet again?

Jebediah returns alone to "Kerbin 2", eagarly waiting for the further missionprogress:


And so the time has come for my brave Kerbonauts, the descendvessels lifesupport
systems are spooling slowly up and cabin pressure is rising, Valentina spotted the landingzone and keeps on going with the descend maneuvers:


After braking retrograde the vessel has been pointed forward...


And the tension is rising...


Waiting for the chutes to deploy and firing all engines, the ascendvehicles thrusters fire aswell, anything is tightly built and on the edge...


We have ... touchdown! Hell yeah!!!!


And my Kerbals plant a flag, as any proud spacefaring people...


But this is not enough, the small rover is immediatly tested for roving duty... :cool:


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7 hours ago, eloquentJane said:

Some of those fairings are horrible. But the vehicles inside them look great, so I suppose that makes up for it. It's an interesting mission so far, and I like the Constellation-style lander.

True, the "Minmus 2" fairing looks quite stubby-nosed, but  i am doing this mission more about the mod mechanics... I could have make it in better shape, it bugs me really now... :/

Constellation is in my opinion (which might be truely silly:wink:) the best mars proposal ever brought by NASA, very sad they didn`t get their butts off the chairs (No offense to any NASA member reading this :D). 

Oh no, its the congress, sure... 

Oh no, the nuke treaty... sure...

Oh no, the bills!!!.... sure...

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I was flipping through my non-work tabs at work when I realized the Duna Landing was already here, and I totally zoned out completely absorbed by it for a good 12 minutes.  :P  Thank you!  (my employer perhaps not so much :wink: - but honestly, July 3rd is slow as heck)



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So let the madness begin... "Minmus 2" has made a precision landing just about 3.5km away from "Mun 2" and the large truck is in perfect shape, chances for success are rising significantly...
Sadly both landers are sitting on a rather steep hillside but this wouldn`t be my mission if i could not find a relief for tipping bubblyzine bottles and crackers sliding off the habitat desks...:wink:

"Minmus 2" descend, all system are go...


Landing further westwards of the the Kerballed lander, on a even steeper slope... full success!


The truck is remote controlled detached by Valentina and keeps on moving towards the landingsite of "Mun 2", fully packed with supplies and certain spare parts for unexpected events...
Zelanda has constructed this truck herself and the inclined observer can recognize the familiar shape with krussian KEMAZ ICBR trucks, and in fact Zelandas daddy worked aswell in this company...


And for the memorybooks...


Zelanda, Bob and Valentina are currently discussing the fate of the smaller rover, the boardinghatch with the pressure system went "gone for good" as Kerbalism calls a terminal partfailure, and without pressure it doesn`t make much sense anymore to keep such vessel at all...
However, Zelanda has lots of tools with her and... and Bob mentioned his eager wish to...

- "Listen gals, i think we could make a trip to the ominous Dunaface further northeast...
I am going to calculate the drivingtime and the amount of supplies needed for the trip...
What do you both think about that?"

- "...No way!!! Its way too far away!!!"

- "...You`re nuts!!! What if lifesupport fails???"

- "... Why worry?" 

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typo8D, northeast, guessing
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- "Why worry?"

Asked Bob and explained further...

"Its quite easy i think, we scrap the small rover, slap its wheels to the habitatlander and roll it down the hill some clicks, it looks much more friendlier down there and nobodys gonna fall out the bed during sleeping... Then Zelanda makes a little hardware update on the heavy `Kemaz Spez-D` and we are ready to go, with additional livingspace for the deserttrip... It might take a day or two, but basically its not that far as we now it from Kerbins scales. I have a truckdrivinglicence too, so all of us can take a drivingshift."

Valentina and Zelanda together agreed...

- "Okay, looks feasible, we are here now and the mysterious Dunaface is definetly a point of interest."

Zelanda immediatly begins to disassemble the wheels and mount them to the lander...


After some fiddly work it is rolled cautiously down the slope some kilometers... a extremely heavy construction, but Valentina and Bob get the job done safely... The wheels take the load without much problems.


Zelanda picked up the others and returned to the former small rover to scrap it almost complete, even the malfunctioning boardinghatch is recovered, maybe it can still be of some use.... Thank Kod there`s KIS!
All the gained parts are stowed in the various KIS containers or get directly attached to the "Kemaz Spez-D", which takes the additional weight with ease...


Zelanda investigates the broken airlock back at the new position of "Mun 2", but it seems that the part is truely unrepairable, sadly... Bob and Valentina are examining the route to the Dunaface on mapview, and it looks like they will start allready the next day, when Zelanda finished the works on the Kemaz...
Missioncontrol gave its okay too, nothing concerning so far...:D


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On 7/3/2017 at 9:01 AM, Mikki said:

True, the "Minmus 2" fairing looks quite stubby-nosed, but  i am doing this mission more about the mod mechanics... I could have make it in better shape, it bugs me really now... :/

I'll have some interesting new stuff to resolve this for you in a week or two...

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On 5.7.2017 at 7:44 PM, Nertea said:

I'll have some interesting new stuff to resolve this for you in a week or two...

I just can`t believe that our Overlord of NFT and KerbalAtomics posted in this thread... OMG!:D
I must admit that i just can`t go without these mods any more... thank you for your amazing efforts...:)

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44 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

Awwww man, I liked that lil' rover. :( Reminded me of WALL-E. ROV-E?

25 minutes ago, KerBlitz Kerman said:

True, i had a fun to construct and fit it into the lander, it was supposed to make loitering around the habitat easier... Kerbalism killed the lifesupport with one failure sadly. One crewdepartment had the scrubber, the other the pressure system...:( Rov-E would have been a good name for it...

Next missionupdate is likely sunday evening, i have some reallife too...:D

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