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The OTech Track Attack Challenge

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my car is currently in design and i have a question:

can i use an ion engine as a makeshift gearbox for my car?

i´m making a tiny tweakscaled down engine 

the ion engine produces only 0.0004KN of thrust so that will provide no boost at all

the car is in construction, this is by far not the final look, i just wanted to showcase the engine, and second question:

can i use fuel cells to provide a power source in addition to the 800 electric charge i´m going to put in or do i have to turn them off?


edit: i removed all the fuel, fuel is heavy, and i need a light car, so the fuel cells now only store electricity and the ion engine won´t run at all

Edited by tsgaerospace
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my entery to the kart category should be complete

max speed: 28.1 m/s

warning: turning in speeds between 24 and 26.5 meters per second will most likely end in you upside down, any faster and you will most likely roll back on your wheels

i tryed the kart track and did it in 55 seconds, on the 3. try with the second version of the car, the first did it in 1:06 minutes (the older version was about 120 kg heavier and had limited power to the wheels


fGRBO2x.pngnote: this car didn´t use autostrut or struts, it relies on it´s own structural strenght (excluding one panel and the wheels (the wheels do it on their own and the panel would otherwise lean into the engine bay)), so when you roll over the kerbal can get his leg stuck in the sidepanels, this happened to me in testing, do not worry, Bobke survived

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Alright everyone, so testing has started. The first car up is @Azimech's 77l- Lambo Mashup v1.0

Vehicle Stats


Height: 1.8m

Width: 5.5m

Length: 6.3m

Parts: 159

Mass: 9.928t (21,887.493 lbs)


Class: Jet

Sub-class: Full-size


Test Drive Remarks

Test Driver: Jebediah Kerman (5-time KSCRC Champion, 3-time KRC Champion, 2016 CKI Winner)


Jebediah Kerman (Driver): "This car is too cool. 4 Junos, Electric power; this car has it all!"

Benjamin Kerman (Engineer): "Agreed. However, it is kind of a glass cannon. You've got to be careful in those corners- Especially the entrance to the tunnel."


JK: "Well that sucked.."
BK: "I told you to take it easy on the corners!"
JK: "I know! The car just wants to fight you all the way through the corner, with the rears wanting to step out while the fronts just have horrendous understeer.


Performance Report

Date: 8/19/2017

Car: Lambo Mashup v1.0

Designer/Manufacturer: 77l Industries

First off, this car is just flat-out amazing. It's fast, beautiful, and the pinnacle of 77l's engineering prowess. However...... First off, I'd like to say sorry to 77l personnel. Yes, the rumors are true, I did wreck it on Lap 2 of the practice. But how couldn't I? The front wheels have little to almost no grip, which makes it almost impossible to drive around the track. But actually... besides the wheels grip (Or lack thereof), the car is perfect. It's got low drag (Meaning more speed), a stellar driver protection system, and Electric power (Meaning it's eco-friendly)! 

Track Notes

The car is really prone to understeer. Even at low speeds, the fronts have trouble getting traction all the way through the corners.

- The rear's like to step out at the apex of the high-speed turns.

- The engine power is absolutely insane. Launch is incredibly fun though; A once-in-a-lifetime experience.

- In response to the above note, it's recommended to spool up the engines, and then launch by disabling the brakes, activating the Electric power, and letting physics do the rest.






On 8/15/2017 at 2:25 AM, tsgaerospace said:

my car is currently in design and i have a question:

can i use an ion engine as a makeshift gearbox for my car?

i´m making a tiny tweakscaled down engine 

the ion engine produces only 0.0004KN of thrust so that will provide no boost at all

the car is in construction, this is by far not the final look, i just wanted to showcase the engine, and second question:

can i use fuel cells to provide a power source in addition to the 800 electric charge i´m going to put in or do i have to turn them off?


edit: i removed all the fuel, fuel is heavy, and i need a light car, so the fuel cells now only store electricity and the ion engine won´t run at all

Unfortunately, it doesn't work with my 1.2.2 save. If you have a mod vehicle, they need to be 1.2.2. I'm fine with 1.3 stock (I can just edit the .cfg file), but 1.3 mod is unable to be used. Sorry

Edited by DarkOwl57
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You just went too fast XD
The brakes are on there with a reason ;-)

And yeah, exactly like I tuned it: understeered (which is what all cars have nowadays) and when really pushed, oversteer.

And the car was never meant to be a full racer, neither are standard Lambo's. It's much too heavy.

If you want a real racer, try my 2017 Indycar.

But nice review, I enjoyed it!

Edited by Azimech
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5 minutes ago, Azimech said:

And the car was never meant to be a full racer, neither are standard Lambo's. It's much too heavy.

Ah yeah; One of the biggest issue in making a race version (I.e. adding on extra fins for downforce and changing wheel grip) was how top-heavy it was. I was having flip after flip after flip :confused:

6 minutes ago, Azimech said:

If you want a real racer, try my 2017 Indycar.

That's actually up next as soon as I get this one done

7 minutes ago, Azimech said:

But nice review, I enjoyed it!

Thanks! I based it mainly off of the Road & Track First Drives/Comparison articles. 

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Vehicle test complete!


Lap 1: 02:30.50

Lap 2: 02:27.24

Lap 3: 02:30.47

Total Time: 07:28.22

Fastest Lap: 02:27.24 (Lap 2)

Performance Notes

- The car's great. It's got a great handling model, and has great braking power.

- Top Speed: ~50 m/s

- Max G's: ~2.7G's

- The car likes to snap on exit at low speeds; especially on the hairpins. However, it's incredibly stable on the high-speed turns. In other words (More specifically, the words of Jebediah Kerman), "It's a freaking bad[censored]."

Congrats to @Azimech for making an incredible car! Next up will be @Azimech's 77l- Indycar 2017

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2 minutes ago, Azimech said:

Top speed: ~50 m/s?
You mean on your track right? Otherwise you've been driving with the brakes on :-P

Yup. It was on the exit of like 3 corners, with EC, Jet engines, and max everything active.

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Next car up is @Azimech's 77l- Indycar 2017

Vehicle Stats


Height: 1.9m

Width: 3.3m

Length: 6.2m

Parts: 72

Mass: 3.271t (7,211.3206 lbs)


Class: Jet

Sub-class: Light


Test Drive Remarks

Test Driver: Jebediah Kerman (5-time KSCRC Champion, 3-time KRC Champion, 2016 CKI Winner)


Jebediah Kerman (Driver): "What. Is. This."

Benjamin Kerman (Engineer): "The 77l Indycar 2017."

JK: "Well I know what it is; I just want to know what it's doing here."

BK: "Racing."

JK: "They've got to be kidding me. It's so overpowered!"

BK: "But it got submitted. So you've got to drive it."

JK: "Well yeah, don't get me wrong- I would kill to drive one of these things in the KSCRC. I just think that it's gonna kill everything. It's light, fast, nimble, and everything in between."



BK: "I think you like it."

JK: "Like it?! I love it! I can't feel my face with all those G's!"

BK: "Okay, let's get you to the doctors."

Performance Report

Date: 8/19/2017

Car: Indycar 2017

Designer/Manufacturer: 77l Industries

What is there to say that hasn't already been said? It's wickedly fast, criminally smooth in the bumps, and evilly powerful turning power. It's got tons of downforce, and it crushed the competition. Only problem? It's not road-legal. So don't be heading to the auto dealers looking for one of these. Even if you could, why would you want it? It's got almost no fuel (Only 100 units) and no electricity (Again, 100 units; enough for about 5 seconds of use). However, it's one heck of a thrill. That launch.. 0-30 in less than a second. That acceleration, grip, and everything else is a testimony to 77l's abilities. It's just... Amazing. Simply amazing.

Track Notes

- Performing the same launch procedure as 77l's Lambo, we got a 0-30m/s time of less than a second. A SECOND!!! 
- The brakes are monumental. It's insanely powerful. Pulling up to a hairpin using the Lambo's brake points, the car came to a dead halt at the apex.
- This thing is FAAAAST. With 2 Juno engines propelling this 3.271t vehicle, the car's a dart on rails on the course.

Vehicle test complete!


Lap 1: 01:38.56

Lap 2: 01:36.56

Lap 3: 01:28.76

Total Time: 04:43.89

Fastest Lap: 01:38.76 (Lap 3)

Performance Notes

The car's great. It's got a great handling model, and has great braking power.

- Top Speed: ~56.4 m/s (I glanced at the speedometer for a brief second before slamming the brakes for the next turn)

- Max G's: ~5.7G's

- The car likes to come to a complete stop in the hairpins thanks to the high-powered brakes. However, at high speed, it's stable as a rock on the high-speed turns thanks to that downforce from the front and rear wings.

- Crushed 77l's previous entry by almost 3 minutes! What the hay?!

- In response to the previous note: It's a race car; what did you expect?

Congrats to @Azimech for making an incredible car! Next up will be @Azimech's 77l- Lowell Amsterdam GT

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3 minutes ago, Azimech said:

Another nice review man!

If you don't have it already, here's my adaption of Rover Wheel Sounds, using a sound I recorded myself and a few from the internet.

I really gives driving a new experience!


I'm actually using the original Rover Wheel Sounds mod; The tiny whine sounds kinda like a turbo :)

4 minutes ago, Azimech said:

Another nice review man!

Also, on the review, I realized I'm kinda doing a R&T/Top Gear style approach to the reviews.

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1 minute ago, DarkOwl57 said:

I'm actually using the original Rover Wheel Sounds mod; The tiny whine sounds kinda like a turbo :)

Okay ... I think you'll like my version then.

Delete the original folder or it won't work though.

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Next car up is @Azimech's 77l- Lowell Amsterdam GT

Vehicle Stats


Height: 1.7m

Width: 2.1m

Length: 4.5m

Parts: 61

Mass: 2.960t (6525.683 lbs)


Class: Jet

Sub-class: Light


Test Drive Remarks

Test Driver: Jebediah Kerman (5-time KSCRC Champion, 3-time KRC Champion, 2016 CKI Winner)


Jebediah Kerman (Driver): "Okay, you've got to be kidding me with this."

Benjamin Kerman (Engineer): "What?"

JK: "It's a Beetle."

BK: "What's wrong with it?"

JK: "It's a freaking Beetle. A civilian car with.. Plastic." *Shudder*

BK: "Just get in there and drive it."


JK: "I told you it would be horrible!"

BK: "Did not."

JK: "Did too!"

BK: "Okay, anyways, what happened?"

JK: "Well, I was heading out of the Velocidad when the rears just slid out. Everything else was perfect; just that exit took all the grip out of it."


Performance Report

Date: 8/19/2017

Car: Lowell Amsterdam GT

Designer/Manufacturer: 77l Industries

So yeah. It's a Beetle. You wouldn't think it could race, and during practice, it seems like that's right. Out of the Velocidad, the rears just lost all grip, and the car slammed into the inside wall. But, it's got potential. Its suspension and engine power are top-of-the-line, and the entire car seems to rock through the corners with you. Maybe it's that soft suspension.. Anyways, it's a great car to drive. Just.. Don't let your friends see you driving it on the road. And be prepared to stomach some flak at the local racetrack.

Track Notes

- The car's really slidey. Through the high-speed twists, both the front and rear tires like to slide to the outside wall, but the fronts do have a tendency to act like a pit bull; they'll grab on and refuse to give back control.
- It's got good acceleration for having only 1 Juno.
- It's incredibly fun to drive, but it's a handful. It reeealy keeps you on your toes. 
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So.... who's next?


Also, gonna try entering this : https://kerbalx.com/qzgy/BAC-mono-kinda-5

Creator's notes. On sharp turns, brakes exist. On wide turns its better to imagine that there isn't any grip from the tires. And lastly - may need to remove rockets. And boosters. Or you can pretend its nitrous, IDK.

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Vehicle test complete!


Lap 1: 01:57.62

Lap 2: 02:09.17

Lap 3: 01:56.83

Total Time: 06:03.63

Fastest Lap: 01:56.83 (Lap 3)

Performance Notes

The car really doesn't like quick direction changes. Out of Velocidad and Furioso, the rear liked to whip around into wild tail-slides. 

- Top Speed: ~45 m/s 

- Max G's: ~3.0G's

- It's really slippery through the corners, both high and low speed. Quick direction changes (I.e. Esses, Kinks, Chicanes, etc.) the rears love to step out.

- Note: On Lap 2, coming out of Furioso 1, I lost control of the car, and looped it around. It gently nudged the SPH at like 5 m/s, but the time was impossible to recover. Deepest apologies to 77l.

Congrats to @Azimech for making another incredible car! Next up will be @Azimech's 77l- LMP1

16 minutes ago, qzgy said:

So.... who's next?

I've got a boat-load of 77l, followed by L.A.B Enterprises. Then, it's onto the forum-submitted stuff.

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On 8/14/2017 at 4:33 AM, DarkOwl57 said:

Ah god sorry for not posting.
I have the roster made. However, what I'm lacking is time. I've got a gestapo agent for a mom, who says that if I use the computer after 7pm, it "Keeps me from sleeping" or something baseless and stupid like that.

This is actually true. I've been trying to not use the computer after 8 so I can sleep better. It's the blue light from the screens. Not all screens will disrupt your sleep though.

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Oh, maybe I should say something about my craft.... They all seem to be in the light category, but also have more than 6 wheels. So... May have to be bumped up to full or something.

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@Joseph Kerman wow, that car looks amazing! I might try it out later. I'm going to enter a car I built a while ago, which is quite hard to describe. It has 3 junos, and I find best results are produced when toggling between using 1,2 and 3. Could I set 1 engine running as default and have the other 2 set to RCS

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Now a light kar, no inspiration, six wheels of functionality. Powered by fuel cell and has a cow catcher to absorb impacts and keep parts from exploding from inevitable collisions. Perfectly tuned steering gives it a natural cornering feel, and balanced weight distribution lets it keep all six wheels on the ground. Top speed with 43.8m/s without kerbal and 42.1m/s with kerbal.


And a jet light kar which looks almost the same, note jetflap is linked to throttle and not brakes, so jet is off unless you press W.



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12 hours ago, DarkOwl57 said:

Vehicle test complete!



That is nice but which vehicle?

40 minutes ago, tsgaerospace said:

well... it looks like i´m not participating then... :(

Need some help? What seems to be the problem?

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