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Alternis Kerbol Travelling Circus -- Episode 34: Over the Hills and Far Away


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Not to be outdone by @cratercracker, I'll contribute something to the Circus!

*cue old-timey adventure music*


On a lonely moon slowly spinning its way into damnation 

A race of not-so-intelligent beings evolve and attempt to make their way to the stars


They will suffer many failures...


And endure many hardships...


And although these explosions look cool...



They will eventually make it...





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  On 9/12/2017 at 4:13 PM, KAL 9000 said:

On a lonely moon slowly spinning its way into damnation 


LOL!  A very appropriate description.  Thanks for the inspirational message.  It and the mission flag seem to have helped.


EPISODE 4: You Can't Always Get What You Want

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Tune in next time for more of the slow spin into damnation.

Edited by Geschosskopf
removed and replaced excessive uses of "thus" to start sentences
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  On 9/13/2017 at 4:47 AM, Angel-125 said:

ROFL! Loving these reports. Leaking heat shields? That's a new one... I think it's the new MM patches for resources that are adding breakable fuel tanks to the heat shields. Fun, but not intended, heh.


Yeah ablator is a resource so heat shields are being treated as fuel tanks.  But that's fine.  We all remember tiles falling off the shuttle so that's how you rationalize leaks.  And while rhe graphics for catastrophic failure show an explosion, that can be considered a premature jettison.  So I wouldn't change a thing.

Besides, making heat shields out of explosive material is SO Kerbal :cool:

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  On 9/13/2017 at 11:27 AM, Geschosskopf said:

This would have left GoOrbit 5 in orbit permanently, which was unacceptable as that would have meant the loss of most of its Science!


Jack's well-being is, of course, of no concern. 

  On 9/13/2017 at 11:27 AM, Geschosskopf said:

Tune in next time for more of the slow spin into damnation.


YES! My inspirational speech (and explosion GIFs) saved Jack's life the mission! 

And speaking of dead Kerbals... 

"Jebediah Kerman. Kerbonaut. A kerb barely alive. Gentlekerbs, we can rebuild him... Make him better, faster, stronger... the world's first bionic kerb..."

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  On 9/13/2017 at 2:21 PM, KAL 9000 said:

Jack's well-being is, of course, of no concern. 


To the Circus, astronaut lives are only of concern as long as they have mission-critical tasks to perform.  Once those tasks are accomplished, they're of no more use than empty boosters.  Thus, the value of Kerbal lives varies with the mission.  If a Kerbal is needed to pump gas once every few centuries on Eeloo for all eternity,, then no effort will be spared to keep that Kerbal alive for all eternity  That's usually cheaper than sending out a new one every few centuries.  Otherwise, returning living Kerbals to Kerbin is only of value in so much as their debriefing/dissections enable the Scientists to increase the accuracy of their forecasts of the bare minimums of life support Kerbals will need to live long enough to do what the mission requires of them.

That said, most Kerbals in the Travelling Circus eventually become institutionalized which is, after all, the desired result of their biochemical indoctrination.  And it's often (but not always) cheaper to capitalize on this investment than to start over with newly press-ganged vagrants.  Thus, mission planning must take this into account as well..  Jack is a noob who is only alive today because 1) his pod has been rendered safe(r) since the early days of the AHTC, and 2) he's been to space so there was valuable info to be gained from a thorough debriefing/dissection.


  9 hours ago, KAL 9000 said:

YES! My inspirational speech (and explosion GIFs) saved Jack's life the mission! 


Well, I wouldn't go THAT far, but Walt thought "slow spin into damnation" was the best marketing slogan ever, so it's now the AKTC's official tagline :wink:

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EPISODE 5: Struggle

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Tune in next time for more of the slow spiral into damnation.

Edited by Geschosskopf
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KNN: Kerbal News Network! News happens... or not!

BREAKING NEWS: Scientists have confirmed that Kerbin's orbit around Jool is decaying. In a hundred years, it will either crash into Jool or be torn apart by tidal forces. 

Intern Linus Kerman, the Circus boffin that this reporter was able to interview, said that the Circus "could care less". The Circus motto of slow spin into damnation seems oddly apt. 

Next Up: KNN's Movie Marathon Night kicks off with Illinois Kerman and the Noun of the Semi-Mystical MacGuffin!

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  On 9/16/2017 at 10:09 PM, Geschosskopf said:

The AKTC's first rendezvous and docking happened in the dark, as is only right and proper.



  On 9/16/2017 at 10:09 PM, Geschosskopf said:

And it exploded.


I'm starting to think the game knows you like your gratuitous explosions and has decided to add in a few extra just to keep you entertained. "I heard you like explosions...."


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  On 9/16/2017 at 10:09 PM, Geschosskopf said:

Still, the Boffins and Scientists in Mission Control were in a foul mood.  So, to cheer themselves up, Mission Control ordered MANY tests of the Recon Jet, watching it explode over and over again.  Able spacer Silong, a new pressee, no doubt lost his hearing by the time they were through.


Wait a minute... his? Are you sure about that? From the crew portrait it looks like Silong is female.

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  On 9/16/2017 at 11:51 PM, Angel-125 said:

Oh my, That's frigging awesome! Love that somebody finally found the post-it notes in the Botany Bay. With all those plants they're growing, I wonder why they keep eating all the snacks... :wink:


Your IVAs are the best!  Those who don't take the time to examine them are really missing out.  So many hilarious things like this all through your mods.  The Hacienda's claw to grab plush toys is still my favorite, even more than a disk case for Bill Space Program :D 

That said, I'm becoming highly suspicious of this whole "botanical" thing, which carries multiple meanings, especially because I can't preload tanks with "plants" on the open market.  At least I don't need (yet) to load tanks with butane for more advanced research. I have enough things exploding already, thanks :) 


  On 9/17/2017 at 12:14 AM, KAL 9000 said:

KNN: Kerbal News Network! News happens... or not!


I'm pretty much speechless at this, and I'm quite drunk so that's saying a lot :)


  On 9/17/2017 at 12:34 AM, Cydonian Monk said:


I'm starting to think the game knows you like your gratuitous explosions and has decided to add in a few extra just to keep you entertained. "I heard you like explosions...."


Glad you caught the shout-out.

There's a BIG difference between planned, gratuitous explosions, desired failures on the test stand, and mission-killing explosions.  But as ye sow, so shall ye reap so I guess Karma is catching up with me.


  On 9/17/2017 at 1:04 AM, Just Jim said:

I think I would pay to see this one... lmao.... :D


Me, too.


  On 9/17/2017 at 1:12 AM, IncongruousGoat said:

Wait a minute... his? Are you sure about that? From the crew portrait it looks like Silong is female.


Silong looks like a guy when he's not screaming like a girl.  But in my universe, Kerbals are asexual fungi, just with different worker castes which modern society has made more and more redundant, so they're converging back to a single type.  I suppose Silong is further along this "trans-caste" path than most.

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Also quite fitting for a Kerbal who has gotten fed up with being bricked into a science compartment:

Farewell to your bricks and mortar,
Farewell to your dirty lies!
Farewell to your gangways and your gangplanks
And to hell with your overtime....


Really enjoying this, and I'm doubly glad that you're back. :D

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Oh man, the press-ganging, boffin-purging, flotilla-flying, Pathfinder-using maniac is back! Augh yeah. But just one question: have you increased the part failure rate DRAMATICALLY here to have a more entertaining/realistic explosion frequency or is this BARIS' normal behavior as regards maintenance because if it's the latter, I'll have to reconsider getting it. No offense, Angel.

EDIT: One other thing: is the part of your exploits where you went to Sarnus recorded because I'd love to see what you did.

Edited by ElJugador
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  On 9/17/2017 at 5:49 PM, Dman979 said:

Also quite fitting for a Kerbal who has gotten fed up with being bricked into a science compartment:

Farewell to your bricks and mortar,
Farewell to your dirty lies!
Farewell to your gangways and your gangplanks
And to hell with your overtime....

Really enjoying this, and I'm doubly glad that you're back. :D


LOL, nice!  Sounds like the lower deck of the Circus has a new shanty :wink:   Thanks!  I'm quite flattered.


  On 9/17/2017 at 11:35 PM, ElJugador said:

Oh man, the press-ganging, boffin-purging, flotilla-flying, Pathfinder-using maniac is back! Augh yeah. But just one question: have you increased the part failure rate DRAMATICALLY here to have a more entertaining/realistic explosion frequency or is this BARIS' normal behavior as regards maintenance because if it's the latter, I'll have to reconsider getting it. No offense, Angel.

EDIT: One other thing: is the part of your exploits where you went to Sarnus recorded because I'd love to see what you did.



BARIS settings...........    That's a complicated subject I don't fully understand but in general, it seems to work like this:  BARIS has 2 ways to kill you:  normal wear-and-tear and launch failures.  Normal wear and tear checks parts 1 or more times per day and they pass or fail based on their Mean Time Between Failures and Reliability, both of which increase the more times you fly that part.  I have this set to only 1 time per day and it really hasn't caused me any problems yet because nothing's been in flight long enough to matter.

What's causing my problems is the launch failures.  If this is on, every time you stage, it seems like every VULNERABLE part in the ship gets checked regardless of their MTBF,.  Thus, this is always hanging over your head all through the mission right up to deploying the chutes at the end, assuming you make it that far.

BARIS has a number of ways customize how harsh it is:

  • You can turn off either the wear-and-tear or the launch failures completely.  Turning off launch failures will make you able to get to space as routinely as without BARIS and then you just have to worry about things gradually falling apart over time during the mission.
  • You can adjust a slider that determines the difficulty of the failure checks.  Right now I've got it at the default "normal" position but it has 3 easier and 3 harder settings.  I'm beginning to think that if you have launch failures enabled, you should turn the difficulty down a bit.  So as I type this, I'm taking it down a notch to "easy" (it also has "very easy" and "super easy", plus "hard", "very hard", and "hard core").
  • You can change the frequency of wear-and-tear checks.  I have this at the minimum of once per 6 hours, but you can increase this to hourly if you so desire.  IIRC the default is 2 checks per day (every 3 hours).  If you have nerfed the check difficulty, you might want to increase the check frequency.
  • You can shield certain general classes of parts from BARIS:  pods, cores, passenger/hab modules, resource converters, drills, engines (except electric motors which always seem immune), resource containers, SAS, RCS, and transmitters.  Purely structural parts, everything dealing with electricity (solar panels and batteries), and decouplers don't seem to be on BARIS' menu at all.  Maybe heat shields, too.  Used to be, BARIS considered heat shields as "tanks" of ablator but I think that got taken away in the last update.
  • You can turn on an option to allow parts to explode on failure (default is off).  If you set this, you can then adjust the severity of the explosion (how much damage it does to the rest of the ship), which you can do separately for launch and wear-and-tear failures.  I have launch explosions at 15% and others at 1%, so they're more cosmetic than really dangerous.  The main problem with exploding parts is that explosions in stacks can bifurcate your ship.
  • You can adjust how many flights it takes for a part's MTBF/reliability to increase.  I have this all they way down at 1 flight (I think the default is 5).  Note, however, that this only counts for "launches" where you have to stage the engine to start moving, so rover sorties down't help.  So built test rigs as shown in some of my pics, with fuel tanks nearly empty and thrust limiters way down, then recover the wreckage.
  • You can change the "cost" (whatever that means) for a part to gain experience.  I have this at minimum.
  • You can change the chance of a part gaining experience from failure.  I have this set at 100% (it defaults much lower).
  • Then there's the whole event card system that can be turned on/off, varied in frequency, and adjusted in severity.  I have this all turned on and the default 18-day frequency.


Thanks for your interest in my infamous Sarnus mission.  That's found in The Outer Planets Travelling Circus thread.  This was a career game so there was a lot of build-up to start with, including the 1st Sarnus Expedition (SE-1) of just probes.  The notorious crewed mission was the 2nd Sarnus Expedition, (SE-2) so if you want to skip the boring stuff, read only these episodes:

  • 9 and 10:  Ship designs of SE-2
  • 11:  Finding the Monolith on Orvok with SE-1 and meeting the crew of SE-2
  • 14 (1st part only) for the arrival of the 1st part of SE-2
  • 15-28:  The horrible misadventures of the crew of SE-2 in the Sarnus system and the return of the scarred survivors
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EPISODE 6: When the Saints Go Marching In

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Tune in next time for more of the slow spiral into damnation, but at least we have a saint now :)

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Oh gods, that open house. And I love the picture of the wrecked space center in the event window.... "a few things got damaged...." Is that part of BARIS?

And that docking port bug is exactly why I'm still in 1.2.2(or whatever). I have enough stuck docking ports already at Kelgee Station, no need for more. There were quite a few other annoying 1.3 bugs as I recall, though none as serious as that.

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  On 9/19/2017 at 3:21 PM, KAL 9000 said:

Jeb (with Heavenly SSTO): WOO-HOO!!! 



Slight corrections:  SSTOs are for those condemned to the Underworld, not those raised to the Upperworld. :D  And Orbles is still very much alive, last seen building a theme park in the Caribbean 


  On 9/19/2017 at 4:23 PM, Cydonian Monk said:

Oh gods, that open house. And I love the picture of the wrecked space center in the event window.... "a few things got damaged...." Is that part of BARIS?

And that docking port bug is exactly why I'm still in 1.2.2(or whatever). I have enough stuck docking ports already at Kelgee Station, no need for more. There were quite a few other annoying 1.3 bugs as I recall, though none as serious as that.


Yup, BARIS includes random "event cards" such as the open house.

So tell me more about the 1.3 bugs.  For instance, how frequent is the docking port problem?  And what other annoying bugs are there?

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  On 9/19/2017 at 10:31 PM, Geschosskopf said:

So tell me more about the 1.3 bugs.  For instance, how frequent is the docking port problem?  And what other annoying bugs are there?


I don't really remember most of them, to be honest, or what ones were specifically caused by the game vs those caused by mods. I do know I ran into the docking port bug when I tried to do something with some older craft. (Such as rendezvous one Sulphur with the other Sulphur and fuel tank that are in Vall orbit and then, well, undock.)

My initial experience with it was generally ok. It was only once I started to do much of anything with 1.3.0 that I started having annoying little problems. And then life got busy, I drove ~8,500 miles around the western US, and a hurricane parked over my home for four days. 

I see nothing about the docking port weirdness in the 1.3.1pre change notes (and there's apparently no longer a public bugtracker?), so it's also possible it was a mod or just my ships that have been dragged across 20-some-odd versions causing it - and a seperate issue from yours. (I'm pretty sure I still have some bugs hiding in my persistence file from 3 years back when a ModuleManager glitch broke the universe; same for the original RemoteTech.)

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  On 9/19/2017 at 11:10 PM, Cydonian Monk said:

I see nothing about the docking port weirdness in the 1.3.1pre change notes (and there's apparently no longer a public bugtracker?), so it's also possible it was a mod or just my ships that have been dragged across 20-some-odd versions causing it - and a seperate issue from yours. (I'm pretty sure I still have some bugs hiding in my persistence file from 3 years back when a ModuleManager glitch broke the universe; same for the original RemoteTech.)


There's still a public bugtracker.  It's here:  https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/projects/ksp/issues

There is no report on docking ports, however.  I asked about how to deal with the problem over on the questions forum and was told by @bewing that there wasn't a bug report because nobody had yet seen the problem in a stock game (as if...).  Fortunately, somebody quickly provided one.  So maybe bewing has run off with it into the beta bug tracker with it, and maybe it will get solved.  I"m almost tempted to test it in stock just to see if I can find it, but I figure I'll leave it to others.  There's a reason I'm no longer a beta guy.

Anyway, there are other options besides docking.  I'll try those in the future.

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  On 9/20/2017 at 3:40 AM, Geschosskopf said:

told by @bewing that there wasn't a bug report because nobody had yet seen the problem in a stock game (as if...). 


Not quite what I said. :P There were never any bug reports from stock that had testable ships and savegames. But there have been a few untestable bug reports over the years. https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/10083 for example.

But there may be many variants on the bug, and there is certainly a lot of mod interaction -- most of the stuck docking ports ever seen are certainly mod bugs. So yes, I have now entered in the one variant and we will see how widespread the fix is when it comes.


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  On 9/19/2017 at 10:31 PM, Geschosskopf said:

Slight corrections:  SSTOs are for those condemned to the Underworld, not those raised to the Upperworld. :D  And Orbles is still very much alive, last seen building a theme park in the Caribbean 


This is JEB we're talking about. 

And Orbles has a ladder with him, right? He can go to the Afterlife at will.

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  On 9/20/2017 at 2:40 PM, KAL 9000 said:

This is JEB we're talking about. 

And Orbles has a ladder with him, right? He can go to the Afterlife at will.


Right.  Jeb wants to go to SPACE.  For the most part, SSTOs can barely reach LKO, which doesn't really count as space, and only get even that far after a disproportionately vast expenditure of time, effort, money, and test pilot lives, especially considering their very limited payloads.  SSTOs are thus seen as a form of punishment.  

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