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Russian Launch and Mission Thread


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16 hours ago, DDE said:

Soviet cinema-savvy forumgoers know the incoming quote.


Great quote. They do have big wishes :)

Edit: more about their crazy plans:


"We are starting the work to implement the ‘Orbital Cosmodrome’ project. We suggest applying the rich experience gained by the domestic cosmonautics in long-term manned missions in its creation," the report says.


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22 minutes ago, Teilnehmer said:


S7 must have hired Kerbals as pilots! Who else would accelerate towards the station using the main engines during such a close rendezvous?

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Their CGI guys probably don't know a whole lot about orbital mechanics :)

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I don’t know what’s worse: being introduced not as a cosmonaut but as the deputy chair of parliamentary comission on federative and municipal governance - or ending up with that job just because you were a cosmonaut.

I’m not one to defend Tereshkova, but, dammit, RBC, that’s disrespectful in my book: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&nv=1&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://www.rbc.ru/photoreport/27/12/2018/5c25090f9a7947a9b62b2057&xid=17259,15700023,15700124,15700126,15700186,15700190,15700201,15700237,15700242,15700248&usg=ALkJrhgxFIxyLy5pkyhQX3cd7MA05q8jrw

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Energomash and the Institute of Nuclear Physics are working on a test stand for an electrodeless plasma thruster, related to controlled nuclear fusion.

I say we call it “Vasyamr”, but then I’m still somewhat drunk.

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7 hours ago, DDE said:


Energomash and the Institute of Nuclear Physics are working on a test stand for an electrodeless plasma thruster, related to controlled nuclear fusion.

I say we call it “Vasyamr”, but then I’m still somewhat drunk.

I’d call it VLADIMR, better chance to receive funding.

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Cool ! A Minox from the 30s. Famous movie spy camera (and for everybody else who could afford it).

I once owned a used Minox 35 EL. It sometimes had problems with the film transport mechanism, iirc

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