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Russian Launch and Mission Thread


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*skips over thirty pages of RVSN guys talking about the heating in their “special buildings”*

An approach to evaluating the effectiveness of geostationary orbit inspector satellites when conducting trajectory planning

I need to get this to Bart Hendrickx, legit. It’s going to be a talk about how three sats with 1 km/s dV apiece can inspect every object in GEO in a year, and an algorithmic system to plot routes dynamically while accounting for remaining dV reserves of deployed vehicles and the current battlegroup count.


А.Ю. Поздняков 1 anton.pozdnyakov@list.ru А.П. Хабаров 1
Т.Р. Гумиргалиев 1
К.К. Кирмелас 2
С.Л. Старчак 2
2 Военный институт МГТУ им Н.Э. Баумана
На начальном этапе проектирования космических систем одной из определяющих успешность проекта является качество результата решения задачи баллистического проектирования, увязанного с полнотой учитываемой совокупности тактико-техни- ческих требований, ограничений и других релевантных факторов, а также с возмож- ностями применяемого научно-методического аппарата. Результаты согласования параметров целевой аппаратуры, двигательной установки и массы топлива на борту определяют конструкцию и облик КА в целом.
Для учета эффективности планирования применения КА в составе ОГ при реше- нии задач инспекции предлагается подход, обеспечивающий выбор оптимальной (ра- циональной) последовательности допустимых интервалов наблюдения КО в области ГСО, определяемых с учетом параметров целевой ОЭА и астробаллистических усло- вий. Непосредственный выбор осуществляется алгоритмом на основе метода ветвей и границ с учетом принятой стратегии построения системы, количественного и каче- ственного состава ОГ и оставшегося запаса характеристической скорости на борту каждого конкретного КА-инспектора.
Результаты проведенных исследований указывают на возможность достижения оптимальных параметров КА, обеспечивающих требуемое качество решения зада- чи инспекции ограниченного множества КО для заданных условий и ограничений с учетом принятых допущений о эффективности планирования. Рассмотренные вари- анты построения гомогенной орбитальной группировки с принятой стратегией со- вместного применения позволили определить минимально необходимый состав ОГ в количестве трех КА для инспекции всей популяции КО в зоне ГСО за один год. При этом запас характеристической скорости на борту составил порядка 1000 м/с, что технически реализуемо. Дальнейшее наращивания количества аппаратов в группи- ровке позволит либо уменьшить необходимый запас характеристической скорости на борту, соответственно, массу КА, либо повысить оперативность решения задачи инспекции КО.

Also, a Nastya Kudryavtseva argues that Fobos-Grunt and AngoSat were taken out by Russia constantly jumping between using and not using daylight saving time.

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1 hour ago, DDE said:

I need to get this to Bart Hendrickx, legit. It’s going to be a talk about how three sats with 1 km/s dV apiece can inspect every object in GEO in a year, and an algorithmic system to plot routes dynamically while accounting for remaining dV reserves of deployed vehicles and the current battlegroup count.

Battlegroup? What battlegroup? These things are supposed to have weapons?



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Energomash denies that RD-191 have defects causing a problem with Angara-A5 central block and says that they are working perfectly, and the previous information was taken out of the context.


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1 hour ago, DDE said:

Well... what is Kosmos-2523?

Noone really knows. 

From NSF:


A mysterious Russian satellite displaying "very abnormal behaviour" has raised alarm in the US, according to a State Department official.
"We don't know for certain what it is and there is no way to verify it," said assistant secretary Yleem Poblete at a conference in Switzerland on 14 August.
She voiced fears that it was impossible to say if the object may be a weapon.
Russia has dismissed the comments as "unfounded, slanderous accusations based on suspicions".
The satellite in question was launched in October last year.
"[The satellite's] behaviour on-orbit was inconsistent with anything seen before from on-orbit inspection or space situational awareness capabilities, including other Russian inspection satellite activities," Ms Poblete told the conference on disarmament in Switzerland.
"Russian intentions with respect to this satellite are unclear and are obviously a very troubling development," she added, citing recent comments made by the commander of Russia's Space Forces, who said adopting "new prototypes of weapons" was a key objective for the force.
Ms Poblete said that the US had "serious concerns" that Russia was developing anti-satellite weapons.

It might just be another inspector with malfunctioning engine. Or they lost contact with it.

If it can be explained by something stupid, it's most likely something stupid.



The longstanding NASA-Russian partnership in space may be unraveling

Russia is less and less a space super power.



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2 hours ago, sh1pman said:



The longstanding NASA-Russian partnership in space may be unraveling

Russia is less and less a space super power.



Nothing new (as is fairly common for an Eric Berger article), but the situation is emphatically real. Roscosmos has basically became complacent, more reliant on NASA than in the late lean years of Mir. That dependency would have been over sooner or later since it was a product of very specific - and very odd - circumstances, mostly revolving around the Shuttle. It has utterly failed to chart a path where it would have been as crucial a partner in the future - like, manage to replace Commercial Crew with Kliper or Federatsya ;)

Oh, great, look at this zombie at my doorstep!


Now you’re going to tell me someone’s running around with the “DNA fragments from GMO foods” canard again.



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33 minutes ago, DDE said:

The link doesn’t work. As for the DNA fragments, well, most people are very susceptible to scary headlines about things they don’t understand.

I work with synthetic DNA fragments almost every day, and must say that getting any kind of foreign DNA into cell nucleus is really bloody hard. You’d need a virus, or some seriously chemically modified fragment. And even if you do get it inside... then what? It would need special sequences for DNA-operating enzymes to interact with it in any way. Otherwise it’s just going to be treated as food.

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Rogozin has announced the Roskosmos'  todo:

The "Federation" ship will be renamed and get "more acceptable" name.

Roskosmos is proposing a creation of a new Earth monitoring system "Gosudarevo oko" / "Monarch/prince/duke's Eye" *).

The "Eye" should be monitoring the whole Earth, all processes on it, monitoring buildings and changes in them, depth of the trenches, any movements, etc.
Also should be navigating airplanes with 25 m2 accuracy (i.e. with 5 m error)

*) Historically - a semi-official nickname of Peter I 's Prosecutor General Yaguzhinskiy.

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6 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

Roskosmos is proposing a creation of a new Earth monitoring system "Gosudarevo oko" / "Monarch/prince/duke's Eye" *).

The "Eye" should be monitoring the whole Earth, all processes on it, monitoring buildings and changes in them, depth of the trenches, any movements, etc.
Also should be navigating airplanes with 25 m2 accuracy (i.e. with 5 m error)

*) Historically - a semi-official nickname of Peter I 's Prosecutor General Yaguzhinskiy.


BTW, the promoters of The Hobbit almost made this real.

6 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

The "Federation" ship will be renamed and get "more acceptable" name.

Yes, please. It was the worst variant of all the runner-ups.

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7 hours ago, Codraroll said:

Any details on why he is sacked?

Not directly. Turns out he’s not sacked but demoted. They’re throwing in Sevastianov, currently a Roscosmos official, but a previous CEO of Energiya, into the breach in hopes he would fix the company’s ailing finances once again. Apparently he’d previously quit because he was a fan of the Kliper project.

The implications for the Federatsya capsule are thus grim - should Sevastianov treat it the same way as Khrunichev treats Angara, we may not see it fly this century.

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3 hours ago, Xd the great said:

If the progress supply ships are soyuz ships, why dont they add a heat shield and recover some science?

The Soyuz RV is replaced by a propellant storage and transfer package.


This kind of proposal has been cropping up for years. Deploying recovery teams across Kazakhstan is a costly endeavor when you cram some cargo into the Soyuz instead, although there was a period of time in the Mir era when Progress ships would eject a Raduga return capsule before entry, chucking it out of the docking hatch.

There will be several unmanned Soyuz flights as part of Soyuz-2.1a certification.

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Zog you with a rusty crowbar, Zak. Get a Yandex vallet already.

Also, such a design is very similar to what the Augustine Commission recommended Orion were turned into.

So, less greedy sources back from 2016 indicate the primary author is Rafail Murtazin, the man behind the accelerated Soyuz trajectories to the ISS. It's an ISS-LOP-G ferry; 11.4 t wet mass, 7 t dry mass, 30 m3 pressurized volume, 55 m2 aeroshield, minimum altitude 85 km at 11 km/s.

As you may notice, such a scheme leaves Federatsya in the cold ;)
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On 1/26/2019 at 6:07 PM, MaverickSawyer said:

Because that cuts into the payload fraction, and there's currently no incentive to do so with Dragon Cargo available. The station needs a garbage disposal system more than it needs recoverable downmass capacity.

This, without the dragon it might be relevant. 

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They found a defect in the Frigate which should deliver a sixpack of OneWeb sats from Kourou on Feb, 20.
(A crack/hole in the helium pipe weld).

They presume that this defect is caused by the long-distance transportation.

After they have a look, Frigate may be sent back for repair, and the launch may be postponed. They'll say by the week's end.


(I :wub: google ttranslate. Now it translated "booster block" as "overclocking unit").

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Roscosmos claims that Frigate will be repaired in situ, and the OneWeb sixpack will be launched in time.

Cosmonaut Ovchinin (who was the pilot of Soyuz MS-10 during the successful LES test last autumn) is declared fit for the MS-12 flight.

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