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World Of Tanks, World Of Warships, War Thunder.... Etc.


What tier have you made it to so far?  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. World Of Warships

  2. 2. World Of Tanks

  3. 3. War Thunder

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On 2/26/2019 at 10:20 PM, Sidestrafe2462 said:

Very nice. And you managed to get my school device to display it as well


You say that like anything can stop good ol’ Merican freedom.


So on War Thunder, I have the SB2U-2 and the SB2U-3. None of the researched modules are compatible with each other, correct? Whyyyyyy

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On 3/1/2019 at 8:32 AM, DDE said:

The unofficial WoT anime of choice.


On 3/1/2019 at 7:16 AM, kerbiloid said:
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Not a game, but just to mention in the WoT context.


There is an animation series (12 episodes), just have seen it.


Even though I am not a fan of anime, I am second in command of a girls und panzer clan. :) 

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Here's my current port in World of Warships: (Just hit 2k battles in WoWs!! :D)
SMS Gneisenau, SMS V-170, SMS Tirpitz, IJN Kongo, IJN Mutsuki, IJN Minekaze, IJN Zuiho, IJN Haguro, USS Cleveland, USS Fletcher, USS Colorado, USS Ranger,  HMS Orion, HMS Danae, HMS Medea, HMS Hermes, FS La Galissonniere.

My World of Tanks Garage: (5.6k battles)
T7 Combat Car, M22 Locust, M4 Sherman, T14, T37, M4A3E8, M4A3E2, M18 Hellcat, T25/2, T26E5, (Rental) MKA, Marder 38t, Hetzer, Grille, Pz.Kpfw. T25, Hummel, JagdPanther II, Valentine II, KV-1, T-34, Churchill III, FV304, AMX ELC bis, M4A1 Rev, O-I, O-Ni, Strv m/40L, Ikv 103.

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2 hours ago, lllmaxlvllll said:

I used to play WOT but stopped playing when a tigers 88 bounced off the side of a sherman from point-blank.

Yeah, but what do you say when you bounce three consecutive shots off of a T-54 - ltw, when shooting from the 152 mm monstrosity that is BL-10 (a gun that some ships would not mind carrying)?

Well, I should know better, BL-10 used to troll the shooter at least as much as the target. I kind of miss having it on ISU.

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18 minutes ago, Shpaget said:

Yeah, but what do you say when you bounce three consecutive shots off of a T-54 

First , I would be wondering why I'm shooting at a friendly t-54 since I mainly play RB and Sim.

Second , I would be wondering why I was dumb enough to bring a (not-so-good) 5.3 tank destroyer into a 7.7 game.

Third , I'd be amazed at how lucky I was to shoot at the same guy 3 consecutive times with a 25 second reload and not have him one-shoot me.

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I'm playing (very occasionally) WoT, not War Thunder. In WoT, ISU is a very decent tier 8, ltw is 9 (used to be 8), my reload is about 12 seconds.

The guy in question was working a ridge, and I suppose, since he didn't receive any damage, didn't realize what was shooting at him (it has 1300 HP, for 750 average alpha on ISU).

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Downloaded WoWS on Steam, realized it plain-out forces you to create a new log-in for your Steam profile, looked at the utter woodoo required to make it run with a non-Steam profile, uninstalled.

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I play War Thunder, under the same username. Still a Tier 3, but fun nonetheless.

On 9/23/2017 at 11:55 AM, Lo Var Lachland said:

I'd love to hear your feedback, and maybe we can start a KSP clan in one of them!

We can make a discord server.

P.S. Stealth ammo is fun. And amazingly effective.

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On 3/21/2019 at 12:44 PM, Lo Var Lachland said:

Here's my current port in World of Warships: (Just hit 2k battles in WoWs!! :D)
SMS Gneisenau, SMS V-170, SMS Tirpitz, IJN Kongo, IJN Mutsuki, IJN Minekaze, IJN Zuiho, IJN Haguro, USS Cleveland, USS Fletcher, USS Colorado, USS Ranger,  HMS Orion, HMS Danae, HMS Medea, HMS Hermes, FS La Galissonniere.

My World of Tanks Garage: (5.6k battles)
T7 Combat Car, M22 Locust, M4 Sherman, T14, T37, M4A3E8, M4A3E2, M18 Hellcat, T25/2, T26E5, (Rental) MKA, Marder 38t, Hetzer, Grille, Pz.Kpfw. T25, Hummel, JagdPanther II, Valentine II, KV-1, T-34, Churchill III, FV304, AMX ELC bis, M4A1 Rev, O-I, O-Ni, Strv m/40L, Ikv 103.

@Lo Var Lachland If you want to help me set up the WoWs and WoT sections in the Discord, you are more than welcome to!

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