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SkunkTwerks Presents STAR WARS: High-Fidelity Craft Designs

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  On 12/30/2017 at 9:50 PM, HeroBrian_333 said:

Can you try and make this? It's from the Clone Wars TV Series.


Oooh, that looks pretty cool. What's it called? It looks like a great excuse to build another hinge!


Progress on the X-wing "boba in a straw" hinge is slow but steady. It's still a bit fiddly, but as of right now I can get all four S-foils to move back and forth from Flight -> Combat configuration and back without destroying the hinges most of the time. Getting it to work consistently in flight will be the real challenge.





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  On 1/1/2018 at 11:07 PM, SkunkTwerks said:

Oooh, that looks pretty cool. What's it called? It looks like a great excuse to build another hinge!


It's a Zyggerian Freighter. I would reccomend using a bar and light jet engines inside the main hull (because of the weight of the engine nacelles) and docking ports inside the hull to hold the nacelles steady when in landing position.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 1/2/2018 at 1:10 AM, HeroBrian_333 said:

It's a Zyggerian Freighter.


Added to the to-do list!


Speaking of the to-do list, I finally got around to polishing up an old project: the SkunkTwerks Z-95 Headhunter.

Reference ortho by unusualsuspex


SkunkTwerks proudly presents the Z-95 Headhunter, predecessor to the illustrious T-65 X-Wing. Piloting this light fighter is a great way to establish nerd dominance over the dweebs at Mission control: you can say you basically flew the X-Wing *before* it was cool.


Hotkey 1 toggles vertical engine, hotkey 2 toggles horizontal engines. A vertically-oriented QBE (Hotkey 4) is included to facilitate vertical landings. Hotkey 5 toggles the vertical engine gimbal.


Optimized for atmospheric flight and VTOL capability.


In other news, I finally got around to seeing the Last Jedi last weekend! It pleased me greatly to see all the new ships, even if @Jett_Quasar beat me to the punch on building some of the most memorable ones. (No hard feelings, you rock!) Those ski speeders though... talk about ridiculous craft design!


May the Schwartz be with you,




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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 2/3/2018 at 11:03 PM, ShadowGoat said:

So anything new in the works? It’s been a while.


Thanks for checking in @ShadowGoat. As luck would have it... yes!

I've been pretty slow on posting lately due to a combination of a much busier personal schedule (far less time for KSP), and a recent appetite for *rather difficult* projects in KSP that have required quite a few iterations to refine.


Open projects on the Twerkshop floor:

Hinged, folding version of the X-Wing: mid/late design phase


Currently on Version 18 (based on the "Boba In A Straw" hinge idea) which I have successfully unfolded and refolded in flight... albeit with nauseating multi-thousand-meter vertical tailspins each time. Hard-to-pinpoint docking port alignment issues may necessitate a much-dreaded major overhaul. I need to get the ports to line up right all the time every time, or at least more than 60% of the time. Being so close, yet so far has proven to be a bit of a "gumption trap." If anyone wants to help troubleshoot and collaborate, I'm all ears. I LOVE this starfighter and would be thrilled to be able to do it even more justice by making a folding version that's still enjoyable to fly.

Speaking of which, shoutout to @Servo, who has been working on a stunning ultra-high-fidelity version of the T-70 (newer Star Wars) Model. Hands down the most visually appealing stock X-Wing model I've seen to date, with amazing body work! Say, how's your clever variation on the boba-in-a-straw hinge working out? Any more luck with getting the wings to re-dock more consistently? We need a breakthrough!


Hinged, folding version of the Aurek: early design phase


Currently at hinge prototype Version 6, using I-beams and a sepratron to simulate wings. This one is tricky for a few reasons: the hinge needs to be laterally and vertically stable, needs to be capable of supporting an aerodynamically active wing as it's being torqued by lift & drag, space constraints require a very small hinge, and docking port alignment is super touchy. If the docking ports aren't perfectly aligned and spaced, they yank my communotron bearing (green Collide-O-Scope highlights, sorry it's hard to see) out of its thermometer housing (yellow Collide-O-Scope highlights). However, as of Version 6, I have solved most of those problems and the hinge opens and closes pretty consistently. Next step: rebuild the whole craft around the hinge.



SSTO-Version of the Defender-Class Light Corvette: very late "fine-tuning" design phase


Yes, you read that right. Because aside from the twenty-nine reasons I can think of right off the top of my head, there's no way that could possibly go wrong. Seriously though, takeoff is a real trick, CoM/CoL/CoT balancing is a huge challenge, the aerodynamics are atrocious, and despite all that, I'm only a couple dozen m/s dV away from stable LKO. But honestly I kind of forgot it was an open Twerkshop project and I really do need to get back to finish it sometime.


Kylo Ren's Upsilon-class Command Shuttle: finishing touches! 


I'm really excited about this one! This post describes Version L (I switched to alphabetical notation to track revisions on this one). I'm up to Version S, and it's finally looking and handling the way I want. I will post that sometime tomorrow if the Rebels don't blow up my Death Star, my Supremacy Mega-class Star Dreadnought, or my personal computer. Seriously, those rebels can't go a single movie without blowing up something VERY EXPENSIVE. The Command Shuttle should help purge them of their destructive habits.... *evil laugh*


The Force must flow!

...er, I mean, may the Spice be with you.


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Those hinges look great! I actually have gotten basically no work done on my variation of the hinge since I first started due to several large school projects. Oh btw magnet results came back. Got into all of the programs. I’ll try to get on and do something today.

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  On 2/4/2018 at 5:14 AM, SkunkTwerks said:

Thanks for checking in @ShadowGoat. As luck would have it... yes!

I've been pretty slow on posting lately due to a combination of a much busier personal schedule (far less time for KSP), and a recent appetite for *rather difficult* projects in KSP that have required quite a few iterations to refine.


Open projects on the Twerkshop floor:

Hinged, folding version of the X-Wing: mid/late design phase

Currently on Version 18 (based on the "Boba In A Straw" hinge idea) which I have successfully unfolded and refolded in flight... albeit with nauseating multi-thousand-meter vertical tailspins each time. Hard-to-pinpoint docking port alignment issues may necessitate a much-dreaded major overhaul. I need to get the ports to line up right all the time every time, or at least more than 60% of the time. Being so close, yet so far has proven to be a bit of a "gumption trap." If anyone wants to help troubleshoot and collaborate, I'm all ears. I LOVE this starfighter and would be thrilled to be able to do it even more justice by making a folding version that's still enjoyable to fly.

Speaking of which, shoutout to @Servo, who has been working on a stunning ultra-high-fidelity version of the T-70 (newer Star Wars) Model. Hands down the most visually appealing stock X-Wing model I've seen to date, with amazing body work! Say, how's your clever variation on the boba-in-a-straw hinge working out? Any more luck with getting the wings to re-dock more consistently? We need a breakthrough!

Hinged, folding version of the Aurek: early design phase

Currently at hinge prototype Version 6, using I-beams and a sepratron to simulate wings. This one is tricky for a few reasons: the hinge needs to be laterally and vertically stable, needs to be capable of supporting an aerodynamically active wing as it's being torqued by lift & drag, space constraints require a very small hinge, and docking port alignment is super touchy. If the docking ports aren't perfectly aligned and spaced, they yank my communotron bearing (green Collide-O-Scope highlights, sorry it's hard to see) out of its thermometer housing (yellow Collide-O-Scope highlights). However, as of Version 6, I have solved most of those problems and the hinge opens and closes pretty consistently. Next step: rebuild the whole craft around the hinge.




I was able to get it smooth enough to do this:


Though it still flies like a hog and is only about 80% effective for the upper foils and 40% effective for the lower ones. That, and I've never been able to land it.

I've been really busy, but hopefully I'll chuck another few hours at it this week.


As for the tailspin issue, I recommend adding a bunch of wing parts to the fuselage so that you have control during transition.


As for the Aurek, I think you're on the right track. The trick I've found is not to have the hinge bear the vertical (lift) force, but instead have a runner that holds the wing in place.

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  On 2/4/2018 at 5:14 AM, SkunkTwerks said:

I will post that sometime tomorrow if the Rebels don't blow up my Death Star...


You know how I said that? Well, I really need to abandon my desire to set deadlines. While taking screenshots, I discovered some scary instabilities in vertical landing that I don't recall encountering in earlier flight testing. So I'm back to troubleshooting. Sorry folks, you know how the design process goes... one step forward, one step back.


  On 2/4/2018 at 1:16 PM, HeroBrian_333 said:

If you want something done right...


... wait for SkunkTwerks to eventually get around to it?

It's on my to-do list, and I promise to at least give it a whirl. But it may be a while longer. If you just can't wait to be king a Zyggerian slaver, you're totally welcome to post your build ideas/prototypes/replicas here!*


*Not an endorsement of galactic slavery.


  On 2/4/2018 at 2:42 PM, ShadowGoat said:

... btw magnet results came back. Got into all of the programs.


Awesome, congrats dude! Rock on!


  On 2/4/2018 at 6:01 PM, Servo said:

I was able to get it smooth enough to do this:


Though it still flies like a hog and is only about 80% effective for the upper foils and 40% effective for the lower ones. That, and I've never been able to land it.


Hot diggity! You did it!!! That is one sexy craft. Major kudos! We both have more hard work to do, but it's always inspiring to see progress.


  On 2/4/2018 at 6:01 PM, Servo said:

The trick I've found is not to have the hinge bear the vertical (lift) force, but instead have a runner that holds the wing in place.


Now there's a great idea... I'll have to look into that. *plots and schemes*


May the design farts be with you.


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  On 2/6/2018 at 6:06 AM, SkunkTwerks said:

May the design farts be with you.


Hey! Use the proper terminology. I’m assuming it’s something like flarts in the Star Wars universe, so I’m going to say it’s that.


  On 2/6/2018 at 6:06 AM, SkunkTwerks said:

Awesome, congrats dude! Rock on!



I did a bit of work on the x-wing and I’ll try to get a little more done. I know it’s late in the game, but I’ll se if I can make any sort of improvement. Btw, is the Upsilon using hinges to rotate the wig? I know it would be a large amount of wieght, but I would like to see that happen! Hey! Maybe I’ll help with this one again!

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  • 2 weeks later...


...I mean, the SkunkTwerks Upsilon-Class Command Shuttle ATMO+VTOL is finished!


SkunkTwerks proudly presents Kylo Kerm-Ren’s Upsilon-Class Command Shuttle ATMO-VTOL. This sinister ship has sleek aesthetics, superb shielding systems, plus Sith-specialized sensor suites. It may not be the nimblest of ships, but it's imposing enough to intimidate rebel Kerbals without even taking your shirt off (right Kylo?). Despite early Twerkshop design phase handling characteristics that resembled Kylo’s feelings about his family (complicated and volatile), the refined version is in tune with the aerdoynamic Force.


Flight notes: For atmospheric flight only. Before takeoff, ensure that you are controlling the craft from the horizontal Mk.2 Drone Core buried in the center of the ship (Hotkey 4), NOT THE LANDER CAN, which is at a very strange angle (to facilitate loading ramp access). Hotkey 1 toggles vertical engine, hotkey 2 toggles horizontal engine. Hotkey 3 toggles horizontal afterburner. A vertically-oriented Stayputnik (Hotkey 5) is included to facilitate vertical landings. Hotkey 6 toggles vertical engine gimbals. Hotkey 7 toggles the loading ramp for making dramatic entrances. Includes just enough fuel to land on the island base.


It took ~25 major revisions to get it right. but I'm stoked about the result. The unusual design made this one of my most challenging projects to date, and I had a blast creating it.  Just don't hold your breath for an Upsilon-Class SSTO from the Twerkshop.

May the Force be with the Empire!


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Yes! Looks amazing! I like how perfectly you captured the blocky shape! I actually like it in this color scheme better than the actual colors. Still haven’t done any X-Wing work, as my KSP decided it was going to clear most of my ships from the saves, so I’ve been busy trying to recover them.

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  On 2/6/2018 at 6:06 AM, SkunkTwerks said:

... wait for SkunkTwerks to eventually get around to it?


Yeah, just add and hope he somehow obtains a time turner.

Also, try building a BDA armed version of your mist maneuverable crafts, then post a battle. That would be epic.

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  • 3 months later...

Been a while, friends!  Apologies for disappearing for a while there... I decided to start taking classes to become an IRL engineer (okay, technically a bioengineer) back in January. As you might expect, the courses have been a major time investment. Turns out real engineering is neither quick nor easy when your professors won't let you use Kerbal Engineer Redux, MechJeb, or even your stock patched conics overlay for the exams.  At least KSP is darn useful for developing a solid intuitive sense of how the physics and calculus should work.

First off, huge thank you shout-out to @Jett_Quasar for featuring my Upsilon-class Shuttle ATMO+VTOL in his latest video. Marvelous work Jett!

As for my latest project...  Special thanks to @HeroBrian_333 for the request and the patience on this one! I didn't find a time turner in this galaxy or the one far, far away, but I've managed to briefly escape my responsibilities by jumping down a garbage chute. Sure, I might feel the squeeze later, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.

  Reveal hidden contents

SkunkTwerks proudly presents the YV-865 Aurore-class Freighter, infamously known to the denizens of the Star Wars universe as the Zygerrian Slave Ship ATMO. The Twerkshop does not condone slavery, but if you need to shuttle 32 of your unpaid interns and all their snacks from the KSC to the Island Base in one trip, this giant cargo hold with wings and comically oversized engines should do the trick.


Optimized for atmospheric flight. Hotkey 1 opens the front loading doors, hotkey 2 opens the rear loading ramp.

I'll admit that I was totally unfamiliar with the ship (it only appears in the animated miniseries) and had to look it up. Reference image below:

  Reveal hidden contents

I particularly enjoyed hollowing out the craft to make it feel more like a cargo freighter:


The massive engine pods were also fun to build:


Initial design proved challenging, since the high CoM and low CoT made this thing want to do backflips for days, but I finally worked it out thanks to some extra mass in the nose, a couple sneaky engines in the tail, and a hidden angled canard above the cockpit. Use of SAS is recommended, but otherwise this ship is pretty stable.


I don't have anywhere near enough time to try to make this into a hinged swing-wing VTOL version (sorry @HeroBrian_333), but the wings root to a single part, so if anyone else wants to take that on, that'll make your life easier.



  On 2/17/2018 at 11:57 PM, HeroBrian_333 said:

Also, try building a BDA armed version of your mist maneuverable crafts, then post a battle. That would be epic.


That WOULD be epic. I probably won't have time for this in the near future, but I wholeheartedly encourage fellow KSP engineers to mod my crafts and post their battles so long as they cite their sources!

May the farce be with you ;)


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Yet another craft done right! I really like how that one looks. I can imagine what a pain that thing must have been to even get in the air, let alone fly well! Let me see if I can find any other craft for you to make when you have time...

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they’re more balanced and fun to make. Plus there’s actually a way to improve the weapons yourself. BDA weapons take no skill.

Also if anything the BDA weapons look out of place and ugly in this game. If your stock weapons look ugly, that’s your fault.

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  On 6/3/2018 at 10:28 PM, HeroBrian_333 said:

It's ok, it is already 5 times cooler than I thought it would be.


Thanks again for suggesting it! I would never have attempted it otherwise, and I feel like I got a lot out of the process.



@KOCOUR Instead of calling other people's clever stock weapon creations ugly and laughable, how about you offer to help make them flashy and awesome? If you prefer a modded approach, I give you my personal SPH Sith Lord blessing to add BDA weapons (and whatever else you like) to my crafts so long as you give design credit where it's due. Let's keep this community constructive.

One of the unofficial pillars of my own design philosophy is to keep the use of mods to an absolute minimum, so as to keep SkunkTwerks crafts accessible to *everyone* in the KSP community. Mods have a nasty tendency to break every time the game updates, and some of my closest KSP friends don't like to use them. Plus, I really do enjoy the extra challenge of having to find creative ways to make things work in stock.


  On 6/5/2018 at 10:03 AM, ShadowGoat said:



Don't worry @ShadowGoat, I'll never fall to the dark side!

*downloads BDA armory juuuuuuust to try it*





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