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[1.9.x] Textures Unlimited - PBR-Shader, Texture Set, and Model Loading API


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7 hours ago, Electrocutor said:

in 1.4.3, so we'll know then.

as Electrocutor say we will see if 1.4.3 will fix it

if u need a tester iam run ksp dozen times a day/night a few more i dont feel

i would be glad to help this pretty must have mod

5 hours ago, Burning Kan said:

sysinfo: win 8.1 64b ,geforce820m,dx 11 ver

just pm me



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@Shadowmage I read your statement about messed up reflexion in DX9/DX11 but, sadly, using openGL mode is far less stable than using DirectX. At least on my computer. I had no crash for several hours with a heavily modded install and when I used TextureUnlimited, it did work nicely with DirectX but crashed every 2 flights in OpenGL...

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2 hours ago, FrancoisH said:

@Shadowmage I read your statement about messed up reflexion in DX9/DX11 but, sadly, using openGL mode is far less stable than using DirectX. At least on my computer. I had no crash for several hours with a heavily modded install and when I used TextureUnlimited, it did work nicely with DirectX but crashed every 2 flights in OpenGL...

I cant load KSP with opengl. My game freezes in load screen.

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3 hours ago, Jimbodiah said:

Lets just say it: KSP 1.4 sucks big time; it has created more problems than it fixed.

As in (almost) every major update they made... anyway I still like this game and I do enjoy it so much... I played long sessions recently.

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3 hours ago, Jimbodiah said:

Lets just say it: KSP 1.4 sucks big time; it has created more problems than it fixed.

I guess actually it's waking up time or something, just wanted to reply, but @FrancoisH was a bit faster...

But whatsoever I wanted to say:
"I'm not allowed to like that. But I should. And I played KSP a lot the last month with all its issues, still hoping for the day - you know. I found issues, reported them, went to some people's ignore list because I don't blindly obey everybody's rules. And curiously there are still people out there who like my posts. I don't give up."

Edited by Gordon Dry
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Hum, not the subject of this post, but I will just say that KSP is kind of a prototypical game. We can't expect change not to break something. I like the idea of this simulator still being in development so long after its initial release :wink:

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While trying to get recolouring to stick on parts with variants, I came unstuck with the recolour GUI not being added to the right click menu. To test this further I tried on a part with no variants and it seems that the recolour GUI doesn't pick up the shader when being applied via the KSP_MODEL_SHADER method. Here's an example of what I tested on another stock part...

	name = CupolaTest_Recolour
	model = Squad/Parts/Command/cupola/model
	recolorable = true
		shader = SSTU/PBR/Masked
		texture = _MainTex,Squad/Parts/Command/cupola/ksp_l_cupola_diff
		texture = _SpecMap,TU_Stock_Recolour/Command/Cupola/131_cupola_Spec
		texture = _Emissive,Squad/Parts/Command/cupola/cupola_Emissive
		texture = _MaskTex,TU_Stock_Recolour/Command/Cupola/131_cupola_Paint
			name = TINTING_MODE
			keyword = TINTING_MODE
		mainColor = absolute_black
		secondColor = gold
		detailColor = absolute_white

		name = SSTURecolorGUI

Is this intended behaviour, a bug...or have I missed something? I know the shader is being applied because the colour definitions are displayed correctly, I just cannot control them with the GUI because the button to open it does not appear.

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23 minutes ago, Manwith Noname said:

Is this intended behaviour, a bug...or have I missed something?

Intentional behavior.  The KSP_MODEL_SHADER setup is only for changing of textures and shaders on models in the database.  It is not a part-module, and cannot influence anything after the model has been loaded (no texture switching, no recoloring).  It can apply a single custom color scheme as specified in the texture-set.

The recoloring GUI picks up on recolorable parts via the PartModules that are present.  Specifically, it looks for PartModules implementing the IRecolorable interface.  It is actually these modules that manage the application of recoloring data.  No modules = no GUI.

You are not going to get it to work without writing your own module to handle the recoloring functionality.  The module needs to handle persistence of the current recoloring selections (e.g. store the user specified colors), and for applying those recoloring selections to the materials/shaders.

(you -might- be able to 'fake' it by using a KSPTextureSwitch with a single 'empty' texture set, untested and unsupported though)


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On 2/10/2018 at 6:59 PM, Barar said:

I have included the following files to get people started, easy enough to add other mods.

StationPartsExpansionRedux.cfg Excluded the two hydroponics modules as I can't the glass to work. 

Just made this dropbox account today, so I apologize if I made a mistake.




your dropbox doesn't work. could you reup the files.



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1 hour ago, Ooop said:

your dropbox doesn't work. could you reup the files.

Just an FYI, from the date of that post that would be an old syntax conversion for 1.3

If you want to just see the entire game in "full metal" you can have my conversion. It's not a "good" Textures Unlimited conversion, it's just every part set to completely full metal. I guess it's a demo more than anything. Adjust the files as you see fit. It's also a complete hodge-podge mix of conversion. Near full conversion for stock, with autofairings, expansion, KW Rocketry, redirect, stockalike station parts expansion and mechjeb are all in here..


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Thanks I have used SSTU  but I don't remember those engines? I just started playing again after taking a bit of a break from the game. I'll have to try the pack out again in 1.3.1. hopefully it will get updated to 1.4+ soon I could not play 1.4+ because of all the Linux problems. Looks like 1.4.3 fixed most of them? Now if they just get rid of those Ugly aero effects and fix the joystick I would be set. But I'M guessing doing that will break about a million other things. :huh:  

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10 hours ago, Delbrutis said:

But I'M guessing doing that will break about a million other things. :huh:  

Knowing Squad, yes.

I wish they would fix the IVA issue where performance takes a nose-dive once you get over 4-5 kerbals, or the stutter problems that you need Memgraph to fix, or... or...      But they haven't fixed those issues since 1.0.4 (when I started playing).

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15 hours ago, Delbrutis said:

But I'M guessing doing that will break about a million other things.

Unfortunately, you are likely correct.  It seems that SQUAD has lost most of their original talent.  What is left are people who, while likely plenty talented, are unfamiliar with the complex systems at play.  They didn't write them, have little idea how they function internally, and are quite likely to break these systems while working in other areas.

Also, the code at this point is seeming to be quite a mess.  Even just looking at the public API you can tell that there is no single driving force for development.  No consistent pattern use, lack of consistent naming conventions, and the encapsulation is downright terrible.  Lots of inter-system linking that really shouldn't exit (or should have been wrapped and checked better).  And that is just what I can see from the public API; I'm certain that the actual code is much more of a mess.

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33 minutes ago, Shadowmage said:

Unfortunately, you are likely correct.

So just how bad has this broken SSTU? I know that I converted my Porkjet and Ven Config's to work with 1.4+. And they seem to work fine in the VAB? I can select and switch all the textures correctly but as soon as I launch or save a craft the game looses the settings? Squads switcher seems to be a real buggy pain in the A#@$ to work with. I just wonder if Squads programmers have some sort of masochistic streak in them? I mean have you even seen any reason why they needed to update Unity " Again;.; " Just to write a mission script-er and ad a couple of new parts?  Thanks again for all the hard work! Really appreciate what you guys do the game would not be where it is without all the moders. Thanks:D  

Edited by Delbrutis
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Judging by how things have been going the last year. I am kind of thinking to stick with 1.3.1 and abandon this sinking ship named Squad. It's becoming increasingly hard to keep my game stable, and everything squad does seems hellbent on increasing lag and ruining performance rather than fixing them. Instead of adding obsolete parts and language packs, they should gave been focussing on the core of the game instead.

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10 minutes ago, Jimbodiah said:

Judging by how things have been going the last year. I am kind of thinking to stick with 1.3.1 and abandon this sinking ship named Squad.

Well I would say yes stick with 1.3.1. But speaking as someone who has been around since .22 that only works for so long then all the Mods change and are not backwards compatible. Then your pretty much Screwed because well MODS that’s really what makes this game worth coming back to. The Mods I've seen come and go because the authors got tired of updating stuff. Half of the stuff we see is just remaking the same wheel "Literally " over and over again. Most Problems have or could be fixed by Mod authors by now but its hard to hit a moving target. If Squad never does version complete we are all stuck in perpetual Alpha test . I have my working 1.3.1 save it was the only thing I could play until this last update. Good luck.

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