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[1.3.1] BDDMP [BDAC 1.0.0]


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Now with `unsafe` code and probably still as many bugs, but now with more Kraken

Greetings everybody, and welcome to BDDMP. This mod does one thing. Make BDArmory sychnronise over DMP.

Why? Beccause hilariously entertaining multiplayer combat encounters can now happen in mostly real time, which is fun.


This mod was originaly made by DsonBill, then died, then was resurrected by me.

Then it died again, around the time BDA introduced Radar, as that involved a total BDA rewrite, which also broke almost all of the existing code, as the mod required a forked version of BDA to function.

Then on the request of a couple of forum users, and my own boredom, I though, why not, and re-built it.

New Version Features?

  • Support for BDArmory continued, since BDA was deprecated
  • Utilisation of detours and extensions, meaning that downloading an entirely new copy of BDA is a thing of the past
  • More features than the last one (as I re-implemented some more things)

What is the point?

To mess around with the powers of multiplayer. Will it work reliably over a high ping? Probably not. (Have tested it)






All of my code is licenced under CC0.

Any BDArmory code is licenced under CC 2.0 BY-SA.


Q. Does this work with BDArmory expansion mods

A. It should, if they don't use their own plugin


Q. Vessels Are Duplicating

A. That's due to a lag based fault on the end of DMP


As always feel free to ask any questions.

Thanks for reading.

Edited by jediminer543
Added licencing to post
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  On 11/21/2017 at 12:38 AM, DoctorDavinci said:

@jediminer543 - Might I suggest reviewing your license as the code you are using and modifying (BDArmory.dll and BDArmory.Core.dll respectively) is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0 which you must adhere to



The latest version no longer redistributes BDA (I did notice the DLLs I missed in my .gitignore though (sorry)); But thank you; I will ensure this is added to the relevent repositories. (Edit: Done, if you can find anything else, please let me know)

Edited by jediminer543
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  On 11/24/2017 at 8:03 PM, ougiargi said:

How the heck do you use this man, i tried everything but it wont work


To use this you should just install the folder to your /GameData folder, with both DMP and BDAC installed, then connect to a server. If multiple people are using the mod it will synchronise with them.


This mod does nothing without BOTH BDArmory Continued AND DMP, as without that, it does nothing.


What sort of problem are you having?

Edited by jediminer543
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  On 11/24/2017 at 8:16 PM, ougiargi said:

Me and my friend both have dmp and bdac, we installed it correctly, i got the server working all ok, but a problem is that we cant see tracers or bullet damage. Do i need to put this in my server too?


Tracers weren't implemented in this version, as I'm still looking into synchronising their position and velocity.

However, bullet damage should sync. Servers shouldn't need any modifications. To test have both people in a rover, and have one fire at the other.

Also, Logs (KSP.log in the root game directory) would be helpfull (there may be an error you are experiencing that I havent encountered on my end yet)

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@ougiargi The issue is that your KSP isn't loading the mod


Exception loading 'BDDMP': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.


I honestly have no idea why this would be occuring, as my ksp loads it up.


  On 11/26/2017 at 10:44 AM, Deddly said:

Hi @jediminer543! I see you've been generous and picked the CC0 license in the Spacedock link, but would you be so kind as to mention your license in the OP of this thread? Thanks!


Done; sorry for any inconveniences.

Edited by jediminer543
Rechecked Log
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New Release - 1.0.1:

Fixed loading issue against BDAC, which for some reason was reporting an prior version to the one I compiled against some how.

I have no idea how this happened, but will attempt to ensure this doesn't happen again.


Edit: @ougiargi this will fix your issue

Edited by jediminer543
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey man, thanks for fixing this thing, i've had some fun with friends, it works pretty nicely but we have crap internet so there's a bit of trouble, regardless the mod works good and registers all damage and etc, i cant wait for tracers to get added. That will make the game a whole lot more fun. If you need any help with the development of this mod, maybe i could help. I dont have a lot of coding knowledge but i know a few things.

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