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[1.9+] Thor Tech v0.9.6.8 ~ [Aug 07, 2020]


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Pressure tanks are done. Only these 3 (short 1.25m to Mk2 set) and they'll be in Deep Sky Core, usable without Thor Tech. Apart from the resources shown in pic, options will appear for other mods: currently Argon Gas (NF Propulsion), Karbonite and The Spice. Suggestions for other gas or liquid propellants (please name their associated mods too) are welcome.

Why is Water in the list? Well, my personal ablator mod uses Water, and the Mk2 Voyager intake harvests this.

Also, I took the green tint out of the Voyager Mk2 parts. They finally blend well with everything else as shown here.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thor Tech is about to target another gameplay aspect. I won't spoil but the focus there is on survivability rather than fuel economy and sheer power. This will be delivered along with the incoming pressure tanks and the Mk2 reactor.

The re-texturing of existing parts is nearly complete too....



And the Japier engines!

(Not as impressive personally. And their normals are a bit of a hindrance)


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Derived from a mythological hammer (of all things) with a very oddly spelled name, and just as the WarpJets leverage intense internal magnetic fields to render propulsion, these heavy nose cones leverage intense external magnetic fields to render thermal protection. They're not meant to help you slow down and survive. They're meant to help you survive while accelerating out of giant planets with atmosphere.

Shieldnir's power extends to some choice parts (mainly a few stock parts, and currently parts from OPT Spaceplane, and all cockpits stock or mod with a certain minimum mass) but this extension must be unlocked in science or career mode, or manually turned on (as part upgrades) in sandbox.

The Mk2 nose is from Quiztech. :P Its license is permissive so don't be hate'n.

This new stuff should enter the open sometime this week.


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The next release is nearly here. Only a little texture adjustment remains, and a feature to add or fix in Shieldnir. Thor Tech will also carry compatibility with "Classic Stock" play mode for fans of the Wild Blue Industries mods and the resource system devised by NathanKell and other early KSP developers.

The latest things added were missing Tweakscale options, this 2.5m pressure tank, and a config to add some sparkle to the RAPIER and the Dart Toroidal Aerospike engines.



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Thor Tech v 0.9.0

  • Added Mk2 reactor
  • Adjusted colors on Voyager Mk2 aerospike
  • Adjusted radiator stats on parts
  • Fixed missing FX and sounds in other engines
  • Added Shieldnir: Electromagnetic heatshield noses for ascending craft
    • 1.25m, 2.5m, Mk2 noses
    • _Shieldnir resource
    • Upgrades for extending Shieldnir to strategic parts
  • Minor tweaks to most engines and to RCS
  • Changed all "MetaLOX" references to "SupraLOX"
  • Filled in Tweakscale options

Deep Sky Core v 2.0

  • Added pressure tanks. These will contain useful resources that exist in gas and liquid form, primarily propellants
    • 1.25m (from Mk1 LF Fuselage)
    • Mk2 short tank
    • Mk2 short adapter
    • Radial long
    • 2.5m short (from Kerbodyne short 3.75m)
  • Adjusted colors on Voyager Mk2 parts
  • Intakes retextured
  • Japier WarpJets
    • IntakeAtm efficiency scales with Sigma Dimensions
    • Gimbals now animate
    • Retextured
  • Buffed Water harvester rates
  • WBI Play Mode integration: Choose between CRP and Classic Stock
  • Version file correctly named... ???

Links in OP!

Bonus features!

  • The RAPIER gets a repaint + new plumes!
  • The stock Aerospike gets 5° of gimbal and new plumes!
  • (Plumes will not be applied if RealPlume is installed)

Spaceplane features Shieldnir cones, Mk2 reactor, repainted RAPIER, and Mk2 adapter pressure tank.


8hQpx7i.jpg PxrVd7C.jpg LxEbM0T.jpg ZofXhIj.jpg

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good god these engines are OP... maybe not the low tier ones, but the ones that deliver rapier level performance are just...

I mean, of course I want them in my game, but perhaps not at their default tech tree locations :blush:

So I've built myself a little config to remap them to new nodes in the (community) tech tree, which I figured I'd share 

		id = opAircraftEngines
		title = Overpowered aircraft engines
		description =  Very overpowered engines. And therefore very hard to research.
		cost = 2250
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_opAircraftEngines
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_experimentalAircraftEngines
		pos = -545,1180,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = expAircraftEngines
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT

	@TechRequired = expAircraftEngines

	@TechRequired = expAircraftEngines

	@TechRequired = expAircraftEngines

	@TechRequired = opAircraftEngines

	@TechRequired = opAircraftEngines

	@TechRequired = opAircraftEngines

TLDR, the Razor engines (which deliver rapier or better performance) are now in Experimental Aircraft Engines, i.e. the next node down from rapiers. Personally I still think that's cheap as chips, but then I play with a very reduced science income and a scaled up tree so I think that about everything. The important thing is that at least the progression curve now goes through Rapiers to reach Razors :)

A new node is created beyond Exp Air Eng (stealing the same icon) with an appropriate cost for that tier of the CTT. The Japier engines from DeepSky get dropped into it.

With my own personal CTT rescale, Razors now need 5k science to unlock, and Japiers are 11k. I feel this is completely viable at 20% returns in an expanded GPP system. In fact, I reckon I can have Razors by the time I get back from Niven, and Japiers the planet after  :) 

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@eddiew You have something good there. I did this for OPT Spaceplane Parts but didn't think to do it for Deep Sky. The Razors aren't meant to be particularly powerful for SSTO, which (added to some negligence) is why they sit with the Rapier. 

I can possibly submit this to Nertea for addition into CTT directly, but I do have updates coming for my part mods. I'll be sure to use your discovery. :) 


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Actually the Razors are currently a tier down from rapiers, which is why I decided something needed fixing asap. In testing, they threw my 2x Razor 1x Nerva jet up to orbit with no problems and had over 3km/s in the tank. Given that you don't need to carry a variable fuel mass, and instead "just" some sort of nuclear reactor, they're definitely the tier after, imho. Going to be crazy strong for making mk3 cargo haulers. Which is fine, as long as the associated research cost is sufficiently brutal :) 

I like the covert node and that it requires both lines as pre-requisites. I'll definitely use that in favour of my hack once it's available :D 

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  • 2 weeks later...

First off, I'm very much enjoying the add-on. Thanks for all your work!

I discovered it through CKAN and was well into a career save before I realized that CKAN isn't installing it correctly. A good chunk of the parts just weren't in the game and I didn't even realize it. Turns out CKAN currently installs it into GameData/ThorTech rather than the intended GameData/DeepSky/ThorTech. CKAN also misses DeepSky Core as a pre-req (though it is available on CKAN and does seem to install fine). Looks like this prevents some models from loading and parts never show up, even in sandbox. So in case anyone else is playing through from a CKAN install and missing, for example, the Razor VTOL WarpJets you're going to have to either move the files or download the add-on manually. Or maybe it's something wrong with my CKAN.


llKMmNk.png        ts44O7H.png


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It's a long time for me that I didn't come back to KSP, since I got married to be honest.

I'm very glad to the idea that someone took the idea and developed it.

Thank you man, I am coming back slowly and surely to KSP, I'll contact you if I have time and energy to offer help, if you accept it of course :)

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@linuxgurugamer If you're not too busy can you do these netkan updates?

Thor Tech 
- requires Community Resource Pack; Deep Sky Core

Airline Kuisine (assuming it's not already done)
- requires Deep Sky Core

@touzenesmy Congrats on the married life. I hope all is well. :) I'm pretty sure I'll accept. I'm not explicitly asking and I'm not going to rush, but I'm hoping for improved engine models with certain features and can be animated with stock modules or superior plugin mods. I've made your engines sound and perform alright without Firespitter except that I haven't gotten their blades to spin and there's no thrust-reversing anymore.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The 1.4 release is almost here. As in, last night I could have published it but a matter had been raised by one person who appears to use this mod and requested a feature enhancement, and another person who (with weapon mods) could benefit from this feature enhancement.

This enhancement is: Enable Shieldnir to protect (nearly) all parts on a vessel, not just small strategic subsets of parts.

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  On 4/9/2018 at 6:47 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

The 1.4 release is almost here. As in, last night I could have published it but a matter had been raised by one person who appears to use this mod and requested a feature enhancement, and another person who (with weapon mods) could benefit from this feature enhancement.

This enhancement is: Enable Shieldnir to protect (nearly) all parts on a vessel, not just small strategic subsets of parts.



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Thor Tech 0.9.5 Changelog:

  • Polished off WBI Play Modes
  • Added conditional intake to Razor VTOL engines
  • Adjusted tech tree position of Razor and Ascendant VTOL engines
  • Minor tweak to reactors
  • Renamed RCS ports
  • Updated engines: 
    •  Replaced FS dependency with KerbalActuators. Fan spinning functionality has been maintained but will show weird behavior once any fan engine is shut off
    •  Added and adjusted sounds and particles
  • Mk2 Ram Air Turbine surface attaches now
  • Caught many missing Tweakscale options
  • Changes Isp of stock Vector engine to be more like a real aerospike
  • Expanded Shieldnir capacity:
    • Holds more shield energy
    • Charges faster at greater costs
    • Protects many more parts
    • With thermoelectric converter; applies only to Shieldnir parts, not the parts they protect

Deep Sky Core 3.0 Changelog:

  • Polished off WBI Play Modes
  • New brand logo and flags
  • Found missing Tweakscale option
  • Added tech tree node for Japier engines
  • Raised EC demand on in-flight Oxidizer generators
  • Added IntakeLqd to all intakes
  • Custom drag cube for RBM intake/mount. Should fix its drag problem
  • Updated Japier engines
    •  Removed prefab smoke from Japier engines-- model scale issue provoked by KSP 1.4
    •  Raised Isp in Japier Burst Mode
  • Renamed Mk2 Intake (ship breaker)
  • Found missing parameter (checkForOxygen) that crippled some intakes
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