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[0.17] RedStar co-op Airplane parts v0.4.1


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RedStar co-op airplane modpack ALPA v0.4.1 Ejection seat+ airplane parts.

This version isn't compatible with crafts saved using previous version of this modpack!




RED Ejection seat - command module

RED minidecoupler - decoupler for ejection seat

RED minibooster - booster rocket for ejection seat: attach two of these to the back of ejection seat

RED cockpit - cockpit design inspired by Sukhoi, it is actually a fuel tank, ejection seat can be attached to this by using minidecoupler.

RED cockpit back canoby

RED cockpit front canoby

RED SU nosecone

RED SU Improved adapter

RED SU fuselage - Desing inspired by Sukhoi

RED SU tail section - Desing inspired by Sukhoi

RED SU delta wing

RED SU elevator

RED SU rudder

RED MI adapter

RED MI fuselage

RED MI tail section

Piccolo S -Light landing gear with steering, can use rudder to steer the wheel when speed under 10m/s.

Piccolo -Light landing gear

Other information

Instructions: RED SU Improved adapter

As far as I understand there is no way currently to have the attach node have an 5 degree rotation, so at the moment we are limited to attaching the first fuselage part to the adapter using the surface snapping. After connection the adapter it is good idea to rotate the command module (ejection seat) 5 degrees so you can continue building in straight line after the adapter. You can rotate any part a 5 degrees at a time if you press SIFT+W,A,S,D,Q or E. If you wish to reset the rotation press SPACE.

Instructions: RED Ejection seat assembly

1. Select the ejection seat as a command module.

2.insert the small stock parachute to the middle back node in the seat.

3.insert minidecoupler to the bottom of the ejection seat. You need to turn it 90 degrees using ASDW keys.

4.insert miniboosters (small blue objects in the rocket engine section) to the two nodes at the back of the seat, currently you need to do it individually for both sides.

5. Insert cockpit to the minidecoupler.

6. Insert canopy to the cockpit.

7. Move parachute minidecoupler and miniboosters to same stage, this will be your EJECT! stage.

8. *optional* move parachute to different stage above the stage you just created if you wish. Otherwise the parachute fails to deploy if you eject on ground when you are not moving.

Know issues testpack v0.4

  • SU adapter is difficult to attach to anything, using surface snapping works but is troublesome.
  • SUcanopy need to be detached first before using ejection seat. Otherwise ejection seat can get stuck to the cockpit.
  • Piccolo landing gear can't handle lot of weight, this isn't not a bug, its a feature.
  • Piccolo S steering ability decreases rapidly when speed is over 15, I need to adjust this.
  • Piccolo S landing gears behave funny if you turn and break at the same time.

Edited by vvaris
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Parts are coming along nicely, still have some learning to do on how KSP handles stuff. If you are unable to download the parts I'll move the parts to better place than dropbox later. I'm also looking into getting a working first person camera in the cockpit. In the meanwhile here's a teaser: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzRyEt4RTWQ&feature=plcp !

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Maybe I'm stupid. I probably am, in fact. But the part is totally devoid of texture, it's just plain white. The screenshots show some texturing. The tricouptex.png file is just white. Did you forget to add the (semi?) finished texture file?

Also, I can't use dual-symmetry when adding stuff like fuel tanks, intakes. I have to do each side individually.

Last, when I first try to add things to the front (intakes) they seem to lock on "inside" of the part. It seems to work after playing with it a little bit, but I'm not sure what I did to make it work properly.

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Yes, the texture is missing, I was using a placeholder texture that I don't own so decided to take it of last second. I'm aware of the problems with the adapter part, it's is going to be updated really soon. I just got the ejection seat parts working, sort of, going to work on them more soon. Here's the parts that work at the moment, it's all in alpha state however, no textures yet and putting the parts together are little difficult. With these parts you can build your very first EJECTION SEAT!

Edited by vvaris
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A video demonstration of the mod in action with several other mods.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/5RMJfVHgOqk?rel=0&hd=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

vvaris, you might want to include a .craft file with the nose, cockpit, seat, rockets and so on pre-built. It's not hard to figure out, but it took me a few tries.

Edited by maxpanic
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It's BigNose's <a href="http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/16925-PLUGIN-PART-0-16-Aviation-Lights-v1-0">Aviation Lights v1.0</a> plugin and I highly recommend it. Includes green, red, white and blue nav lights as well as red beacon lights and white strobes, with different modes (off, steady, blinking) for both sets.

Forward-swept wings and missiles are from <a href="http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/4542-JellyCubes-Advanced-Weapons-R-D-Weapons-and-Other-Miscellanea">JellyCube's pack</a>.

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  zYnthethicz said:
Well, something is clearly wrong because i can't attach wings to the SU-Kobra fuselage. Or am i missing something?

I didn't have any problems. What wings are you trying to attach, and where?

  bomb765 said:
The google download wont work for me....

Just checked it, it's working fine.

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  zYnthethicz said:
The normal ones that comes with KSP, C7's wings.

I can't put them anywhere on the part.

The SU-Kobra fuselage is a bit special part because the game only allows convex collision boxes. SU-Kobra fuselage has collision box only in the flat bottom area, there you should be able to attach wings, have you tried switching between the two snapping modes at the upper left part in the building area? Are you trying to attach the wings in the rocket building area or space plane building area?

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  bomb765 said:
The google download wont work for me....

Could you be more specific? How does it not work? How about the dropbox? What happens when you try to download?

Now that I think of it I had some problems downloading after they changed the forums. Have you done this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCERVbKeZag&feature=player_embedded?

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