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[1.12.x] KEI - Kerbin Environmental Institute


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Thanks for the mod, I absolutely love it!

--- My kind feature request :) ---

Have you been thinking about an extension to gather science from orbit as well?

What I have in mind is a probe with stable, mostly polar orbit (differentiate high and low using e.g., either Pe or Ap) and certain science tools on it. It is similarly (or even more) boring to run several orbits, stop at each and every biome and send home the stuff. Even though I use [x] Science to jump out from warp this is just too repetitive.

It would be great to send home reports from all biomes with normal transmit penalties and considering the reusability of the instrument with one click. For the sake of simplicity, disregard electric capacity etc.


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  On 6/5/2018 at 3:56 PM, kubi said:


Thanks for the mod, I absolutely love it!

--- My kind feature request :) ---

Have you been thinking about an extension to gather science from orbit as well?

What I have in mind is a probe with stable, mostly polar orbit (differentiate high and low using e.g., either Pe or Ap) and certain science tools on it. It is similarly (or even more) boring to run several orbits, stop at each and every biome and send home the stuff. Even though I use [x] Science to jump out from warp this is just too repetitive.

It would be great to send home reports from all biomes with normal transmit penalties and considering the reusability of the instrument with one click. For the sake of simplicity, disregard electric capacity etc.



Nope, not going to happen.  There are other mods which do that, including [x] Science, Experiment Tracker, Science Alert

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anybody know if this works in 1.4.4 and if it will be on Ckan ever? Is this still actively developed? I just came back to game and want to play career but don't want tho do the rolling around the space center thing thank you.

Edited by OctaviusGaius
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  On 7/2/2018 at 12:43 PM, OctaviusGaius said:

Anybody know if this works in 1.4.4 and if it will be on Ckan ever? Is this still actively developed? I just came back to game and want to play career but don't want tho do the rolling around the space center thing thank you.


Yes, it works in 1.4.4, and what makes you think it's not in CKAN?


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  On 7/2/2018 at 5:16 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Yes, it works in 1.4.4, and what makes you think it's not in CKAN?



I'm not the one who asked (and indeed, I do see KEI in CKAN), so I can only theorize, but I do have 2 hypotheses. First, he might be looking for the spelled out name "Kerbin Environmental Institute"and missed hat it's just listed in CKAN as KEI. Or another possibility, since he asked about 1.4.4, he might be looking at the list of things CKAN thinks are compatible with 1.4.4. The latest KEI update appears to be listed as having a max KSP version of 1.4.3, so it wouldn't then show. Though CKAN does allow you to override and accept things listed as compatible with 1.4.3, that isn't its default. KEI and MechJeb dev release are the two things I'm waiting on before I start a new career in 1..4.4. I know better than to ask about when they might be ready :-) though it sounds like you just answered for KEI. I might just try and see if MechJeb happens to work also. Odds seem good, even if it isn't "officially" listed that way.


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  On 7/3/2018 at 12:38 AM, rmaine said:

I'm not the one who asked (and indeed, I do see KEI in CKAN), so I can only theorize, but I do have 2 hypotheses. First, he might be looking for the spelled out name "Kerbin Environmental Institute"and missed hat it's just listed in CKAN as KEI. Or another possibility, since he asked about 1.4.4, he might be looking at the list of things CKAN thinks are compatible with 1.4.4. The latest KEI update appears to be listed as having a max KSP version of 1.4.3, so it wouldn't then show. Though CKAN does allow you to override and accept things listed as compatible with 1.4.3, that isn't its default. KEI and MechJeb dev release are the two things I'm waiting on before I start a new career in 1..4.4. I know better than to ask about when they might be ready :-) though it sounds like you just answered for KEI. I might just try and see if MechJeb happens to work also. Odds seem good, even if it isn't "officially" listed that way.



In general, except for a few locked mods such as Kopernicus, all mods for any version of 1.4 will work in all version of 1.4.  You need to tell CKAN in the Compatible Ksp Versions dialog, that 1.4 is compatible

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...


Yes, that Squad had changed something to cause this behavior was what I was assuming.

It isn't documented in the version history.

There's no mention of it in the official wiki.

Using Google to search for information on it yields nothing.

I don't usually use the forums because these resources are normally adequate, so I am not familiar with which subforums are appropriate for which types of questions.

I was quite aware that the poster in KSP Discussions was suggesting I use KEI before I posted here.

I thought it might be worth posting in this thread because linuxgurugamer must have some detailed knowledge of the game's architecture regarding biomes and experiments and would have a clearer idea what's going on with changes made in the recent updates.

The reason that my response to you had the subtext of testiness was because at this point, I want to go to the trouble of rewriting that text wall a THIRD time in a new subforum about as much as I want to try and make love to a rabid bear.  In particular because I have this ghastly premonition that the response I will get for doing so will be being told that I should really be asking the question in Technical Support (PC, modded installs), and then have the process repeated with Technical Support (PC, unmodded installs), in all likelihood.


It's at least conceivable that some other completionist psychopaths like me might want to try and and utilize the completed KSC area science experiments as fodder for an orbital sci lab, so an extension to KEI that places a 0 science copy of all the KSC local experiments in a sci lab in a player designated space station in LKO might be something these people would want.

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  • 3 weeks later...

KEI doesn't seem to load for me. Or at the very least, I can't figure out how to activate it. I thought it might just not load in an existing save, so here's a new one:


Edited by Jarin
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  On 8/21/2018 at 3:32 AM, Jarin said:

KEI doesn't seem to load for me. Or at the very least, I can't figure out how to activate it.


I don't see the wrench for ToolbarController; do you have it installed, as well as ClickThroughBlocker? Both are required dependencies as listed in the OP. Once they're installed, you should see a "green leaf & globe" icon in the toolbar(s).

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Hey @linuxgurugamer,

Suddenly my KEI has ceased working...

It was working earlier in my save game, but I never used it to collect science, I was saving it for s rainy day....

I was going to use it now but when I click on the button nothing happens.....tried right clicking and left clicking.....nothing.

All my other buttons work....

I turned on my debugging menu and when I click on it, it says "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

I already tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it, that didn't work....

I thought maybe a science I unlocked conflicts with it or something.

I tried removing Impact....that didn't work....

Any ideas?

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  On 8/22/2018 at 12:57 PM, JoE Smash said:

Hey @linuxgurugamer,

Suddenly my KEI has ceased working...

It was working earlier in my save game, but I never used it to collect science, I was saving it for s rainy day....

I was going to use it now but when I click on the button nothing happens.....tried right clicking and left clicking.....nothing.

All my other buttons work....

I turned on my debugging menu and when I click on it, it says "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

I already tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it, that didn't work....

I thought maybe a science I unlocked conflicts with it or something.

I tried removing Impact....that didn't work....

Any ideas?


You know the drill.  Log file or no help.

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Le sigh.....soooooo tedious......

https://www.dropbox.com/s/4zc5flsr1b0wfab/KEI Fail.rar?dl=0

Does this help? @linuxgurugamer?

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Didn't you just update one of the dependancies for this mod? Think I updated "click through blocker" or "Toolbar controller" on CKAN recently....within the last day or two....don't know what else I could have done to break KEI recently....

I haven't added any more mods or anything. All I have done recently was complete some contracts in the game and maybe unlock some tech tree nodes with science....

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  On 8/22/2018 at 1:24 PM, JoE Smash said:

Le sigh.....soooooo tedious......

https://www.dropbox.com/s/4zc5flsr1b0wfab/KEI Fail.rar?dl=0

Does this help? @linuxgurugamer?

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Didn't you just update one of the dependancies for this mod? Think I updated "click through blocker" or "Toolbar controller" on CKAN recently....within the last day or two....don't know what else I could have done to break KEI recently....

I haven't added any more mods or anything. All I have done recently was complete some contracts in the game and maybe unlock some tech tree nodes with science....


ToolbarController, but it was a bug fix, nothing to do with this error.

I'll look into it this evening.

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  On 8/21/2018 at 1:06 PM, JH4C said:

I don't see the wrench for ToolbarController; do you have it installed, as well as ClickThroughBlocker? Both are required dependencies as listed in the OP. Once they're installed, you should see a "green leaf & globe" icon in the toolbar(s).


Okay, I had those. The weird part was that I was getting the toolbar controller info pop-up when launching a new game, but didn't have the icon. A clean download and reinstall of the both of them fixed the issue. 

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  On 1/18/2018 at 11:02 PM, SilverlightPony said:

@linuxgurugamer FYI, both KEI and Toolbar Controller aren't updating via CKAN.  KEI shows 1.2.6 as available, but CKAN won't update it past 1.2.3; TC shows latest version as 1.3.1.

One of these being out-of-date is probably why the KEI window pops up every time I change scenes go to the astronaut complex or R&D complex at the KSC and can't be closed until I go back to the KSC-overview scene where I can close it with the toolbar button.


I'm going to guess that you are running KSP 1.4.5.  You need to tell CKAN to allow updates of mods from earlier versions on 1.4.x.  I'm  not at a computer right now, reply if you need more  help

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Any luck on figuring out how I managed to suddenly break this mod?

Should I try reinstalling the dependancies....i.e. click through blocker and toolbar controller?

Reinstalling things via CKAN makes me nervous because it also will uninstall and reinstall any mods dependant on the dependancy....and then if it is a mod that leaves stuff behind it breaks the whole process and I end up with an error message and a mess....

If that didn't typically happen, I would have tried it already...

Edited by JoE Smash
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Ok @linuxgurugamer....

So something weird is going on with this....

In an earlier save I loaded the KEI button still works....

Can a particular Science Experiment break KEI if it doesn't understand something about the science experiment?

The difference in the save files is I unlocked Advanced Exploration which opened a group of new science.....some of which is collectable at the KSC....

I'm leaning towards an experiment from Probes Plus...

Not positive though, just a gut feeling....

The dude who makes Probes Plus seems to have a fetish with copying the functionality of stock science parts and adding multiple variations of his own science parts....

Specifically in that science unlock he adds another dust collector that has a different name for the dust collection experiment but it does the exact same thing as an earlier dust collector.

I'm not positive that this is the culprit, but it is my gut instinct...


Let me try deleting his other dust experiment

He has both of these as cfg files for two separate dust experiments, but if you put both types on a ship and collect dust with one, you can't collect additional science by running the other. The experiments have different names but they both collect the same amount of science and count as the same dust experiment....or so it seems at least...

I'm wondering if unlocking the second experiment broke KEI somehow....


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That worked...so Probes Plus breaks KEI at some point after unlocking science in Advanced Exploration....it worked with Probes Plus earlier in my career....but I unlocked an experiment that broke KEI.

It also uses DMagic Science Animate as a dependancy....so I don't know if that is somehow involved....

Probes Plus also adds parts that duplicate SCAN SAT parts....but the science from those aern't collectable at KSC, so I don't think that would do it....

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