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[1.9.*, 1.10.*, 1.11.*] DockRotate - lightweight robotics - rotational control on docking ports (plus NodeRotate, make any part rotate)


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Looking good. So, the next step would be to disable controls on strict ports...

Unrelated tricky bugs: if you set step to 0, press rotate to snap, it will start rotating very slowly. If you undock while it rotates, there would be a spam of NullRefs. But I couldn't reproduce it reliably more than two times.

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Judging by angle readout, snap usually misses by 0.02 degrees.

I've also tested multidock with two pairs of ports.

On one attempt vessels docked successfully, with the second pair of ports was slightly misaligned (although connected). Usual Stock situation. Trying to rotate to snap on primary pair didn't work. Perhaps, multidock ability also requires suppressing and reinstatement .

On second multidock attempt I've got logspam from DockRotate: "advancedRotation() called on wrong module, ignoring". Undocking didn't stop it.

Edited by Psycho_zs
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@peteletroll I'm waiting on this mod to get squared away for a project I'm working on, so I'll be more than happy to do some bug hunting this weekend if you'll be working on it.  (Not pushing, just letting you know I'm really excited about this and would like to help!)

I did have a problem with it the other day, I'll verify details and let you know what was going on tonight.


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3 minutes ago, peteletroll said:

I'm curious about your project, but bug reports are good anyway :)

Oh!  That, yeah. 

I'm going to need to be able to zero out all the docking ports when reassembling the shuttle/tank/boosters.  Since being just a tiny bit off would make launch problematic.  I could use Konstruction! ports for it, but those rotate before docking, and can get quite violent when doing so.  Your mod fixes the problem perfectly.

Edited by Geonovast
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@peteletroll  Good news! (probably)

In a game with only DockRotate installed, I was not able to reproduce the problem I had in my modded install with

So either it's a mod conflict, or you fixed it with  (I do not use autostruts).

The issue was that the small test craft ( 2 x (Clamp-O-tron, Z-1k battery, RC-001S probe, and Girder Adapter)) would spin non stop with Rotate To Snap on and Step set to 180.  Would just spin until the craft RUDd after 2-3 full revolutions.


Edit: I installed the new version in my modded game, and while the RUDing has stopped, I am having issues.  This weekend I'll try to pinpoint that that's messing with it (I'll try KJR and Konstruction! first) and get you a video and log file.

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8 hours ago, peteletroll said:

@Geonovast, I noticed that KJR has an XML configuration file with a special case for infernal robotics. We should probably try to modify that for DockRotate too.

Makes sense, definitely can help you test out any changes.


7 hours ago, peteletroll said:

KSP autostruts automatically all kinds of landing strut and landing gear. Use the "Show Autostruts" button in the right click menu to see what happens.

Oh I'm aware. :)  Deliberately not using any landing gear on the test crafts for that reason.  I just hope that my shuttle's landing gear is autostrutted somewhere on the shuttle and doesn't move to the tank when it docks, since you can't shut those struts off. :mad:

The TL;DR of my issue is that it's basically overshooting its target when rotating and just stopping wherever it wants.  Say it was docked at 15 degrees when launched (set that way in the VAB), I would click on the Snap button with the step at, say, 180, and it would shoot past 180 and stop somewhere around 170.34.  Nothing I did would get it to go where I wanted, or even land on an integer.  I'll try to verify it's KJR or IR doing it.

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29 minutes ago, peteletroll said:

Anyway, DockRotate handles Autostruts now. I'm on the train home now, I'll check into the rotate to snap at 180° bug soon.

That was in the modded install with KJR/IR.  The stock + Dockrotate install, everything works perfectly.

And it wasn't just 180, setting it to other numbers did the same thing.  I'm betting it's got something to do with those xml settings.

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Ok 1st off, this is amazing. I've wanted a SIMPLE rotator mod forever. IR just has too MUCH. 

Now for a couple notes.

I'm sure you know this, but the nodes of docking ports are weak. What I mean by that is they flex like mad. That means that using this for any kind of VTOL's requires very tricky timing or planning because if you use it while the engines are on (thus disabling auto-strut) everything flexes like mad from the force of the engines, and can lead to scenarios like this https://i.imgur.com/DuOadX1.jpg (note that's AFTER auto-struts re-engaged and locked it like that) I'm not sure if the solution would be to re-set physics on the parts after rotating (like what happens when you trigger time warp) or if there's a way to lock the joints so they don't flex when rotating, or what? Currently you either need to be able to shut off the engines during rotation, or have a hole in the craft you can run a strut between to connect to engine pods somehow)

The other thing is symmetry. if you're rotating a pair of engines, you can't place the ports in symmetry because even with mirror mode, you need one set to rotate in reverse of the other if you want to have the engines rotate properly for VTOL mode. breaking symmetry is a work around, but for complex craft having to break symmetry makes future changes much more frustrating at times.

Finally, and chance for a high speed continuous rotation option that can be used for props/rotors? currently it maxes at 180 degrees per tick, and not nearly fast enough for a prop. a simple start/stop toggle and  a button that multiples rotation speed by like 10x would be amazing.


Seriously though, sweet work.

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4 hours ago, peteletroll said:

@Geonovast, I found a possibly useful note in KJR README, in section "Part and Module Exemptions": try following the instructions to add the ModuleDockRotate module to the exempt modules list.

Ah yes, I remember now, I had to do that for the Klaw because KJR killed its pivot ability.  I will give that a shot!

Edit: That appears to have done it!

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Well now I feel silly.


But I've come across another issue. Trying to make a scissor lift... This is what it is doing:

The video shows 3 attempts, the 1st and 3rd are what is happening, the 2nd is what should be happening (to show you that everything is configured properly) The only way to get it to not go all explody is to only connect one of the docking ports. (which only works because it's in hack gravity currently) I can't figure out why it's acting up when they're all connected. Everything is mirrored properly, and the range of motions are set correctly. (90 degrees for the top and bottom hinges, 180 degrees with double the movement speed for the center hinges) Any idea? Also the only reason it has so many struts are to try and fix it. I did try it not strutted to heck the 1st time, and I've done it with rigid both on and off as well.

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