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[1.12.x] Animated Decouplers 1.5.0


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This plugin allows for decouplers to animate when decoupling, or to animate before decoupling.

It was created as a resource for other modders and players don't need to download this unless another mod requires it.

This forum thread has been created as a landing page for support issues dealing with this plugin only. (should have done this a long time ago)


Mods known to use Animated Decouplers: (if others are reported to me I will add them here)

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/

Edited by Starwaster
Updating mod thread for KSP 1.12
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12 hours ago, Zuthor said:

I'm confused? How do I install the mod? I put in gamedata folder but nother happens. I read the Readme but I have no idea what they are talking about


On 2/13/2018 at 11:12 PM, Starwaster said:

It was created as a resource for other modders and players don't need to download this unless another mod requires it.


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On 2/17/2018 at 7:47 PM, Zuthor said:

I'm confused? How do I install the mod? I put in gamedata folder but nother happens. I read the Readme but I have no idea what they are talking about

You don't install it if you don't have a mod that needs it.

In fact, the main purpose for me creating this thread is for players needing to report issues  with the Animated Decoupler plugin because right now, if someone DOES have a problem then there was nowhere for them to report it except in the thread for the mod that required the installation of this plugin.

Edited by Starwaster
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6 hours ago, brusura said:

Would be nice to have a list of mods already supporting it...I am now curios about what animation a decoupler could have

The problem is I'm not sure how many are. I originally wrote this up for @sumghai for his SDHI mod. It's used for the service module umbilical disconnect (think Apollo or Orion, the latter of which is what SDHI represents)

Since then I have occasionally been asked about using it for other mods so there are a few out there but I don't have a definitive list of them.  If anyone wants to report that here, I will start a list in the OP. (I will start with SDHI so watch the first post)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've just added support for AnimatedDecouplers to Corvus_CF to fix a long-standing runtime warning (can't remember how I found out about this, it was through Google). This DOUBLES your supported mods list :wink:

Might be good to link your GitHub on the first post, @Starwaster.  People who can click on "Hide Contents" before starting to type are winners...  However, conversely (and I just checked!) it would be good to put a link to this forum post into your README on GitHub..

Thanks for making and maintaining this :)


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1 hour ago, micha said:

I've just added support for AnimatedDecouplers to Corvus_CF to fix a long-standing runtime warning (can't remember how I found out about this, it was through Google). This DOUBLES your supported mods list :wink:

Might be good to link your GitHub on the first post, @Starwaster.  People who can click on "Hide Contents" before starting to type are winners...  However, conversely (and I just checked!) it would be good to put a link to this forum post into your README on GitHub..

Thanks for making and maintaining this :)


You're welcome and thank you, but your forum thread is linking to the wrong post. You linked to another mod that is identically named (even to the point of giving the partmodule the same name) by DennyTX which does not give cargo bay support. (and who basically just threw his mod up three years ago and hasn't updated it since, which is an unfortunate pattern of his given that he has some high quality parts packs)

When I'm more awake I'll update my own OP for this thread

Edited by Starwaster
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5 minutes ago, Starwaster said:

You're welcome and thank you, but your forum thread is linking to the wrong post. You linked to another mod that is identically named (even to the point of giving the partmodule the same name) by DennyTX which does not give cargo bay support. (and who basically just threw his mod up three years ago and hasn't updated it since, which is an unfortunate pattern of his given that he has some high quality parts packs)

When I'm more awake I'll update my own OP for this thread

DARNIT!  I did initially see that thread, read it, then went looking for yours as that one looked dodgy as heck. Looks like my copy-paste to update my post still had the old clipboard info in it. Will update ASAP.  Thanks! 

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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
4 hours ago, liquidhype said:

Is there an example of how to set this up for a part using an anchored decoupler module? 

Yes, on its GitHub repository:


However I'll say it here too. It's configured just like any other stock decoupler except that it supports extra fields:

  •     animationName = SDHI_Umbilical // The name of the animation to play
  •     waitForAnimation = false // (If true, then delay decoupling until animation has finished playing)
  •     layer = 1 // Animation's layer will be set to this. Helps prevent multiple animations on one part interfering with each other if each animation (or groups of animations) gets its own layer.

Animated Decouplers has the added bonus of working with ModuleCargoBay so it can be used with non-procedural fairings and boost protective covers. If the part in question doesn't have an animation then don't specify one so it doesn't look for one to play. (SDHI does this with its BPC and service module fairings - it doesn't animate those and it works with the cargo bay module by informing it that the part is no longer protecting anything)

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Mod plugin has been recompiled for KSP 1.5.x

A word about the mod and KSP updates: The code should be fairly resilient in the face of KSP updates but that is dependent on the underlying stock code (base) that the mod depends on. Stock decouplers haven't changed a lot over the years and the changes that have occurred didn't affect what I'm doing so the plugin for KSP 1.4.5 does work for 1.5.1 but recompiling is still sensible thing to do.

Edited by Starwaster
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  • 4 weeks later...
4 hours ago, damonvv said:

Question, can I trigger multiple animation names at once with the ModuleAnimatedDecoupler ?

No, not the way it's implemented. It can only handle a single animation  name which it plays (and optionally delays the decoupling until that single animation has finished)

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This mod 

has a nose cone that has a docking port and parachute and light  the nose cone open and closes is there away with this mod so when you deploy the chute the nose cone will open ? I have tried to get it to work the chutes deploy but the nose cone don't open any help would be great and thanks

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8 hours ago, Mecripp said:

This mod 

has a nose cone that has a docking port and parachute and light  the nose cone open and closes is there away with this mod so when you deploy the chute the nose cone will open ? I have tried to get it to work the chutes deploy but the nose cone don't open any help would be great and thanks

No, I don't see how this mod can help. It plays an animation while decoupling, optionally delaying decoupling until after the animation completes.

It would require a new plugin ... something that monitors for chute deployment and triggers the animation... 

Easiest solution, considering that it's really an aesthetics issue, is for the player to bind both animation and deployment to an action group.

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  • 2 months later...
6 hours ago, damonvv said:

Is there a way to add my own decouple sound through the config?

and is there a way to add a "delay" to the animation? (So that if an animation is 2 seconds long, i want the clamp to be released at 1 sec)

They're descended from the stock decouplers so they'll accept any sound setup that the stock ones do or any generic part effects.

The only thing you can do as far as delays is waitForAnimation = true which will force it to wait for the entire animation to complete before decoupling. I didn't code the possibility of custom delays but if there's a real need for it then it shouldn't be too hard to do

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On 2/5/2019 at 3:43 AM, Starwaster said:

The only thing you can do as far as delays is waitForAnimation = true which will force it to wait for the entire animation to complete before decoupling. I didn't code the possibility of custom delays but if there's a real need for it then it shouldn't be too hard to do

Was just a thought. Might not be needed now. But thanks for the answer !

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  • 2 weeks later...


I use Animated Decouplers in Modular Launch Pads, strictly for allowing staging of various animated parts like swing arms and hold-down arms.  It works great, but I have this issue with one of Saturn tower arms for version 2 where the arm resets after the animation runs when staged. An alternate version of the Saturn arm does not have this problem, neither do the swing arms in the current release of Modular Launch Pads.  Both the v2 Saturn arms worked fine in KSP 1.3.1, this issue showed up in 1.5.1 and 1.6.1.

Additionally, if the the arm with the problem is manually retracted and then reset, it the works fine when staged.

A little video demo:

The top arm is the problem v2 arm, bottom one is the alternate v2 typs, middle arm is from the current MLP release.  The retractions were done by staging.

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