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[WIP] Infernal Robotics - Next

Rudolf Meier

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So here's the thing...

I love this mod and his amazing features, I think it adds a whole new level of mechanics to the game that expand your creativity designs.

OBJECTIVE:  A cargo lifter from the ground into the cargo bay of Tundra Exploration's Starship. The design is more or less acceptable apart from it coming through the walls of the rocket. This design was from 9 months ago, and it's pretty much the same up to this date.

I've only found one issue, it's not the video's case though. The max force input it's not enough for me, IR is too weak for some of my payloads to be lifted up and fold itself into the cargo bay. SOOOOO if found a solution, or what I thought it would be. Looking into the IR parts' .cfg I found some lines regarding the force input for the robotics, so I cheated and changed to the max number I could think it'd work without breaking it.

		factorForce = 999999
		maxForce = 999999
		forceLimit = 999999

The truth is... I don't even know what I did there, it just allowed me to increase my robotics strenght in-game.

THE REAL PROBLEM: The force settings in-game are by default the lowest, and so every time I want to increase the force value I have to press the increase button which increases it 5 by 5 points. I usually reach numbers of 1000 points of force just for one robotic part. Too much work for one single part, besides, sometimes I have EXTREMELY HEAVY payloads, that not even with 3000 points of force will bend it up like in the video.

MY QUESTION: Is there a way I can change the default force value of every part's .cfg? or, A way in which I can change the increase button parameters so every time I press it, it increases 1000 points instead of 5?


I'D REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR HELP HERE. Let me know what you think.

Thank you'all :)

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19 hours ago, Xt007 said:

You could write a mm config to do this.  A simple After: IR polling modules that match and setting the new value

I dunno how to write code, is it too long? What should I put in it?

If you could please facilitate a template to me so I could change the part name?

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On 7/26/2019 at 11:16 PM, Kerbalistic said:

I'm having an issue where the Force setting on the robotic parts decrease everytime I load the machine onto the world, to the point where it reaches the minimum in about 3 launches and I have to set it up again.

Oh and I managed to solve the issue that caused the question (dumb installation mistake, it was stupid) so ignore that :P

How did you solve it?

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  • 1 year later...
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  • 2 months later...

v3.1.1 is online

also a pre-release

it has minor bugs in servo mode (lights not showing motion), the sun tracking seems not to work anymore and the rotor mode has some problems... also, sometimes the servo doesn't stop fully and retains an almost unvisible rotation speed (click on "stop" in the ui helps)

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v3.1.2 is online

if I won't get bug reports, I will later remove the "pre-release" status

it seems to run stable and has all known bugs fixed... some additional functions that some requested will be added soon


there are also the new modes "rotor" and "linked" and "sun tracking"...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, force rebalancing (I think from version 3.1.7) has made robotic parts very weak. For example, changing the factorForce value from 35 to 7 for the IR Pivotron caused my rovers, which use them in their gear, to become glued to the ground. Reverting back to the original .cfg files solves the problem, but I'm not sure if it's the correct solution. What should I do to make it work properly again?

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So I'm having a problem when Infernal Robotics Next is installed (3.1.9): all the parts I attach using mirroring, whether IR parts or not, do not mirror properly. The mirrored parts come out upside-down or back-to-front and often totally off center, nowhere near the part they are attached to. Uninstalling Infernal Robotics Next immediately fixes the problem.

Is this a known issue or a common conflict with another mod? The mod looks amazing and does exactly what I want, so I'd really like to be able to use it. Thanks.

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6 hours ago, Tomsk said:

So I'm having a problem when Infernal Robotics Next is installed (3.1.9): all the parts I attach using mirroring, whether IR parts or not, do not mirror properly. The mirrored parts come out upside-down or back-to-front and often totally off center, nowhere near the part they are attached to. Uninstalling Infernal Robotics Next immediately fixes the problem.

Is this a known issue or a common conflict with another mod? The mod looks amazing and does exactly what I want, so I'd really like to be able to use it. Thanks.

It's the mod itself, unfortunately. At the moment it has a lot of problems that need to be figured out. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/26/2023 at 7:15 AM, ngx said:

Hi, force rebalancing (I think from version 3.1.7) has made robotic parts very weak. For example, changing the factorForce value from 35 to 7 for the IR Pivotron caused my rovers, which use them in their gear, to become glued to the ground. Reverting back to the original .cfg files solves the problem, but I'm not sure if it's the correct solution. What should I do to make it work properly again?

hi, sorry for that... but, there was so much not correct or missing in the old versions that I had to risk to break some existing crafts

one thing could also be, that the motor size is undefined

my solution for that would be -> create a new rover and try to set those values correctly (maybe you have to try it out... and in case it's impossible, let me know and I can look into this again) and then... try to edit the safe file and modify those values so that they're correct

I know, that's not a nice work to do, but I hope the overall experience is better, when it's done

On 3/2/2023 at 10:40 AM, Tomsk said:

So I'm having a problem when Infernal Robotics Next is installed (3.1.9): all the parts I attach using mirroring, whether IR parts or not, do not mirror properly. The mirrored parts come out upside-down or back-to-front and often totally off center, nowhere near the part they are attached to. Uninstalling Infernal Robotics Next immediately fixes the problem.

Is this a known issue or a common conflict with another mod? The mod looks amazing and does exactly what I want, so I'd really like to be able to use it. Thanks.

this is fixed in 3.1.10 ... sorry

it was caused by the new code that allows you to attach/detach/mirror the parts correctly, even when they are not in a neutral position... with the latest version you should be able to build crafts with pre-rotated parts in all thinkable configurations

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Hi, is there "issues" section for this mod on github? I couldn't find it. I came across a few bugs and I'd like to report them along with KSP.log file.
In short; since version 3.1.12, some(all?) parts are multiplied in IR editor and it looks like they are multiplied every time ship is saved. Parts are also glitching in IR Editor in VAB (maybe also SPH). They are not showing after adding and re-attaching and sometime group names appear empty. Save and reload of the ship usualy helps here, but not with multiplication problem. That multiplication occures also on pre-existing ships (created before version 3.1.12).

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On 11/2/2023 at 3:04 AM, ngx said:

Hi, is there "issues" section for this mod on github? I couldn't find it. I came across a few bugs and I'd like to report them along with KSP.log file.
In short; since version 3.1.12, some(all?) parts are multiplied in IR editor and it looks like they are multiplied every time ship is saved. Parts are also glitching in IR Editor in VAB (maybe also SPH). They are not showing after adding and re-attaching and sometime group names appear empty. Save and reload of the ship usualy helps here, but not with multiplication problem. That multiplication occures also on pre-existing ships (created before version 3.1.12).

There was a problem after changing the system of servo groups. This caused some problems with old ships and savings. The only solution is to delete all groups and rebuild them. But after that you have many more options and it should run more stable.

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