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[1.12.x] CSA Contares 'EYE' 2.0.11


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CSA Contares 'EYE' presents a set of reconnaissance satellite parts inspired by real terrestrian stuff including optical observation science.


StarMods 02/2018


In pre-digital times, the celluloid-based photographic material from the reconnaissance satellites had to
be safely returned to the Earth's surface,
developed and evaluated. Between 1959 and 1987, approximately
900 reconnaissance satellites were launched worldwide for this purpose.
Only about 30% of the visual material was even brought into space or successfully brought back to the earth's surface.

Let this mod take you into the world of spy satellites and get an almost realistic picture of the hard work of space-based surveillance.


Many of the included parts are very small, so it was not possible to create separate decoupler without making operation in the VAB impossible. Please take a look at the context menu of the parts to recognize and understand the existing functions.

The FiRe and YFR return capsules has both a capacitiy of 600m film, thats place for 6 observations. To store the film into the capsules you need a mod to move science from part to part.

Required mods:

- Installation of RealPlume (contained engines use this engine effects mod only)

Supported mods:

- ScanSat  (to use the altimetry scan)
- TweakScale (change size of Parts)
- Ship Manifest (to transfer science from part to part without crew)


Download via SpaceDock

CSA Contares EYE on GitHub

Craft-Files are included



<a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/"><img alt="Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag" style="border-width:0" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc/4.0/88x31.png" /></a><br /><span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" property="dct:title">CONTARES</span> von <a xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" href="https://*.com/mod/1186/CONTARES" property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL">hraban</a> ist lizenziert unter einer <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/">Creative Commons Namensnennung-Nicht kommerziell 4.0 International Lizenz</a>.



Version / Update


2.0.0 initial
2.0.1 HullCamVDS Patch, more TweakScale support, Science Def changes
2.0.2 HullCamVDS Patch improved
2.0.3 compatibility update to KSP 1.4.1
2.0.4 update SAS Modules of ZENIT and YANTAR
2.0.5 adds FSW 3 chinese reconnaissance and reentry system
2.0.6 changes on FSW 3 parts. compatibility update
2.0.7 version update to 1.7.x
2.0.8 version update to KSP 1.8.1
2.0.9 changelog on GitHub
2.0.10 TweakScale compatibility update
2.0.11 compatibility update


Edited by hraban
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13 minutes ago, Daniel Prates said:

Oh my! Now, this is great!

Do they merelly generate science,  or actual images as well,  like the KURS "ugly" camera?

So far, only scientific revenue is generated. Maybe there is one or the other mod of the desired function fulfilled?

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1 hour ago, CobaltWolf said:

Can I have a link to Eye 1.0.0? I need something that works in KSP 0.90



Insight into the version 1.0.0 is only against the submission of the beautiful pink tongue of this cute mutt, my cats love fresh tongue :D

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8 hours ago, MaxPeck said:

Soooo.. what if we don't have real plume installed?  I want to try this, as I'm always looking for more ways to get science points, but I'm already heavy on the mods and don't want to install real plume if I don't absolutely need to.

If you do not want to install RealPlume, then skip it and forego more realistic visual effects on many engines.
As a lecturer many years ago said: "Try it, it can be wrong at most".

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10 hours ago, Daniel Prates said:

But that is no small thing. Kudos again. We need more science stuff.

Kindly contact the manufacturer of KSP to make the research system more dynamic, configurable and realistic. If appropriate scientific experiments are possible Contares implements this gladly.

Until then, 'EYE' accesses the KerbNet and allows optical exploration of Biome.

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3 hours ago, hraban said:

Kindly contact the manufacturer of KSP to

Dude read my posts again. In both I am complimenting your mod,  and not saying that is insuficient in any way. 

Anyways,  I will for the third time state that your mod is awesome,  so please "kindly" do not orient me again to talk to squad for a third time! :sticktongue:

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1 hour ago, Marcelo Silveira said:

You can use hullCameraVDS cameras or make a ModuleManager patch for it :wink:


The idea with HullCamVDS to work is tempting, but you should not forget that the simulated systems have not transmitted images by radio. Exactly that is the interesting thing about these old systems, the film material has to be brought back and saved by means of capsule after the overflight of the areas to be photographed.

Nevertheless, it would be nice if you could provide a patch in which the camera orientation also corresponds to the direction of the camera part.

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On 21/02/2018 at 12:59 PM, Marcelo Silveira said:

You can use hullCameraVDS cameras or make a ModuleManager patch for it :wink:

Great idea!

Well... in any case,  if you think of it,  ground texture resolution is very bad from orbit... I use TARSIER and that mod proves me that it is useless to build some "spy sattelite",  to photograph the surface from high orbit, as the ground images would have pictures of what the surface looks from space,  instead of a zoom  that goes all the way to ground level.

This is because resolution changes after a given height,  me thinks,  because of performance reasons. 

So a ground-looking camera is perhaps impossible anyway. Or useless.

Edited by Daniel Prates
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9 hours ago, Daniel Prates said:

Great idea!

Well... in any case,  if you think of it,  ground texture resolution is very bad from orbit... I use TARSIER and that mod proves me that it is useless to build some "spy sattelite",  to photograph the surface from high orbit, as the ground images would have pictures of what the surface looks from space,  instead of a zoom  that goes all the way to ground level.

This is because resolution changes after a given height,  me thinks,  because of performance reasons. 

So a ground-looking camera is perhaps impossible anyway. Or useless.

Right, HullCamVDS is limited in its function by the KSP engine and only partially usable. But with some imagination not quite as useless as described by you. At least it gives the user a visual impression of the function, always better then the visual impression of KerbNet!

Sure it would be nicer there would be a photo reconnaissance mod, similar to ScanSat, in which correctly returned sequential photo shots would be marked on a planet map as enlightened areas and would be rated according to the degree of resolution and the age. (
A greeting to  @DMagic at this point :) )


Edited by hraban
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First thank you for this great mod!


Sorry for the (maybe) dumb question, but is it possible to use this great mod, in KSP 1.7.3, without "Ship Manifest"?

(Or at-least with a newer mod, since "Ship Manifest" wasn't update since KSP 1.4.1 and seems to have problems in the newer versions...)

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