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Kerbal Space Program update 1.4 Grand Discussion thread.


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I also can't find a way for Kerbals to go on EVA from the new Command Pod, since the Crew Portraits don't show up. The only solution I've found is to transfer them to another capsule first.

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1 minute ago, T1mo98 said:

I also can't find a way for Kerbals to go on EVA from the new Command Pod, since the Crew Portraits don't show up. The only solution I've found is to transfer them to another capsule first.

Hover your mouse over the hatch and click.  We're aware of this, and the IVA is already sorted and will be out with 1.4.1

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37 minutes ago, EthanKerbman said:


Thanks for the extensive explanation!

But at least the close camera, maybe 30m away, sounds mostly correct, isn't it? That doesn't seem *that* bad, considering I use my fighters mostly from that perspective.^^

Would be nice if KSP handled the sounds sepperatly though, that's true.

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2 minutes ago, RoverDude said:

Hover your mouse over the hatch and click.  We're aware of this, and the IVA is already sorted and will be out with 1.4.1

Thank you, totally forgot you could do that...

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12 hours ago, RoverDude said:

Yep, discovered this one late in the game - it will be fixed with 1.4.1 (it's already there, just did not make it into the release today).

Model, Texture, Node positions.

Have not heard anything RE Flags.  And if you have the old parts, your vessels will not break - they were left in place (but hidden) for backwards compatibility.  If you have an old vessel or subassembly that uses the old parts, they will still be there.  

hmm... I will take a look, a patch may not have made it in.

Hover over the hatch for now - we're aware, will be sorted for 1.4.1

I'd love to hear the logic behind shipping an update that took over a year to make with the IVA for the only new capsule part missing. I'm sure a lot of hard work went into this update, but to your average player it seems like Squad just gave up on  quantity and quality.


On top of that the answer is to just wait a week for a fix!?!?!? Really?  Why in the world wouldn't you just wait a week to release fixed version?


I'm kind of excited for the Making History stuff, but there is no way I'd pay for it after seeing the quality of this release. Squad should have focused on finishing and polishing the game before going for a money grab DLC.

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I looked over the change log (I can't download until later today, unfortunately) but didn't see it:

Can anyone please confirm whether they've added a 'Don't Show Again' check to the 'Warning:  Only Scientists Can Restore This' box that you get when running the Goo and Science Jr. experiments?

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1 minute ago, mostlydave said:

I'd love to hear the logic behind shipping an update that took over a year to make with the IVA for the only new capsule part missing. I'm sure a lot of hard work went into this update, but to your average player it seems like Squad just gave up on  quantity and quality.


On top of that the answer is to just wait a week for a fix!?!?!? Really?  Why in the world wouldn't you just wait a week to release fixed version?


I'm kind of excited for the Making History stuff, but there is no way I'd pay for it after seeing the quality of this release. Squad should have focused on finishing and polishing the game before going for a money grab DLC.

Because people are human, and mistakes happen.

(And substitute 'Money Grab' for 'People kinda like getting paychecks')

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2 minutes ago, RoverDude said:

Because people are human, and mistakes happen.

We understand that, but Squad shipped and extremely underwhelming update for the amount of development time, and on top of that it's got a huge bug that someone was apparently aware of before release if it happened "late in the game".


Why wouldn't you just hold off on releasing this update until it was right? I'm not trying to put you down, I love your stuff, but this update just feels like it was rushed to release to build hype for the paid DLC next week.

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1 minute ago, mostlydave said:

We understand that, but Squad shipped and extremely underwhelming update for the amount of development time, and on top of that it's got a huge bug that someone was apparently aware of before release if it happened "late in the game".

Most of our work the last year has been on the MH expansion... which is not out yet.  1.4 is putting in a lot of the supporting bits for it that are needed in the core product, and also giving you folks some more free content.  So characterizing '1.4 == 1 year of dev time' is objectively false.  A lack of an IVA is not a 'Huge Bug' - more of an inconvenience given that it is not game breaking (and there are other ways of handling the EVA action).  Given that, it was logged too late in the process to make it into the release, simple as that.

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Considering the amount of content Squad has provided FOR FREE since the initial release of the game (including this update), accusations that they are just going for a cash grab with the DLC are completely ludicrous, unfair and ungrateful. The folks at Squad have to like, you know, eat if we want them to continue providing us with improvements to what is already a fantastic game. So to that end, please Squad, take my money.

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4 minutes ago, RoverDude said:

Most of our work the last year has been on the MH expansion... which is not out yet.  1.4 is putting in a lot of the supporting bits for it that are needed in the core product, and also giving you folks some more free content.  So characterizing '1.4 == 1 year of dev time' is objectively false.  A lack of an IVA is not a 'Huge Bug' - more of an inconvenience given that it is not game breaking (and there are other ways of handling the EVA action).  Given that, it was logged too late in the process to make it into the release, simple as that.

wow people are so salty and ungrateful.
what are the performance improvements with the newer version of unity/mono?


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12 minutes ago, RoverDude said:

Most of our work the last year has been on the MH expansion... which is not out yet.  1.4 is putting in a lot of the supporting bits for it that are needed in the core product, and also giving you folks some more free content.  So characterizing '1.4 == 1 year of dev time' is objectively false.  A lack of an IVA is not a 'Huge Bug' - more of an inconvenience given that it is not game breaking (and there are other ways of handling the EVA action).  Given that, it was logged too late in the process to make it into the release, simple as that.

Why would you not just wait until next week and release a fully functional 1.4 with the fix along with the DLC? 


I understand you need to make money, but when I buy a game that is in development, I don't consider everything that is added unit the game is complete "free" It's the stuff I'm paying for with my purchase

4 minutes ago, Ventzi said:

wow people are so salty and ungrateful.
what are the performance improvements with the newer version of unity/mono?


When I do something I do it right, I don't understand the logic of releasing a half way done update with a known bug instead of waiting until next week and releasing it fixed, and done right.

Edited by mostlydave
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1 minute ago, mostlydave said:

I understand you need to make money, but when I buy a game that is in development, I don't consider everything that is added unit the game is complete "free" It's the stuff I'm paying for with my purchase

We will agree to disagree on whether what you just got is free content or not.  Peace out.

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I'm not really worried about the cost, I bought KSP early enough that the making history stuff is free. I put a ton of time into the game and got my monies worth. 


I just find it troubling that it's OK in the game industry to ship something that's not done right, and everyone should just be ok with that.

2 minutes ago, RoverDude said:

Irony :wink:

OK, I give up. It's just really disappointing to get all excited for an update when they are so infrequent, and one of the few new parts isn't right.

Finding out that it was a known issue, but the update shipped anyways is the real disappointment.

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3 minutes ago, mostlydave said:

When I do something I do it right, I don't understand the logic of releasing a half way done update with a known bug instead of waiting until next week and releasing it fixed, and done right.

Software engineer here, well over 20 years in the business. PSA incoming.

There is no such thing as a bug-free product. 

As bugs goes, this one would definitely be flagged "minor" -- it only affects a single part and there is a simple workaround. Put another way, if they had caught this one, you'd be sure to find something else to complain about.

(Also, making releases sucks. You've sweated bullets over something, you get it out there, and most of what you hear is people complaining about it. Because 99% of the people who are happy with what you're doing will be too busy using it to talk about it, whereas most people who aren't will throw giant hissy fits.)

(Also also, I haven't had the chance to try 1.4 yet so don't have much to say about it other than congratulations on the first big release in a while, and going by what's being said about it, it looks like you've done a splendid job.)

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13 minutes ago, Ventzi said:

wow people are so salty and ungrateful.
what are the performance improvements with the newer version of unity/mono?


 Some people... You could hand them a duffel bag fulla cash and they'd complain about how heavy it is :D


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I noticed some weirdness when changing the music volume in flight.  Selecting a new volume and hitting accept, the game goes back to the original volume until you load a new scene.

I've also noticed the weird flashing smoke with SRB's.  It happens very easily on the old GLV3 stock craft once you get supersonic.

I really like the texture switching, but I don't understand the new theme system.  In the VAB in the advanced build mode, under subassemblies there is a new button for it, but its labeled #autoLOC_8003021 instead of whatever it should be named.  I cant seem to add any parts to these themes listed there, or figure out any way to make use of it.

Not sure I am a fan of the fairing base artwork, but the fairings themselves, especially the insides look good.  I remember the dev note about how you guys sorted the texture mapping on them.  Well done.


Really like the new Mk1-3 pod.  The working RCS is great.  The top seems a little narrow though, and while matching up nicely with the diameter of the LES, something like the regular round nosecone is way too big when placed on top.

New KSC map marker is a no brainer.  Looks great.

Saw KSP is now supported by nVidia Freestyle, but it doesn't seem to work with 1.4.  That might look nice to play around with.

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