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Calling occupants of interplanetary craft ( Or just Ubuntu Users)


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Hello fellow aliens,

If any of you are from Ubuntuland do you know how to solve the following problem:

When I press the PrintScreen button there is a 30 second delay between the button being pressed and the shot being taken.

In my settings the delay is turned off so it's not that.
Research shows I'm not the only one with the issue and it's been going on since Ubuntu 12.04
It used to be fine on my machine until I installed something ( I'm not sure what or when )

I have:

  1. uninstalled gnome-screenshot
  2. disabled all screenshot shortcuts in settings
  3. installed shutter
  4. created custom shortcuts around the printscreen key  that fire off shutter.

But the problem is still present.

I have found that if I do 

 sudo killall gnome-keyring-daemon

and then do something to fire up the keyring again eg start a print job then the delay is gone.

The price of this though is that you can no longer do thinks like grab pictures off your iphone because the keyring is not restarted quite the same way as when you log in.  To get that functionality back I have to log out,  log back in and then of course the print screen delays are back.

Does anyone know the cause of this and how to fix it?


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1 minute ago, NewtSoup said:

Hello fellow aliens,

If any of you are from Ubuntuland do you know how to solve the following problem:

When I press the PrintScreen button there is a 30 second delay between the button being pressed and the shot being taken.

In my settings the delay is turned off so it's not that.
Research shows I'm not the only one with the issue and it's been going on since Ubuntu 12.04
It used to be fine on my machine until I installed something ( I'm not sure what or when )

I have:

  1. uninstalled gnome-screenshot
  2. disabled all screenshot shortcuts in settings
  3. installed shutter
  4. created custom shortcuts around the printscreen key  that fire off shutter.

But the problem is still present.

I have found that if I do 

 sudo killall gnome-keyring-daemon


and then do something to fire up the keyring again eg start a print job then the delay is gone.

The price of this though is that you can no longer do thinks like grab pictures off your iphone because the keyring is not restarted quite the same way as when you log in.  To get that functionality back I have to log out,  log back in and then of course the print screen delays are back.

Does anyone know the cause of this and how to fix it?


If that's the only problem you are having with ubuntu then your doing pretty good. My sound doesn't work and video went nuts (dual boot system) after the last major win 10 upgrade, something wrong with the boot file.

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Ahh the dreaded dual boot.

I find that the most reliable way to dual boot is to have two separate physical drives.

  • Install one drive only in your system, install <insert OS here> and remove this drive.
  • Install the other drive in your system and install <insert OS here > 
  • Add the first drive back into your system
  • when restarting simply choose which drive to start up on - most modern motherboards will have a quick boot menu that you can use instead of messing around grub to dual boot.

If you don't have a second physical drive and need to use partitioning then get a second physical drive!  They're not expensive :)
If you're on a laptop and don't have room for a second physical drive well,  when I've done that I've taped the drive cover in place on the underside for quick removal and swap the physical drives over when I want to boot to alternate OS's

I may have an irrational fear of using grub to dual boot ( I definitely do ) but my system works reliably and each OS is (as far as it's concerned) installed on the default drive.

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And particularly dangerous anything having to do with Win10.


Yeah the ubuntu is on its own partition with own FS. Ubuntu can't use windows encryption.

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Yeah I find win 10 a presumptuous upstart.  It's nigh on impossible to stop it updating and restarting while you're working on stuff.  Very annoyed that I had Win 7 professional but when I took the "free" upgrade I was downgraded to Win 10 Home and told I could upgrade to Pro for just $99.  You can stop pro updating automatically.  But I'm not spending that money just for that functionality.

Anyhoo.  I'm definitely liking Ubuntu these days.  I installed it and it just worked and I get netflix via chrome ( though a netflix linux application would be better )

My only regret is that I can no longer play Elite Dangerous and Fallout 4.  I can still reboot into windows but I don't like doing that just to play a game.

I didn't encrypt my windows drive thankfully.  It's just a gaming system so no need. 

I do actually have 3 physical drives in my system

1 TB Hard Drive with Ubuntu installed
256GB SSD with Windows 10 installed
3TB Hard Drive for "media".

Ubuntu may need nfs-3g installed to allow ntfs drives to be mounted

 sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g

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I've never had the delay problem with screen shots in my Ubuntu -- I've used Ubuntu for about four years now (Kubuntu 14.04, then recently switched to Ubuntu Mate 16.04), and used MEPIS 11 (Debian-based, very similar to Kubuntu) for three years before switching to Ubuntu.  OTOH, I don't make screen shots at all frequently, and have never run Gnome desktop (Kubuntu uses KDE Plasma, Mate is a fork of Gnome 2 where vanilla Ubuntu has used Gnome 3 for a while).  I've also never needed to explicitly install nfs-3g to mount my leftover NTFS partitions (1 TB drive with 7 partitions left over from Windows XP).  If you're trying to screen shot your KSP, just hit F1 and find the images stored in a "screenshots" folder inside your KSP install.  Otherwise, can't really help you.

BTW, I play a couple (fairly demanding) Windows games on Ubuntu using PlayOnLinux (which is a front end and version manager for Wine).  I play There on Linux since before it closed and reopened, and I've also played Path of Exile (like an MMO Diablo, only HUGE), and Myst Online: URU Live (the ghost of the MMO descendant of Myst, which failed financially, twice, but wouldn't die).  PoE is perfect, the others have tiny flaws under Wine -- but the bottom line is, your favorite games might run without requiring you to reboot to Windows to play them.

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2 hours ago, NewtSoup said:

Yeah I find win 10 a presumptuous upstart.  It's nigh on impossible to stop it updating and restarting while you're working on stuff.  Very annoyed that I had Win 7 professional but when I took the "free" upgrade I was downgraded to Win 10 Home and told I could upgrade to Pro for just $99.  You can stop pro updating automatically.  But I'm not spending that money just for that functionality.

Anyhoo.  I'm definitely liking Ubuntu these days.  I installed it and it just worked and I get netflix via chrome ( though a netflix linux application would be better )

My only regret is that I can no longer play Elite Dangerous and Fallout 4.  I can still reboot into windows but I don't like doing that just to play a game.

I didn't encrypt my windows drive thankfully.  It's just a gaming system so no need. 

I do actually have 3 physical drives in my system

1 TB Hard Drive with Ubuntu installed
256GB SSD with Windows 10 installed
3TB Hard Drive for "media".

Ubuntu may need nfs-3g installed to allow ntfs drives to be mounted

 sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g


Win 10 latest patch allows you to throttle the upgrades process, it works, that all I can say about it, not as one might predict, but at least it works.

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Yeah I’ve tried everything to get Elite Dangerous and Fallout 4 running in Wine. I’ll keep on trying but at the moment they just don’t. 

Skyrim does so there’s that.  But the only way to play the above two is dual boot.  

In a month though we get Ubuntu 18.04 at that time I will celebrate by buying a 500gb SSD and making a clean install of Ubuntu on it :)  hopefully the screenshot issue will vanish and I can log my installs to work out what modules do it if any.  with 18.04 Ubuntu is moving from unity desktop to gnome 3

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4 minutes ago, NewtSoup said:

Yeah I’ve tried everything to get Elite Dangerous and Fallout 4 running in Wine. I’ll keep on trying but at the moment they just don’t. 

Skyrim dies so there’s that.  But the only way to play the above two is dual boot.  

In a month though we get Ubuntu 18.04 at that time I will celebrate by buying a 500gb SSD and making a clean install of Ubuntu on it :)  hopefully the screenshot issue will vanish and I can log my installs to work out what modules do it if any.  with 18.04 Ubuntu is moving from unity desktop to gnome 3

That probably what I am going to have to do after crossing my fingers and trying to repair my grub file. Right now I'm doing alot of MS office stuff, so not to much interest in linux stuff, but after this I want to go back and work on my C programming (i.e. vanity programming, lol).

Note: I'm not to keen on paying M$ an annual fee just to access their programming environment, content at the moment using VBA in excel, as they cancel my account when I retired, the [explicative]s. The software used to be free.

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3 hours ago, NewtSoup said:

Ahh the dreaded dual boot.

I had Ubuntu on my Win7 PC. I simply had GRUB overtaking the windows loader.

Win10 seems to be a harder challenge to easily go around though, I tried it once on my laptop and it hasn't worked. Could ask someone in the IT parts, but I'm not sure can it keep the windows intact.

I'm not fond of using Ubuntu, but I'm fond for the fact you can clear "stuff" on your Windows from it - without any anti-malware programs and the ability to hand-pick the threat.

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5 hours ago, NewtSoup said:

I’ve tried everything to get Elite Dangerous and Fallout 4 running in Wine. I’ll keep on trying but at the moment they just don’t.

Lutris has a patched wine build they use to run Fallout 4, here. I haven't tested it much, but it does at least start for me.
Can't comment on the screenshot problem though, I haven't used anything GNOME since v1.2. :P

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Every non-server computer in the house is running Linux Mint MATE.  Never had any issues with the screenshots.

Do you see a difference between hitting the "print screen" button, and using the application itself?  I.e., for me, hitting the print screen button automatically does the whole screen, but the application gives me this:


Worst delay I've ever had is maybe 2 seconds.


Maybe try a different DE? (I'm assuming you're using Unity... I hate Unity)



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Presumably this delay is due to the screenshot utility you are using hooking something in gnome-libs, I take it a properly minimal tool like scrot has no such problem?

8 minutes ago, Geonovast said:

Maybe try a different DE?

I'd suggest this too, but people have their preferences...

8 minutes ago, Geonovast said:

I hate Unity

I'm sure it has some redeeming feature, but I don't know what that might be. I haven't felt the need to stray from KDE or XFCE since 1996. :P

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Just now, steve_v said:

I'm sure it has some redeeming feature, but I don't know what that might be. I haven't felt the need to stray from KDE or XFCE since 1996. :P

I just got into Linux a few years ago, initially started with Ubuntu/Unity, but got so frustrated with it that I went back to Windows.

Then I tried Mint/Cinnamon (because it was the most popular), it was ok but the only computer I had at the time didn't like it.  So I went to MATE.  I really like MATE, still use it even though most of my computers can handle Cinnamon now  There's 7 computers in the house now running Mint / MATE.  4 Ubuntu servers and a Pfsense router.


@NewtSoup I would try a live boot of Ubuntu with another DE and see how it behaves.  Wouldn't hurt anything to try.

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I just did the following:

  • reinstalled gnome-screenshot
  • re-enabled systems shortcut for screenshot to "printscrn"
  • pressed printscrn - 30 second delay
  • assigned customer shortcut "Scroll Lock" to Shutter
  • pressed scroll lock  - 30 second delay
  • assigned custom shortcut "pause /break" to gedit
  • pressed gedit - 30 second delay
  • typed gnome-screenshot at the terminal - instant response
  • typed shutter at the terminal - instant response
  • typed gedit at the terminal - guess what?  - instant response

It's defintely something to do with the way that Unity is handling the shortcuts - but only screenshot and custom one.  The system made shortcuts ( switch desktops, maximise minimise windows, do volume, summon calculator etc)  they all work right away BAR screenshots.


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Guys, before OP has all the features s/he uses up and running on a different DE the problem will long be solved, i think.

@NewtSoup, then the solution workaround is easy: write a short shellscript that kills keyring-deamon and calls the screenshot and call that from your bar/desktop/whatever instead of the program itself. I have seen such a solution when i searched your problem, but don't remember the link now. If you can't find it i/we will be glad to help, it's no witchcraft :-)

Hope that helps ....


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I'm fairly new to linux over all.. I've used it many times over the years but never as a full time OS until about a year ago now I guess.

I popped Ubuntu onto a spare disk and it just worked! ( even the screenshots back then )

So I got around to installing the correct graphics drivers and some games and apart from a brief love affair with elite dangerous I've been here ever since.

The reason I've not used KDE, which I prefer, was when I tried installing it the installation went base over apex and totalled my install.  I had no idea how to fix it from the command line and so I just went back and stuck with Unity Desktop.

I don't particularly like it either.  



@Green Baron - I do infact have a shell script that kills the keyring daemon but as I say in my OP that brings on other problems such as access to USB attached phones etc.  I have to log out and log back in to get the keyring up and running properly again which is not far off having to reboot just to access the latest pictures I took from my phone.

( I have an old 4S that I use while working to capture the interesting sights around my city  - I'm a cycle courier so my main phone is attached to my handlebars in a drybag when working)

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5 minutes ago, NewtSoup said:

@Green Baron - I do infact have a shell script that kills the keyring daemon but as I say in my OP that brings on other problems such as access to USB attached phones etc.  I have to log out and log back in to get the keyring up and running properly again which is not far off having to reboot just to access the latest pictures I took from my phone.


Really ? Doesn't your script restart the deamon ?


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The daemon never restarts properly.

I discovered this only recently when trying to get stuff off my 4S.  Only when I'd logged out or rebooted could I access the photo library.  Then I found out it was only after killing and restarting the keyring daemon that this happened.

Seems it happens on Gnome 3 too -



However the bottom comment indicates a fix by removing a file related to cups - I'm not going to remove the file as such.  Just see what it does, as the post could be a troll post to make you disable your printer.

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6 minutes ago, NewtSoup said:

The daemon never restarts properly.

*sigh* and that means ? We are trying to help but you don't make it easy for us.


I don't use the keyring, but browsing the manpage i'd say restarting the daemon with "gnome-keyring-daemon --start --daemonize" (or -s -d) should work. Do you get an error message ?

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1 minute ago, Green Baron said:

*sigh* and that means ? We are trying to help but you don't make it easy for us.


I don't use the keyring, but browsing the manpage i'd say restarting the daemon with "gnome-keyring-daemon --start --daemonize" (or -s -d) should work. Do you get an error message ?

It means that after I restart the daemon I can no longer access the photo library on my phone.

There was another reason why that I can't remember that I read on a webpage and it made sense when I read it but I can't for the life of me find that web page again.

No method was given to restart the Daemon on that page it just said "restart the daemon" (which I had no idea how to do ) however I found that sending a job to the printer would say "please enter your password for the main keyring" and then it would be back up and running and I'd be able to take screenshots with no delay.

If it sounds confusing, it is.


I will try restarting the keyring daemon as you say and then let you know if I can access my 4s

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