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Diving Kerbals


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I was building a demo base on the shores of Kerbin, while an idea struck me! What if there's a mod that could control the buoyancy of kerbals (and possibly components) allowing them to dive deep into the water and then surface again, instead of just floating around. 

With the aid of KIS and KAS, this could be used to make beautiful underwater bases, on Laythe, Tekto or Kerbin. 

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3 hours ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

PS because someone will ask, how deep can they go, so far max i've reached is 865, and it takes a long time to get there

What if someone sinks a vessel to the bottom of the ocean, using ore tanks, and then EVAs a Kerbal? Will the depth (>1700m) create any problems?

A suggestion: what about adding a 'flipper like' part, which would increase underwater speed? (I have no idea if its feasible from a programming point of view or not!)

Edited by Sorabh
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3 minutes ago, Sorabh said:

What if someone sinks a vessel to the bottom of the ocean, using ore tanks, and then EVAs a Kerbal? Will the depth (>1700m) create any problems?

Dunno never tried, will though, as that's probably not the worst thing someone will do, all praise users for creatively breaking things  :)

5 minutes ago, Sorabh said:

A suggestion: what about adding a 'flipper like' part, which would increase underwater speed? (I have no idea if its feasible from a programming point of view or not!) 

We are currently working on a suit of features to enhance the whole EVA experience,  including needing the tanks ,   and enhanced  abilities ,  some of which has been glimpsed in various videos , leaked by various partners in crime :wink:

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7 hours ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:


YEEESSS   Kerbal Dive Programm,very cool ! Explore the Sea like Jaques Coustaeu

must think on this for underwater:



3 hours ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

We are currently working on a suit of features to enhance the EVA experience

can i ask which kind of?maybe can help a little bit

iam work also right now on some eva parts-maybe we can bundle ur knowlege which is not much on my side(

but managed to make this just in the cfg(so no code,or modeling skills,just creativity)-and a terrible english:wacko:sry



now working on Mag boots)

3 hours ago, Sorabh said:

'flipper like' part, which would increase underwater speed? (I have no idea if its feasible from a programming point of view or not!)

it is possible! without programming!-flippers are easy when u have two models(r/l) just use this KIS module for speedchange


	name = ModuleKISItemEvaTweaker
        walkSpeed = -1
        runSpeed = -1
        ladderSpeed = -1
        swimSpeed = -1
        maxJumpForce = -1


and change the swimSpeed line to some greater then 1.0 or so, (KSP default value is 0.8)

then say with ModuleKISItem where the position/direction of that part is on a bone* in your case like this: *(be_r_footEnd01/be_l_footEnd01 )one for each part on a bone

this is a very good help for bones:


and this for KIS:


maybe sounds a bit easier as it is but ,u can always ask me or someone,there is a great community support


also rockets works underwaterAFAIK !correct me if im wrong!plz

 a small(or rescaled) underwater rockets attached on a kerbals back also work when got fuel(changed to EC i recommend)

use same way as above ModuleKISItem  to jetpack position


- `equipMode`: Can be "model", "part" or "physic"     .must be "physic" in this case

change the engine cfg to suit your needs ,(trust,isp,fx,sound,a.s.o..


peace K

EDIT:one forgot by the underwater engine version,i dont know how it is with the  CoT and CoM

maybe the center off trust makes it uncontrolable?

Edited by Burning Kan
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9 hours ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:


Hi it's being done, no special plugins apart from KIS  to equip the part,  using pure stock modules

PS because someone will ask, how deep can they go, so far max i've reached is 865, and it takes a long time to get there


I do need a replacement ship mod eventually... But brother, you just totally sold me with the diving Kerbal suit!!!!!!!!!  :D

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On 4/29/2018 at 9:41 PM, Burning Kan said:

@DoctorDavinci paraglieder and railgun always good for experienced bughunters&)

will the be a support for TAC(oxygen) on the dive equipment,would be cool.

BTW anyone of you, good sklilled moders are willing to help me out with an model of shoes sole

For a EVA magnetic boots mod?


Actually I have hardcoded the oxygen system into it so as to make it all work on it's own ... Currently it is built into OrX but I am considering pulling it out and making it a standalone part mod like I did with SM Para Motor


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