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The Dunatian - BRING HIM HOME


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PC GAMER  Magazine featured this Mission recently: Read the Article

Install this mission directly from Steam .. 10`000+ Downloads  oh sh...  
Dropbox download:  THE DUNATIAN 2.4 ... I`m glad about very few rants.:D 

                                                                                                            Welcome to


                                                                                               Stock KSP / Making History
                                                                                                         no mods required

DIFFICULTY: I made this Mission for seasoned KSP Fans, casual players may find themself in a weird, uncomfortable, confusing situation or simply so lost that it might seem utterly nuts. Don`t start this mission without ample supply of coffee, icecream and potatoechips. Don`t start this mission between monday and sunday if you have serious business in RL going on. Your doctor won`t be able to help you with certain orbital maneuvers. Rather call Jet Propulsion Lab guys or Roscosmos. Use quicksafe , there is no shame about, i do aswell. 

You can safely use time acceleration while roving and running ion engines (force ions with ALT+> key to 4x).


   Bob was left behind on Dunas surface, his fellow crewmates Jebediah, Valentina and Bill thought he was poofed unsuspectedly during a physicsglitch, they launched with the DRV back to the KERMES, a rather large interplanetary transfervessel in Dunas low orbit - full of sorrow and quite unamused they messaged the sad news to their friends at the KSC...

   But Bob survived, and after a extended nap under the rover he realised what happened to him. While pulling a broken antenna out of his butt he began to wonder how he might get back to Kerbin, but chances seemed pretty bad since the glitch cutted him off from any communication with the KSC.
So he started out gardening in the habitat, grew potatoes on soil and crap, and went wandering along the dunes around the hab, thinking about snacks, boosters and rocketfuel.
Far above him flew occasionally a small survey satellite which was decommissioned some time ago, but a few months after the accident someone back on Kerbin finally noticed something unusual...

And here is where the mission starts, you have to manage the chars and vessels which are currently around Kerbin and Duna to make it happen, bring him home!


Read ALL the messages in-game and objectives closely, they provide further advice

- You start about 13 days before performing the "Rich Kerman Maneuver" with the KERMES, restock the KERMES in due time
- Funding is enabled, Bobs lifeinsurance company kicks in at some point
- Bend your mind around the commnet constraints, avoid loss of control while maneuvering, think ahead
- Manage scarce resources while roving across Dunas landscapes, chose from two vehicles and evaluate your strategy
- Construct (or use prefab) the KRES V Supply mission that must reach Bob ahead of the KERMES
- Perform unusual maneuvers, launch, orbit and capture retrograde, high elliptic rendezvous, probedropping maneuvers, and more
- Construct (or use prefab) the KAIJANG KHEN resupply boosterrocket to intercept the KERMES and refuel the vessel
- Land and drive to the KRES V Supply probe to secure Bob`s survival (Scoring)
- Find a way to the KRES IV Ascendvehicle in the Skiapparellicrater, board the vessel, launch and meet the KERMES in orbit
- Construct (or use prefab) the DreamChaser Shuttle and recover Bob back on the Dessert Runway (Scoring)
- Gold-, silver- or bronzeaward, depending on your performance
- LV-N nuclear rocketmotor is not available in this mission
- And much, much more, find out yourself



- Buildt and tested in KSP 1.4.3 /MH 1.2
- Terraindetail on default/ high
- Scatterdensity 80%
- Prefab vessels have being used to verify the missiongoals and work as intended

Special thanks to @Dexter_D for discovering final issues and bugs :)

Mind you:

NO SUPPORT for modded installs in this thread including visual (i.e. scatterer) and informative (i.e KER redux) ones.


Edited by Mikki
Thread of the month! + DL count
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On 5/3/2018 at 2:19 AM, Elon Kerman Jr said:

This looks amazing I am going to try it and see if I can complete it @Mikki

I just fixed a issue, grab 1.01 :rolleyes: I did put some research and quite a bit time into this, the samplereturn is just one gemstone in this challenge...:wink:

Just changed to 1.02:rolleyes:    1.03     1.04     1.05     1.06    1.07

 I just remade the mission end, got my mind around the editor finally :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi folks,

I want to say thank you Mikki for all the time and effort you put into this mission.

I almost made it too, all I have to do is get the dreamchaser to not explode when touching the runway. Unfortunately that happens all the time, I also enabled cheats for troubleshooting but even when I deactivate collision damage and gravity etc. it still wants to explode at the slightest touch with the runway or the ground. I don't get it, so any advice would be appreciated.

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19 hours ago, Dexter_D said:

Hi folks,

I want to say thank you Mikki for all the time and effort you put into this mission.

I almost made it too, all I have to do is get the dreamchaser to not explode when touching the runway. Unfortunately that happens all the time, I also enabled cheats for troubleshooting but even when I deactivate collision damage and gravity etc. it still wants to explode at the slightest touch with the runway or the ground. I don't get it, so any advice would be appreciated.

Hi @Dexter_D, i can confirm that i have not implemented unfair actions on parts or vessels like partexplosions or vessel explosions, i have landed the prefab DreamChaser several times from orbit to the Dessert runway... Will have a look into this tonight... This shouldn`t happen in any case really.
It might be too heavy when there is too much fuel in it...
If i remember correctly cheats are disabled during the mission and applied alt+12 commands from your main game have no effect on the mission running, sorry...
I will post a somehow easier version where cheats are enabled, to make nasty happenings at the end of this truly long adventure more manageble!

Sorry if this was frustrating, maybe burn off all the fuel before touchdown, i cant help you otherwise now... :blush:

Thank you for your impression and feedback, good to know a thing about a possible bottleneck at the end...

OH i can fathom now my mistake!!!! Sorry, might have screwed up a lesser and more sign when landing more than 3000m away from the runway... then the vessel should explode when you miss extremely.... OMG i am so sorry... (screaming):confused::0.0: Or i messed the queue while editing!!! Sorry!

Try landing elsewhere, but i guess you`ld miss the scoring... uh...

I`ll change the Pilot`s name of the DreamChaser to Dexter D. Kerman in honour of your final bugfixing help... omgomgomg... 

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Hi Mikki,

when I had this issue I tried landing directly on the runway and/or a few meters next to it, so definetely the vessel was within 3000m range. Cheats were also disabled at first so I edited the savefile in order to activate them. I also emptied all propellants one time before touchdown and lowered the vertical speed to <0.1m/s before touchdown, nothing helped. I will try landing outside the 3000m range later this day. I'll keep you updated.

Edit: Ok, there is some kind of magical border around the runway which one can not cross without going boom, even when the dreamchaser is already safely on the ground. I think you know where to look for the issue now. :D

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Hey @Dexter_D

Thanks alot for your most important feedback on this, i just came back home now from business (yes i have a serious job :D...), and am about to investigate the thing when i have time now.... I am really sorry that you couldn`t finish that mission properly, i have made alot of additions and around 100 hours (.. yeah, more maybe) of playtesting the whole shebang and as is said i messed the queue of node checks while restacking the endsequence...
Looks like you are the first to see the final runway until now and i guess you are quite a nifty and patient KSP player to solve all the challenges i implemented along the way, i really wonder how you made it so far, the interceptmaneuvers, samplereturn and all the other crazy things here are in my opinion only for real smart people to solve without much issues... so cool...

Thank you for your patience and not rageing over me about the borked final goal... i could kick myself really...
One question, have you used the prefablifters/ -crafts  or have you modified them/ made your own vessel along the way?

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Don't worry, this is a lovely designed mission and therefore I'm happy to help making it work properly. I only used prefabs without any modification. The only thing I'm not certain about is the part with the KRES V Samplereturn because I know I've sent it to Duna, landed it next to the Hab and stored all possible sciencedata in it. Then I only sent it back to Orbit around Duna to wait for a better tranferswindow and after I spawned the Dreamchaser on the launchpad, I got 10 points for KRES V Samplereturn and that were the only points I've gathered throughout the mission. From what i understand from the missionbuilder I should've gotten al least 100 or even 110 points for the Samplereturn landing on Duna. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Edit: As for the the orbital maneuvers, I'm a former disciple of Scott Manley.:cool:

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Okay, i think i`ve adressed both issues at once now, but about the check for the samplereturn i have suddenly another doubt... I tested the mission in three stacks separatley and recombined them at 1.07, i might have a forgotten a certain logic and have to make a complete run again (with cheats due time) enabled.

Two things i changed are the accuracy logic on the samplelanding on Duna and the logic for the landing on the dessert runway, they had the same wrong queue and value mixed up again. The logic worked but as you observed was the scoring reversed in both cases.

I made alot of test around the Goto node alone for making this reasonable and flush.

The initial Samplelanding node which should give the base score to build up on was mentioned somewhere as obsolete/ or with the same function as another node in the same missionbuilder nodestack.

This revue might take longer than today, i am going to make a full (cheated) check myself tonight. Thanks for your input, this ``little" mission took me quite some 130 hours of intense, serious work...:confused: But i have huge fun with it!


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As long as fun overweighs all the tedious stuff it's fine I think. It's ready when it's ready. Have fun testing, I'll be waiting patiently for the next version. I hope there are more huge missions of this kind out there some time, I mean with that well thought through story background, because I still had my fun playing it.

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Hi @Dexter_D, thanks again for your help, i have made a run and used barely the cheat menu and was able to pin down the seriously weird issues in my flowchart, and aside some real quirky editor issues and my own stupidity i see allready some advance, i must make another two full checks for sure...
The Dreamchaser exploded too right after touchdown, which should not happen after a first revision of the logic, but i am on the right way, and i made another score...: 


You are allready credited in my mission, look below the Kerbal portrait (in the process of exploding, soon...:wink:)

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I have fixed the mission and made three successfull runs with different scores... pheww... The Samplereturn mission had issues due to inconsistent checking of the redocked vessels, i have reduced the difficulty to a simpler Supplyprobe drop. Scoring works, no explosions anymore... i went sure and changed the endsequence again. No i need a snack:D

I have also rewritten all the dialogues to conform with the new mission flow...

And i also made several final fixes and reworks of the prefab vessels... 




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@MikkiHey that was quicker than I expected, you definetely earn yourself a snack...at least.:D Also big thanks for giving me credit, but I hope I still can find your Kerbal somewhere in the game.

I'll let you know when I finished the new mission. Thank you so much again for doing this.



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Completed it (kinda) a few days ago: https://d.pr/i/y2H9AZ

Very impressive mission, will play again!

This is the kind of stuff I was hoping kind folks like Mikki would craft.

I was able to land down the centerline of the desert runway, probably my softest landing ever in KSP... it was grand.

I was not able to complete the "Return the Samples" node, I think, because it is checking for the wrong vessel name?

I did land the sample safely back on Kerbin, but it never completed.

Biggest critique: a lot of rover time, but it does build some isolation vibe.

Biggest praise: the *story*. It works. So many details and little puzzles to figure out.

Thank you Mikki!

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7 hours ago, Raptus said:

Completed it (kinda) a few days ago: https://d.pr/i/y2H9AZ

Very impressive mission, will play again!

This is the kind of stuff I was hoping kind folks like Mikki would craft.

I was able to land down the centerline of the desert runway, probably my softest landing ever in KSP... it was grand.

I was not able to complete the "Return the Samples" node, I think, because it is checking for the wrong vessel name?

I did land the sample safely back on Kerbin, but it never completed.

Biggest critique: a lot of rover time, but it does build some isolation vibe.

Biggest praise: the *story*. It works. So many details and little puzzles to figure out.

Thank you Mikki!

Thank you for the feedback, as mentioned before, i have decreased the difficulty and ditched the Samplereturn, only the probedrop on Duna remained of it... it was truely difficult, even for myself... :confused:

It wouldn`t be the reference of the cinematic without the 60km roverpart, but hey, in the film its like a few hundred miles... and for the isolation... this was mandatory... You might dl 2.0, it has slightly changed and no more hickups in the mission... :)

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This was a great mission, up until the supply probe drop...I was unable to acheive this goal despite numerous tries...no matter how close I got to the drop zone ( the closest I got was 600m away) it would register as a fail. I restarted the mission and tried again, I still got the same result. Am I reading the parameters of this mission correctly: land the probe less than 12000m away from the Hab?

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I got this from the log file, seems that something is wrong with the node Test Accuracy 1:

[LOG 21:03:57.986] Active Vessel is in atmosphere. Cannot save.
[LOG 21:04:05.517] Active Vessel is in atmosphere. Cannot save.
[LOG 21:04:28.774] [MissionSystem]: Node Changed in Mission: THE DUNATIAN 2.0
[LOG 21:04:28.774] [MissionSystem]: fromNode: Change Funds
[LOG 21:04:28.774] [MissionSystem]: toNode: Supply Probe touchdown
[LOG 21:04:28.775] [TestAccuracy]: Node:Test Accuracy 1 (a0e46604-7beb-49ba-a159-9491cc8dd83d) Accuracy test must be < than 99.00%. Accuracy was 82.35%
[LOG 21:04:28.776] [MissionSystem]: Node Changed in Mission: THE DUNATIAN 2.0
[LOG 21:04:28.776] [MissionSystem]: fromNode: Supply Probe touchdown
[LOG 21:04:28.776] [MissionSystem]: toNode: Test Accuracy 1
[LOG 21:04:28.808] [Mission]: (Mission Failure): We missed the landingzone...
[LOG 21:04:28.808] [MissionSystem]: Node Changed in Mission: THE DUNATIAN 2.0
[LOG 21:04:28.808] [MissionSystem]: fromNode: Test Accuracy 1
[LOG 21:04:28.808] [MissionSystem]: toNode: Mission Failure 1
[WRN 21:04:28.849] The AnimationClip 'true_nice' used by the Animation component 'instructor_Gene' must be marked as Legacy.
[WRN 21:04:28.849] The AnimationClip 'true_oneThumbUpA' used by the Animation component 'instructor_Gene' must be marked as Legacy.
[WRN 21:04:28.849] The AnimationClip 'true_thumbsUpA' used by the Animation component 'instructor_Gene' must be marked as Legacy.
[LOG 21:04:31.327] Flight State Captured
[LOG 21:04:31.355] [MessageSystem] Save Messages
[LOG 21:04:31.523] Game State Saved to saves/missions/THE DUNATIAN 2_0/persistent
[LOG 21:04:31.538] [AutoSave]: Game Backed Up and Saved
[LOG 21:04:34.139] [MissionSystem]: Node Changed in Mission: THE DUNATIAN 2.0
[LOG 21:04:34.141] [MissionSystem]: fromNode: Mission Failure 1
[LOG 21:04:34.141] [MissionSystem]: toNode: Time Since Node
[LOG 21:04:34.145] [MissionSystem]: Mission Finished - Mission (THE DUNATIAN 2.0)

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10 hours ago, bunny burgerman said:

This was a great mission, up until the supply probe drop...I was unable to acheive this goal despite numerous tries...no matter how close I got to the drop zone ( the closest I got was 600m away) it would register as a fail. I restarted the mission and tried again, I still got the same result. Am I reading the parameters of this mission correctly: land the probe less than 12000m away from the Hab?

Same problem here. I got it down to 313m on my second try. Still a failure.

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Damn...:0.0: Looking again into that now, thank you for pointing at this!
The probe must be dropped at least 12km from the hab or considered failed...
I tested this two dozen times, with appropriate messages and scores, investigating


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