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What crimes against Kerbin have you committed?


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Anyway, I tried to ram the velocistese(I messed that name up so bad) into a big 300 part tower. Result? The pilot being incenirated, thermal cooling system parts and debris evrywhere.

oh yeah, I did a manned mission to Jool’s surface. Something seem wrong there? 


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My alleged crimes include:

  • Mutiny 
  • Climbing a flagpole without authorization 
  • Public performance without a license 
  • Operating a commercial vehicle without a license 
  • Attempted aggravated theft of rocket parts
  • Failure to adhere to a filed flight plan 
  • Grand theft aircraft 
  • Grand theft spacecraft (multiple counts)
  • Barratry (again, multiple counts)
  • Liftoff without a valid flight plan 
  • Failure to signal a gravity turn
  • Unlicensed manufacture of an intoxicant 
  • Contributing to the delinquency of an enzin 
  • Counterfeiting of mission patches
  • Petit larceny/pickpocketing
  • Unlawful abandonment 
  • Piracy 
  • Aggravated failure to file a flight plan before changing SOI

Fortunately, I was acquitted. 


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I have to confess: in my early days I crashed so many rockets and dropped so many toxic parts around KSC that to this day, other than some very hardy grass, there is not a living thing anywhere near it.

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On 5/16/2018 at 11:09 AM, Ultimate Steve said:

The thing is, I'm actually planning on doing this, but unfortunately the helicopter portion doesn't want to work.

Doesn’t work? Just add more reaction wheels!  Nothin like a bit of extra torque to spin it around. I use tweakscaled small ones. They make the most torque.

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On 5/17/2018 at 2:54 PM, Fraston said:

I think he meant 27000 meters per second

No. 27 million m/s. I wanted to do the glitch where you shoot out of jool at insane speed. I strapped a whole bunch of the old monopropellant engines into eachother. Got an acceleration of like 500m/s^2. I hit jool and everything just went black.

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When I first landed in the moon, I left Valentina Kerman in the moon.

After numerous failed rescue attempts, (Because I was pretty newbie) I just terminated her mission.

I also torture one of my Kerbals by making him leave the capsule in the Atmospheric entry sequence. But at least he died after a second and hearing a puff in the distance.:(

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23 hours ago, TheKorbinjer said:

No. 27 million m/s. I wanted to do the glitch where you shoot out of jool at insane speed. I strapped a whole bunch of the old monopropellant engines into eachother. Got an acceleration of like 500m/s^2. I hit jool and everything just went black.


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I got a Mk1 Capsule, stuck two FL-T800 tanks underneath, then added a Vector. I put Jeb in the capsule.

Then I launched. As the acceleration reached 10 G, I EVA'd Jeb and he immediately spaghettified, getting flung high into the air. He disappeared off-camera, and the G-meter pegged several times, as he briefly got up to speeds of 20 km/s. Eventually, the cloud of dust that was Jeb appeared on-screen. I opened the F3 menu and it reported that Jeb had experienced three thousand gees. I kid you not.

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I used bdac and edited a bomb to have about 1 E 16 tnt mass equivalent.

I strapped 8 bombs to 2 fl t 800 tanks, a vector engine, and a mk1 command pod. Jeb almost burned his capsule escaping the explosion, and had a spectacular view of flashlights and burning ksc.

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Let's see, strapping a kerbal to a mammoth engine in a rover chair because SCIENCE, subjecting kerbals to 350G of gravity, uh... left 3 kerbals on Eve because I needed to lose weight (don't get me started on Bill, the snack killer). Stranded 16 on Laythe because they were worthless degenerates eating up all the darn food, oh yes, and purposefully screwing up a rocket to fire its parachutes on the first stage because I'm a monster. Anyways, this can go on and on and on.

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6 hours ago, Virdin said:

Let's see, strapping a kerbal to a mammoth engine in a rover chair because SCIENCE, subjecting kerbals to 350G of gravity, uh... left 3 kerbals on Eve because I needed to lose weight (don't get me started on Bill, the snack killer). Stranded 16 on Laythe because they were worthless degenerates eating up all the darn food, oh yes, and purposefully screwing up a rocket to fire its parachutes on the first stage because I'm a monster. Anyways, this can go on and on and on.

Wait... what? I thought Kerbals weighed nothing once inside a capsule? Or were you strapping them to chairs for the exit from Eve?

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14 minutes ago, wile1411 said:

Wait... what? I thought Kerbals weighed nothing once inside a capsule? Or were you strapping them to chairs for the exit from Eve?

Well no. I don't think Kerbals affect the weight of the craft once they enter. It was meant as a joke, but I could be right.

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I made the BDA small warhead ridiculously powerful, and made a missile with tons of tiny warheads (tweakscale) and one normal size one. I armed it, strapped it to an Aeris 3A, and fired it. Let’s just say that the only thing that survived was the administration building. And, I did this many times. Some times, it got up to a heat of 10,000,000 Kelvin!

I also made the Toroidal Aerospike “Dart” engine have 180,000 Kilonewtons of thrust,  1,000 times more powerful! At one point (I’m not even kidding) I got 120,000 G’s. Yeah.

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What's my crime against KSP? Well it hasn't happened.. yet..


But I want to add Roads to Kerbin..(That's right Honest to goodness Roads!) And if someone tells me how, I'll do it! I'll build a road system the likes no one has seen!

But like I said, I haven't done it.. Yet..




Edited by Space_Coyote
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Setting aside all kinds of gratuitous sandbox mode mayhem, in career mode (hard settings, with perma-death) I once forced a Kerbal to abandon ship in order to make room for another Kerbal who had to be rescued as part of a contract.  They attempted to hang onto an external ladder during re-entry and we attempted to keep them mostly rotated away from the worst of the flames.  We still haven't been able to completely clean their charred, disembodied fingers off the hatch exterior.



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