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I'm sorry to say this, but I think, the only way to do this on stock or any halfway realistic mod parts is indeed magic :D (alt + F12)

Don't get me wrong, but this is just impossible. Getting from the highest mountain of Eve to orbit is almost impossible. If you manage to do this you will be stuck in the lowest possible orbit without any fuel.

A bus to duna would be possible.

Edited by Kergarin
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Well... this just isn't happening without infini-fuel.

  On 5/24/2018 at 11:43 PM, Gyrothesia said:

Here's what's required from the mission:

  1. Visit moho eve and duna. (order is optional)
  2. The vehicle in question must be an SSTO.
  3. It must return to earth after successfully landing on all the planets stated.
  4. Try to keep all the parts in stock KSP.

Show us this is possible (or get extremely close, at least) before you go issuing challenges please... Seriously doubting feasibility, here. It's a friggin bus.

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  On 6/1/2018 at 3:06 PM, Fraston said:

Ahem. Stock grand tour ssto? Sound familiar? It’s definitely possible, your just hating on @Gyrothesia.


Sorry, it was not mean to sound rude or anything. I just though this thread needs an answer, to let the creator know, why no one else answers.

And sorry, but it is impossible to build a stock grand tour SSTO that can fly to Eve, land on, refuel at, return to orbit  and fly to Gilly to refuel there in one piece. All grand tours which claim to be an SSTO to everywhere sadly either just lie in the title and don't land on Eve, have a disposable Lander for Eve, split up, move an asteroid to lowest Eve Orbit to refuel or just get external refuelled to leave Eve.

But the Challenge tells us to use an SSTO. this means to me: no splitting up and no external refuelling, just one single ship completely on its own.

The best you can do is an SSTO from Eves highest Mountain, and you will end up just above the atmosphere whith zero fuel left. And this has to be an absolutely specialized design, you can't make it look like something else than a really pointy rocket or plane.

Duna is easy, adding Moho is possible, Eve is not and will only work with Alt+F12.


Edited by Kergarin
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That's quite a challenge!  But I highly suggest OP read the Challenge Submission Guide.

There is one quote in particular that I think should be mentioned:



Is this challenge possible?

Many challenges we see are nearly or literally impossible to achieve, and usually very little thought has gone into them, these challenges just annoy people, waste forum space and show that the submitter hasn't really tried.

So test your challenge yourself first to make sure it is possible, you don't have to be successful but you'll soon know if the challenge has a hope of being completed.




I'm very interested in seeing OPs attempt :)

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