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Reusable rockets

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Heya there, so recently i thought to reuse my rocket (cuz who doesn't wanna to try it) so. i think of any ideas HOW to do a targeted landing (how to land near KSC) or in other words targeted landing in atmosphere?

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It will take practice. Returning boosters from orbit is a matter of periapsis location and altitude, along with velocity at periapsis, plus a little bit of crossrange capability. Landing boosters in an RTLS situation like SpaceX does, aim for 3/4 the way to KSC, ish, as Kerbin rotates, and steer the rocket to use it like a wing to further refine your approach. Fire engines when ready.

Note, this will require a mod, as if you focus on the first stage, the second stage will be destroyed, and vice versa. FMRS I think does this.

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Are you referring to recovering a booster stage, or just a precision landing near the KSC

Revoering a booster stage can be complicated or as simple as you like, a number of mods will handle this.   In stock, this is very difficult to do, as the chances of losing either the ship  or the booster are very high due to timing concerns. 

Precision landing near the KSC is pretty easy.  There's a lot of great threads on here about that, so I won't go into details.  But since every ship flies a little differently, it'll just take some trial and error to get your reentry burn right so that you can land near the KSC every time.  I have it down so that I can pick a random ship with chutes and reliably get within 20km, and a powered descent I can get within 1 km.  Add some mods designed for this task, and it becomes almost pinpoint everytime. 

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