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Le kerbalet

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If this can help you, I learned by myself after lots and lots of failures, taking notes and stuff .. I used to design SSTOs with 15% payload capacity to the Mun and around 11% to Duna.

Things I noted :

I'm using 1/3 of total liquid fuel to get in orbit, including the one I need to burn along with oxidizers inside Rapiers in rocketmode, so it's something like 1/3 of the weight of runway already gone.

Once there it's not too hard to see how much dV you can get with Nukes engines (because the craft is a lot lighter) , and how much engines you'll need (depending on the weight of your craft).

Duna is "almost" easy with an SSTO because you capture very easily in the atmosphere, but the landing is most of the time hard. Because of the low atmosphere you'd need a high lift/drag ratio or a retroburn to wipe the 200+ remaining m/s. You may also need high ground clearance and landing gear at the extremities of your craft because finding a flat spot is not easy after gliding to reduce your speed.

Mun might be easier at first if you're not sure on how to glide on Duna (this is the hardest part imo) but you'll need different fuel tanks because of the retroburn landing, and probably more rocket power than Rapiers.


Hope this help :)


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Hi!  Welcome to the Forums.

On 8/2/2018 at 6:15 PM, Le kerbalet said:

how do i build an Interplanetory SSTO?

The same way you get to Carnegie Hall... practise, practise, practise.

But seriously, spaceplanes are hard.  And to get something with enough delta-V to go interplanetary airborne on wings without dropping used-up mass is seriously hard.

You could try launching your spaceplane to orbit, then refuelling it.   Dock with an orbital station, which you keep fuelled from a mining operation on a convenient low-gravity-well location, or by conventional rocket launches if you've not yet built up such infrastructure.

Alternatively, launch a small spaceplane to dock with your re-usable interplanetary transfer craft already in orbit.

More alternatively, you could bend the laws of physics - look out for mods that give you "space opera" type drives that give you much more delta-v per unit mass than the current-tech analogues in the base game.

Depends what you want to get out of the game and how you like to play it... there's a lot of creative possibilities to try out.  Have fun! :cool:


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