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[1.3.0] Kerbal Engineer Redux (2017-05-28)


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I've no idea what bugs anyone is getting... I cannot recreate any of them. It works perfectly fine for me and is available right from the start in career and no problems with any of the displays. I need a bit more information than "it just don't work" please.

Howdy sir,

In my personal case I did some tests and the issue is when I have Ferrams Aerospace mod installed, it makes the Surface Tab of the mod unresponsive. It will stilll work in the VAB, but in order to regain control of the in-flight menu you'll have to manually turn it off in the flight engineer config file. (_SAVEONCHANGE_SHOW_SURFACE = False)

So yeah, the engineer mod in of itself works fine it just does not want to work with the aerospace mod for now.

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I just added it and was having the same problem where it was grayed out. Then I realized that you just need to click on the starter parts in R&D and click on each individual engineer part to research it.

i clicked on them. and R&D says 'owned' as status. but the parts are still grayed out :(

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The good ol' FAR problem!

That explains a lot. It basically moves everything around and engineer pulls a fit when it can't find all the stuff. Who moved my keys?!?!? :D

It's only bugged when you are in the atmosphere, I saw it come back to life when I did that. :)

Do you think you'll be able to fix that in the future? I mean I can always keep the surface tab off, but I rather enjoyed being able to see my current TWR relative to my engine throttle setting. :)

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I'll have to find out exactly what parameters FAR is messing about with, then find out if FAR is installed or not. If it is installed, disable all readouts and calculations which rely on anything FAR likes to mess with. :)

It's definitely something worth thinking about. So yes, it will be something worth while fixing in the future.

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I just added it and was having the same problem where it was grayed out. Then I realized that you just need to click on the starter parts in R&D and click on each individual engineer part to research it.

That gets me excited for money. It's obvious science is to unlock the parts for purchase, right now they just don't close anything.

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I'll have to find out exactly what parameters FAR is messing about with, then find out if FAR is installed or not. If it is installed, disable all readouts and calculations which rely on anything FAR likes to mess with. :)

It's definitely something worth thinking about. So yes, it will be something worth while fixing in the future.

Cybutek. It's good to see that you're working on Kerbal Engineer again. Fixing the problems that crop up when using it with FAR would be a godsend, since that bug renders the entire engineer display useless unless you remember to disable the surface view before leaving the ground.

I am curious though, some time ago you were working on a version 1.0 of Kerbal Engineer Redux. It was a vast improvement over this already great mod thanks to the customizable gui and better display of information. Do you have any plans on eventually returning to that development track? Or did the .21 update kill that version permanently?

Either way, it's good to have you back. For me at least, your mod is probably the most important of them all.

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Cybutek. It's good to see that you're working on Kerbal Engineer again. Fixing the problems that crop up when using it with FAR would be a godsend, since that bug renders the entire engineer display useless unless you remember to disable the surface view before leaving the ground.

I am curious though, some time ago you were working on a version 1.0 of Kerbal Engineer Redux. It was a vast improvement over this already great mod thanks to the customizable gui and better display of information. Do you have any plans on eventually returning to that development track? Or did the .21 update kill that version permanently?

Either way, it's good to have you back. For me at least, your mod is probably the most important of them all.

After the killing update, it really demoralised me. But rest assured that v1.0 is back in the works and I'm slowly bringing it back up to speed. The build engineer is practically done bar a few tweaks here and there, but the flight engineer is in its very early phases. I've not compiled it or done any work on it for 0.22 but it is on GitHub for anyone who wishes to take a look.

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After the killing update, it really demoralised me. But rest assured that v1.0 is back in the works and I'm slowly bringing it back up to speed. The build engineer is practically done bar a few tweaks here and there, but the flight engineer is in its very early phases. I've not compiled it or done any work on it for 0.22 but it is on GitHub for anyone who wishes to take a look.

Woo! So glad to see this back under development! I have to say, Kerbal Engineer is the first mod I install for each new game I start; designing rockets is pretty much guesswork without it.

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I'll have to find out exactly what parameters FAR is messing about with, then find out if FAR is installed or not. If it is installed, disable all readouts and calculations which rely on anything FAR likes to mess with. :)

It's definitely something worth thinking about. So yes, it will be something worth while fixing in the future.

For the time being moving some of the readouts into another tab would be quite helpful! :)

I miss my "alt above ground" - at least on bodies with an atmosphere.

Do you think you'll be able to fix that in the future? I mean I can always keep the surface tab off, but I rather enjoyed being able to see my current TWR relative to my engine throttle setting. :)

These numbers are not in the SUR tab, which is the only one bugging out and only while moving in an atmosphere. ;)

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After the killing update, it really demoralised me. But rest assured that v1.0 is back in the works and I'm slowly bringing it back up to speed. The build engineer is practically done bar a few tweaks here and there, but the flight engineer is in its very early phases. I've not compiled it or done any work on it for 0.22 but it is on GitHub for anyone who wishes to take a look.

That is very nice work you have done there Cybutek. Loving the overaly in the VAB. Kudos to you.

As for the flight phase. Would it be possible to add Time to AN and DN in the orbit window? That would help a lot when trying to match the equatorial orbit. The other thing I am missing is maximum available acceleration of current stage (in m/s2). Something simmilar to Max acceleration MechJeb has in the Vessel Info window. That way it is easier to judge burn time when the manuever node goes astray (and showing wrong burn times).

Either way, Thank you for this great addon. It is must have.

EDIT: After looking into the code, the max acceleration could be something like this [if (settings.Get<bool>("Vessel: Max Acceleration")) GUILayout.Label(Tools.FormatNumber(stages[staging.lastStage].thrust / stages[staging.lastStage].totalMass, "m/s2", 3), dataStyle);]

Edited by Beleg
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This is my favourite tool, but I do have a request -- could you add in mass ratio readouts? Occasionally I am just desperate to know what my fuel weight is, when I'm trying to tune a lifter based on propellant fraction rather than by delta v, or when I want to figure out what a subassembly will weigh dry, etcetera.

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I'm getting a weird bug in career mode.

I go to the R&D, research the parts, then go to vehicle assembly. I try to attached the parts, but it says I need to research them first. I go back to R&D and the parts I researched previously are still there...but there are now three new parts to be researched again. This process just keeps continuing over and over.

I've attached a screenshot of my R&D so you can see what I mean.


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i have found a case where Kerbal Engineer Redux does not take into account the fuel lines, when you 'enter' a part with no fuel crossfeed and you get out of the same part with another fuel line .

i use this technique when i have a Rockomax fuel tank surrounded by 12 FLT tanks (the FLT tanks have fuel lines going to the rockomax) to be able to pump fuel from the rockomax (and not mess with fuel flow) i can use a long part (for ex, an I-Beam) going from the rockomax to the exterior of the tank. the fuel lines will be placed from the rockomax to the I-beam, and then to the I-beam to the target parts i want fuel to flow to. this way, the FLT tanks will empty at the same time in the rockomax, which will transfer it's fuel through the I-beam (because i connected fuel lines going into the i-beam, and then out of it, else it would not transfer fuel as it's a non fuel crossfeed part)

here's three pictures describing the case : (i have a structural panel between the FLT-800 and the control unit - in both cases, the engine will burn ingame for 1 minute and 10s doing a test burn on the pad, and the FLT tank will empty first)

'standard' fuel lines


fuel lines going through a part which is not fuel crossfeed capable


Test burn on the pad with the special case:


Regards - Sgt_flyer

Edited by sgt_flyer
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I'm getting a weird bug in career mode.

I go to the R&D, research the parts, then go to vehicle assembly. I try to attached the parts, but it says I need to research them first. I go back to R&D and the parts I researched previously are still there...but there are now three new parts to be researched again. This process just keeps continuing over and over.

I've attached a screenshot of my R&D so you can see what I mean.


Im having the same problem. The items don't unlock when researched.

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Hey cybutek, I (and asmi, who requested it in the MFS thread) have a request for you.

Can you add support for the thrust correction in MFS? It would work as follows:

When detecting maxThrust in PartSim, if part has either a ModularEngineConfigs or ModuleHybridEngine or ModuleHybridEngines module, then:

if in flight, thrust = thrust * atmosphereCurve.Evaluate(0) / realIsp

if in VAB, thrust = thrust * atmosphereCurve.Evaluate(atmosphere)

and set a bool that thrustCorrect = true

Then when doing fuel consumption, make sure you're using the correct thrust (which I think you are, since you regrab the thrust when atmosphere changes, right?)

The only tickle is if (and I hate to say this, but it's been a while since I used KER, so I don't recall) you keep track of time left in the VAB, then you'll have to make atmo time left the same as vac time left, since fuel flow remains constant (as Isp decreases, so does thrust...)

I can probably hack it together and send it to you, but I figure you know your own code better than I. :)

So you'd do it faster and cleaner.

One other nice thing might be if you added a new column, TWR at sea level, that shows corrected TWR at sea level (since the TWR column will show TWR in vacuum, since maxThrust n VAB assumes 0 atmo pressure).

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After the killing update, it really demoralised me. But rest assured that v1.0 is back in the works and I'm slowly bringing it back up to speed. The build engineer is practically done bar a few tweaks here and there, but the flight engineer is in its very early phases. I've not compiled it or done any work on it for 0.22 but it is on GitHub for anyone who wishes to take a look.

I compiled it and did some playtesting in 0.22 and it appears to be working fine. I like the new build engineer for sure.

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