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Orbital Racing League

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I have build this a long long time ago, and now finally found some time to release it. :)


The challenge is simple:

Download the track (ship included): https://kerbalx.com/KergarinAerospace/NG-Racetrack-1

Don't forget to bring a pilot! Use ALT+F12 to bring it to orbit ~2400km above Kerbin. Press 1 to release the ship.

Try to beat my (verry bad) time, or just have fun. The start/finish ring is lighted up in red.

(this can greatly improve you docking skills by the way) :D


You can also design your own ship or modify mine. It's a verry ugly basic RCS Racer.

Depending on how much interest this finds, there may come more tracks.

Edited by Kergarin
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3 hours ago, Triop said:

That's actually pretty impressive . . . :cool:

You should use the Races! mod for timing.

Thanks for the hint, I will have a look at it! 

Next to orbital racing, I do also have another type of racing, which will be released soon :D

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