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[KSP >= 1.3.0] TweakScale - Under Lisias' Management - - 2024-0921


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1 minute ago, Jacke said:


That file doesn't appear anywhere in my GameData folder. I've got:

  • ModuleManager.4.0.2.dll
  • ModuleManager.Physics
  • ModuleManager.TechTree
  • ModuleManagerLicense.md

That's all... No hidden files, either.

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16 hours ago, Kardea said:

That file doesn't appear anywhere in my GameData folder. I've got:

  • ModuleManager.4.0.2.dll
  • ModuleManager.Physics
  • ModuleManager.TechTree
  • ModuleManagerLicense.md

That's all... No hidden files, either.


[WRN 2019-07-30 18:12:50.966] Errors in patch prevents the creation of the cache

Your installment is a bit more ill than I thought. I'm looking on your KSP.log now. I will update this post with the results, including (if I manage to find it!) the patch that borked the cache.

— — Initial Findings — — 

The parts borking on MM are:

1 error related to GameData/ContractPacks/AnomalySurveyor/SCANsat.cfg
1 error related to GameData/Mk2Expansion/Patches/MK2-USILS.cfg

Please file a report to the respective maintainers, don't forget to include the link for the KSP.log.  The problems are:

[ERR 2019-07-30 18:10:05.406] Cannot parse node name as tag list: encountered opening bracket in trailer
on: ContractPacks/AnomalySurveyor/SCANsat/@CONTRACT_TYPE[AS_*]:HAS[#tag[SCANsat]],NEEDS[SCANsat],*

[ERR 2019-07-30 18:10:05.510] Cannot parse node name as tag list: tag can't start with [
on: Mk2Expansion/Patches/MK2-USILS/@PART[M2X_SmallLab]NEEDS:[USILifeSupport]FOR:[Mk2Expansion]

There're also a lot of MiniAVC.dll on your installment. I find them distracting while looking for problems, you may want to install ZeroMINIAVC as you are using KSP-AVC that does the job.

I also advise you to use S.A.V.E. . Just in case. ;)  It would had saved my sorry SAS last year when I was first hit by the problems TweakScale now detects. 

Things are a bit different on your log, as one of the part affected (bluedog.CXA.APAS.A.L04F) are being patched for TweakScale only once accordingly to the log! I will need the ConfigCache for MM in order to understand exactly what was done to the part, so I can try looking for the side effects.

I'm afraid you must fix the problems I described above and then apply a new KSP.log, this time with the ConfigCache. I will fire up a minimal KSP with BD and some other Add'Ons to see if I get lucky, but in the mean time, you really need to ask support to the maintainers of the Add'Ons above.

— — — 

No dice. My minimalistic attempt didn't gave any results. I will need help in order to help you.


Edited by Lisias
posr edit
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I just posted about a possibly TweakScale related issue on the issue tracker. https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/66

tl;dr - I have a station in orbit that has a part which is getting it's electrical charge doubled every time.... something happens. Not sure what action is the trigger, but save/load seems like the most probable.

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41 minutes ago, utoxin said:

I just posted about a possibly TweakScale related issue on the issue tracker. https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/66

tl;dr - I have a station in orbit that has a part which is getting it's electrical charge doubled every time.... something happens. Not sure what action is the trigger, but save/load seems like the most probable.

I will look into it, but not today. Bed time. :)

Can you please publish also the full KSP.log and also the ModuleManager ConfigCache? I need them in order to inspect what was done to the parts, as the order of the patching sometimes leads to the problems. I can't even start your savegame without knowing the Add'ons you have, and this information is on the KSP.log.

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I've been reading about the past few days' worth of issue management. Good job and huge respect for the work you do on this mod.

I was not using S.A.V.E. and have restarted KSP many times before coming here for information/instructions. It looks like I'm pretty much Kraken Poop. 

Just wanted to say thanks after reading about your efforts. I don't mind starting over.


Take care.


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On 7/29/2019 at 9:01 PM, Lisias said:

What I can tell you for sure: whatever is the problem with these parts, failing a sanity check means that TweakScale found a known issue and withdrew support for the parts to avoid them crashing KSP.

Thanks Lisias, I can live without these parts being supported.  I just wanted to make sure it wasn't going to cause any issues.  I've got a ton of other parts that will scale if needed :)


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I'm getting the "Houston we have problem" message which has lead me here.

Here is what I found in the KSP.log file, any guidance would much appreciated, thanks.


[LOG 20:50:09.006] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on truss-octo-01 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss D (XL)).
[LOG 20:50:09.006] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-01 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss D (XL)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on truss-octo-02 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss C).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-02 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss C) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on truss-octo-03 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss B (Mini)).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-03 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss B (Mini)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on truss-octo-04 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss A (Micro)).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-04 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss A (Micro)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on truss-octo-adapter-01 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss (Adapter-25)).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-adapter-01 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss (Adapter-25)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on truss-octo-adapter-crew-01 (Octo-Girder Pressurized Truss (Adapter-25)).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-adapter-crew-01 (Octo-Girder Pressurized Truss (Adapter-25)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on truss-octo-angled-01 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss (Angular)).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-angled-01 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss (Angular)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on truss-octo-angled-crew-01 (Octo-Girder Pressurized Truss (Angular)).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-angled-crew-01 (Octo-Girder Pressurized Truss (Angular)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on truss-octo-attach-01 (Octo-Girder Attach Node (Radial)).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-attach-01 (Octo-Girder Attach Node (Radial)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on truss-octo-crew-01 (Octo-Girder Pressurized Truss D (XL)).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-crew-01 (Octo-Girder Pressurized Truss D (XL)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on truss-octo-crew-02 (Octo-Girder Pressurized Truss c).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-crew-02 (Octo-Girder Pressurized Truss c) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on truss-octo-crew-03 (Octo-Girder Pressurized Truss B (Mini)).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-crew-03 (Octo-Girder Pressurized Truss B (Mini)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on truss-octo-docking-125 (Docking Connector (Octo-Girder, Mr)).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-docking-125 (Docking Connector (Octo-Girder, Mr)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on truss-octo-docking-25 (Docking Connector (Octo-Girder, Sr)).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-docking-25 (Docking Connector (Octo-Girder, Sr)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on truss-octo-docking-octo (Docking Connector (Octo-Girder, Octagonal)).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-docking-octo (Docking Connector (Octo-Girder, Octagonal)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.009] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on truss-octo-hub-01 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss (Hub)).
[LOG 20:50:09.009] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-hub-01 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss (Hub)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.009] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on truss-octo-hub-crew-01 (Octo-Girder Pressurized Truss (Hub)).
[LOG 20:50:09.009] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-hub-crew-01 (Octo-Girder Pressurized Truss (Hub)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).


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4 hours ago, sierralpha said:

I'm getting the "Houston we have problem" message which has lead me here.

Here is what I found in the KSP.log file, any guidance would much appreciated, thanks.

Hi, sorry by that.

I need the full KSP.log to identify the Add'Ons installed, and also the order in which the patches are applied. These kind of errors happens when more than one Add'On tries to apply patches about TweakScale at the same time, and the order in which the patches are applied matters - sometimes, the fix is just to apply the same patches in the correct order!

In a way or another, without the full KSP.log I'm blind on the problem, as all I can see is the colateral effects - and virtually anything on your KSP installment can be doing that.

In the mean time, can I suggest using S.A.V.E. ? Of course it will not solve the problem, but it will keep your savegames safe while we fix it. :)

Edited by Lisias
Yep. Tyops!
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16 hours ago, Lisias said:

Hi, sorry by that.

I need the full KSP.log to identify the Add'Ons installed, and also the order in which the patches are applied. These kind of errors happens when more than one Add'On tries to apply patches about TweakScale at the same time, and the order in which the patches are applied matters - sometimes, the fix is just to apply the same patches in the correct order!

In a way or another, without the full KSP.log I'm blind on the problem, as all I can see is the colateral effects - and virtually anything on your KSP installment can be doing that.

In the mean time, can I suggest using S.A.V.E. ? Of course it will not solve the problem, but it will keep your savegames safe while we fix it. :)

No problem buddy, can I just attach the file to a post?

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Houston, we have a problem!

Hi everyone, issue 34 has brought me here and I could need help:

[LOG 20:16:30.559] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on batteryBankMini (Z-200 Rechargeable Battery Bank).
[LOG 20:16:30.559] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part batteryBankMini (Z-200 Rechargeable Battery Bank) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).

Here are the full ksp.log and ModuleManager cache file: https://www.file-upload.net/download-13679432/z200_fatal_error.zip.html

Edit: The last thing I had installed before it went ugly was "Alternate Resource Panel"

Kind regards


Edited by ThePatsch78
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On 8/2/2019 at 2:44 PM, sierralpha said:

Okay, hopefully I've done this right???


Yep. That's it. Thanks. I found 17 Show Stoppers on your installment.


[LOG 20:50:09.006] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-01 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss D (XL)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-02 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss C) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-03 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss B (Mini)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-04 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss A (Micro)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-adapter-01 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss (Adapter-25)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-adapter-crew-01 (Octo-Girder Pressurized Truss (Adapter-25)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-angled-01 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss (Angular)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-angled-crew-01 (Octo-Girder Pressurized Truss (Angular)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-attach-01 (Octo-Girder Attach Node (Radial)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-crew-01 (Octo-Girder Pressurized Truss D (XL)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-crew-02 (Octo-Girder Pressurized Truss c) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-crew-03 (Octo-Girder Pressurized Truss B (Mini)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-docking-125 (Docking Connector (Octo-Girder, Mr)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-docking-25 (Docking Connector (Octo-Girder, Sr)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-docking-octo (Docking Connector (Octo-Girder, Octagonal)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.009] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-hub-01 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss (Hub)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.009] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-hub-crew-01 (Octo-Girder Pressurized Truss (Hub)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).



For reference, below is every occurrence of one of the parts affected, truss-octo-01 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss D (XL)).


[LOG 20:35:14.374] Load(Model): NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01
[LOG 20:37:00.062] Config(PART) NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01/truss-octo-01
[LOG 20:37:00.062] Config(@PART[truss-octo-01]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]) NearFutureConstruction/Patches/NFConstructionCRPTrusses/@PART[truss-octo-01]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]
[LOG 20:37:00.062] Config(@PART[truss-octo-01]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack&CryoTanks]) NearFutureConstruction/Patches/NFConstructionCRPTrusses/@PART[truss-octo-01]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack&CryoTanks]
[LOG 20:37:00.209] Config(@PART[truss-octo-01]) TweakScale/patches/NFT_TweakScale/@PART[truss-octo-01]
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:31:49.462] Applying update CollisionFXUpdated/ModuleManager_CollisionFX/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleWheelBase],!MODULE[KSPWheelBase],!MODULE[KerbalEVA],!MODULE[CollisionFX],!MODULE[FSwheel],!MODULE[FSwheelAlignment],!MODULE[BDAdjustableLandingGear],!MODULE[TTModularWheel],!MODULE[Repulsor],!MODULE[ModuleTrack],!MODULE[TrackWheel],!MODULE[KFModuleWheel],!MODULE[KFWheel],!MODULE[KFTrackSurface]] to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:31:53.345] Applying update Contares/Patches/CONTARES_TweakScale/@PART[truss-octo-*] to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:31:58.250] Applying update DeepSky/ThorTech/Patches/dstt_shieldnir/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAblator],#category[Structural],#mass[>0.09]] to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:32:02.717] Applying update ExtensiveEngineerReport/ModuleManager/ShipSections/@PART[*] to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:32:19.106] Applying update NearFutureConstruction/Patches/NFConstructionCRPTrusses/@PART[truss-octo-01]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack] to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:32:19.106] Applying update NearFutureConstruction/Patches/NFConstructionCRPTrusses/@PART[truss-octo-01]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack&CryoTanks] to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:32:30.773] Applying update REPOSoftTech/AmpYear/MMConfigAmpYear/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[KerbalEVA],!MODULE[FlagSite]]:NEEDS[AmpYear] to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:32:37.153] Applying update RN_Soviet_Rockets/RN_Soviet_Rockets_TU/@PART[*]:NEEDS[TexturesUnlimited] to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:33:23.121] Applying update TweakScale/patches/NFT_TweakScale/@PART[truss-octo-01] to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:33:59.939] Applying update UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Patches/ScrapParts/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[FlagSite],!MODULE[KerbalEVA]] to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:36:07.404] Applying update B9PartSwitch/PartInfo/@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch]]:FOR[zzzzzz-B9PartSwitch] to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:36:24.205] Applying update InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IntegratedDecoupler/@PART[*]:FINAL to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:36:29.815] Applying update SETIrebalance/SETI-GeneralSettings/@PART[*]:HAS[#category[Structural]]:FINAL to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:36:30.699] Applying update WarpPlugin/Patches/NearFutureConstructionFix/@PART[truss-octo-*]:Final to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:36:30.906] Applying update WarpPlugin/Patches/OreTanksFix/@PART[*]:FINAL to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 20:40:22.171] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01/truss-octo-01'
[LOG 20:40:22.240] PartLoader: Part 'NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01/truss-octo-01' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:40:22.248] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'truss-octo-01'
[LOG 20:50:09.006] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on truss-octo-01 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss D (XL)).
[LOG 20:50:09.006] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-01 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss D (XL)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).



It's a Part from NearFutureConstruction. It's being patched by a lot of Add'Ons, but what caught my attention is TweakScale (TweakScale/patches/NFT_TweakScale) and Contares (Contares/Patches/CONTARES_TweakScale). It's a hunch, as you have a lot of Add'Ons applying patches to the offending Parts, but I need to start somewhere :)

I found contares on SpaceDock, but then I realized that it was split in modules. By the name of the offending patch, I think you are using the 1.8.9 version (the last one before the big split). But the new versions also have the problem: they patch parts without checking if they were patched before (it doesn't even checks if TweakScale is installed, using :NEEDS):

@PART[RCS_45_0_0_0] // RCS-Modul
        type = stack
        defaultScale = 1.25

 The same happens to Contares Core (the newest versions) unfortunately:

        type = stack
        defaultScale = 0.625


Add'Ons willing to overrule TweakScale patches (being the default ones provided with the Distribution, or provided by third parties) needs the :NEEDS :P in order to prevent applying useless patches. But also need to prevent double patching by not applying their patches if the part is already patched (unlikely :) ) or by making sure to overwrite (or plain delete) the previous one. Otherwise, people like you will have to handle this situation.

Currently, you are in risk of having your flying crafts corrupted if you install or uninstall an Add'On. Since Contares doesn't use :NEEDS, they are being applied first (as "C" cames before "T" , and patches without :FOR, :NEEDS, :AFTER or :BEFORE are applied in legacy mode by Module Manager - essentially. by alphabetical order). So TweakScale patches were applied second, and now these are de dominant ones - when multiple Add'Ons tries to patch the same Part without regard of others, the last one is the one ruling TweakScale. Anything changes, and your flying parts goes kaput, as the images below depicts:


This will happens to your craft files, but also on the crafts flying on you persistant savefile!

The final and definitive solution for the problem is to ask Contares maintainer to edit every TweakScale patch they apply to what follows:

@PART[truss-octo-*]:NEEDS[TweakScale]:FINAL // Final is not the recomended way, it should be :AFTER[TweakScale] but I need to implement :FOR on TweakScale first!
        type = stack		// Or whatever value they want
        defaultScale = 2.5	// Ditto

(both in the Classic Contares that you are using, as the newest Contares Core and plugins).


This will ensure the patch will only be applied when TweakScale is present, and will ensure that any previously patched part will be cleaned up - making sure that whatever the Add'on Author uses, will be used without causing collateral effects.

Unfortunately, Contares doesn't provides a Github, Bitbucket or any other Code Hosting service, so I'm unable to apply the patches my self as I made earlier.

I can't help you further neither. The patches ruling TweakScale for now (as installing an new Add'On can change things!) is the default ones. You can try deleting GameData/TweakScale/patches/NFT_TweakScale.cfg . It appears to be a quick&dirty workaround, but this can break any craft you have made (including the flying ones). I think you should install S.A.V.E. before trying this.

Until Contares' Maintainer fix the patches, you will need to remember to delete that file every time you update TweakScale.

Edited by Lisias
Fixing the fix
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8 hours ago, ThePatsch78 said:

Houston, we have a problem!

Hi everyone, issue 34 has brought me here and I could need help:

[LOG 20:16:30.559] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on batteryBankMini (Z-200 Rechargeable Battery Bank).
[LOG 20:16:30.559] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part batteryBankMini (Z-200 Rechargeable Battery Bank) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).

Here are the full ksp.log and ModuleManager cache file: https://www.file-upload.net/download-13679432/z200_fatal_error.zip.html

Edit: The last thing I had installed before it went ugly was "Alternate Resource Panel"

Kind regards


Ugh. Thare're some serious Toe Stomping Fest on your installment!

[LOG 20:21:49.537] [TweakScale] INFO: TweakScale::WriteDryCost: Concluded : 932 checks failed ; 0 parts with issues overruled ; 1 Show Stoppers found; 11 Sanity Check failed;

That 932 checks failed means that something made TweakScale bork while trying to see the part's guts. It's not a danger by itself, but it prevents me to check that parts to see what's inside. These parts are also borking on the DryCostWrite - and this is something else to be concerned.

That 11 Sanity Checks failed are parts not being supported yet. You can ignore it for now.

Well… Let's check what we can fix for now, there's not much that we can do about that 932 right now. It's a Toe Stomping Fest, and I will address this later.

The part with the Show Stopper, batteryBankMini, is being patched as follows:

[LOG 20:04:47.740] Config(@PART[batteryBankMini]:FOR[RealismOverhaul]) RealismOverhaul/RO_SuggestedMods/Squad/RO_Squad_Electrical/@PART[batteryBankMini]:FOR[RealismOverhaul]
[LOG 20:04:48.048] Config(@PART[batteryBankMini]:FOR[xxxRP0]) RP-0/Tree/TREE-Parts/@PART[batteryBankMini]:FOR[xxxRP0]
[LOG 20:04:48.086] Config(PART) Squad/Parts/Electrical/z-200Battery/z-200Battery/batteryBankMini
[LOG 20:04:48.155] Config(@PART[batteryBankMini]) TweakScale/patches/Squad/Squad_Util/@PART[batteryBankMini]
[LOG 20:04:48.161] Config(@PART[batteryBankMini]) VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Electrical/@PART[batteryBankMini]
[LOG 2019-08-02 20:03:44.108] Applying update TweakScale/patches/Squad/Squad_Util/@PART[batteryBankMini] to Squad/Parts/Electrical/z-200Battery/z-200Battery.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-02 20:03:46.099] Applying update VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Electrical/@PART[batteryBankMini] to Squad/Parts/Electrical/z-200Battery/z-200Battery.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-02 20:04:52.806] Applying update RealismOverhaul/RO_SuggestedMods/Squad/RO_Squad_Electrical/@PART[batteryBankMini]:FOR[RealismOverhaul] to Squad/Parts/Electrical/z-200Battery/z-200Battery.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-02 20:06:30.992] Applying update RP-0/Tree/TREE-Parts/@PART[batteryBankMini]:FOR[xxxRP0] to Squad/Parts/Electrical/z-200Battery/z-200Battery.cfg/PART
[LOG 20:10:37.996] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Electrical/z-200Battery/z-200Battery/batteryBankMini'
[LOG 20:10:38.040] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Electrical/z-200Battery/z-200Battery/batteryBankMini' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:10:38.044] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'batteryBankMini'
[LOG 20:14:08.115] [DRE] skipping part batteryBankMini (leaveTemp = True)
[LOG 20:16:30.559] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on batteryBankMini (Z-200 Rechargeable Battery Bank).
[LOG 20:16:30.559] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part batteryBankMini (Z-200 Rechargeable Battery Bank) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).


And thanks a lot for the ConfigCache! It helps to nail down the source of the problem! :)

        parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Electrical/z-200Battery/z-200Battery
                name = batteryBankMini
                module = Part
                author = Squad
                <yadda yadda yadda>
                        name = TweakScale
                        type = stack
                        defaultScale = 0.625
                        type = RealismOverhaulStackSolid
                <yadda yadda yadda>


You see that double "type" thingy? That's the problem. The canonical way to change values on a TweakScale module is by using "%" on the data name, that means "edit or create". By default, Module Manager adds the value. Every RO patch should look like this:

		%type = RealismOverhaulStackSolid


So you need to edit every RO patch to add that lines. For example:

@PART[batteryBankMini]:FOR[RealismOverhaul] // Good for ReStock
        %RSSROConfig = True
                @amount = 20500
                @maxAmount = 20500
        @mass = 0.07731
                type = RealismOverhaulStackSolid


Should be edited to:

@PART[batteryBankMini]:FOR[RealismOverhaul] // Good for ReStock
        %RSSROConfig = True
                @amount = 20500
                @maxAmount = 20500
        @mass = 0.07731
                %type = RealismOverhaulStackSolid


There's currently about 330 issues exactly like that problematic one on the RO's patches. 338 edits are a bit too much to be done on the scarce time I have to handle these issues on a single WeekEnd. So I will need to ask you for patience as I tackle down them as the time allows.

Alternatively, you can edit the files yourself? Then you could apply a pull request to the Maintainers and have this fixed for everybody!


Edited by Lisias
yeah. typos. but you already knew it.
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42 minutes ago, Drew Kerman said:

working on upgrading to 1.7.3 from 1.5.1 and got the error message on startup. It says it found 1 potentially fatal error but there's nothing that matches what I was supposed to be looking for in the KSP.log

That was a KSP 1.5.1 log, using TweakScale 2.4.0.

[LOG 19:22:52.837] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\TweakScale\Plugins\Scale.dll
[LOG 19:22:52.845] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssembly 'Scale' V2.4.0
Scale v2.4.0.6

I think you sent me the wrong log. :)

May I make a suggestion? Make a full copy of your KSP 1.5.1, install TweakScale on that discardable copy, launch it  and then send me this log (and the ConfigCache) if a Houston pops up? Anything wrong, we can hand craft a patch to keep your savegames ongoing on the new KSP version. (I call that patches "OVERRULES").

Edited by Lisias
hit "Save" too soon.
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27 minutes ago, Drew Kerman said:

Oh, damn I was looking in the wrong KSP folder at the time. Proper log

Yep. Got it.

[LOG 00:13:39.550] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on nesdIntRcsSep.LES (LES Tower motor).
[LOG 00:13:39.550] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part nesdIntRcsSep.LES (LES Tower motor) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see
issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).


Humm… Interesting. That's a new:

[LOG 00:08:42.925] Config(PART) InternalRCS/Parts/RCS2/SE-PR/nesdIntRcsSep
[LOG 00:08:42.927] Config(@PART[nesdIntRcsSep]:FOR[RealPlume]) KSA/MM Changes/@PART[nesdIntRcsSep]:FOR[RealPlume]
[LOG 00:08:42.927] Config(@PART[nesdIntRcsSep]:FINAL) KSA/MM Changes/@PART[nesdIntRcsSep]:FINAL
[LOG 00:08:42.927] Config(+PART[nesdIntRcsSep]:FINAL) KSA/MM Changes/+PART[nesdIntRcsSep]:FINAL
[LOG 2019-08-03 00:07:11.030] Applying update KSA/MM Changes/@PART[nesdIntRcsSep]:FOR[RealPlume] to InternalRCS/Parts/RCS2/SE-PR.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-03 00:07:15.952] Applying update KSA/MM Changes/@PART[nesdIntRcsSep]:FINAL to InternalRCS/Parts/RCS2/SE-PR.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-03 00:07:15.952] Applying copy KSA/MM Changes/+PART[nesdIntRcsSep]:FINAL to InternalRCS/Parts/RCS2/SE-PR.cfg/PART
[LOG 00:09:44.271] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'InternalRCS/Parts/RCS2/SE-PR/nesdIntRcsSep'
[LOG 00:09:44.311] PartLoader: Part 'InternalRCS/Parts/RCS2/SE-PR/nesdIntRcsSep' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 00:09:44.319] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'nesdIntRcsSep'
[LOG 00:09:44.412] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'InternalRCS/Parts/RCS2/SE-PR/nesdIntRcsSep_LES'
[LOG 00:09:44.458] PartLoader: Part 'InternalRCS/Parts/RCS2/SE-PR/nesdIntRcsSep_LES' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 00:09:44.464] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'nesdIntRcsSep.LES'
[LOG 00:13:39.550] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on nesdIntRcsSep.LES (LES Tower motor).
[LOG 00:13:39.550] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part nesdIntRcsSep.LES (LES Tower motor) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see

Apparently the problem is on that KSA//MM Changes. The ConfigCache will tell us exactly what's wrong, and this will make easier to search the problem on the KSA/MM Changes . That I'm afraid I don't know where to look for. :)

Edited by Lisias
ah, whatveer. Yuo knwo waht happened
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21 minutes ago, AmpCat said:

Okay, here's my Houston error list:

And logs:


And.. ModuleManager.ConfigCache? Not sure if that's the right file.

Oh, and game seems to run fine. Not had any problems yet.

The problems happens when you use the parts. But with 51 parts to be worry about, you end up using them sooner or later.

BUT… In your case, you are really fine:

[LOG 23:33:12.800] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decoupler_1p5
[LOG 23:33:31.239] Config(@PART[Decoupler_1p5]:FOR[DecouplerShroud]:NEEDS[SquadExpansion]) DecouplerShroud/Patches/SquadExpansionPatches/@PART[Decoupler_1p5]:FOR[DecouplerShroud]:NEEDS[SquadExpansion]
[LOG 23:33:31.313] Config(@PART[Decoupler_1p5]) ReStock/PatchesMH/Coupling/restock-mh-decouplers/@PART[Decoupler_1p5]
[LOG 23:33:31.335] Config(PART) SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Coupling/Decoupler_1p5/Decoupler_1p5
[LOG 23:33:31.374] Config(@PART[Decoupler_1p5]) TweakScale/patches/SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Coupling/@PART[Decoupler_1p5]
[LOG 23:33:31.375] Config(@PART[Decoupler_1p5]) TweakscaleMakingHistoryConfigs/Coupling/@PART[Decoupler_1p5]

It's that TweakscaleMakingHistoryConfigs again . Delete GameData/TweakscaleMakingHistoryConfigs and everything will be fine. The last fellow Kerbonaut that had this issue told me that deleting this didn't caused any side effect.

I still don't know what this thing is. Well, I think I do - it appears to be patches for Making History parts. The part count fits, at least. I just don't know from where. :)

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6 minutes ago, Lisias said:

The problems happens when you use the parts. But with 51 parts to be worry about, you end up using them sooner or later.

BUT… In your case, you are really fine:

[LOG 23:33:12.800] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decoupler_1p5
[LOG 23:33:31.239] Config(@PART[Decoupler_1p5]:FOR[DecouplerShroud]:NEEDS[SquadExpansion]) DecouplerShroud/Patches/SquadExpansionPatches/@PART[Decoupler_1p5]:FOR[DecouplerShroud]:NEEDS[SquadExpansion]
[LOG 23:33:31.313] Config(@PART[Decoupler_1p5]) ReStock/PatchesMH/Coupling/restock-mh-decouplers/@PART[Decoupler_1p5]
[LOG 23:33:31.335] Config(PART) SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Coupling/Decoupler_1p5/Decoupler_1p5
[LOG 23:33:31.374] Config(@PART[Decoupler_1p5]) TweakScale/patches/SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Coupling/@PART[Decoupler_1p5]
[LOG 23:33:31.375] Config(@PART[Decoupler_1p5]) TweakscaleMakingHistoryConfigs/Coupling/@PART[Decoupler_1p5]

It's that TweakscaleMakingHistoryConfigs again . Delete GameData/TweakscaleMakingHistoryConfigs and everything will be fine. The last fellow Kerbonaut that had this issue told me that deleting this didn't caused any side effect.

I still don't know what this thing is. Well, I think I do - it appears to be patches for Making History parts. The part count fits, at least. I just don't know from where. :)

It's probably this mod I have called 'Tweakscale Configs for Making History'. ;)

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Hi Lisias,

thank you for your investigations.

10 hours ago, Lisias said:

That 932 checks failed means that something made TweakScale bork while trying to see the part's guts. It's not a danger by itself, but it prevents me to check that parts to see what's inside. These parts are also borking on the DryCostWrite - and this is something else to be concerned.

That 11 Sanity Checks failed are parts not being supported yet. You can ignore it for now.

Well… Let's check what we can fix for now, there's not much that we can do about that 932 right now. It's a Toe Stomping Fest, and I will address this later.

Noooo, you have opened Pandora's Box! :-)

10 hours ago, Lisias said:

You see that double "type" thingy? That's the problem. The canonical way to change values on a TweakScale module is by using "%" on the data name, that means "edit or create". By default, Module Manager adds the value. Every RO patch should look like this:

		%type = RealismOverhaulStackSolid

Yeah, I got it.

EDIT: thats the first time I dive into editing of KSP so when I check the RO-Patch of the BatteryBankMini, the other Battery patches using an @ instead of %. Just to check: I've got to use % and the "NEEDS" for them with the plain "type" ? Sorry for asking noob questions.

@PART[batteryBankLarge]:FOR[RealismOverhaul] // Good for ReStock
	%RSSROConfig = True
		@amount = 375000
		@maxAmount = 375000
	@mass = 1.414
		@type = RealismOverhaulStackSolid
10 hours ago, Lisias said:

There's currently about 330 issues exactly like that problematic one on the RO's patches. 338 edits are a bit too much to be done on the scarce time I have to handle these issues on a single WeekEnd. So I will need to ask you for patience as I tackle down them as the time allows.

Alternatively, you can edit the files yourself? Then you could apply a pull request to the Maintainers and have this fixed for everybody!

I'll try editing it by my self and let you know when I'am done, or even if I cant make it within the next days!

Thanks again for your help and you great work!


Edited by ThePatsch78
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13 hours ago, Lisias said:

Yep. That's it. Thanks. I found 17 Show Stoppers on your installment.

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[LOG 20:50:09.006] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-01 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss D (XL)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-02 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss C) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-03 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss B (Mini)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-04 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss A (Micro)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-adapter-01 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss (Adapter-25)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-adapter-crew-01 (Octo-Girder Pressurized Truss (Adapter-25)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-angled-01 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss (Angular)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.007] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-angled-crew-01 (Octo-Girder Pressurized Truss (Angular)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-attach-01 (Octo-Girder Attach Node (Radial)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-crew-01 (Octo-Girder Pressurized Truss D (XL)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-crew-02 (Octo-Girder Pressurized Truss c) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-crew-03 (Octo-Girder Pressurized Truss B (Mini)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-docking-125 (Docking Connector (Octo-Girder, Mr)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-docking-25 (Docking Connector (Octo-Girder, Sr)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.008] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-docking-octo (Docking Connector (Octo-Girder, Octagonal)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.009] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-hub-01 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss (Hub)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 20:50:09.009] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-hub-crew-01 (Octo-Girder Pressurized Truss (Hub)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).



For reference, below is every occurrence of one of the parts affected, truss-octo-01 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss D (XL)).

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[LOG 20:35:14.374] Load(Model): NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01
[LOG 20:37:00.062] Config(PART) NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01/truss-octo-01
[LOG 20:37:00.062] Config(@PART[truss-octo-01]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]) NearFutureConstruction/Patches/NFConstructionCRPTrusses/@PART[truss-octo-01]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]
[LOG 20:37:00.062] Config(@PART[truss-octo-01]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack&CryoTanks]) NearFutureConstruction/Patches/NFConstructionCRPTrusses/@PART[truss-octo-01]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack&CryoTanks]
[LOG 20:37:00.209] Config(@PART[truss-octo-01]) TweakScale/patches/NFT_TweakScale/@PART[truss-octo-01]
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:31:49.462] Applying update CollisionFXUpdated/ModuleManager_CollisionFX/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleWheelBase],!MODULE[KSPWheelBase],!MODULE[KerbalEVA],!MODULE[CollisionFX],!MODULE[FSwheel],!MODULE[FSwheelAlignment],!MODULE[BDAdjustableLandingGear],!MODULE[TTModularWheel],!MODULE[Repulsor],!MODULE[ModuleTrack],!MODULE[TrackWheel],!MODULE[KFModuleWheel],!MODULE[KFWheel],!MODULE[KFTrackSurface]] to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:31:53.345] Applying update Contares/Patches/CONTARES_TweakScale/@PART[truss-octo-*] to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:31:58.250] Applying update DeepSky/ThorTech/Patches/dstt_shieldnir/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAblator],#category[Structural],#mass[>0.09]] to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:32:02.717] Applying update ExtensiveEngineerReport/ModuleManager/ShipSections/@PART[*] to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:32:19.106] Applying update NearFutureConstruction/Patches/NFConstructionCRPTrusses/@PART[truss-octo-01]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack] to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:32:19.106] Applying update NearFutureConstruction/Patches/NFConstructionCRPTrusses/@PART[truss-octo-01]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack&CryoTanks] to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:32:30.773] Applying update REPOSoftTech/AmpYear/MMConfigAmpYear/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[KerbalEVA],!MODULE[FlagSite]]:NEEDS[AmpYear] to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:32:37.153] Applying update RN_Soviet_Rockets/RN_Soviet_Rockets_TU/@PART[*]:NEEDS[TexturesUnlimited] to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:33:23.121] Applying update TweakScale/patches/NFT_TweakScale/@PART[truss-octo-01] to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:33:59.939] Applying update UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Patches/ScrapParts/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[FlagSite],!MODULE[KerbalEVA]] to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:36:07.404] Applying update B9PartSwitch/PartInfo/@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch]]:FOR[zzzzzz-B9PartSwitch] to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:36:24.205] Applying update InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IntegratedDecoupler/@PART[*]:FINAL to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:36:29.815] Applying update SETIrebalance/SETI-GeneralSettings/@PART[*]:HAS[#category[Structural]]:FINAL to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:36:30.699] Applying update WarpPlugin/Patches/NearFutureConstructionFix/@PART[truss-octo-*]:Final to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-08-01 20:36:30.906] Applying update WarpPlugin/Patches/OreTanksFix/@PART[*]:FINAL to NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01.cfg/PART
[LOG 20:40:22.171] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01/truss-octo-01'
[LOG 20:40:22.240] PartLoader: Part 'NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Truss/truss-octo/truss-octo-01/truss-octo-01' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:40:22.248] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'truss-octo-01'
[LOG 20:50:09.006] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on truss-octo-01 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss D (XL)).
[LOG 20:50:09.006] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part truss-octo-01 (Octo-Girder Modular Truss D (XL)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).



It's a Part from NearFutureConstruction. It's being patched by a lot of Add'Ons, but what caught my attention is TweakScale (TweakScale/patches/NFT_TweakScale) and Contares (Contares/Patches/CONTARES_TweakScale). It's a hunch, as you have a lot of Add'Ons applying patches to the offending Parts, but I need to start somewhere :)

I found contares on SpaceDock, but then I realized that it was split in modules. By the name of the offending patch, I think you are using the 1.8.9 version (the last one before the big split). But the new versions also have the problem: they patch parts without checking if they were patched before (it doesn't even checks if TweakScale is installed, using :NEEDS):

@PART[RCS_45_0_0_0] // RCS-Modul
        type = stack
        defaultScale = 1.25

 The same happens to Contares Core (the newest versions) unfortunately:

        type = stack
        defaultScale = 0.625


Add'Ons willing to overrule TweakScale patches (being the default ones provided with the Distribution, or provided by third parties) needs the :NEEDS :P in order to prevent applying useless patches. But also need to prevent double patching by not applying their patches if the part is already patched (unlikely :) ) or by making sure to overwrite (or plain delete) the previous one. Otherwise, people like you will have to handle this situation.

Currently, you are in risk of having your flying crafts corrupted if you install or uninstall an Add'On. Since Contares doesn't use :NEEDS, they are being applied first (as "C" cames before "T" , and patches without :FOR, :NEEDS, :AFTER or :BEFORE are applied in legacy mode by Module Manager - essentially. by alphabetical order). So TweakScale patches were applied second, and now these are de dominant ones - when multiple Add'Ons tries to patch the same Part without regard of others, the last one is the one ruling TweakScale. Anything changes, and your flying parts goes kaput, as the images below depicts:


This will happens to your craft files, but also on the crafts flying on you persistant savefile!

The final and definitive solution for the problem is to ask Contares maintainer to edit every TweakScale patch they apply to what follows:

        type = stack		// Or whatever value they want
        defaultScale = 2.5	// Ditto

(both in the Classic Contares that you are using, as the newest Contares Core and plugins).


This will ensure the patch will only be applied when TweakScale is present, and will ensure that any previously patched part will be cleaned up - making sure that whatever the Add'on Author uses, will be used without causing collateral effects.

Unfortunately, Contares doesn't provides a Github, Bitbucket or any other Code Hosting service, so I'm unable to apply the patches my self as I made earlier.

I can't help you further neither. The patches ruling TweakScale for now (as installing an new Add'On can change things!) is the default ones. You can try deleting GameData/TweakScale/patches/NFT_TweakScale.cfg . It appears to be a quick&dirty workaround, but this can break any craft you have made (including the flying ones). I think you should install S.A.V.E. before trying this.

Until Contares' Maintainer fix the patches, you will need to remember to delete that file every time you update TweakScale.

Thanks for your help and advise 

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