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[KSP >= 1.3.0] TweakScale - Under Lisias' Management - - 2024-1117


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11 minutes ago, Lisias said:



I had misread your post! :P

Well, renaming the file will do, but if TweakScale gets updated you will end up with two definitions of the Scale Types . IIRC the first one is used, so you will need to rename the file to something that would induce KSP to load it before the canon file. It's some time since the last time I revisited that code, however, so perhaps the last definition would stick and then you need to rename the file to something that KSP would read after the canon… (sigh) Oukey, I will check that code by the morning. :)

It's the reason I usually prefer to hack the original file on my test beds at once until I get it how I want, and then I write a patch into __LOCAL and reinstall TweakScale. :) I found it easier than trying to remembering how TS behaves when more than one Scale Type with the same name if found - I have a task to code a Houston when this happens, by the way...


Humm… I never tried the Steam Workshop with TweakScale, so I can't help right now… AFAIK, having add'ons installed would not affect the Workshop itself, other than publishing crafts that some other users may download but not correctly use due missing parts and/or DLLs...


The WorkShop support is loaded by KSP in the same way it loads Add'Ons like TweakScale, only way earlier. Perhaps we have a Assembly Loader/Resolver bug bitting Steam's SAS?  Send me again a full KSP.log (exit KSP before grabbing the file, just to be sure) on a link to dropbox and I will check it again.

I diagnosed a weird issue once when a KSP's internal DLL were borking on load because some really "lucky dude" managed to blow up a dependency early on the KSP loading phase… 

Humm… In time… Do an install check on Steam. More than once I heard of an user fixed problems doing this - sometimes we messed up while deleting things (including me!), and then we end up chansing our tails trying to look for a problem on the wrong place.

i dont got dropbox


11 minutes ago, Lisias said:



I had misread your post! :P

Well, renaming the file will do, but if TweakScale gets updated you will end up with two definitions of the Scale Types . IIRC the first one is used, so you will need to rename the file to something that would induce KSP to load it before the canon file. It's some time since the last time I revisited that code, however, so perhaps the last definition would stick and then you need to rename the file to something that KSP would read after the canon… (sigh) Oukey, I will check that code by the morning. :)

It's the reason I usually prefer to hack the original file on my test beds at once until I get it how I want, and then I write a patch into __LOCAL and reinstall TweakScale. :) I found it easier than trying to remembering how TS behaves when more than one Scale Type with the same name if found - I have a task to code a Houston when this happens, by the way...


Humm… I never tried the Steam Workshop with TweakScale, so I can't help right now… AFAIK, having add'ons installed would not affect the Workshop itself, other than publishing crafts that some other users may download but not correctly use due missing parts and/or DLLs...


The WorkShop support is loaded by KSP in the same way it loads Add'Ons like TweakScale, only way earlier. Perhaps we have a Assembly Loader/Resolver bug bitting Steam's SAS?  Send me again a full KSP.log (exit KSP before grabbing the file, just to be sure) on a link to dropbox and I will check it again.

I diagnosed a weird issue once when a KSP's internal DLL were borking on load because some really "lucky dude" managed to blow up a dependency early on the KSP loading phase… 

Humm… In time… Do an install check on Steam. More than once I heard of an user fixed problems doing this - sometimes we messed up while deleting things (including me!), and then we end up chansing our tails trying to look for a problem on the wrong place.

I dont understand what a "Install Check" is

Edited by BronzeShoe20968
void info
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18 minutes ago, BronzeShoe20968 said:


i dont got dropbox

logs for what i did last time: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lFsTAZvvqDOouLXqq7iY9_1rf4ZA7VZE/view?usp=sharing

Hummm. Found this now:

[WRN 23:47:58.740] [KSPCF] A ReflectionTypeLoadException thrown by Assembly.GetTypes() has been handled by KSP Community Fixes.
This is usually harmless, but indicates that the "EditorExtensions" plugin failed to load (location: "GameData\EditorExtensions\EditorExtensions.dll")
  at AssemblyLoader.GetSubclassesOfParentClass (System.Type parentType) [0x00000] in <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0
  at KSPCommunityFixes.BugFixes.RefundingOnRecovery.ApplyPatches (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] patches) [0x00000] in <bd3330ae11e64cfcaf0ed6ad15c2ce90>:0
  at KSPCommunityFixes.BasePatch.ApplyHarmonyPatch () [0x00000] in <bd3330ae11e64cfcaf0ed6ad15c2ce90>:0
  at KSPCommunityFixes.BasePatch.Patch (System.Type patchType) [0x00000] in <bd3330ae11e64cfcaf0ed6ad15c2ce90>:0
  at KSPCommunityFixes.KSPCommunityFixes.ModuleManagerPostLoad () [0x00000] in <bd3330ae11e64cfcaf0ed6ad15c2ce90>:0
  at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.InternalInvoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters, System.Exception& exc) [0x00000] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0
  at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Glo
  at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0
  at ModuleManager.PostPatchLoader+<Run>d__16.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <ac37db06097f4706b70066f555f86981>:0
  at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <12e76cd50cc64cf19e759e981cb725af>:0
[WRN 23:47:58.742] [KSPCF] A ReflectionTypeLoadException thrown by Assembly.GetTypes() has been handled by KSP Community Fixes.
This is usually harmless, but indicates that the "NextStarIndustries" plugin failed to load (location: "GameData\NSI\Plugins\NextStarIndustries.dll")
  at AssemblyLoader.GetSubclassesOfParentClass (System.Type parentType) [0x00000] in <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0
  at KSPCommunityFixes.BugFixes.RefundingOnRecovery.ApplyPatches (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] patches) [0x00000] in <bd3330ae11e64cfcaf0ed6ad15c2ce90>:0
  at KSPCommunityFixes.BasePatch.ApplyHarmonyPatch () [0x00000] in <bd3330ae11e64cfcaf0ed6ad15c2ce90>:0
  at KSPCommunityFixes.BasePatch.Patch (System.Type patchType) [0x00000] in <bd3330ae11e64cfcaf0ed6ad15c2ce90>:0
  at KSPCommunityFixes.KSPCommunityFixes.ModuleManagerPostLoad () [0x00000] in <bd3330ae11e64cfcaf0ed6ad15c2ce90>:0
  at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.InternalInvoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters, System.Exception& exc) [0x00000] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0
  at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Glo
  at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0
  at ModuleManager.PostPatchLoader+<Run>d__16.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <ac37db06097f4706b70066f555f86981>:0
  at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <12e76cd50cc64cf19e759e981cb725af>:0

You still have that problems from the last time, but now KSPCF is trying to keep things going anyway. The problem is that now I don't know why EditorExtensions and NextStarIndustries are failing, as KSPCF is omitting (or intercepting the error before the information is available), so I can't tell what's happening anymore.

I had read again your last KSP.log, and remembered the "FSBDparticleFX" and while googling for it, I found that it's, indeed, related to BDArmory! Completely remove BDArmory and all its dependencies and see if this fixes things for you.

Additionally, you may want to seek help on the KSPCF thread, as I don't understand it - I'm looking into your previous KSP.log looking for hints, because I can't find anything on your last one due KSPCF masking some exceptions… Perhaps the Player.log can help? Send me your Player.log - we may be lucky...


Edited by Lisias
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OMG! i had a issue with dowloading a new bdarmory plugin in earlier today so this may work

Get ready for bad INFO!

it says i have multible ddls and it cant determine which ones should be removed, im going to check up on the loading thing now


oh and it says the following plugins failed to load (top left): Editor extensions and next star industries

and the ddls copys where listed as:














checking playerlog hold up

Edited by BronzeShoe20968
typo in the reason for edit
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Heres some maybe maybe not important info tho: THIS all started after i accidentaly clicked "add avalible updates" on ckan when i usually dont use ckan

hey lisias i think im kookoo, the game says IT WONT WORK PROPERLEY UNTIL THE DDL DUPLICATES ARE r e m o v e d i just dont know where it is!?

Edited by BronzeShoe20968
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8 hours ago, BronzeShoe20968 said:

says nothing matches your search

still dosent work for the steam file and theres no player.log?

says unexpected mark stat overflow on some notpad thing called KSP_x64.gc

Ugh… O forgot to tell you where to find the Player.log, sorry!

On the OP, you will find a hidden section under the tittle "Support" explaining it. TL;DR: 

  • The Player.log changed location:
    • On MacOS
      • For KSP < 1.8, they are on ~/Library/Logs/Unity
      • On KSP >=1.8, you will find the Player.log on ~/Library/Logs/Squad/KSP/
    • On Windows
      • On KSP >=1.8, you will find the Player.log on C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\KSP\
    • On Linux
      • On KSP >=1.8, you will find the Player.log on ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/KSP/



8 hours ago, BronzeShoe20968 said:

Heres some maybe maybe not important info tho: THIS all started after i accidentaly clicked "add avalible updates" on ckan when i usually dont use ckan

hey lisias i think im kookoo, the game says IT WONT WORK PROPERLEY UNTIL THE DDL DUPLICATES ARE r e m o v e d i just dont know where it is!?

Send me the new KSP.log, I will be able to find the duplicates there. I know of two add'ons that check for it, and both of them logs the duplicates on the KSP.log!

(send me also the Player.log)


8 hours ago, BronzeShoe20968 said:

oh your offline


ill be waiting

I'm on GMT-3. I sleep now and then… :sticktongue:

Edited by Lisias
Brute force post merge.
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15 hours ago, BronzeShoe20968 said:

Alright, We are safe!:) Btw sometimes in BDArmory whenever i try to place down some parts it like looks all glitchy and wont attach to anything, and i can tell its glitchy.

This sounds... familiar. I had a problem like this a while ago.

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i got the dlc, the bdarmory tab is gone, and i have the STEAM UPLODADS BACK?!

im pretty sure bdarmory is doin sus things

and now i dont have a wepon manager

missing BDARMORY tab after i dowload breaking ground now!


Why does this game DO THIS!

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1 hour ago, JonnyOThan said:

You have incompatible or incorrectly installed mods.  You'd need to post your log file somewhere for someone to diagnose it, or just use CKAN and don't install things for old versions.

The KSPCF told me this was a issue for what I have right now. ALSO! My log is big so you may have to download it! Please help!.. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y7LF83T518jaP9pfLdmhrrE2A_MtRFYe/view?usp=sharing


Edited by BronzeShoe20968
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1 hour ago, BronzeShoe20968 said:

The KSPCF told me this was a issue for what I have right now. ALSO! My log is big so you may have to download it! Please help!.. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y7LF83T518jaP9pfLdmhrrE2A_MtRFYe/view?usp=sharing


You have lots of stuff installed incorrectly.  Delete it all and use ckan instead.

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