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[KSP >= 1.3.0] TweakScale - Under Lisias' Management - - 2024-1117


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6 hours ago, Lisias said:

Well, I think I know what happened.

1) You have a pretty old ModuleManager installed. DEmote the ModuleManager.2.8.dl and install ModuleManager.4.2.2.dll (fetch it from this thread).

2) ModuleManagerWatchDog is installed wrongly. Aside the 666_ModuleManagerWatchDog.dll, everything else needs to be installed on the GameData/ModuleManagerWatchDog directory. Please remove all MMWD files (but the 666_* one) from the GameData and install MMWD on its own directory!


So I followed your instructions and moved some files around. I think I might've done it incorrectly though, as I'm getting some more error messages like tweakscale missing DLL files or wrong installation location for module manager file. I've also removed some newer mods that I've installed in hopes of identifying the bugs and errors more easily, leaving only the mods that I've used in the past few days without any issues. 
Module Manager Error Message: https://postimg.cc/5XcN9dN2
how my folders look like right now:https://postimg.cc/62Ty2VsW     https://postimg.cc/Q9PVpBsp

Tweakscale missing DLL file error message: https://postimg.cc/7JYXTWHC

new ksp log file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AyLc1Jyt0y6A0mgdUQ4Ms6upfoVZCgPc/view?usp=sharing

I apologize for making this harder than it needs to be, I'm not exactly the smartest person when it comes to software troubleshooting and fixing :(

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22 minutes ago, Hehe04 said:

So I followed your instructions and moved some files around. I think I might've done it incorrectly though, as I'm getting some more error messages like tweakscale missing DLL files or wrong installation location for module manager file. I've also removed some newer mods that I've installed in hopes of identifying the bugs and errors more easily, leaving only the mods that I've used in the past few days without any issues. 
Module Manager Error Message: https://postimg.cc/5XcN9dN2
how my folders look like right now:https://postimg.cc/62Ty2VsW     https://postimg.cc/Q9PVpBsp

Tweakscale missing DLL file error message: https://postimg.cc/7JYXTWHC

new ksp log file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AyLc1Jyt0y6A0mgdUQ4Ms6upfoVZCgPc/view?usp=sharing

I apologize for making this harder than it needs to be, I'm not exactly the smartest person when it comes to software troubleshooting and fixing :(

You installed MMWD inside a GameData that it's inside a GameData! :)

Move everything inside "<KSP>/GameData/GameData" to "<KSP>/GameData".

You will note that all my distribution packages on github follows a pattern:

  • Files ending with "-curseforge.zip" need to be unzipped inside <KSP>GameData .
    • I'm not a huge fan of this format, but this is how Curse Installer wants things and CurseForge is an important part of my user base!
  • Files without suffixes need to be unzipped inside <KSP> root folder itself.
    • The INSTALL.md file explains how to install the thing correctly (most of the time!), and don't need (or even should) to be installed on your KSP.
    • Any Extras folder (if existent) should not be unzipped, unless you had read the instructions and want that optional features. And you need to read the instructions to know where to copy these files!

If you find any other zip file with a different internal format, you found something that are not intended to be installed unless new instructions are provided.


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10 minutes ago, Lisias said:

You installed MMWD inside a GameData that it's inside a GameData! :)

Move everything inside "<KSP>/GameData/GameData" to "<KSP>/GameData".

You will note that all my distribution packages on github follows a pattern:

  • Files ending with "-curseforge.zip" need to be unzipped inside <KSP>GameData .
    • I'm not a huge fan of this format, but this is how Curse Installer wants things and CurseForge is an important part of my user base!
  • Files without suffixes need to be unzipped inside <KSP> root folder itself.
    • The INSTALL.md file explains how to install the thing correctly (most of the time!), and don't need (or even should) to be installed on your KSP.
    • Any Extras folder (if existent) should not be unzipped, unless you had read the instructions and want that optional features. And you need to read the instructions to know where to copy these files!

If you find any other zip file with a different internal format, you found something that are not intended to be installed unless new instructions are provided.


ahh, I see. However, I'm confused about the curseforge file part, as I don't see any files relating to curseforge at all inside my folders. Am I supposed to use curseforge or something? Because all I've been doing is downloading folders from spacedog and dragging them in. I've also moved all the files out from my inner Gamedata folder, and into the main one, and moved the extras folder back into the zip form, but I'm still getting the same error messages. 

screenshot of my folders: https://postimg.cc/TpV9dbrL

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16 minutes ago, Hehe04 said:

ahh, I see. However, I'm confused about the curseforge file part, as I don't see any files relating to curseforge at all inside my folders.

That files are meaningful only if you use Curse Installer. If you don't, they don't! :)


17 minutes ago, Hehe04 said:

Because all I've been doing is downloading folders from spacedog and dragging them in.




19 minutes ago, Hehe04 said:

 I've also moved all the files out from my inner Gamedata folder, and into the main one, and moved the extras folder back into the zip form, but I'm still getting the same error messages. 

screenshot of my folders: https://postimg.cc/TpV9dbrL

I think it's better, by this time, to plain delete the ModuleManagerWatchDog folder and reinstall it from scratch. The add'ons expect the files to be on specific folders in order to work correctly, and if you just moved the files inside the folder without recreating the original structure, things will not work as expected.

A quick and dirty way to install things is to place the TweakScale zip file on the same where the KSP.exe is, and then tell windows to unzip files "here". It will place the GameData things inside the proper places.  You will want to remove the Extras folder , however.

Additionally, consider using Curse Installer or CKAN for installing your add'ons.  They are pretty convenient sometimes!


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27 minutes ago, Lisias said:

That files are meaningful only if you use Curse Installer. If you don't, they don't! :)


  Reveal hidden contents



I think it's better, by this time, to plain delete the ModuleManagerWatchDog folder and reinstall it from scratch. The add'ons expect the files to be on specific folders in order to work correctly, and if you just moved the files inside the folder without recreating the original structure, things will not work as expected.

A quick and dirty way to install things is to place the TweakScale zip file on the same where the KSP.exe is, and then tell windows to unzip files "here". It will place the GameData things inside the proper places.  You will want to remove the Extras folder , however.

Additionally, consider using Curse Installer or CKAN for installing your add'ons.  They are pretty convenient sometimes!


Just did a clean reinstall of the ksp recall and tweakscale by using the method you suggested, but the same misplaced module manager file and tweakscale missing module manager files errors still show up :(
new KSP log in case you need it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AyLc1Jyt0y6A0mgdUQ4Ms6upfoVZCgPc/view?usp=sharing

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On 12/24/2022 at 4:51 AM, Hehe04 said:

Just did a clean reinstall of the ksp recall and tweakscale by using the method you suggested, but the same misplaced module manager file and tweakscale missing module manager files errors still show up :(
new KSP log in case you need it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AyLc1Jyt0y6A0mgdUQ4Ms6upfoVZCgPc/view?usp=sharing

Geez, I forgot about this! Sorry!

It's still a outdated version of Firespitter, see:

[EXC 16:46:38.413] BadImageFormatException: Could not resolve field token 0x040002af, due to: Could not load type of field 'Firespitter.FSparticleFX:pEmitter'
 (4) due to: Could not resolve type with token 0100005a (from typeref, class/assembly UnityEngine.ParticleEmitter, UnityEngine, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null) assembly:UnityEngine, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null type:UnityEngine.ParticleEmitter member:(null) signature:
<none> assembly:D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Firespitter\Plugins\Firespitter.dll type:FSparticleFX member:(null) signature:<none>
        System.Reflection.MonoModule.ResolveField (System.Int32 metadataToken, System.Type[] genericTypeArguments, System.Type[] genericMethodArguments) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
        HarmonyLib.MethodBodyReader.ReadOperand (HarmonyLib.ILInstruction instruction) (at <0dff4ff9ce7a4af99336d09823a08cb2>:0)
        HarmonyLib.MethodBodyReader.ReadInstructions () (at <0dff4ff9ce7a4af99336d09823a08cb2>:0)
        HarmonyLib.MethodCopier..ctor (System.Reflection.MethodBase fromMethod, System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator toILGenerator, System.Reflection.Emit.Local
Builder[] existingVariables) (at <0dff4ff9ce7a4af99336d09823a08cb2>:0)
        HarmonyLib.MethodPatcher.CreateReplacement (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,HarmonyLib.CodeInstruction]& finalInstructions) (at <
        HarmonyLib.PatchFunctions.UpdateWrapper (System.Reflection.MethodBase original, HarmonyLib.PatchInfo patchInfo) (at <0dff4ff9ce7a4af99336d09823a08cb2>
        HarmonyLib.PatchProcessor.Patch () (at <0dff4ff9ce7a4af99336d09823a08cb2>:0)
        HarmonyLib.Harmony.Patch (System.Reflection.MethodBase original, HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethod prefix, HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethod postfix, HarmonyLib.Harmony Method transpiler, HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethod finalizer) (at <0dff4ff9ce7a4af99336d09823a08cb2>:0)
        Shabby.Shabby.Start () (at <1e1ec9541eca467caec5c0f1a0ab4255>:0)
        UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

There's something weird between FireSpitter and Harmony, triggering a Reflection exception - and when this happens, something called Assembly Loader/Resolver inside KSP gets broke and it plays havoc with everything that tries to load a DLL later (being TweakScale one of them):

[LOG 16:46:38.537] [KSPe.Light.TweakScale] Version /L for TweakScale /L
[LOG 16:46:38.622] [TweakScale] Version /L
[LOG 16:46:39.121] [KSPe.Binder] Hooked.
[ERR 16:46:39.128] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: Scale.PartDB.19x
[LOG 16:46:39.129] [KSPe.Binder] Looking for Scale.PartDB.19x.dll on GameData\TweakScale\Plugins\PluginData\...
[LOG 16:46:39.131] [KSPe.Binder] Found it on D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\TweakScale\Plugins\PluginData\Scale.PartDB.19x.dll.
[LOG 16:46:39.134] [TweakScale] Support for KSP 1.9.0 to 1.12.4 Version /L
[LOG 16:46:39.168] [TweakScale] ERROR: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
  at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0
  at KSPe.Util.SystemTools+Type+Finder.FindByQualifiedName (System.String qn) [0x00039] in <e78b6736d2e9431a9ef12ef81cc2a206>:0
  at TweakScale.Startup.Start () [0x000a3] in <8ce57831e5584c899d8e7b205eefdb07>:0  at error:0

I'm afraid you need to choose what's more important for your rig,  Firespitter or Harmony (and, so,  all its dependencies). I don't have the slightest clue about what's happening, can't help further at this time.

In time, removing TweakScale will not solve the problem, it will only shut up the one complaining about the problem. Something else will bork later without TS, but since most add'ons don't bother to inform about bad things, you will end up with a silent problem lurking in your rig waiting to bite you in the SAS later.

In time², I found some MiniAVC.dll's in your rig. I suggest you get rid of all MiniAVC.dll's inside your GameData, some older versions are known to cause problems and, frankly, people willing to have the feature should use KSP-AVC instead.


Edited by Lisias
edit: nope, it appears to be something on Harmony this time!!!
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I am using 1.12.4(i think) as far as the KSP version, and tweakscale (upgraded) 1.9.1 on curseforge. as far as everything else you need, just please ask(and point to where i can find out how to do what you want/find it/find the info) cause i havent had any issues(that i can remember) with tweakscale before.

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6 hours ago, Samuel2000 said:

I am using 1.12.4(i think) as far as the KSP version, and tweakscale (upgraded) 1.9.1 on curseforge. as far as everything else you need, just please ask(and point to where i can find out how to do what you want/find it/find the info) cause i havent had any issues(that i can remember) with tweakscale before.

The current release on CurseForge is this. Be sure it's the one installed, if not please update to it.

If the problem still persists, I need the KSP.log , you will find how to fetch if by reading the OP, on the the "Support:" subsection (open the Spoiler for the info).

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4 hours ago, BravoAlpha101st said:

Hello, TweakScale keeps throwing Show Stoppers at me and it will only throw them if I have the mod Large Boat Parts Pack mod installed.

Link to my KSP.log


LBPP support for TS didn't aged very well.

Install TwealScale Companion for SMCE, it will fix all the issues, with the extra bonus of adding specialised scaling for these parts!

Please note that you will have to overwrite a file from LBPP because I didn't managed to find a way to fix that patches, so I bluntly removed them from the files.


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1 hour ago, Lisias said:

LBPP support for TS didn't aged very well.

Install TwealScale Companion for SMCE, it will fix all the issues, with the extra bonus of adding specialised scaling for these parts!

Please note that you will have to overwrite a file from LBPP because I didn't managed to find a way to fix that patches, so I bluntly removed them from the files.


I forgot to mention that I have TweakScale Companion for SMCE installed! It appears to not have fixed any issues since I keep getting Show Stoppers. What file from LBPP do I have to overwrite?

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6 hours ago, BravoAlpha101st said:

I forgot to mention that I have TweakScale Companion for SMCE installed! It appears to not have fixed any issues since I keep getting Show Stoppers. What file from LBPP do I have to overwrite?

This one!


I got a bit jumpy while analysing your KSP.log and promptly recommended installing TSC_SCME without checking if you had, indeed, installed it.

Since apparently you didn't replace the file above, I'm reasonably confident this will do the trick. If not, please advise and I will give a closer look on your last KSP.log by early morning (away from the personal computer by now).

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5 hours ago, Lisias said:

This one!


I got a bit jumpy while analysing your KSP.log and promptly recommended installing TSC_SCME without checking if you had, indeed, installed it.

Since apparently you didn't replace the file above, I'm reasonably confident this will do the trick. If not, please advise and I will give a closer look on your last KSP.log by early morning (away from the personal computer by now).

Unfortunately I cannot locate the LBP_tweakableComplete.cfg file in the Companion. Did I install it wrong? Do I install LBPP into the Companion?

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9 hours ago, BravoAlpha101st said:

Unfortunately I cannot locate the LBP_tweakableComplete.cfg file in the Companion. Did I install it wrong? Do I install LBPP into the Companion?

The Companion package has two subfolders inside GameData:


These folders should be placed inside the GameData in your KSP installment, replacing any existing files.

The easiest way to do such is to copy the TweakScaleCompanion_SMCE- file into your KSP main folder (whiere the KSP.exe is) and then unzip it there using right-click and selecting "Extract All". Remember to allow overwriting any preexistent files.

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2 hours ago, Lisias said:

The Companion package has two subfolders inside GameData:


These folders should be placed inside the GameData in your KSP installment, replacing any existing files.

The easiest way to do such is to copy the TweakScaleCompanion_SMCE- file into your KSP main folder (whiere the KSP.exe is) and then unzip it there using right-click and selecting "Extract All". Remember to allow overwriting any preexistent files.

Ah, so I put my TweakScaleCompanion file on its own in GameData and not in TweakScale... I booted up the game and still received a ShowStopper... Here's another log if you need it.


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1 hour ago, BravoAlpha101st said:

Ah, so I put my TweakScaleCompanion file on its own in GameData and not in TweakScale... I booted up the game and still received a ShowStopper... Here's another log if you need it.


You didn't replaced the original LBP_tweakableComplete.cfg  with the Companion one as I specified!

[LOG 19:57:30.531] Applying update LShipPartsRequired/LBP_tweakableComplete/@PART[small*]:NEEDS[TweakScale] to Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/elevon4.cfg/PART[smallCtrlSrf]

You need to replace the original file, otherwise things will just not work.

By placing the ZIP file into the KSP's root directory and expanding it, overwriting preexistent files, you will fix the issue!

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20 hours ago, Lisias said:

You didn't replaced the original LBP_tweakableComplete.cfg  with the Companion one as I specified!

[LOG 19:57:30.531] Applying update LShipPartsRequired/LBP_tweakableComplete/@PART[small*]:NEEDS[TweakScale] to Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/elevon4.cfg/PART[smallCtrlSrf]

You need to replace the original file, otherwise things will just not work.

By placing the ZIP file into the KSP's root directory and expanding it, overwriting preexistent files, you will fix the issue!

Took a while to understand but it worked! Thanks!

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Hi, i'm new to this game. The reason I even play KSP is because of your mod. literally first thing before i buy the game is if there was a mod that could adjust size and your mod offers that and much more. Just a small question, i was wondering how i can make CrewCapacity configurable. Like is there a way of changing or removing some values in config file. Thanks. I play 1.10.1 KSP version.

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10 minutes ago, KingPengumon said:

Hi, i'm new to this game. The reason I even play KSP is because of your mod. literally first thing before i buy the game is if there was a mod that could adjust size and your mod offers that and much more. Just a small question, i was wondering how i can make CrewCapacity configurable. Like is there a way of changing or removing some values in config file. Thanks. I play 1.10.1 KSP version.


Thanks for you support, I'm happy TS makes KSP yet more enjoyable for you! :) 

About scaling the CrewCapacity, unfortunately Squad decided to nerf this feature in 1.8 or 1.9 (don't recall exactly), and from that version any attempt to scale up the CrewCapacity is squashed. I wrote an essay about it here if you like the gory details.

However, it's possible to scale the CrewCapacity down, i.e., you scale down a part with Crew, the CrewCapacity will be decreased.

I don't have the slightest idea for the reason the developers decided to nerf scaling up the CrewCapacity - all my tests done on earlier KSP versions had consistently shown that the feature is workable. 


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Okay thanks anyway. I also have a suggestion if its not silly. You think its a good idea to scale jet emissions? Feels weird to see a considerably scaled down small turbofan have the same emission effect size as a much larger turbofan. I also noticed the sound and pitch have values and was wondering if they can be scaled in the config. i imagine a bigger engine would sound deeper and maybe a little louder. Just so the engine *feels* powerful. thanks for reading.

Edited by KingPengumon
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3 hours ago, KingPengumon said:

Okay thanks anyway. I also have a suggestion if its not silly. You think its a good idea to scale jet emissions? Feels weird to see a considerably scaled down small turbofan have the same emission effect size as a much larger turbofan. I also noticed the sound and pitch have values and was wondering if they can be scaled in the config. i imagine a bigger engine would sound deeper and maybe a little louder. Just so the engine *feels* powerful. thanks for reading.

I believe you're looking for the Companion . At least, the documentation refers to Waterfall support. Check it out. I have this issue on my current install because I don't have companion (I forget the reason I don't use it..).

I did more reading, it seems Waterfall is part of beta at the moment. I'm sure Lisias will swing by to clarify but maybe you can use this info in the meantime.

Edited by ElonsMusk
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9 hours ago, KingPengumon said:

Okay thanks anyway. I also have a suggestion if its not silly. You think its a good idea to scale jet emissions? Feels weird to see a considerably scaled down small turbofan have the same emission effect size as a much larger turbofan. I also noticed the sound and pitch have values and was wondering if they can be scaled in the config. i imagine a bigger engine would sound deeper and maybe a little louder. Just so the engine *feels* powerful. thanks for reading.

Scaling the plumes is an old technical-debit, stil WiP.

In the mean time, it was found that by installing SmokeScreen, you will get the plumes correctly scaled. And since SmokeScreen gives us better plumes anyway, it ended up my favorite workaround anyway.

You need to install

They are also available on CKAN, making your life easier.

6 hours ago, ElonsMusk said:

I did more reading, it seems Waterfall is part of beta at the moment. I'm sure Lisias will swing by to clarify but maybe you can use this info in the meantime.

Waterfall changed something inside it after I published the Companion, and I didn't had the time to re-read all that code again in order to understand what changed in order to update the Companion.

In the mean time, I recommend using the SmokeScreen + RealPlumes! Waterfall reuses these configs, so once I finally manage to have time to understand what changed on Waterfall, it will be a win-win situation nevertheless!

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Lisias! More bugs for your awesome mods.


The exhaust cones on certain tweaked parts bug look like this. Is this a bug with tweakscale or, in this instance, ReStock? (engines seen here are the RAPIERS scaled up one to 1.875m and two to 2.5m). They are clipped ever so slightly in each other and are attached to a 2.5m service bay closest to the image and two "Rockomax Jumbo-64" tanks. The engines closest to the plane are attached to a scaled Rockomax set to 1.875m.

Edited by StormxWolf
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36 minutes ago, StormxWolf said:

Lisias! More bugs for your awesome mods.


The exhaust cones on certain tweaked parts bug look like this. Is this a bug with tweakscale or, in this instance, ReStock? (engines seen here are the RAPIERS scaled up one to 1.875m and two to 2.5m). They are clipped ever so slightly in each other and are attached to a 2.5m service bay closest to the image and two "Rockomax Jumbo-64" tanks. The engines closest to the plane are attached to a scaled Rockomax set to 1.875m.

It's a known limitation. There's something on the Stock plumes that resists being tweaked.

The workaround for now is to install RealPlume, see my previous post.

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