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The Truman Kerman Craftyard


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4 hours ago, Hotel26 said:


A stock endurance rally rover called Pacemaker.  Built with 31 of the finest parts, its root part is mk2Cockpit.Standard.

Testing ideas for a high-speed endurance rally entrant, I wondered how fast Atkara’s 8-wheeled science Rover Mk1 would go with all the science gear stripped out. Fast!  48 m/s on the KSC green.  I’m seriously considering taking on a 3,600km trek. :)

Tip of the hat to Atkara…

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.6.0.

Lovely! You, sir, have a knack for making stock craft that look nice and work well. +rep :D

Also, I don't want to sound nagging, but I highly recommend that you update to 1.6.1. It won't break any of your mods and fixed quite a few important bugs in 1.6.0.

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7 hours ago, RealKerbal3x said:

but I highly recommend that you update to 1.6.1

It's been on my mind and I checked yesterday that I have it!  So your suggestion is most welcome.  I will do it today.

Thanks for the kudos!

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Cruciform Craftyard


Batwing Four Of Diamonds

Abt:park 1: VERT 2:HORZ 3:REV 4:dock 5: V-ctl 6: H-ctl

A stock spaceplane called Cruciform.  Built with 33 of the finest parts, its root part is mk2Cockpit.Standard.

Cruciform is a lunar executive conference jet and can also double for low-level scenic cruising on a lo-grav moon. It uses a high-ISP NERV to cruise at low altitude.

I mount it on a Zephyr to launch it from KSP.

Once you’ve landed, use the Abort sequence to retract the outboard gear. The machine will then gently lower a gangway to the surface to facilitate Kerbal egress.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.6.0.


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@RealKerbal3x,my friend, just wanted to let you know that I've run 1.6.1 up with all the mods I like and no problems.  Last detail is getting a git branch (source control) properly made for it.  I'm very close.  Next machine I post will be v1.6.1!  Cheers.

UPDATE: yeah, I am now officially on 1.6.1.  Thanks for the push.  :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Tick Craftyard


Sparrow Aurora Borealis

A stock "pop-up" fuel dump called Tick.  Built with 8 of the finest parts, its root part is fuelTankSmallFlat.

"Packs a wallop!".  Dual-mode docking: servicing both rovers and aircraft.

  •     Liquid fuel: 50,000
  •     Oxidizer: 25,000
  •     Monopropellant: 10,000

"Never runs out"

It’s been called "the Tardis of fuel dumps"…

(I’ve transported 2 of these in an Aquarius cargo bay and 3 more under the fuselage.  Empty, of course; to be fully fueled at the destination site.)

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.6.0.

FjMqkVa.png      V9swvSn.png

TtIpJMB.png      CRiyZ2e.png


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SuperPaxjet Craftyard



1:engines 2:ladder 3:chutes

A stock passenger jet called SuperPaxjet.  Built with 40 of the finest parts, its root part is mk3Cockpit.Shuttle.

1254 m/s @18.5km/1.81 kal.  +5 trim, Vr:80.  Range: ~2,500 km.  64 pax.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.3.1.  [It's an old one.]

[Note from Truman: "Folks, now that I've calibrated its rotation speed, I love this one!  It'll be in service between my major hubs: KSC, Baikerbanur and, of course, the Poles."]


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Kite Craftyard


Intruder Pacemaker

A stock aerial rover called Kite. Built with 55 of the finest parts, its root part is mk2Cockpit.Standard.

Kite is an aerial rover for low-level reconnaissance of potential sites for airfields. Top speed is around 115 m/s and it has good endurance. The whole assembly can act as a base on the ground for an exploration camp.

NOTE: AG1 is intended as a toggle between Juno power and the rover drive wheels. Before first use, cycle AG1 on/off, then manually light the Junos (to get opposite operation). Thence, all good.

Atmosphere Autopilot is STRONGLY recommended for the enroute flight to the target zone to manage the workload.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.6.1.


[Click a slide and then use right-arrow for a slide show]

ADhU5dL.png   KOFd9F3.png

t2uVd4v.png   CvC1tzu.png





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Batwing Craftyard


Esprit Cruciform

1:RAPIER 2:mode 3:HORZ 4:VERT 5:klaw 6:ladder

A stock spaceplane called Batwing.  Built with 71 of the finest parts, its root part is mk2Cockpit.Inline.

Perfect for cruising between surface bases on Duna or simply for exploration!  Batwing is VTOL.  And it is perfectly capable of making Duna orbit for rendez-vous and return.

Batwing comes with 4x RAPIERs to ascend to space from Kerbin and thence be refueled for the interplanetary transition.  Jettison the RAPIERs upon arrival at Duna.

Built in the SPH in KSP 1.3.1.  [older craft]

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Rodeo Craftyard


jiodzDT.png  JCR5epd.png
7:Juno 8:chutes

A stock, personal, jet bike called Rodeo.  Built with 14 of the finest parts, its root part is probeCoreOcto2.v2.

Range 180km, cruise > 200m/s, ceiling >7km.

Please also consider acquisition of an Aquarius transporter (shown below) for efficient delivery of 2 (two) Rodeo jet bikes to your ultimate destination.

Rodeo can be landed under chutes or to a pinpoint location via SAS Radial Out hover pilotage.

(Gratitude to Snark for the basic idea.)

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.6.1.


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Lark Craftyard


nod to Cavscout74
1:engines 2:flaps

A stock aircraft called Lark, faintly reminiscent of the DC-3.  Built with 35 of the finest parts, its root part is Mark1Cockpit.

Inspired by Cavscout74’s Jet-3, but rendered with all stock parts, Lark cruises 312 m/s at 4 km drawing 0.09 kal/s, achieving a range of over 700 km.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.6.1.



Happy Flying!

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Tadpole Craftyard


1:Panther 2:boost 3:flaps Vs:42 trim:+1

A stock aircraft called Tadpole.  Built with 22 of the finest parts, its root part is Mark1Cockpit.

Conceived as a 6t test bed for the Panther engine, this machine was never destined to be published.  Jeb insisted.

Vs 42 m/s, 740 m/s at sea level (dry) and 1022 m/s on boost. Dial in +1 on trim ahead of the landing to get a slight nose-up tendency (with SAS off) at landing speed.

(To reboard, 1. don helmet, 2. jump, 3. spamming the ‘Grab’ key (F).)

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.6.1.

KX7JgkZ.png  IyohGng.png

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Pole Star Craftyard



A stock space station called Pole Star.  Built with 112 of the finest parts, its root part is Size4.Tank.04.

I’ve had Making History for over a year, but this is my first build using its parts, viz. the super-huge S4-512 fuel tank.  9 of them to be precise.  This is my supercessor to Krux.  It is one gigantic fuel dump.  No smoking!  It has 5x 2.5m docking ports.  Rugged construction to keep the Kraken at bay.  It comes with its own booster assembly and enough dV to propel itself into orbit around the Mun.

Launch vertically to 8km and then commence a gravity turn.  Keep all Mammoths firing until an apoapsis of 120km is achieved.  Then jettison the first stage and the nose cones.  Use the lone Rhino to do the rest, including the final inclination adjustment.

Fuel capacity: LF: 183,222 OX: 223,938

Built in the VAB in KSP version 1.6.1.


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Trident Craftyard


1:engine 2:reverser 3:flap 4:ladder

A stock aircraft called Trident.  Built with 33 of the finest parts, its root part is Mark1Cockpit.

Weird Kerbalese proportions but flies so nicely!

Executive class jet service. 14 pax + 1 crew. 814 m/s @ 14 km for 0.60 kal.

I use a Krew Bus for loading/unloading passengers but also working on direct transfer to/fro the terminal.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.6.1.


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FlyBing Craftyard


[The aircraft featured is a work designed and executed by the great Brikoleur upon commission.]

A flying airport control tower, deliverable by divebombing.  Rough.  Based on a prompt by Hotel26.

A stock aircraft called Flying Building.  Built with 85 of the finest parts, its root part is cupola.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.7.0.

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Long March Craftyard



A stock rocket called Long March.   Built with 83 of the finest parts, its root part is dockingPort3.

Long March lifts off atop a Zephyr booster, launching an MPL-LG-2 science processing lab, plus RA-100 relay and an M-700 survey scanner.

The Zephyr should get all or part of your transfer insertion done, and then you have 6.4 km dV to get you where you are going.

Once in orbit at your destination, the mission splits off the ion drive with the M-700 survey scanner with potentially up to 11.3 km of dV to change inclination into a polar orbit for survey.

It is strongly recommended to send a pair of Kerbals, since it does get lonely out there…

Built in the VAB in KSP version 1.6.1.




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Manta++ Craftyard


Abt:release 1:Whiplash 2:ramp 3:ladder 4:bay 5:drop rover Vr:40 Vs:30

A stock fuel transporter called Manta++.  Built with 111 of the finest parts, its root part is mk3Cockpit.Shuttle.

Manta++ is an update of Manta, an earlier collaboration between myself and FleshJeb.

Manta++ features a double-length cargo bay, holding a Gryphon III fuel truck, and allowing easy reloading of same, as shown in the video below. As a bonus, an Invader rover is tucked into the tail cargo ramp. (Gryphon III may be jettisoned aloft or while parked on the ground. Highly recommend that the Invader is deployed on the ground and that command is switched directly to it (e.g. via Haystack) or a save is done, as KSP has trouble with switching from afar to a vehicle located on a ramp.)

Manta++ is intended to be a mobile fuel dump! With Manta gear retracted, Gryphon connects to it with one claw, making the other end claws available for refueling rovers (HORZ) or planes( VERT). Alternatively, Manta++ may be used simply to refuel bases.

Rotate at 40m/s; stall at 30. Manta++ requires a speed run at 6km. Then climb to 19km to cruise at 1,215 m/s for a draw of 1.68 kals.

A large debt of gratitude to FleshJeb for his infallible advice, assistance and expertise on this project.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.6.1.



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Chairman Truman Kerman had this to say at a recent board meeting of Truman Kerman Craftyard, Inc.:

"Endeavoring to keep up with technology and, indeed, zeitgeist, we have always strived to regularly update our catalog.  On this momentous occasion -- posting our 100th Machine -- we now enter a short period of contraction in which we must spring-clean that catalog.  Our goal for the next financial quarter must be to reduce our inventory overhead down to 75 items -- whilst still maintaining our policy of one new release per week!  Therefore, we must announce a FIRE SALE.  Then purge the dead wood.  Then go Full Speed Ahead, All Engines".

Translated from Kerbalese, heart-breaking to do, but  we will be going through the Hotel26 Truman Kerman catalog and ruthlessly eliminating anything of sentimental value only.  Truman Corp has been continuously evolving toward a coherent vision of space exploration and now has come the time for a shake-down.

Bottom line: "get them while they are Hot -- before they are Not..."

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4 hours ago, RealKerbal3x said:

planning to get the new DLC

Yes, I definitely will support Squad!  Thanks for your kind comment, RealKerbal3x.

Recently, I posted Pole Star, which contained my first use of a DLC/MH part: the Kerbodyne S4-512.  Until now, with only a couple of exceptions, I've constrained myself to a lowest common denominator, not using mods and even staying on older versions of KSP.  But with DLC/BG coming out, and DLC being Squad material and the general desire to support Squad, I think I should get on board with parts in the DLCs and make greater usage of them.  (And about mods in general, I do have to admit that e.g. Airplane Plus is super appealing.  On the other hand, there are many, many people much more skilled at making replicas and I do relish making the (stock) oddball device that surprises.  :) )

Also, if you are not yet familiar with Brikoleur's inspirational work, watch his space because I know he is super-excited about using DCL/BG.

On a slightly different topic, submarines and hydrofoils are two areas I have only dabbled in and with very little success.  It's hard to dock a sub to a submarine base but I have had an idea about using a Mk3 cargo bay as a capture device and docking guide.  There is something very attractive about building a large submarine base at the deepest point in the Kerbin oceans!

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iSpy Craftyard


1:Whiplash 2:NERV

A top-secret spy plane called iSpy.  Built with 24 of the finest parts, its root part is Mark2Cockpit.

iSpy is the KSF successor to Skunk. It is piloted and, whereas Skunk had an operational endurance of just 6m at cruise, iSpy can sustain operational altitude/speed for 112m.

iSpy is capable of going to orbit and, sometimes it may even be necessary to do so to cool the machine sufficiently for return to land.  It’s intended mission profile, however, is to cruise high and fast over rogue territories to compile photographic evidentiary record of hostile activity for submission to the United Kerbal Federation for action.  Bla bla bla… whatever.

Flight instructions (you WILL need Atmosphere Autopilot):

  1. climb to 10km and make a speed run to 1,200m/s
  2. resume climb at 20d with NERVs engaged and raise Ap to 36.6km or more
  3. 0d attitude after reaching >31km and until exactly 2,187 m/s (set it on the speed bug)
  4. set altitude bug for 31km and let the autopilot make altitude, Pe and Ap converge
  5. enjoy the ride
  6. iSpy can be brought down after a spy run, but very gradually, if you dare.  On our first test flight, we took the precaution of going to orbit to cool off for a couple of revs.  Your call.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.6.1.


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Truman Kerman makes the following important announcements:

  • the following (antiquated/obsolete) items have been deleted from the catalog:
    • DSRN RA-100 (replaced by Long March)
    • Harp Gryphon & Gryphon II (superceded by Gryphon III)
    • Manta (upgraded to Manta++)
    • Boom Vang (replaced by Bullseye)
    • Chrysalis (Gryphon III is favored)
    • Krux Methuselah (Pole Star is snazzier)
    • Gizmo (cobwebs)
    • Crab (obese)
    • Aquila VII (breaks my heart to let this one go but it is 1.2 tech)
    • Phantom IV (go, Nike)
    • the original Nerfjet (replaced by Nerfjet 2019)
    • Aquila Cruise (victim of Bullseye)
    • Minotaur Super Tanker (top of my best seller list for 101 weeks running: a 60's muscle car, replaced by Titan with almost twice the delivery capacity)
  • I have my sights also on the Pegasus and Poseidon series...
  • the Truman Craftyard is moving from Koney Island Airport to some location in Konnektikut, across the sound, to provide a vast showroom lot.  I'll be parking everything (SPH) over there shortly and will publish a quick tour video brochure, most probably.

There may be some broken links on the front page for a couple of days until I clean them up.  The 'vacant' pages in the catalog will be reused to add items that are already in KerbalX, but are not new releases and, thus, need no fanfare. 

We're pretty sad this day has finally come (just after we broke the 100 items mark) but Truman Kerman remains committed to keeping a tidy, coherent catalog.


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Quonset Zephyr Craftyard


1:engines 2:HORZ 3:VERT 4:ladders 0:gimbals

A stock rocket called Quonset Zephyr. Built with 90 of the finest parts, its root part is dockingPortLarge.

What can I say? It’s a space oddity. Great for exploration of the munar surface. Easily relocatable. Can also provide large-scale habitation as an adjunct to a space station.

Powered by twin NERVa. A Zephyr launcher is included, but you can easily remount it on your preferred equipment.

Built in the VAB in KSP version 1.6.0.



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Outpost Craftyard


A stock observatory called Outpost. Built with 95 of the finest parts, its root part is crewCabin.

Outpost is intended to be put into a Kerbolar orbit either just trailing Kerbin or just leading.

It facilitates the easy "spread-sheeting" of trial maneuver nodes for plotting proposed interplanetary transfers.

It’s also the ideal assignment for your indolent or inept space cadets!

To position:

  1. raise Ap to 84 megameters (just inside Kerbin’s SOI)
  2. reaching Ap, raise Ap (on the opposite side of the orbit) slightly further to just exceed Kerbin’s SOI
  3. just after escape, zero velocity relative to target:Kerbin
  4. adjust orbital period to match 426d 0h 32m 24.6s
  5. fudge slightly as necessary

The objective is to place Outpost at a Kerbin-stationary position just outside Kerbin’s SOI in order to make trips between Kerbin and the Outpost as rapid/efficient as possible.

Built in the VAB in KSP version 1.6.1.

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