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Purchased game, was charged, can't download.

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I just purchased the game, was charged $43.69 to my credit card, and was sent a confirmation email -- but the purchase page errored, my account doesn't show the purchase, and I cannot download the game. When I follow the link provided in the confirmation email and enter my order #, it says "order not found."

So, right now, I've been charged 40 bucks for nothing. If I want to play the game, I apparently have to risk losing another $40, and it will probably error again.

I submitted a request to technical support, but something tells me this is going to take a while to resolve.

Has anyone else had this problem? What else can I do?

Ngl, I'm more than a little liquided. Sitting here looking at my bank account, and at my Kerbal account, and the latter claims I never made a purchase while the former says I've been charged. If tech support doesn't give me back my money or provide me with a download, I'll take this to the fraud department at my bank. Was really, really looking forward to this program -- then this crap happened.

Edited by Kanjirou
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IIRC, in these situations, I believe the folks at Squad have usually provided a customer support email, and they can handle it there.   I don't know it off the top of my head, but a little searching here or on the main site might find it.  @SQUAD is usually very good about resolving such issues, so be patient. 

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