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How to Update My Animations for 1.6?

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I've made a few parts with animations and they worked fine in KPS 1.5, but in 1.6 if I put one of my animated parts in the hangar the animation immediately plays once, then if I click the part at all a bunch of the blue "Variant: Variant Name" boxes show  up and the part freezes. I'm sure there's just something I need to update but idk where to start, the text cfg. or unity? 


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  On 1/7/2019 at 6:50 AM, Starlord Kerman said:

Unfortunately reinstalling didn't fix it. I'll keep trying stuff though. Any more suggestions?


Hi it looks like  that there part has multiple animations.  I had trouble with some of my parts not working and displaying broken PAW entries,   after much messing around, even going so far as re importing the whole model, I discovered that whatever is  happening is directly related to the drag cube or in this case a lack of a proper one , parts with multiple animations are given a procedural drag cube, we've known for a while that procedural cubes are terrible when added into aircraft and be the cause of much weird behavior in other craft,  in 1.6 it actually breaks the part.  The process below  was the only thing that fixed it.

The proper way to fix it  is to make a custom  drag cube ( sounds complicated but it's mainly copy and paste) 
This entails making a couple of  cfg clones of your part, one  of which would have only the top door animation module  and the other would have only the bottom door animation module, you then fire up the game , let it load all the way through  to SPH etc then exit, you would then copy the new drag cubes that have been written in the part database.cfg  for your two dummy parts  into the original main parts cfg as below  . delete the dummies.  
Use this method if your part is properly cfg'd as a cargo bay

A chunk of cfg below from one of my projects that has two cargo bays in one part

//Upper part not shown//
maxTemp = 100000
	skinMaxTemp = 200000
	//vesselType = Ship
	fuelCrossFeed = True
	bulkheadProfiles = size1
// This is the format that works adopted from squads own , cube A is bay 1 and cube B is bay two
     cube = A,50.29,0.49224,4.942,50.29,0.48912,8.56,16.02,0.57048,19.85,16.02,0.45376,20.34,229.3,0.78936,0.8803,229.3,0.74184,2.983, -0.002204,-0.7631,-0.5761, 9.722,20.22,2.918
	  cube = B,50.29,0.49224,4.942,50.29,0.48912,8.56,16.02,0.57048,19.85,16.02,0.45376,20.34,229.3,0.78936,0.8803,229.3,0.74184,2.983, -0.002204,-0.7631,-0.5761, 9.722,20.22,2.918
	   name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
	  layer = 1
	   animationName = B1BayFwd
	   isOneShot = false
	   instantAnimInEditor = false
	   startEventGUIName = Open
	   endEventGUIName = Close
	   actionGUIName = Toggle
		name = ModuleCargoBay
		DeployModuleIndex = 0
		closedPosition = 0
		lookupRadius = 7.5
		  	nodeOuterForeID = Node1
		nodeOuterAftID = Node7
		nodeInnerForeID = Node9
		nodeInnerAftID = Node8

	   name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
	   layer = 2
	   animationName = B1BayAft
	   isOneShot = false
	   instantAnimInEditor = false
	   startEventGUIName = Open
	   endEventGUIName = Close
	   actionGUIName = Toggle
		name = ModuleCargoBay
		DeployModuleIndex = 2

The modded drag cube MUST go in the part cfg or next time you run the game  the part  will revert to a procedural cube again

The easy peasy way to deal with the issue , is to make one clone part,  remove all the animation modules , run the game as before and exit , and the copy the clone parts  new cube from the part database cfg into the real  parts own cfg , delete the dummy part.   Doing  it this way however will cause issues if the part is also cfg'd  as a cargo bay , and in that instance the first method is the way fwd  This latter method is more suited to  odd items with multiple doors and hatches .

PS do not use the  drag cube posted here in your project , each part needs its own unique cube

Edited by SpannerMonkey(smce)
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  On 1/10/2019 at 12:26 AM, Starlord Kerman said:

Yep, that seems to have fixed it


Awesome, glad it worked, drove me nuts.
It's also worth checking the part database cfg for any more of those procedural cubes, and where possible  making custom cubes for any affected parts, they generally behave much nicer in game afterward,  especially if using things like vessel mover or hyperedit

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  • 2 months later...

@SpannerMonkey(smce) Maybe you can help here.

I have a rudder part from the old B9 Shuttle Style Wings.  It has both a rudder and two other surfaces which are the airbrake (split, opens to each side).

My problem is that the rudder is moving in the wrong direction but the aeronautic effect is correct;  ie:  I apply left rudder, the rudder should swing to the left but it goes right instead.

Any ideas?  I am barely a beginner when it comes to 3D modeling, I have Blender 2.8 with @taniwha'a plugin, and have made some minor changes to other parts.  If you want to look at it, it's in this file:


the files are:  

  • GilB9Shuttle_Wings/Parts/B9_Shuttle_TailWing.cfg
  • GilB9Shuttle_Wings/Parts/B9_Shuttle_TailWing.mu

Thanks in advance

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