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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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2 hours ago, Astrofox said:

Say, is there a way to reverse the rotation of a planet using Kopernicus?

There used to be. It was like "inverseRotation." You just had to put "true" or "false" after it. However, I forget if that way for Kopernicus Beta or Kopernicus Tech.

Also, I'm having an issue with this planet for Kumar's Dwarf Stars. The planet's texture always comes out white in-game, with the bumps and craters from the height map. Here's my config, which has been edited with Notepad++:

		name = 99b
		cacheFile = KDS/99KorionisSystem/99b/Cache/99b.bin
		flightGlobalsIndex = 1001

            name = Moho
			removeAllPQSMods = true

            referenceBody = 99 Korionis
            inclination = 10.8
            eccentricity = 0.038
            semiMajorAxis = 581782380
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 90
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
            epoch = 0
            color = 0.88,0.49,0.0,1
            description = TBA
            radius = 238000
            geeASL = 0.25
			rotationPeriod = 73249.5612
			rotates = true
			tidallyLocked = true
			initialRotation = 0
			isHomeWorld = false
			timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 74000 74000 74000 79000 115000 256000 990000
				landedDataValue = 24.3
				splashedDataValue = 22
				flyingLowDataValue = 21.6
				flyingHighDataValue = 20.6
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 19.5
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 18.5
				recoveryValue = 23.55
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 80000
				spaceAltitudeThreshold = 190000
                texture = KDS/99KorionisSystem/99b/Textures/99b_color
				normals = KDS/99KorionisSystem/99b/Textures/99b_normal
                rimPower = 2.06
                rimBlend = 0.3
            maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
            minLevel = 1
            maxLevel = 7
            minDetailDistance = 8

					map = KDS/99KorionisSystem/99b/Textures/99b_color.png
					order = 9999999
					enabled = true
					map = KDS/99KorionisSystem/99b/PluginData/99b_height.png
					offset = -1132.87
					deformity = 7865.80000
					order = 9999999
					enabled = true
					seed = 8891
					deformity = 667
					octaves = 3
					persistence = 2
					frequency = 1
					enabled = true
					order = 10
					seed = 1132
					deformity = 1985
					octaves = 1
					persistence = 5
					frequency = 2
					enabled = true
					order = 11

What is causing this bug, and how can I fix it?

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5 minutes ago, Astrofox said:

I actually stumbled across this error earlier on today. Just make sure your directory is correctly labeled, as well as the name of the textures.


I've checked the directories multiple times, and they're all made and spelled correctly. Maybe I named one of 99b's newer textures wrong...

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Of course, you could PM a Download link to see the full config and directory.

Or maybe the cache file is incorrect (I think it would be in the Kopernicus directory, unless otherwise).

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22 hours ago, Astrofox said:

@CaptRobau @Thomas P., is there a thread dedicated to sample codes on Kopernicus PQS mods?


11 hours ago, KillAshley said:

no there isn't


That may hopefully change soon, may i introduce the Kopernicus PQS mods documentation thread!

this is an attempt at a crowdsourced documentation on all existing PQS mods any planet maker could need! I'm working on getting a blank white planet config for it but hopefully this works out :D 

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6 minutes ago, Astrofox said:

@ProtoJeb21 I have so far fixed the issue with 99b. I will PM you the fixed version.

I used KittopiaTech to actually export the textures, then I put them in the directories and reloaded the game. It worked just fine.

Odd. I did that and it didn't work for me. Then again, when I removed the Sphere of Influence value for KIP-666, all the physical and atmospheric properties of all celestial bodies went blank. So you can tell that something is glitched out. But thanks!

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How do i make this work?

            radius = 2500
			sphereOfInfluence = 60866.3253272915
			hillSphere = 10239.4749358628
            semiMajorAxis = 526313
			type = Vacuum
			fadeStart = 95000
			fadeEnd = 100000
			sphericalModel = False
			deferMesh = False
				color = 1,1,1,1
				specColor = 0,0,0,1
				shininess = 0.03
				texture = BUILTIN/moho00
				mainTex = BUILTIN/moho00
				mainTexScale = 1,1
				mainTexOffset = 0,0
				normals = BUILTIN/moho01
				bumpMap = BUILTIN/moho01
				bumpMapScale = 1,1
				bumpMapOffset = 0,0
				opacity = 1
				resourceMapScale = 1,1
				resourceMapOffset = 0,0
			minLevel = 2
			maxLevel = 8
			minDetailDistance = 6
			maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
			fadeStart = 100000
			fadeEnd = 110000
			deactivateAltitude = 115000
			mapMaxHeight = 8000
				saturation = 1
				contrast = 1.6
				tintColor = 1,1,1,0
				powerNear = 0.5
				powerFar = 0.5
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 20000
				steepPower = 1
				steepTexStart = 0
				steepTexEnd = 200000
				steepTex = BUILTIN/RockyGround
				steepTexScale = 1,1
				steepTexOffset = 0,0
				steepBumpMap = BUILTIN/RockyGround2
				steepBumpMapScale = 1,1
				steepBumpMapOffset = 0,0
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 10
				lowTex = BUILTIN/SandyGround
				lowTexScale = 1,1
				lowTexOffset = 0,0
				lowBumpMap = BUILTIN/quiet
				lowBumpMapScale = 1,1
				lowBumpMapOffset = 0,0
				lowNearTiling = 500
				lowMultiFactor = 100
				lowBumpNearTiling = 5000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 1000
				midTex = BUILTIN/distantground
				midTexScale = 1,1
				midTexOffset = 0,0
				midBumpMap = BUILTIN/quiet
				midBumpMapScale = 1,1
				midBumpMapOffset = 0,0
				midNearTiling = 500
				midMultiFactor = 100
				midBumpNearTiling = 500
				midBumpFarTiling = 100
				highTex = BUILTIN/terrain_snow00
				highTexScale = 1,1
				highTexOffset = 0,0
				highBumpMap = BUILTIN/quiet
				highBumpMapScale = 1,1
				highBumpMapOffset = 0,0
				highNearTiling = 500
				highMultiFactor = 100
				highBumpNearTiling = 500
				highBumpFarTiling = 10
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.3
				highStart = 0.8
				highEnd = 1
				globalDensity = -8E-06
				fogColorRampScale = 1,1
				fogColorRampOffset = 0,0
				planetOpacity = 0
				saturation = 1.62
				contrast = 1.9
				tintColor = 1,1,1,0
				texTiling = 1024
				texPower = 0.75
				multiPower = 0.75
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 20000
				multiFactor = 0.5
				mainTex = BUILTIN/RockyGround
				mainTexScale = 1,1
				mainTexOffset = 0,0
				planetOpacity = 1
				bounceCombine = Average
				frictionCombine = Maximum
				bounciness = 0
				staticFriction = 0.8
				dynamicFriction = 0.6
					deformity = 50
					deformity = 5
					deformity = 25
					deformity = 20

Where do i put the @ sign?

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8 hours ago, daniel l. said:

How do i make this work?

            radius = 2500
			sphereOfInfluence = 60866.3253272915
			hillSphere = 10239.4749358628
            semiMajorAxis = 526313
			type = Vacuum
			fadeStart = 95000
			fadeEnd = 100000
			sphericalModel = False
			deferMesh = False
				color = 1,1,1,1
				specColor = 0,0,0,1
				shininess = 0.03
				texture = BUILTIN/moho00
				mainTex = BUILTIN/moho00
				mainTexScale = 1,1
				mainTexOffset = 0,0
				normals = BUILTIN/moho01
				bumpMap = BUILTIN/moho01
				bumpMapScale = 1,1
				bumpMapOffset = 0,0
				opacity = 1
				resourceMapScale = 1,1
				resourceMapOffset = 0,0
			minLevel = 2
			maxLevel = 8
			minDetailDistance = 6
			maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
			fadeStart = 100000
			fadeEnd = 110000
			deactivateAltitude = 115000
			mapMaxHeight = 8000
				saturation = 1
				contrast = 1.6
				tintColor = 1,1,1,0
				powerNear = 0.5
				powerFar = 0.5
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 20000
				steepPower = 1
				steepTexStart = 0
				steepTexEnd = 200000
				steepTex = BUILTIN/RockyGround
				steepTexScale = 1,1
				steepTexOffset = 0,0
				steepBumpMap = BUILTIN/RockyGround2
				steepBumpMapScale = 1,1
				steepBumpMapOffset = 0,0
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 10
				lowTex = BUILTIN/SandyGround
				lowTexScale = 1,1
				lowTexOffset = 0,0
				lowBumpMap = BUILTIN/quiet
				lowBumpMapScale = 1,1
				lowBumpMapOffset = 0,0
				lowNearTiling = 500
				lowMultiFactor = 100
				lowBumpNearTiling = 5000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 1000
				midTex = BUILTIN/distantground
				midTexScale = 1,1
				midTexOffset = 0,0
				midBumpMap = BUILTIN/quiet
				midBumpMapScale = 1,1
				midBumpMapOffset = 0,0
				midNearTiling = 500
				midMultiFactor = 100
				midBumpNearTiling = 500
				midBumpFarTiling = 100
				highTex = BUILTIN/terrain_snow00
				highTexScale = 1,1
				highTexOffset = 0,0
				highBumpMap = BUILTIN/quiet
				highBumpMapScale = 1,1
				highBumpMapOffset = 0,0
				highNearTiling = 500
				highMultiFactor = 100
				highBumpNearTiling = 500
				highBumpFarTiling = 10
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.3
				highStart = 0.8
				highEnd = 1
				globalDensity = -8E-06
				fogColorRampScale = 1,1
				fogColorRampOffset = 0,0
				planetOpacity = 0
				saturation = 1.62
				contrast = 1.9
				tintColor = 1,1,1,0
				texTiling = 1024
				texPower = 0.75
				multiPower = 0.75
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 20000
				multiFactor = 0.5
				mainTex = BUILTIN/RockyGround
				mainTexScale = 1,1
				mainTexOffset = 0,0
				planetOpacity = 1
				bounceCombine = Average
				frictionCombine = Maximum
				bounciness = 0
				staticFriction = 0.8
				dynamicFriction = 0.6
					deformity = 50
					deformity = 5
					deformity = 25
					deformity = 20

Where do i put the @ sign?

Seriously, how often do I need to say it: We need your logfiles to help you, because we don't know where your problem is by looking at your config, especially if the config has no visible errors (can't spot any). The logs are the only sane way to say what is wrong.

And that is not just some programmer specific weirdness, it is simply a matter of sanity and of efficiency. It is much more time consuming for us to reverse engineer the config that for you to put the logfile on pastebin or dropbox. We are trying to help you, but you have to help us at the same time. :wink:

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1 minute ago, Kepler68 said:

Are there common errors we should look for in the log files to try to save you some effort :) 

When ppl cut stuff out of the log files that always annoyes me

You should always send full log files:)

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Often the Colliders seem to disappear for ground scatters. I'm seeing this with KSPRC, and I'll try to narrow it down. But is this a known problem with KSP or Kopernicus?

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6 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

When ppl cut stuff out of the log files that always annoyes me

Ironically people feel they are being helpful by doing this and saving modders the trouble of digging it out on their own, not realizing the full extent at which the log file is utilized for debugging

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6 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

When ppl cut stuff out of the log files that always annoyes me

You should always send full log files:)

I just have to say, sometimes that isn't possible. Whenever I try to upload full log files Google Chrome will crash, soo... there's that.

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Just now, Andem said:

I just have to say, sometimes that isn't possible. Whenever I try to upload full log files Google Chrome will crash, soo... there's that.

you can just use dropbox or googledrive or whatever filesharing tool you rather use

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5 hours ago, Andem said:

I just have to say, sometimes that isn't possible. Whenever I try to upload full log files Google Chrome will crash, soo... there's that.


5 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

you can just use dropbox or googledrive or whatever filesharing tool you rather use

For just text, use Paste Bin:


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4 hours ago, ImkSushi said:


For just text, use Paste Bin:


I didn't mention pastebin because sometimes logs can get too long for that site.

Also, I think it's more fail safe to share a file rather than opening said file, copying its content, paste that into a pastebin window and share it

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1 minute ago, Sigma88 said:

I didn't mention pastebin because sometimes logs can get too long for that site.

Also, I think it's more fail safe to share a file rather than opening said file, copying its content, paste that into a pastebin window and share it

Ok. Good point.

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I play a heavily modded install including Kopernicus and OPM, and have been playing around with MemGraph to get an idea of where my massive stuttering lag was coming from. During my testing, I noted that focusing on Sarnus or Neidon's rings in Map view caused massive memory spikes. I confirmed with an install of pure stock + Kopernicus/OPM/dependencies only. Screenshot of memory use follows:



The smooth bit in the middle is the time I spent launching a rocket. Long garbage collector intervals, low memory usage. However, the red (GC initation) and green (memory usage) spikes are when I focused on Sarnus, and rotated the map. The smooth bit in between the green spikes is me halting the map rotation and not moving anything - memory usage seems to drop down to normal, until I start spinning the map again. Neidon's usage shows similar patterns, at the far right edge. Any idea what might be causing the spiking memory usage when looking at ringed planets? 

Here's my log file, if that's useful.

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I've been looking into the problem of scatter colliders not always being functional, and I'm starting to suspect the shear number of colliders is the problem, so I've been experimenting with different scatter densities. While debugging at 5% density in the grasslands west of KSC, I noticed this starting debug:


Yes, 64 lots of 12150 vertices for rocks even though no rocks appear at this low density - also see the bounds is zero. Seems KSP builds a lot of unnecessary meshage.


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