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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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41 minutes ago, TaintedLion said:


I installed StarCrusher96's Kerbol Star System mod with Kopernicus 1.2.2-4, and all I get is a black screen when I load up a save. I can't go into anything in the space centre. I have a log file if you want it. I asked the author of the KSS mod, and after a lot of looking around, he asked me to ask here, see if it's a problem with Kopernicus.


if you click on the nyan cat in my sig there's a list of stuff we need

but if the problem is in KSS it might not be possible for us to give you an easy solution

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15 minutes ago, Sigma88 said:

if you click on the nyan cat in my sig there's a list of stuff we need

but if the problem is in KSS it might not be possible for us to give you an easy solution

Alrighty then. Here is a link to a zip file with the ksp.log, the Kopernicus logs, and the ModuleManager cache. The only mods I have installed are the KSS mod, Kopernicus 1.2.2-4, and Module Manager 2.7.5.

Thanks for helping.

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7 minutes ago, TaintedLion said:

Alrighty then. Here is a link to a zip file with the ksp.log, the Kopernicus logs, and the ModuleManager cache. The only mods I have installed are the KSS mod, Kopernicus 1.2.2-4, and Module Manager 2.7.5.

Thanks for helping.

on your setup 47 planets failed to load while 31 managed to load

seeing you are running linux I'd guess there are some upper/lower case mismatches between the configs of KSS and the names of the files

either that or the cfgs for those planets are plain broken and don't work period.

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11 minutes ago, Sigma88 said:

on your setup 47 planets failed to load while 31 managed to load

seeing you are running linux I'd guess there are some upper/lower case mismatches between the configs of KSS and the names of the files

either that or the cfgs for those planets are plain broken and don't work period.

Okay, I'm gonna go back to the creator of KSS, give him the same files.

Thank you for your help, it's appreciated :)

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I released Kopernicus 1.2.2-5 (hey, we never had so many versions for one ksp version :D) on Github. It contains a fix for the pretty dumb bug that caused the high amount of lag in the space center, and some other stuff. Just read the changelog. :)

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2 minutes ago, The White Guardian said:

Sweet, I'll get to testing MeshScatter.

Is there an example configuration for the mod available somewhere, or at least a framework listing the parsers it needs?

The only thing you could do is to look at the mod loader code to see what it is loading. https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/blob/release-1.2.2-5/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/Configuration/ModLoader/MeshScatter.cs

Edited by Thomas P.
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Alright, already documenting MeshScatter, so far I found this:

	collide (Boolean)
	science (Boolean)
	scatterName (string)
	seed (int)
	maxCache (int)
	maxScatter (int)
	material (StockMaterialParser)
	map (MapSO)
	mesh (MeshParser)
	minSubdivision (int)
	countPerSqM (float)
	verticalOffset (float)
	minScale (Vector3Parser)
	maxScale (Vector3Parser)
	castShadows (Boolean)
	receiveShadows (Boolean)

I'll be writing an example code in a minute, hang on.

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3 minutes ago, The White Guardian said:

Alright, already documenting MeshScatter, so far I found this:

	collide (Boolean)
	science (Boolean)
	scatterName (string)
	seed (int)
	maxCache (int)
	maxScatter (int)
	material (StockMaterialParser)
	map (MapSO)
	mesh (MeshParser)
	minSubdivision (int)
	countPerSqM (float)
	verticalOffset (float)
	minScale (Vector3Parser)
	maxScale (Vector3Parser)
	castShadows (Boolean)
	receiveShadows (Boolean)

I'll be writing an example code in a minute, hang on.

But what does it doooo? What's the difference from what we have now?

Edited by Galileo
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Alright, here's what I made of it:

	collide = false
	science = false
		color = 0.4,0.4,0.4,1
		mainTex = BUILTIN/lunar cliff face
		mainTexScale = 1,1
		mainTexOffset = 0,0
	scatterName = Rock00
	seed = 12345
	maxCache = 512
	maxScatter = 20
	mesh = BUILTIN/boulder
	minSubdivision 1
	countPerSqM = 1
	verticalOffset = 0
	minScale = 0.15
	maxScale = 2.5
	castShadows = false
	receiveShadows = false
	enabled = true
	order = 100

Functions mostly like LandControl's scatters, save for the map, minSubdivision and countPerSqM. I don't know what minSubdivision means, I'll have to experiment I suppose, but countPerSqM seems to be 'count per square meter' which could mean the amount of scatters per square meter.

1 minute ago, Galileo said:

But what does it doooo? What's the difference from what we have now?

Just me logging what kind of value every parser requests.

Boolean -> true or false.

Integer -> no decimals (like Octaves in Simplex mods)

Double -> decimals

That sort of thing.

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3 minutes ago, The White Guardian said:

Just me logging what kind of value every parser requests.

Boolean -> true or false.

Integer -> no decimals (like Octaves in Simplex mods)

Double -> decimals

That sort of thing.

I understand that, but what's the point? Why would one use this? Is it just easier to implement than land control?

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2 minutes ago, Galileo said:

I understand that, but what's the point? Why would one use this? Is it just easier to implement than land control?

It is land control light. You can add one scatter type, using a "concentration-map" (white is much scatter, black is no scatter).

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Here are all the files and info needed to figure out the issue with Sigma Binary (and now Kopernicus) not working. I can't figure out how to take a screenshot of my GameData folder, so I just listed all the contents in a text document. Also, it turns out that in trying to fix Sigma Binary earlier, it broke Dosol B, which is the reason why it didn't show up. It doesn't load with or without Sigma Binary, yet Module Manager does not find an error in its config. So now this is an issue for both Kopernicus and Sigma Binary.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/541bc8zu84x3e4k/Kopernicus Info.zip?dl=0

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13 minutes ago, Sigma88 said:

PQS is the ground, why do you need passthrough terrain?

I know what PQS is, I'm just trying to make a realistic gas giant that way. What I want to do is to make a some kind of thick 3D clouds (like in Space Engine) using PQS mods and put the ocean under it and I don't want things to explode when it reaches the "clouds"


Edited by Artyomka15
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15 minutes ago, Artyomka15 said:

I know what PQS is, I'm just trying to make a realistic gas giant that way. What I want to do is to make a some kind of thick 3D clouds (like in Space Engine) using PQS mods and put the ocean under it and I don't want things to explode when it reaches the "clouds"

I'd say this is probably not possible, but I'm not 100% sure


even if that was possible you would get only 1 layer of clouds, you can't have multiple layers of PQS on the same planet

(meaning that when you cross the "clouds" you would see the ocean)


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6 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

PQS is the ground, why do you need passthrough terrain?

I was actually thinking about this exact thing this morning. It'd be pretty sweet to be able to drop a sub through the surface of an iceworld to explore the oceans

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6 hours ago, Artyomka15 said:

I know what PQS is, I'm just trying to make a realistic gas giant that way. What I want to do is to make a some kind of thick 3D clouds (like in Space Engine) using PQS mods and put the ocean under it and I don't want things to explode when it reaches the "clouds"


It could work by removing one internal PQSMod. But... Kopernicus will refuse to remove it, because of reasons.

The name of the mod is PQSMod_QuadMeshColliders

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I happen to be running into a small .bin file problem (only on stock planets). The new mesh I have for the object isn't loading, so it retains the old mesh. Despite designating cache file locations (and ensured proper file destination), the only time the planet will load a new mesh is using KittopiaTech. Before & After pictures:





And the code:

        cacheFile = Suthe/Minor Objects/Gilly.bin
            description = Gilly is an asteroid found in the asteroid belt, between Asford and Jool. It has a spiky surface but no craters.
			rotationPeriod = 26000
            type = Vacuum
				texture = Suthe/Minor Objects/Gilly.dds
				normals = Suthe/Minor Objects/GillyNRM.png
			@referenceBody = Sun
			semiMajorAxis = 18400000000
			longitudeOfAscendingNode = -3
			inclination = 21
			eccentricity = 0.0121
			color = 0.3,0.1,0.0,1.0
					deformity = 12000
					frequency = 0.45
					octaves = 3
					persistence = 0.65
					seed = 17
					order = 10
					enabled = True
					name = _Height
					index = 0
					blend = 1
					colorStart = 0.9,0.875,0.665,1
					colorEnd = 0.6,0.2,0.15,1
					frequency = 1
					octaves = 8
					persistence = 0.5
					seed = 111453
					order = 100
					enabled = True
					name = _Color
					index = 0
					deformity = 750
					frequency = 4
					octaves = 6
					persistence = 0.5
					seed = 111111112
					noiseType = RiggedMultifractal
					mode = Low
					lacunarity = 2.5
					order = 19
					enabled = True
					name = _Height
					index = 0


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