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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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It should be expected to be “broke” because it is every..single..ksp..update. And it’s by design. We don’t need to constantly remind the developer over and over about something that he has done on purpose.

Edited by Galileo
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17 hours ago, Tiberius said:

It still works with Astronomers Visual Pack (AVP) in 1.4.4. AVP doesn't add any new planets but uses Kopernicus as a dependency. Anyone using that mod should be safe. If you're using additional mods, or mods that change/add new planets, it may not work. 

Unfortunately, it's not fully working. Disabled Kopernicus break solar panels so they always produce 0 (zero) power. All your satellites would soon be dead.

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So, Im currently working on a total replacement planet pack mod, I've managed to make 2 stars & a Gas Giant with ease. My problem has come with trying to make a Terrestrial planet that is a new Homeworld, it replaces Kerbin, but I cant seem to get the KSC to actually sit itself onto the planet, when I first start up the save the screen is black, but I can still go to the facilities. Upon further inspection in the tracking station is appears the KSC is Falling Through the planet, Falling Around the Planet, etc. point it, it wont sit itself onto the planet (Keep In Mind, I'm extremely new to this whole sorta thing, Teaching myself Programming through this.)

I also noticed a secondary problem as the surface texture/color I have made for the planet does not seem to want to drape itself onto the Planet. I was hoping that once I get the Homeworld to work I would then be able to go on to make some more Terrestrial worlds. But considering the difficulties I've had with this one I'm completely stuck.

Planet.cfg: https://pastebin.com/rdEPVbXu
output log: https://pastebin.com/KPmUm00q


Also, the discord link doesn't appear to be working anymore, could we get a renewed link?

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15 hours ago, SVlad said:

Unfortunately, it's not fully working. Disabled Kopernicus break solar panels so they always produce 0 (zero) power. All your satellites would soon be dead. 

So, it wasn't just me that noticed that solar panels aren't producing power.

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thanks for putting in the warning for "Kopernicus doesn't work with [1.4.4] - do not open your save games" - defnitely would destroy a lot of work for me if I'd given it a try without seeing that message! :)

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16 hours ago, AdistarVoid said:

Yeah man. Real discrete. Don't steal my work, please, because it really does make you look like an idiot. I would help, but at this point if you're not willing to put the work in yourself, there isn't much point.


It's nice to see the little trap that I place in each of my configs has worked. Congratulations, you played yourself.

Edited by Gameslinx
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The reason I copied it was to learn what it was doing to the planet, I meant no harm in doing this whatsoever, I do have CTTP installed & have all the textures pathed correctly.

Im learning this stuff for the first time, trying to figure out how the stuff works, trying to learn how to make a working planet mod.
I did this method to learn how to make a star, which did work, & now im able to make a star on my own; same with a gas giant.

But when it came to a terrestrial world I was struggling to figure out the PQSMods, there hadn't seemed like there was any way to know how to control what they did.
If i had known this wouldn't have been an issue in the first place, but what else can I do atm, its either go in entirely blind & probably give up, or copy the titles of the codes for the PQSMods, & go on from there. Every value in each PQS descriptor is my own, although I doubt many would be different since I stuck to rather linear input values.

I actually learned a fair bit through this, managed to get the planet into a working state, except that I cant get the KSC to sit onto the planet. (I genuinely can't describe what it's even doing If I'm being honest)
I asked for help so that way I can get the problem solved & move on to being able to make a pack without other configs.

When I've figured out how to make at least 1 terrestrial world as a Homeworld with Oceans, I'll rewrite the code & void what I don't really need / have any reason to keep. I'll be able to use that basis to continue on to the rest of the system

Edited by AdistarVoid
fixed spelling
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14 hours ago, AdistarVoid said:


Your phrasing in the initial post was "Im currently working on a total replacement planet pack mod, I've managed to make 2 stars & a Gas Giant with ease". Then you linked the config and didn't mention that you were using someone else's.

I'm more than happy for people to learn from my configs, but you phrased it as if you would publish the mod with my config. That is not okay.

If you're just using it to learn, that's alright.

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That was my mistake for not mentioning that, sorry.

7 hours ago, Gameslinx said:

Your phrasing in the initial post was "Im currently working on a total replacement planet pack mod, I've managed to make 2 stars & a Gas Giant with ease". Then you linked the config and didn't mention that you were using someone else's.

I'm more than happy for people to learn from my configs, but you phrased it as if you would publish the mod with my config. That is not okay.

If you're just using it to learn, that's alright.

Album 0AOfy94 will appear when post is submitted

That's what the planet looks like right now.
& as you can also see the KSC is not on the planet (I made sure it wasn't glitching either). But rather it just falls in a random direction, resets, & changes direction again.
I've been stuck at this almost a week now & still can't narrow down the problem.

The Other problem is that I cant get the planet texture onto the planet at all, it just remains a light blue (because the star it's orbiting has a hint of blue in it)

Edited by AdistarVoid
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Unfortunately, it's not fully working. Disabled Kopernicus break solar panels so they always produce 0 (zero) power. All your satellites would soon be dead.

Do u know how to fix it?

Edited by MXMS
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2 hours ago, MXMS said:

Do u know how to fix it?

I saw in the Config folder a CFG file named SolarPanels but I don't understand that it meant by the note in that file.

" you want to keep your ModuleDeployableSolarPanel, add "useKopernicusSolarPanels = false" to the MODULE node
    // That will stop Kopernicus from replacing it".

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Can Kopernicus be updated to 1.4.4 please? I do know i'm not the only one asking but the reason why is because I have an asteroid pack with custom asteroids and I want Outer Planets Mod to work. I know you are working very hard on it and I hope it goes well. I'm not trying to rush you but could you please get it done by this Friday please by the 29th? Thanks mate 

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46 minutes ago, Trekkie148 said:

Can Kopernicus be updated to 1.4.4 please? I do know i'm not the only one asking but the reason why is because I have an asteroid pack with custom asteroids and I want Outer Planets Mod to work. I know you are working very hard on it and I hope it goes well. I'm not trying to rush you but could you please get it done by this Friday please by the 29th? Thanks mate 

Grabbing popcorn...

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2 hours ago, Trekkie148 said:

Can Kopernicus be updated to 1.4.4 please? I do know i'm not the only one asking but the reason why is because I have an asteroid pack with custom asteroids and I want Outer Planets Mod to work. I know you are working very hard on it and I hope it goes well. I'm not trying to rush you but could you please get it done by this Friday please by the 29th? Thanks mate 

Please don't go on the forums and ask mod authors to update their mods as they have real lives, real jobs, real family etc. and are contributing their talent to the community with free time for free. 
Mod authors do not owe anything to the community, but we who use those mods owe them. Consider donating to those authors and be considerate and patient. They are fully aware an update was released and will get to their mods if/ when they feel like it.
Don't be "That Guy".
Asking a mod author to update is like a kid in the backseat of the car constantly asking "are we there yet?"

Edited by RocketPCGaming
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15 minutes ago, Zithorian said:


 Does the folder TheLanteaPrinciple have the folder Textures inside It and Inside Textures Is the aridana_Color.png

 Also make sure you spelled everything correctly or kopernicus will ignore It

That just about did it. I feel like an idiot now but it's all good.

Only problem left to solve is the KSC...
Which has honestly been a pain to even attempt to fix, Is there anyway of knowing what coordinate each point in the surface texture is. If there is a way of knowing, then that would solve my problem (hopefully).

on Another note, the Discord link appears to be broken

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4 hours ago, Beetlecat said:

Damn. I'm gonna be out of town on the 29th. It'd be real nice if this was all settled and done by July 5. kthankxbai!

Oh OK. Take your time Sorry for the rush but you can do it whenever you want. Thanks for responding though and sorry for the request.

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