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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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10 hours ago, OhioBob said:

If we call the three numbers X, Y and Z, then

Latitude = ASIN( Y / SQRT(X^2 + Y^2 + Z^2) )

Longitude, if X>0 = ATAN( Z / X)

Longitude, if X<0 and Z>0 = ATAN( Z / X) + 180

Longitude, if X<0 and Z<0 = ATAN(Z / X) -180

So for the given example,

Latitude = ASIN( -3000 / SQRT(157000^2 + (-3000)^2 + (-570000)^2 ) = -0.2907275094

Longitude = ATAN(-570000 / 157000) = -74.60038846

When I work with these numbers I prefer to use unit vectors, i.e. vectors that have a magnitude of one.  The magnitude doesn't matter because it just points a direction.  In unit vectors we have,

0, 1, 0  ---  points to the north pole
0, -1, 0  ---  points to the south pole
1, 0, 0  ---  points to 0 longitude on the equator
-1, 0, 0  --- points to 180 longitude on the equator
0, 0, 1  ---  points to +90 longitude on the equator
0, 0, -1  ---  points to -90 longitude on the equator


How translate latitude and longitude to position?

Edited by Danilka
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14 hours ago, Nightside said:

And since KSP planets are all spheres we just multiply the result by the radius right?

You can, but there's no need to.  I use the results as is (a unit vector) and it works just fine.  The vector just points a direction, so its scalar value is irrelevant.  The elevation of whatever you place at that position is relative to the datum or surface.  For example, in the following "position" gives the direction to the object, but "flattenTo" gives the elevation relative to the datum.  The datum is defined, of course, by the planet radius.

					name = Pyramids
					DEBUG_showColors = False
					flattenTo = 1770
					innerRadius = 400
					outerRadius = 1000
					position = -0.7795680037, -0.1133018723, -0.6159841015
					smoothEnd = 0
					smoothStart = 0
					order = 150
					enabled = True


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having trouble moving the Space Center to a new body. Specifically, I want to move it to a moon, if that's important. The game boots and loads all the data, but then gets stuck loading the start screen.


My current code in Jorth.cfg. For reference: The game loads perfectly with "name = Jorth" and "isHomeWorld = false".

	// Earth
		name = Kerbin
		finalizeOrbit = true
		flightGlobalsIndex = 1
		cacheFile = Duane/Kopernicus/Cache/Jorth.bin
			name = Kerbin
			//removePQSMods = PQSLandControl, PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute, PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2, PQSMod_VertexRidgedAltitudeCurve
			referenceBody = Odin
			semiMajorAxis = 79598261.1504425
			eccentricity = 0.01609636160505683
			inclination = -1.5
			meanAnomalyAtEpochD = 357.0607464120944
			longitudeOfAscendingNode = 159.9965004168758
			argumentOfPeriapsis = 102.9720683296131
			color = 0.0,0.278,0.388,1.0
			displayName = Jorth
			isHomeWorld = true
			radius = 6371000
			ocean = true
			description = Despite Jorth's magnetic field, it has a high amount of background radiation courtesy of Odin, which has allowed life to evolve faster than on earth. Jorth has tides caused by the planet's rotation under the gravitational field of Odin that have also facilitated the development of life. The kerbals who live on this world seem to be exceptionally resilient to radiation, explosions, and other "accidents" that occur as a result space flight.
			// Stellar day.
			solarRotationPeriod = False
			rotationPeriod = 86164.098903691
			rotates = true
			initialRotation = 100.1833
			tidallyLocked = false
			// does nothing - axialTilt = 23.44
			gravParameter = 3.986004418e+14
			timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 140000 140000 140000 140000 2000000 35000000 35000000

			// Set navball switching around the Karman line
			navballSwitchRadiusMult = 0.0160100455
			navballSwitchRadiusMultLow = 0.0153822006
			inverseRotThresholdAltitude = 145000


				landedDataValue = 0.3
				splashedDataValue = 0.4
				flyingLowDataValue = 0.7
				flyingHighDataValue = 0.9
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 1
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 1.5
				recoveryValue = 1
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 50000
				spaceAltitudeThreshold = 35786000

Any ideas are appreciated and welcome.

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11 hours ago, dlathro1 said:

I'm having trouble moving the Space Center to a new body. Specifically, I want to move it to a moon, if that's important.

If you're moving the Space Center to another stock moon, Alien Space Programs has multiple examples. The latest example still has bugs to work out yet, but that's because templating Mun or Minmus has some difficulty.

Parenting the home world to something other than Body 0 (Usually the sun) also has unique difficulties that are addressed in the examples.


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Ok, so PSA:

The next Kopernicus update will completely kill any plugin that depends on it (this means mods who interact with Kopernicus through anything except the config interface). The reason is that I did some really big refactoring to the code, so isn't full of warnings in my IDE and changed some of the more stupid choices I made in the past (like splitting Kopernicus into 3 dlls)

The config interface is stable so far (and actually the new version might be able to load mods from pre 1.3.1-3 again, since I just deleted the config option that caused those bodies to error out - KSP always overwrites it with a default that I cannot change) - but I have some ideas that might require changes. When changes are neccessary I will post something about them.

However, as previously said, all plugins that interface with Kopernicus or it's parser directly (i.e. the IC plugin, Sigmas plugins and so on) will need at least a recompile but probably some larger code changes. The logic didn't change, but a lot of parameter names did. If you need help with updating a plugin, feel free to ping me and I will see what I can do. I would appreciate if you could try (i.e. compiling the source code on github and checking if your plugin builds against it) before I release that version so that I can revert something before releasing it in case it is neccessary.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Considering that two posts above there's an announcement about a breaking change in the next version (no date, but obviously gearing up for release), I'd say yes.

Edited by Guest
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Let me start by saying Kopernicus is my favorite mod. And I am thankful for work Thomas P and others continue to put into it.

I am having trouble with FlattenArea. Either it is having no effect or I can't locate flattened area. :o

Below is a sample of code I have used to modify my own planets. I expect the a Flattened area lat=0 and lon=0. But I see no evidence of flat ground.

                    DEBUG_showColors = False
                    flattenTo = 0 //height in m
                    innerRadius = 10000 //radius of start of slope in m
                    outerRadius = 10000 //radius of end of slope in m
                    //position = -1, 0, 0 //x,y,z radial vectors
                    smoothEnd = 0
                    smoothStart = 0
                    order = 99999
                    enabled = True
                    name = value //name identifier
                        latitude = 0
                        longitude = 0
                        altitude = 0000 // <altitude above sea level>


I also have a file in \GameData\__FlattenTest\testflat.cfg

I expect to see a flattened area near latitude zero and longitude -80. But again I see no evidence of flattening.

                    DEBUG_showColors = False
                    flattenTo = 0 //height in m
                    innerRadius = 100 //radius of start of slope in m
                    outerRadius = 6000  //radius of end of slope in m
                    position = -0.110,0,0.993  //x,y,z radial vectors  //lat 0 --- lon -80
                    smoothEnd = 0
                    smoothStart = 0
                    order = 99999
                    enabled = True
                    name = value //name identifier
                    //{1 to 2 also
                    //    latitude = 0
                    //    longitude = 180
                    //    altitude = 0000 // <altitude above sea level>


I have been reading the forums and working on this with trial and error for several days with no results. 

Maybe someone can give me a known working example of FlattenArea. The flat area can be anywhere on any stock planet as long as I know the latitude and longitude of the flat area and I can get to it with Hyperedit.

Let me also add this. I am trying to create a flat area to place a base.

At this point I would be happy with a command that re-creates something like the minimus flats on some of my planets.

Actually I would be happy with anything that I can use to create flat spots for my bases.

Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to give me.



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I'm pretty sure releases get delayed by a month every time someone asks for an update. Breaking Ground dropped today. No modders have had any access to the build prior to a public release so there's been no way for them to adapt their mods to the changes made by 1.7.1. I imagine Kopernicus will have some changes that need to be made to accommodate the new surface anomalies from Breaking Ground and, lacking any programming experience, I imagine it takes time to make that kind of thing happen.

Be patient. Modders do their work for free, when and if they have the time. Thomas P and the entirety of the Kopernicus team have done extraordinary work with their mod, but they have to all kinds of testing to ensure compatibility with the latest versions of KSP. That's why Kopernicus and many other mods are version locked. There will be a release as soon as it's ready, but asking for or demanding updates probably isn't helping. Give it a few weeks. In the meantime why not play on a vanilla or less modded save?


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1 hour ago, sadina said:

I have a warning that the kopernicus can't work with the breaking ground expension! And this issue must be fixed immediately!

This issue must be fixed when the volunteer, unpaid mod-maker feels like getting around to it. Please keep in mind that these people don't owe others anything and are sharing their work out of the kindness of their hearts. 

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1 hour ago, Vanamonde said:

This issue must be fixed when the volunteer, unpaid mod-maker feels like getting around to it. Please keep in mind that these people don't owe others anything and are sharing their work out of the kindness of their hearts. 

Of cause I do know these things and I have do respect them.

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I guess it will take a little time to adapt kopernicus to allow surface features on mod worlds... But maybe not, there is a simple text file that seems to define them. Ill bet I could text edit geysers on kerbin right now... 

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To be honest I was expecting the update to go along the BG DLC to be 1.8...  It might be that there could be a 1.8 update in a few weeks and thus, Thomas P. prediction could still come true and not as a joke.

My question is which mods will be affected by the change of codes (as I don't know how each mods work, I'm no programmer) so when the new version of Kopernicus is out I wish to know which mod I have to delete or put in stand by in an other folder pending an update. With all these changes due to BG, I was thinking about changing my mod list quite a bit to diverse my game experience.

Will your changes affect planet packs only or vessel parts as well such as solar panels, solar sails, RTGs, drills ISRUs, breathing engines, etc?

I just don't know if any part mod would have to update to adapt to your configuration or if your changes will work on their own in that matter (by rewriting the configs).

I'll keep 4 previous versions of KSP with my current mod list to play with anyway.

I was thinking to replace my OPM+Extrasolar planet packs by JNSQ planet pack.

I wonder if the planet pack modders will add features similar to Breaking Ground surface features for their own planets though. That would be quite detrimental if they didn't since stock planets would still be more interesting to visit than moded ones.

Don't worry about your the time you take, I have 1.3.1, 1.4.5, 1.6.1 and 1.7 versions to play with...

Edited by Quoniam Kerman
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