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SolarNRG Mining Beta 2 RELEASED 10/6/12


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  Psych said:
hey, ähm could someone explain me how to use the drill ? I have it mounted on a vessel und it reaches also the ground, but how can I activate it ?

Did you connect it to a rotatron of Damned Robotics? If so, use the keys you've defined for the rotatron.

If not (what i suspect), it will never turn.

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  Psych said:
hey, ähm could someone explain me how to use the drill ? I have it mounted on a vessel und it reaches also the ground, but how can I activate it ?

Thank you for reporting this bug to me, the code SHOULD be in the latest version 1.2 mod and it should automatically spin when in close proximity to the ground.

Also note there are NEW parts for beta 1.2:


download link: http://www./?yt27yndy7fcn9yx


When you install beta 1.2 load the lunar boring machine version 2 in the VAB and press 7 and 0 and you will start drilling

Edited by Kayaking4autism
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Hello there Timmy Tucker, thanks for reporting this bug to me, I've looked into your problem and it turned out I hadn't included the 3m RCS tank, the heavy strut connector or even the unmanned control pod. I've added them in now, here's a link to beta 1.2.1 just for you!!

(and everyone else of course is welcome to try it out also) Let me know if it works ok if not tell me and I'll have another look.

download beta 1.2.1 http://www./?482zktg7950nmq3

bugfix =included 3m RCS tank, heavy strut connector and unmanned control pod (I don't like seeing kerbals die on untested rigs)

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Here's a sneak peek of Beta 1.3, which will include the following:



A fully coded hopper that deletes the rocks/recycles them

A Cargo bay module

An inventory menu of your on board minerals and the ability to jettison minerals you don't need/want or have space for

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  goldenpeach said:
I'm sorry,but even if i did some little programmes in python,i'm can't help:too difficult and I don't even know in wich language ksp is programmed!

But,if I do a giant hole in the moon,is there a way to fill it?

Well I'm thinking of doing a 3d printer photo-electron beam melter that can make you ANY parts for a certain mineral cost like 300 aluminium for truss, avionics package cost 3 titanium, 5 copper, 1 tantalum, 4 silicon for instance.... But again I need my own codeable menu in order to do that

What I mean to say is that after you've dug the holes you can FILL them again with parts, habitats, hydroponics etc.

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Where is your license and attributions?

You are distributing both parts and plugins from other modders. Do you have their permission? I know for a fact that Tiberion's NovePunch pack requires attribution at the very least, yet you do not have that.

Also, I would strongly advise against including the plugin DLL files from other packs. It's better if you link to them and list them as required in the first post on this thread. This will prevent other users from getting their versions mixed up.


Capt'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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You made me feel bad now for all that modelling and all I'm achieving, sure I cut corners, ban me for it. But who hasn't cut a corner now and again, the n00bz were complaining that the mod was missing parts and these are all the parts in one pack you need to get this to work, MOST of which I modelled and configured in parts.cfg of EACH INDIVIDUAL NEW PART.

Sure I borrowed some IDEAS from old mods like the rotortron made the drill possible but I assure you it is entirely NEW CODE with NEW MODELS with NEW TEXTURES.

Wind the clock back 10 years we looked up to the CS modders back then, now my mod is only in its infancy and you drop this bombshell, I feel like a shofixti scout vs a Kohr Ah dreadnaut fleet here!

What would you have me do? Make version 1.2.1 have FEWER PARTS? More complaints the mod doesn't work, I've already credited r4m0n, InnSewerants and more will come who coded damned robotics and he's cool with OUR Mod, if r4m0n who helped code this MOD also objects then that is more than a 50% verdict of the people who worked on this project. Its a community project to develop a renewable energy way of turning another world into a habitable lush paradise. I had ideas for hydroponics, 3d printers, please, give me more time when beta 1.3 is out I assure you I will have made my own radial connectors from the truss pack and I won't have models that use other people's parts.

There's an old saying where I come from, I see farther than most because I stand on the backs of giants. r4m0n, the trusspack dudes, all of you at KSP I AND ALL OF US ARE VERY GRATEFUL FOR YOUR WORK :)))

I've been working soooooo hard this passed week making this mod possible I apologise if I HAD to include a few extra parts from a few other mods but 95% of the parts are my own I designed in blender and UV mapped, I'm working as hard as I can and I really need more help, this is only a beta, remember that, when we get to beta 2, beta 3 and beyond I hope this will solve Kerbals economy problems and hopefully the world if these von neumann probes can really be built.

Peace out.

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Kayaking4autism, Cap'n Skunky and the Rules are both clear, and these rules come from Squads legal department, we have no say in the matter.

You must have permission to redistribute parts that are not your own, if you do not have or cannot get the permission, you cannot redistribute those files, you can always link to the necessary parts in your original post.

You must also provide a license and the source code for your work, the license can be as simple as "You can use and share this as you wish" but you have not done either.

If you make these few basic changes then your mod will be fine, if not then it'll be removed.

To reiterate:

Remove parts and plugins that are not yours until you can get permission to distribute them.

Add the source code for any plugins of your design.

Add a license to your add-on, so people know where they stand on the add-on's use.

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Capt'n Skunky isn't trying to rain on your parade, but intellectual property is a very important thing. if you don't follow the rules, intentions can be misread and it becomes a legal mess. it would be wise to just edit the op instead of arguing with the forum mod.

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  sal_vager said:

You must also provide a license and the source code for your work, the license can be as simple as "You can use and share this as you wish" but you have not done either.

If you make these few basic changes then your mod will be fine, if not then it'll be removed.

To reiterate:

Remove parts and plugins that are not yours until you can get permission to distribute them.

Add the source code for any plugins of your design.

Add a license to your add-on, so people know where they stand on the add-on's use.


I've been working VERY hard as you see to use my own NEW parts to keep both the noobs and the other modders happy to replace the older ones I "borrowed" during the mods early development. NP_smx1 adapter has been replaced with my nicely UV mapped wheels I hope you like :)

The Trusspack radial connector has been left out altogehter

The NP_heavystruts have all been replaced by OREStruts

The wing connectors from C7 have been replaced by my own parabolic solar concentrator part.

There is ONE part I can't figure out how to change without scrapping the working robot and starting all over again, I am still going to include the unmanned cockpit.

The Damned robotics parts will be stripped but there will still be a link at the header page to tell people to download the DR pack first.

This way there will be a complete, working mod AND it uses 100% new parts.

I hope you are happy, expect Beta 1.3 out later today.

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Hi Kayaking4autism, I'm glad you are altering your Beta 1.3 add-on to better conform to the wishes of Squads legal department, I suggest as well that you alter or remove the earlier versions as they would still be breaking the rules on distribution of add-on parts.

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