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The Rest In Peace thread: Boxer George Foreman, March 21, 2025


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49 minutes ago, TheSaint said:

Ray Liotta, only 67. Good grief, what is going on? Everyone is dying young.



I think that is a more an exclamation than an actual question.... since the answer I am about to say you no doubt know even better than I. But what so ever, I will say it anyway.

The genetics we are born with is kind of like playing the lottery.

Some have healthier genetic lines than others, and that to some degree I was told in high school had to do the with the history of families going way back. Not anyone in the present's fault, you cannot go back and yell at your great, great, great, grandpa or grandpa to stop.... doing things that won't bode well for the gene pool in the future of their genetic lineage.

And also sometimes even if one has good genetic lineage that should enable them to live to a ripe old age, they put very 'high mileage' on their body, leading it to break down (die) earlier than if they  maintained it with regular 'oil changes' (exercise actually recycles your blood) and good 'fuel' (quality food).

Edited by Spacescifi
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