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most updated mod site


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ive got a handful of mods that i love playing with but im having difficulty finding the most up to date version of each mod, trying to determine how updated a game version i can run with no compatibility issues.  Everytime i think i find the latest release, i find a newer one on another site that has outdated versions of other mods.  am i making sense?  Things like BD armory, Airplane Plus, EVE, Kerbinside, and Kerbal Konstructs...Furthermore, CKAN seems to not always have the most up to date version and sometimes seems to get real confused about my changing game versions.


what do you guys recommend?

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Hi (IMO) for the most recent, and usually a long list of previous, versions,  the mods own github repository is all that's needed.  GitHub is usually the first place that a new version is published ,  other portals, SpaceDock, curse etc are usually updated when the mod maker has time   All  of the mods you list have links to the relevant repository in their threads .

   KSPAVC/miniAVC tells me on the game loading screen  when a mod has an update, and provides a link to the download location. Admittedly I'm old school, and don't find manual installation at all problematic.

Repository links



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6 hours ago, theroundcow said:

Furthermore, CKAN seems to not always have the most up to date version and sometimes seems to get real confused about my changing game versions.

CKAN can take several hours to update once a mod is posted. I'm not really sure about CKAN's background workings, but I think its based on a webcrawler function that only runs a couple times a day to look for updates. If your mods are listed on CKAN I'd just give it time.

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Thank everyone for their responses.  So on the kerbal konstructs github it says the most recent version is but it does not state whether that is the mods own version of the Game version it is intended to work with.  I have this issue with several mods when im trying to figure things out.  am i overlooking something very obvious?  thats usually the case...

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@theroundcow You go over to the Kerbal constructs thread and it's titled for 1.4.5 and above that came out yesterday. 

KSP only has 2 or 3 digits in it's versions 1.6 or 1.6.1. mods can do whatever the author feels like. is clearly how the mod author chose to label it. The forum thread is probably the easiest place to figure out which mod version is for which KSP release. 


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15 hours ago, theroundcow said:

Thank everyone for their responses.  So on the kerbal konstructs github it says the most recent version is but it does not state whether that is the mods own version of the Game version it is intended to work with.  I have this issue with several mods when im trying to figure things out.  am i overlooking something very obvious?  thats usually the case...

Nope... not just you ... (in some cases)

I hoard *ALL* versions, of *ALL* mods... and in a good majority of the cases, the devs do not take the time to add a short line of text to either each releases' notes in the repo, or to a changelog... Its quite time consuming to figure out what version of KSP a specific release version of a mod was at least initially released for...

But yeah, best place to start with is the mod release thread OP. You can usually chase down compatable KSP versions using a changlog listing in the OP, the hosting links (SpaceDock/Curse/(*sometimes*Git repo)), or in worst cases, like I have to do a lot... is to compare the mod version release date to the dates of KSP versions, using the KSP Version Wiki   

Edited by Stone Blue
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1 minute ago, Stone Blue said:

Nope... not just you ... (in some cases)

I hoard *ALL* versions, of *ALL* mods... and in a good majority of the cases, the devs do not take the time to add a short line of text to either each releases' notes in the repo, or to a changelog... Its quite time consuming to figure out what version of KSP a specific release version of a mod was at least initially released for...

I always update the changelog in my mods, for those exact reasons.

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9 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

I always update the changelog in my mods, for those exact reasons.

...And *I* for one, as a user, HIGHLY appreciate that... I have to figure, as a mod dev, at the very least, it *has* to be worth the quick effort, as I imagine it has to at least cut down somewhat on un-necessary support posts/taggings/PMs... at least from those users that can at least *READ*, BEFORE posting such questions :P

Also, another tool I use, is this:
Unfortunately, Curse's last API change broke 1/3rd the functionality of this tool, I *still* find it quite useful... especially in tracking down mods that are *ONLY* hosted on a Github repo


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