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A new name for the Kerbol

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I personally feel that Kerbol does not fit with the position as the sun. I personally feel that the Soon would be a bit of a continued play on the Mun's name. By switching the Soon and Mun's vowels, you get the Sun and Moon.

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4 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

It's not Mun, it's Mün.


2 hours ago, lajoswinkler said:

Exactly, and it saddens me how Mün was somehow turned into The Mun over the last few years. For me, it will always be Mün and Kerbol.

Except for that pesky little fact that Mün only appears scrawled on a cartoon rocket as artwork.

Everywhere else, it's Mun.

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On ‎4‎/‎8‎/‎2019 at 3:32 PM, enderger said:

I personally feel that Kerbol does not fit with the position as the sun. I personally feel that the Soon would be a bit of a continued play on the Mun's name. By switching the Soon and Mun's vowels, you get the Sun and Moon.


13 minutes ago, Ratwerke_Actual said:


Except for that pesky little fact that Mün only appears scrawled on a cartoon rocket as artwork.

Everywhere else, it's Mun.

You've got a lot to learn buddy... :wink:

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15 minutes ago, Ratwerke_Actual said:

Except for that pesky little fact that Mün only appears scrawled on a cartoon rocket as artwork.

Everywhere else, it's Mun.

The first rule of the non-ASCII fonts usage: "Don't use non-ASCII fonts".

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It's a concession to the en-us and similar keyboards that are generally available. You type Mun... or you can go M, copy and paste ü, n... or you can type M,  alt-129, n... or if you have one of those new fangled cellular telephony machines, which I don't, you can press  and hold u until the ü appears as an option.

 ü is part of the ascii definition.


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You can pry my Kerbol from my charred, lifeless fingers. I don’t care if it’s only a fanon name - I see no reason why the Kerbals should give their local star the same name that we give ours.

In game names can be changed and KSP could use a generous dose of worldbuilding anyway.

Personally  I always liked mun as the generic Kerbal term for a natural satellite with Mün or the Mün being reserved for that big old mun of Kerbin. Much like we have the Moon and also the moons of other planets.

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14 hours ago, KSK said:

I see no reason why the Kerbals should give their local star the same name that we give ours.

Well, because they use English, and its a generic English name. Just like "a moon" vs "the moon". We speak of "the sun", but at the same time every star with an exoplanet is a sun. To an exoplanet, that start is the sun of that planet. In English we can use the sun or moon because Earth only has 1 of them... whereas if we had multiple, we might need to use names, or at least say the big/biggest moon, as we would need to to describe Titan when Saturn is our reference planet.

The sun and moon are a bit weird in English, because they are also used as generic names. Everything else has a proper name, including the Earth. We can also speak of the planet, and everyone will assume Earth unless there is specific context to indicate otherwise.... but even "the Earth" is a bit weird... because it is combined with a definite article... we don't say "the Venus" or "the Jupiter"... we only add "the"s for Sun, Moon, and sometimes Earth. Earth, in English, can also refer to soil/ground, so maybe that's why. Anyway, because sun always has an article before it, its a generic name, so as long as the Kerbals use English, its fine by me - but it can have a proper name too, like "Luna/the moon". Mun/Mün couldn't just be "the Moon", because kerbin has 2 moons.

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True but Minmus is also small enough that I think we can safely say that it would have been discovered long after the Mün. So ‘the Mün’ became the proper name of Kerbin’s biggest natural satellite because historically it was Kerbin’s only known natural satellite. Then, as other natural satellites were discovered, ‘mun’ became the generic term for those celestial bodies.

That doesn’t seem unreasonable to me although I have no idea if that’s how we ended up with Earth’s moon being called the Moon.

I guess you could reasonably argue that it would be more consistent if the Kerbals originally named that bright orb in the sky ‘the Sun’, with ‘suns’ then becoming a generic term for stars once they realised that the Sun was just the nearest star to Kerbin. 

But I don’t think it’s crazy to have different words for the proper name and generic term either. I see nothing intrinsically wrong with Kerbals talking about ‘their sun, Kerbol’.

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We already have two planet's with double oo's. Called Jool and Eeloo. So Soon would be silly. Kerbol, as a fan name is fine.

In the end though, I'm 99% sure you (or you could ask someone else) to make you a MM config to rename the Sun to whatever you want.

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We should remember that "hobbit" is actually "kuduk" or even "kûd-dûkan" (the circumflexes are required).

Rivendell is actually Karningul
Bag End — Labin-nec, after Labingi, the real form of Baggins


And Frodo Baggins is actually Maura Labingi


So, Sun/Kerbol and Moon/Mun/Mün (btw why not also Muen?) are still not the worst case.

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9 hours ago, KerikBalm said:

Well, because they use English, and its a generic English name.

Wuh-oh, tripped yourself there. Don't forget exobiology 101. Kerbals speak their own language (which to us just happens to sound like spanish played in reverse), we read the english translation, or whatever language one plays the game in. This leaves a lot more wiggle room for naming conventions since we don't really know precisely what Kerbals would call various celestial bodies, just a rough translation of sounds the human larynx has a tough time recreating.

Also worth noting our sun has many names, all of which considered acceptable for various use cases, be it The Sun, Sol, Helios, whatever.

Edited by Loskene
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