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If there is anything that makes me frustrated it's rovers. They for some reason when I work on them cause me to trigger when I see that they can't be controlled with basic controls :mad:.

I am getting mad about this and I hope there is a way to fix this problem... ;.;


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See how the navball is all brown?  That means that the control point is looking at the ground.  Right click on the command seat and select "control from here".  That will orient it to be looking forward instead of down.

When using a rover, you want the bottom half of the ball to be brown, and the top half to be blue.  If it's not, your control point is looking a funky way.

Edited by Geonovast
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12 minutes ago, Geonovast said:

See how the navball is all brown?  That means that the control point is looking at the ground.  Right click on the command seat and select "control from here".  That will orient it to be looking forward instead of down.

When using a rover, you want the bottom half of the ball to be brown, and the top half to be blue.  If it's not, your control point is looking a funky way.

yeah that is what I mean I can't find out how to keep it half Brown and Half white


It worked fine with half of both but for some reason when I rename it will change

Okay it actually worked this discussion is no longer needed and can be deleted


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It's hard to tell from your picture, but I bet your probe core is pointing down, and when you re-name, it's probably defaulting to that.  Can you get some better pictures, such as the rover in the SPH/or VAB, full screenshots instead of clipped ones, and maybe share the craft file itself?

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