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[KSP 1.7.2 incl all DLC's] KSP Memory Allocation Fix

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Was getting random crashes using this on 1.11 during the load screen when launching a craft. I edited the config file's 30 seconds to 600 seconds and haven't crashed at all. RAM Usage is nice and low, below 6 GB.

I notice my game takes a long time to load the VAB when game uses 20 GB of RAM. Glad this tool exists; without it, I'd be restarting the game a lot more.

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  • 1 month later...

The plugin is working fine on 1.12, and has drastically improved my performance. My one complaint is that the beeps and trills the app makes when the config is changed or it boots up are often painfully loud compared to the rest of my apps, even when all else is at max volume with the system volume turned down to compensate. Even after some sleuthing through the code in Notepad++, I was unable to find the lines of code that make these sounds, and by looking at my Volume Mixer I was able to find that they are not played by the script, but rather by Windows system sounds, meaning they might be a Windows rather than a script issue, and I couldn't individually adjust their volume or mute them without quieting or muting important Windows notifications in turn. Any details I missed, or ideas on how to go about adjusting the volume of the script if it's possible at all?

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  • 7 months later...


I wanted to use the plugin, as I suffer from the memory allocation issue , but I got an alert of my antivirus.
It reported that, but it is maybe a false positive: https://www.avira.com/en/support-threats-summary/7952?track=1

My KSP reported that despite 16Gb of RAM on my computer:

[LOG 20:54:44.532] VesselSimulator -> SimManager.RunSimulation() // Out of memory 


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  • 2 years later...

Registered to thank you for making this absolutely amazing utility!
Works like a charm on 1.12.5, but there's a peculiar thing i've noticed.
If i launch it before the game then while KSP is loading into it's allocated RAM, upon reaching around 1.2-1.3 GB it suddenly drops down to ~150 MB and starts climbing up again. This happens over and over and while it's at it, the main menu fails to show up, only blackscreen and unresponsive KSP process. But if i launch the script after the game has fully loaded it continues to work like it should and is keeping memory allocation way down, where it should be.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Holy carp. This mod is a god saver! I don't want to know witchcraft behind it, but it makes my game blazingly fast! All loading times are cut by half, and almost all freezes are gone. I can even throw vessel directly onto Duna from Kerbin, and as soon as it done loading it runs in perfect framerate! Funnily enough, on Duna it only eats 30% RAM, while in main menu 50%

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