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How to disable the DeltaV in new KSP

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Okay, i was asking for making it standard all the time but its implemented in a way one could think of eh, forget it.

It eats up to many ressources on my PC so i rather use MJ (and mj gets it done right...)


So how to disable ?

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3 minutes ago, Sirad said:

So how to disable ?

Is that even possible? Perhaps there is a mod for that but if there is I haven't seen it. If there is no mod than it will likely require coding. It is worth checking to see if the DV display can be disabled from the setting menu.

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There was a post somewhere I read which says that if you do turn it off (and it provided instructions how) and use KER / MJ instead, you get much faster play, confirming the OP. But I can't find it.

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It's in the settings somewhere, but rather than load the game and poke around for you I'll just tell you to open your settings.cfg and look for:


These are my settings. Not sure which ones I changed but IIRC I actually had to enable it, though that may have been when it was first introduced and now it's defaulted on.

Anyway, likely the only one you need to change is the first one to False.

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30 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

These are my settings. Not sure which ones I changed but IIRC I actually had to enable it, though that may have been when it was first introduced and now it's defaulted on.

Except for "STAGE_GROUP_INFO_ITEMS" - which I changed via the UI in the game - I have the same values in my settings.cfg. I never manually changed mine, so I guess what you listed are now the default values.

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1 hour ago, Waxing_Kibbous said:

stupid question, but will changing DELTAV_CALCULATIONS_ENABLED = True to false kill all of the dV functions, or will there still be background stuff running? I actually like playing with no dV readout, its more exciting to me.

This is based of vague memories but yes, it should disable them being calculated.

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Damn, what pc are you using to have to consider this? Mines a really old FX based APU (not even discreet graphics) and I’ve not done this.

I also use MJ to show vehicle info and it rarely disagrees with the stock read out... what circumstances are you finding it to be inaccurate?

Also I realise what I’ve said doesn’t answer your question, but I’m curious!

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I'm fairly certain that setting DELTAV_CALCULATIONS_ENABLED = False will disable all of the deltaV functions and their related readouts. Both the UI and the back-end calculations.

Another option, if you like the stock UI is to use Basic DeltaV, it disables the stock calculations (regardless of what you have in your settings file), but keeps the stock UI.


The problem with using KER or MechJeb solely for performance reasons (there are plenty of non-performance reasons to prefer either of those, though), is that they use the legacy Unity UI system. That system is so bad for performance (primarily because of excess garbage generation) that it likely overwhelms any performance saving you get from the back-end dV calculations themselves. That's why Basic dV is the better choice for strictly performance reasons. 

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I went & tried the DELTAV_CALCULATIONS_ENABLED = False setting & it does stop calculating dV, but the display is still there for each stage, it just shows 0 dV regardless of what is in the stage.  As far as performance, I didn't notice any significant change.

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The performance boost from disabling this is negligible unless you are into massive ships (and space battles) like i am.  If you stick to conventional stack of fuel tanks and engine below, the calcs seem to not have lahg issues, but as that is terrible for survivability perspective, i usually have the engine attached to a structural girder which has fuel tanks attached to it radially, a configuration that seems to massively slow down and bug out the stock dV calcs, eespecially so in the editor where removing a single part makes the VAB/SPH freeze for upwards of 15 seconds or so on a fairly powerful laptop CPU.

As much as its nice to have the option of dV calcs, its current implementation is a big no-no if you actually want to make something more complex then simplistic vessels (and for me even my more simplistic vessels arent quite so simple as i like to add extra detailing to em).


So yeah, if you want to run something like the above super simple fuel truck, dV calcs aint an issue, if you want the thing below, dV calcs slow the game to a crawl...


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