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Kerbal Space Program 2: Master Post


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32 minutes ago, gasgiant said:

Will KSP 2 use patched conics, or go for N-body simulations? 

Probably still the same as KSP 1. While I would like N-body gravity they would need a way to keep ships (and planets) in stable orbits. Tricky business that. 

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I am quite hyped, like everyone else, for KSP 2. When my friend sent me the link to the trailer, I thought it actually was a prank. I hope it truly has what they are claiming come release day. If they do, I am buying it on release day.

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It is nice. I feel sad that there is too much accidents in trailer .. but ok .. that was the theme all time .. I'm just not that much happy as I thought I will be... actually last info from squad about re texturing planets make me happy much more ..

but everything needs to end or evolve .. so i ques this is evolution for KSP
I remember words like: I start play it for explosions and keep it playing for science and exploration.
Trailer seems to capture both ... like Orion nuclear engine and other stuff they showed in vanilla game? It seems like they  making KSP we always wanted and old KSP didn't have the power to handle it well. Oh ... iwant to believe this... i really want
PS: some wallpapers would be nice :P ... I mean like these I could put on my work computer without getting targeted
imchildish :D 
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13 minutes ago, REMD said:

It is nice. I feel sad that there is too much accidents in trailer

That was my mother's favourite part of it when I showed her the trailer.

14 minutes ago, REMD said:

It seems like they  making KSP we always wanted and old KSP didn't have the power to handle it well.

THIS. For years we've all wanted things like high-tech engines, multiplayer, colonisation, interstellar travel, more worlds to explore etc. And now we're finally getting it. Well, not now but rather late next year. Still, good enough.

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12 minutes ago, shdwlrd said:

KSP2 is slated to release spring 2020 per the pc gamer article. But with unforeseen issues with developing software, it can change.

Link for reference, the last paragraph. https://www.pcgamer.com/uk/kerbal-space-program-2-interview/

System requirements would be nice :) so we can adapt ...  new PC didnt build themselves overnight .. (not at this time)

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42 minutes ago, Ruedii said:

Will there be a Linux release, or is that not known yet?

Unknown at this time. So far the only things announced are PC's first and Consoles "Later". So far as of the time of typing this message: No Linux, No MacOS/Apple/whatever the fruity computers use.

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10 hours ago, norwayschnitzel said:

I have tears in my eyes, this was my childhood.

Your childhood?! God damn I'm old :(

What an awesome game to grow up with though, good for you. I'm glad KSP is reaching so many people from different age groups. I had Banjo Kazooie and Ocarina of Time growing up. Still awesome games, but didn't teach me anything about orbital mechanics. I guess Majora's Mask taught me how to stop the Moon from falling to Earth.

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3 hours ago, ChrisSpace said:

So, after re-watching the trailer, here's everything new I noticed:


0:12 New lens flare? Also clouds but I have my doubts they'll be in the game.

0:24 Some new engine on the orbiter vehicle?

0:48 Landing feet push up the soil a bit. I have doubts about this.

1:03 Valentina looks different, but I can't quite tell how. The hair I think?

1:19 New engine flame appearance?

1:24 Snowflake things falling off the rocket, probably not going to be in the game.

1:25 Sonic boom thing, idk what it's called.

1:28 Gravity-style collision with some part of a space station shattering into lots of little pieces.

1:29 Buildings?! That can't be for real.

1:36 Spinning habitat, new spaceplane parts.

1:38 New surface terrain on Duna, plus the colony obviously.

1:40 New rover parts.

1:42 Nuclear pulse propulsion, looks too good to be true so I have my doubts.

1:43 An asteroid field or planetary rings or something? Maybe this is inside the rings of that planet we see later in the trailer?

1:45 Jool looks way better.

1:47 Fusion-drive spacecraft over Jool, maybe Jool is the only place where you can mine fusion fuels like Helium-3?

1:54 Two volcanic bois. IIRC there used to be a plan to add lava lakes to Moho, looks like we're finally getting them somewhere.

1:56 Another new engine type, plus a new spacecraft module with sparks flying out of it.

1:58 New gas giant, presumably not in the Kerbol system since it has a moon with liquid water.

2:02 So it looks like this is going to be the Laythe of KSP2. I mean, Laythe will still presumably exist but this'll be the next habitable world. Also note that the landmasses appear to be covered in snow.

2:06 Glacial surface terrain.

2:10 Big domes with plants in them. Possibly the largest colony modules in the game.

2:15 All the domes appear elevated above the ground. I can't tell why.


In the end, I'm guessing 40-50% of these things are actually going to be in the game.

New Lens flare could be put in game, It's not that taxiing actually, just camera trickery.

New parts for everything is coming, so I have no doubt new common liquid fueled engines are there as well. 

Landing Feet deforming soil is also possible in game, you can have it happen by using game code trickery. Instead of deforming the soil, just have a tiny model pop out of the landing leg, or it could just be a texture trick. Either way, I wouldn't doubt it if they did add this in game. 

The Kerbals have 3D hair now, instead of the hair just being textured on their models. At least, that's what I see in the trailer.

The new flames look super realistic, so do the explosions. 

Those aren't snowflakes, that's ice. Ice builds up on rockets irl, and it would actually be easy to add them to the game imo. Texture and particle effect trickery would be the easiest way I would think, though, 3d modeled ice would be nice. 

Shock wave, is the word you're looking for. Sonic Boom Shock wave.

New destruction mechanics would be nice. 

That does look like a bridge to me, and I suspect it's part of a city on Kerbin, most likely near the KSC

I wonder if the Gravity Rings will play a part in the campaign. Maybe the kerbals will be susceptible to gravity changes now? Weaker bodies, less speed, less stamina, etc.

New terrain will be an interesting problem to overcome. 

New rover parts would be nice.

The Orion Drive is indeed in game. If you watch the dev story trailer, you see it in the pre-alpha gameplay. 

3D rings would be super nice, but I'd imagine very taxing.

Jool does indeed look better.

I'd imagine fusion fuel would be at any gas giant. 

The lava cracks are most likely due to gravitational forces from the planets themselves, not natural volcanoes. In fact, I would argue this is exactly what is happening since Star Theory is in talks with NASA.

Looks like battery banks or fuel tanks.

We are getting new solar systems. Plural, so I don't doubt it's not in the Kerbol system.

Everything from KSP 1 will be in game, just expanded upon. So Laythe is there, as for the new icy laythe, new solar system definitely. 

Glacial surfaces already kind of exist. Kerbin as ice, Duna has snow, so it's not that far fetched. I'm more concerned as to if there will be falling snow on this new icy laythe. Weather, even if camera trickery, would be neat. 

More than likely, an in game survival mode, oxygen needed to survive, only produced by plants.

Why are they at the highest point? If you think about it, the answer is really simple and easy. So the sun light isn't blocked by the other modules. Plants need sun after all. :P 

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7 minutes ago, GoldForest said:

New Lens flare could be put in game, It's not that taxiing actually, just camera trickery.

Why exactly is it that everyone gets so excited about lens flare? It's not more realistic.. it's LESS realistic.

Human eyeballs don't do lens flare.. only cameras do.

I don't want a game that makes it look like I'm seeing things through a camera lens.. as if it were just a movie or something. I want a game that lets me feel like I'm seeing everything with my own eyeballs!

In other words, for me, lens flare is immersion breaking. (And yes, I know that [hopefully] I'll be able to disable it. I just don't get this obsession with it in the first place. Life is not supposed to look like a movie.)

10 minutes ago, LupinoArts said:

I wish you'd have put the developer's forum names in the second video...

Hopefully they'll reveal themselves soon enough.

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1 minute ago, JAFO said:

Why exactly is it that everyone gets so excited about lens flare? It's not more realistic.. it's LESS realistic.

Human eyeballs don't do lens flare.. only cameras do.

I don't want a game that makes it look like I'm seeing things through a camera lens.. as if it were just a movie or something. I want a game that lets me feel like I'm seeing everything with my own eyeballs!

In other words, for me, lens flare is immersion breaking. (And yes, I know that [hopefully] I'll be able to disable it. I just don't get this obsession with it in the first place. Life is not supposed to look like a movie.)

Because lens flares can look really good, and they can make a scene look like a movie. Some people like cinematic shots, and lens flares are in a lot of cinematic shots. 

But like you said, you can probably disable it, as a lot of games do allow that. 

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10 hours ago, necrometr said:

1. Will it have n-body gravity or just 1-body like the original KSP? (I think what is the purpose of two closely orbiting planets if you don't have at least optional n-body gravity).
2. Will it include robotics, mining, communication? Basically how long we need to wait for KSP 2 to catch up with KSP 1?
3. What visual improvements will it include? Clouds? Wind? Weather?
4. What motivations for exploration will we have? Contracts as in the 1st? or quests?

6. How will interstellar travel work? Will it be one-way and how long do I need to fly to another star?
7. Will I have access to the ship while it in interstellar space?
8. Will KSP2 have relativistic effects while traveling to another star? (different clock?)
9. Will KSP2 introduce food and air as a supply?

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12 hours ago, PulsarPixie said:

Q: How much will Kerbal Space Program 2 cost?

A: $59.99 USD


60 USD for a rehashed version of KSP? That's the price of AAA games. This is definitely not it. You could have made HD texture in the current one and add atmospheric and lighting effects. What's the matter? Did the sales of the original drop so low that you need to go the Activision way, by rehashing the same idea over and over again to artificially boost revenue? Looking into turning this into the next Call of Duty? You haven't even ironed out the old KSP by the looks of the bugtracker. I would only pay 20 USD (full price) for this game especially given the track record of laziness of the KSP team in implementing useful mods in the game. Until I see a reasonable pricing or you give a significant discount to the users that already bought the original and all its DLC and stop this insane pricing I think I leave this one for "sailing the high seas".


I didn't ever plan on ever posting on this forum again. To post this I had to accept a warning point from Vanamonde for calling someone a fanboi, which is an insult only for those that really want to feel insulted and search for any lame excuse to feel insulted, so I guess feelings over facts is more important for the lesser ones. Anyways, I made my point, if you push this ridiculous price for a rehashed version of KSP you will lose me as a paying customer.

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1 hour ago, MechBFP said:

Probably still the same as KSP 1. While I would like N-body gravity they would need a way to keep ships (and planets) in stable orbits. Tricky business that. 

Here is simulation of Kerbol System with N-Body physics.

The main problem with N-body, that Jool system too small. In trailer we saw a bigger Kerbin, so we can expact that Kerbal Systerm will be bigger than in original KSP.

Another avidence of N-body is two planets Rask and Rusk. They are too close for 1-body physics, so I guess we'll be able to fly betwen two center of mass.


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