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Kerbal Space Program 2: Master Post


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1 minute ago, Raptor9 said:

@SQUAD I'm still processing all of this, however if there is one thing I would ask for (even though I know you aren't making KSP 2, but you talk to Star Theory apparently), is that KSP 2 be available to play without an internet connection.  That is one thing that has ruined a lot of games for me.  I travel a lot, and when I bring my gaming laptop with me, KSP is one of the few games I can still play without an internet connection.

In the meantime, I look forward to continuing playing KSP 1.8 and beyond. I salute you. :)

One of my favorite features of KSP is that it is DRM-free. I really hope KSP2 is as well.

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Look at all those parts... 
I hope part clipping still works, so we can be adventurous with how we use them. Though I would not mind if clipped parts cost you some of the fuel inside, or something like that.

I hope this time though, parts are properly fused together on contact. Currently, designing structures is all about where the root part is, and things flopp about, even going through each other.
I wouldn't mind some lost possibility for that logical, added strength.   

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2 minutes ago, Iamsodarncool said:

Technical question: is KSP2 developed with the legacy GameObject Unity architecture, or with ECS/Jobs?

This is one I'd also love to see discussed! If it's been in development as long as I suspect it has, though, I doubt it - ECS only came out less than a year ago. That said, as long as they're not needing to be concerned with backwards compatibility, it might not be too big a job to change parts of it (e.g. all the ship parts) to use ECS and take advantage of that performance bump. That would be exciting!

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Okay... Having the same vibes I was getting when Elon Musk announced BFR. it looks too good to be true. So I have a few questions...

1. Will it look as stunning as it does in the trailer? I'm guessing no as some cinematic trailers for the first game looked pretty nice too compared to the actual game.

2. Multiplayer will be in the full release, right? Or does that come later?

3. In the trailer, the surface looked really detailed. Will we get topography like that one place on Duna?

Other than that, I'm really hyped for the release. Also...

1 hour ago, BGYT said:

The expanse in Ksp?

My thoughts exactly.


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Just now, Cristy2017 said:

OMG this was so unexpected :o I casually came across the trailer in youtube and it instantly sent shivers down my spine, I thought I was dreaming :blush:

Me too. Not gonna lie, I teared up a little bit. KSP was my childhood and hopefully it will take me through college too. 

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