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Firsty Kerman

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There's one called Flexible Docking Ports. The Wild Blue Industries set has a part which I think will connect two craft via KAS. Nertea's Stockalike Station Expansion Redux has some Klaw-like connectors which extend quite a long way.

Alternatively, why do you need this? Is it because you can't dock yet, a stupid design decision, or something else?

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thanks bro u epic


edit: i started a duna base and i was gonna conect dem parts one by one but i discovered it will be a hard thing to try and connect the parts with engines stuck on them so i ended up with and unmanned part stranded thereand i am currrently goin to duna

also u have discord i am mEME MAN#3775

if anyone else has an opinion they can come here

and how can i do mod development i thinks its easy heh
and last how do i set an icon for my self?


thx and  are very fast

Edited by Firsty Kerman
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thanks bro u epic

if anyone else has an opinion they can come here

and how can i do mod development i thinks its easy heh
and last how do i set an icon for my self?


use wine on linux instal it and the run kspX64.exe with

"wine KSPx64.exe" on the terminal


call me on discord for help

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11 minutes ago, Firsty Kerman said:

I started a Duna base and i was gonna connect the parts one by one

Building a stock base usually requires some sort of rover to carry the parts around, and making sure that everything is the same height. You should send an exploratory mission first to find a flat area which has enough % ore to support your base, then start building.

Alternatively, mods such as Kerbal Planetary Base Systems or Wild Blue Pathfinder (I prefer the first) make building bases easier with dedicated parts, and the mods OSE Workshop, with KIS and KAS, allow you to 3D-print new parts, such as the solar panels and antennae everyone forgets.

Whatever kind of base you are building, you should practise on Minmus first, because its 'flats' are sea-level and 100% flat, and they come in several different biomes of which one is likely to have a high ore %.

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On 12/22/2019 at 8:09 AM, Firsty Kerman said:

edit: i started a duna base and i was gonna conect dem parts one by one

Expanding surface bases with standard docking ports is challenging, as you've found out. The docking ports have to be perfectly positioned.

Station Parts Expansion Redux has a few pieces that might help. Telescopic Clamp-O-Tron is compatible with the stock docking port, it's a bit more forgiving in terms of distance but still needs to be perfectly lined up to connect. The Extensible Crew Tube is an extending grabber that is much easier to connect (but make sure to quicksave before connecting, because it can sometimes fling parts as it extends).

Kerbal Planetary Base Systems is my preferred way to build surface bases. It has retracting side wheel units to maneuver parts as you expand a base. This is of limited help for a base that's already started.

Kerbal Inventory System / Kerbal Attachment System has tubes and hoses to attach parts without docking ports.

Edited by DeadJohn
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