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[1.8.x-1.9.x] Kronal Vessel Viewer (KVV) 0.1.1 "A Mod Of A Different Color" (02020 Mar 14)


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I've been using this mod through quite some releases now with 100% customer satisfaction, but one feature crossed my mind that would be nice to have. Right now the fairing opacity slider is dependent on the fairing offset slider and that one can only go as low as 0.1 offset. Recently I wanted to take a shot without offset, but an opaque fairing and noticed that it isn't possible right now.

Would be much appreciated if that becomes possible in a future release and from what I could understand while looking through the files it doesn't seem to complicated as well.

For some reason the tilt function (sometimes it doesn't tilt at all, other times it rotates around it's y axis like with the turn function but slower and other times again it just behaves weird and moves the camera how it wants to) also isn't working in a moderately modified 1.12.2 install though I have no idea why and need to test out some stuff on that front (other modded 1.12.2 installs works perfectly fine, the only difference should be actual part mods. NFT, USI, Restock+, stockalike stations and MkIV spaceplane iirc)

Edit: Ok, I've reinstalled the entire modset on a different install and the problem still persists, so I don't think it was an install problem. Next I only installed the mods that add parts + ReStock and Magpie and the problem is gone now. Seems like a different mod caused it.

Edit 2: found the culprit @Kerbas_ad_astra. KVV+VABReorienter doesn't work. Don't know which of the mods is at fault so I also informed Snark in the VABReorienter thread of the problem.

Edited by CreepyShadow
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On 10/30/2021 at 8:20 PM, CreepyShadow said:

Edit 2: found the culprit @Kerbas_ad_astra. KVV+VABReorienter doesn't work. Don't know which of the mods is at fault so I also informed Snark in the VABReorienter thread of the problem.

I wouldn't be surprised if the 'fault' is with KVV.  The way it rotates the vessel is really hacky, basically directly bashing quaternions together, and IIRC it assumes certain things about the editor's orientation as part of that process.

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Yeah it seemed like KVV didn't take the ship as reference point put the editor and if something there isn't as it assumes, it get's it's axis wrong. Had cases where it (tilt function) would be just stuck, turning the vessel around the z axis or multple axis at once, seemingly chosen at random. Would ofc be nice if that could me fixed, but I imagine that would basically need the mod to be written all over again in a different way.

I'd at least put a disclaimer somewhere and flag KVV and VABReorienter as incompatible in CKAN though.

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  • 3 months later...
On 7/31/2022 at 9:42 PM, Aaron11 said:


Hello, how to cancel this yellow scale showing the xyz axis in the figure when using KVV?


Do you have a mod installed that adds a grid to the VAB? This happened to me a long time ago, and if I remember right, it was caused by a mod interaction with (I think) Hangar Grid.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am having a problem, I have a  proble with KVV spamming in the Player.log file, making it over 10 gigabytes, It is spamming this thig:

[KVV] LoadShaders KVrVesselShot No replacement for TU/Metallic (UnityEngine.Shader) in ROC-APAS8995A (Part)/*/Apas_Fin_Anchor (UnityEngine.MeshRenderer) 
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

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2 hours ago, Bob Kerman Industries said:

I am having a problem, I have a  proble with KVV spamming in the Player.log file, making it over 10 gigabytes, It is spamming this thig:

[KVV] LoadShaders KVrVesselShot No replacement for TU/Metallic (UnityEngine.Shader) in ROC-APAS8995A (Part)/*/Apas_Fin_Anchor (UnityEngine.MeshRenderer) 
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

You should provide a log file

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  • 2 months later...

Is there any chance that compatibility will be provided for up to 1.12.x? As it stands the offset feature no longer works

(NVM i forgot to press a button, but can we please get a updated compatibility check on CKAN and other sites)

Edited by Aussie Toad Stool
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  • 3 months later...
On 9/21/2022 at 5:07 PM, Bob Kerman Industries said:

I am having a problem, I have a  proble with KVV spamming in the Player.log file, making it over 10 gigabytes, It is spamming this thig:

[KVV] LoadShaders KVrVesselShot No replacement for TU/Metallic (UnityEngine.Shader) in ROC-APAS8995A (Part)/*/Apas_Fin_Anchor (UnityEngine.MeshRenderer) 
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

By fortuitous coincidence, I think I've fixed this issue by disabling the method responsible for that operation (to resolve another issue).  It will be fixed when I get around to making another release!

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On 10/26/2021 at 3:28 AM, Araym said:

Hello, fellow kerbonauts.

I'm in a strange situation:

I'm used to make some blueprints from KVV, but, dunno how, in my latest attempt (after a while not using it), suddenly this yellow scale appeared on top of my plane, once I turne KVV on:


Does anyone know how to disable it???

Okay, so this is part of KVV after all -- it shows up when you have the center of mass turned on, which you can do with the 'weight' button by funds readout, or if you have RCSBA, which is what threw me off, pressing the '5' key.

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  • 1 year later...
On 7/31/2022 at 11:42 PM, Aaron11 said:


Hello, how to cancel this yellow scale showing the xyz axis in the figure when using KVV?


you have center of mass set on thats why

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