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[1.12.x] Bureaucracy - Monthly Budgets, Reimagined (1.7.2 - 30/11/2024 (Under New Management))


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  • 2 months later...

I'm kinda lost with the KCT warning, the Mod gives. I understand, why the warning pops up, but what settings I have to make, to make it disappear and work properly for:

1st) using the Bureaucracy Module

2nd) using the KCT Module


Kind regards.

Edited by zulu354
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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Just a heads up for anyone who uses the Probes Before Crew mod and it's bundled contract pack, Bureaucracy's contract interceptor does not properly detect and modify the contracts starting with the first Mun contract and everything beyond that. To get it to properly intercept and modify the contracts, I had to go into the Probes Before Crew contract configs and remove the rewards from the individual contract parameters, combine them, and add them back in as rewards for completing the entire contract.

Just thought I would post that here so that anyone using these mods together will know to correct the issue prior to any contracts being generated incorrectly.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/21/2022 at 5:06 PM, zulu354 said:

I'm kinda lost with the KCT warning, the Mod gives. I understand, why the warning pops up, but what settings I have to make, to make it disappear and work properly for:

1st) using the Bureaucracy Module

2nd) using the KCT Module


Kind regards.

Hey, sorry for a late reply, just reading this and wanted to answer you.  To fix it you need to right click on the KCT button on the toolbar to get the KCT settings.  Then disable the "KSC Upgrade Times".  This lets Bureaucracy do its thing with construction budgets.  I think it managed to do it on its own anyways but the popup was indeed very annoying.





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On 10/30/2022 at 4:02 PM, WIbigdog said:

Hey, sorry for a late reply, just reading this and wanted to answer you.  To fix it you need to right click on the KCT button on the toolbar to get the KCT settings.  Then disable the "KSC Upgrade Times".  This lets Bureaucracy do its thing with construction budgets.  I think it managed to do it on its own anyways but the popup was indeed very annoying.


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Thanks for the late reply. Better than now reply. =) I thought I did it that way and yet I got the messeges. Will check out and tell you soon*. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/30/2022 at 4:02 PM, WIbigdog said:

Hey, sorry for a late reply, just reading this and wanted to answer you.  To fix it you need to right click on the KCT button on the toolbar to get the KCT settings.  Then disable the "KSC Upgrade Times".  This lets Bureaucracy do its thing with construction budgets.  I think it managed to do it on its own anyways but the popup was indeed very annoying.


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I still get the message in game after choosing the preset as you showed...


Just found out, that KSC activates KSC Upgrade Times on its own, after I leave the VAB...

Edited by zulu354
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@severedsolo Hey I have a question, not sure if you're still around or not.. But I have a fairly extensive modlist (almost 200 mods) and I had installed a planet pack (Kcalbeloh System) and did a playthrough and everything worked fine, no problems (with any of my mods). Then I decided to enable the option within the Kcalbeloh System mod to use it as a system replacer instead of an addition, which also switches the homeworld to one of it's planets (which internally it keeps the name "Kerbin") and now when I load up the game and get to the space center, when I click on the Bureaucracy button the game immediately freezes and stops responding, then if I click anything it just crashes. The logs don't throw any errors or anything, it's like the log stops the moment I click the Bureaucracy button. Any ideas what could cause something like this?

Just because my modlist is so extensive, I figured I'd ask if there's anything obvious could be causing that issue, but if needed I can tear apart my install to see if I can figure out the problem. Perhaps testing it on an install that only has Bureaucracy + Kcalbeloh (SystemReplacer) will be in order.

EDIT: Okay so I decided to do a basic install with just Bureaucracy, Kcalbeloh and it's dependencies.. Plus the dependencies for it's dependencies.


Then I went ahead and without changes any settings in Kcalbeloh System (so that stock planets are kept, Kerbin is default homeworld) I loaded up the game to see if I could click the Bureaucracy button and I could! After this I closed the game, changed the settings to set Efil in the Kcalbeloh system as my homeworld and to remove the Kerbol System and replace it with the Kcalbeloh system. At this point I reloaded the game and started up the game, it took me to the space center and I attempted to click the Bureaucracy button. The game immediately froze (though I could still hear sound) and I waited for awhile and it just hung there frozen, I clicked again and it crashed. The log file does not appear to have any useful information in it regarding the crash (it's like when the game freezes, the log just stops logging.



KSP Version: 1.12.3

OS: Windows 10

Not sure if this is a Bureaucracy problem or a Kcalbeloh problem or both so I'll also tag @Jason Kerman here as well.

EDIT: I've also just verified it does not seem to matter whether RemoveKerbolSystem is True or False in the Kcalbeloh settings, this problem seems to occur only when I have Efil set as my homeworld. (Haven't tested the other selectable homeworld in the pack but I'm assuming this is an issue somehow with the original Kerbin not being the homeworld.



Okay so... I think I've potentially found the issue. Even though the log file didn't have any errors when the freeze/crash happens, I decided to open the log and filter for Bureaucracy anyways to see if it was loading correctly and to my surprise I stumbled upon this line..

[LOG 19:32:41.608] [Bureaucracy]: Next Budget at Infinity

Now obviously the next budget being at infinity is a problem.. Presumably the problem that causes the issue when the button is clicked and it tries to open the Menu. So the next step was to make sure the settings were correct and then check how exactly it used those settings. Checking my Bureaucracy settings file, I found the "TimeBetweenBudgetsDays" to be set at 30, this seemed fine.

Then I went to check the Bureaucracy Wiki, specifically the "Settings" section and found the following line of interest; 

  • TimeBetweenBudgetsDays - how many days pass between each budget (automatically adjusted to your Homeworlds day length)

Now notice the brackets.. "automatically adjusted to your Homeworlds day length" .. That struck me as possibly relevant, as Efil is orbiting close to a gas giant and Suluco close to a star, upon checking the config files for both planets I found that both were tidally locked. So now I had to see how that would actually affect the "automatically adjusted" calculation in Bureaucracy and so I went and checked the source code for the mod, where I found this line of code.

BudgetManager.Instance.NextBudget = new BudgetEvent(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()+TimeBetweenBudgets*FlightGlobals.GetHomeBody().solarDayLength, BudgetManager.Instance, true);

Now let's note here.. It takes the current time, then adds the time between budgets which is set to 30 days... Then... it multiplies that by the "solarDayLength" of the homeworld... So what exactly is the solar day length of a tidally locked planet anyways? The first thing I did was open the Kcalbeloh config for a planet that was not tidally locked, in this case "Ahtpan" and found it had a set "rotationPeriod" of 46870... and then upon checking the Kcalbeloh configs for both Efil and Suluco I found that while "tidallyLocked" was set to True, there wasn't actually and "rotationPeriod" set. (Perhaps it being tidally locked overrides the rotation period anyways?) I also noticed the absence of anything resembling "solarDayLength". So my next step was to check the actual Kopernicus log files for the homeworld, in the current test this is Suluco and in the "SulucoHome.Body.log" file I found this line.

[LOG 19:32:21]: solarDayLength = 0


If we take the calculation Bureaucracy uses to calculate the next budget cycle, we find that it's taking the universal time, then adds the 30 days from the settings, then multiplies it by... 0. This of course results in the next budget being set to... 0. Apparently when loaded this then simply acts as "Infinity" as shown in the KSP log file above. I presume that clicking the button triggers it to check for the next budget cycle and thus the game freezes because it can't figure it out.

So now I had to figure out how to make a tidally locked planet still function as a tidally locked planet without being a tidally locked planet. So I figured, why not just set "tidallyLocked" to false and then add a "rotationPeriod" which precisely matches the Orbital Period of the planet / moon. So I installed Kerbal Engineer Redux and looked at the Orbital Period for Efil, which was 2 days, 2 hours, 40 minutes, 56.806 seconds, converted that into seconds (52,856.806 seconds) and then went into the "EfilHome.cfg" file for HomeSwitch and set "tidallyLocked" to false and "rotationPeriod" to 52856.806 .

When loading the game, I now get this in the KSP log.

[LOG 20:39:14.042] [Bureaucracy]: Next Budget at 1585704.17999999

And with that... I can now click the Bureaucracy button and Efil will rotate as if it were tidally locked. In theory.

EDIT: Okay so while the game is not crashing now, I've just noticed that for some reason even with Efil's rotation period set to 52856.806, which should be 2 days, 2 hours, 40 minutes, 56.806 seconds... It's actually rotating once every 20 minutes, 18 seconds. Not sure what's causing that. Also the auto-alarm for the next budget is set to 73 days, while in the budget windows it says 30 years 44 days.. yikes.

EDIT: For anyone wondering what the issue was with the rotation time mentioned in the last edit, it turns out that this has to do with a bug which is related to having a homeworld that is not orbiting the "Sun". This bug is now being looked into (not by me) to see if there is a potential fix which can be implemented into Kopernicus to correct this issue.

Edited by CoriW
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Hey everyone, so I felt that since it's been several days since my previous novel of a post and the progress I have made with the issue.. That it would be okay to make another post. I have been able to use the source code for the Bureaucracy mod and modify it to have a couple new settings which can work around the issues of having a homeworld which is not orbiting the Sun, basically these new settings allow you to set a custom day length (in seconds) and a custom year length (in seconds) instead of having Bureaucracy automatically set these values based on the solar day length and orbital period of the homeworld.

So in my particular situation (having a homeworld which is a tidally locked moon of a gas giant) the game was crashing when I clicked the Bureaucracy button because it was trying to automatically set the day length based on the solar day which wasn't able to be pulled properly because the homeworld is tidally locked. So my attempt to make the planet not tidally locked was to just set it's rotation period to it's orbital period, which prevented the crashing but due to a bug it made the planet rotate much faster than intended. So now that I have modified the Bureaucracy mod to accept custom day and year lengths, I am now able to leave the homeworld tidally locked and simply specify in the Bureaucracy settings what the day and year lengths should be, thus Bureaucracy doesn't crash the game and my homeworld rotates normally. (It also allows interested options like setting the length of a year to the orbital period of my homeworlds PARENT body instead of my homeworlds orbital period, since it is just a moon after all.)

Now that's just my particular use case, but this could come in useful to anyone who encounters issues due to a tidally locked homeworld. Seeing as this mod is posted under an MIT license I am freely able to provide this modified DLL to anyone who wants or needs it. You may download it with the link below. One thing I will note is that by default I have the set the length of a day and year for Kerbin, if you have a different homeworld (which is the only reason you'll need this modified DLL.. Then make sure you change the settings to match the day and year length of your homeworld)


On another note, one problem with this solution is that you end up with the in-game clock not actually matching the length of your days.. for example my homeworlds day length in "Kerbin" time is 2 days, 2 hours, 40 minutes, and 56 seconds, however since Bureaucracy reads that amount of time as 1 day for my homeworld, that means that Bureaucracy says my next budget is on day 30 however in "Kerbin" time and on the clock in the top left corner the next budget actually occurs on day 73. At first I figured that this could potentially be solved by the Kronometer mod, however I quickly discovered that the "useHomeDay" and "useHomeYear" settings were also plagued with incompatibility with tidally locked homeworlds due to the solar day issue.. So I've gone ahead and used the source code for the Kronometer mod and modify it to have a couple new settings as well in which you can set custom day lengths and custom year lengths (in seconds).

This way, if you're using both my modified version of Bureaucracy as well as my modified version of Kronometer and you set the day lengths and year lengths to be the same in both mods as your homeworld, what happens is that Bureaucracy measures one day as the actual rotation of your tidally locked homeworld (in my case 1 day is 14 hours, 40 minutes, 56 seconds) and Kronometer actually changed the clock in the corner to display that a day actually takes that same 14 hours, 40 minutes, 56 seconds to pass, and the same thing applies for the length of a year for both Bureaucracy and Kronometer. (in my case with the year being the orbital period of the parent gas giant, that is 1342 days, 1 hour, 48 minutes, 57 seconds)

Luckily Kronometer is also posted under an MIT license, so I am freely able to provide the modified DLL to anyone who wants or needs it. You may download it with the link below. One thing I have to note with the Kronometer settings, is that in order for the custom day and year length settings to apply, you must also enable the "useHomeDay" and "useHomeYear" settings. (change them to True)


LINK TO LGG VERSION OF KRONOMETER FOR KSP 1.12: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/Kronometer/releases/tag/

Also in the Kronometer modified DLL I did also add another setting that may be useful to anyone with a tidally locked world, by default if Kronometer detects a tidally locked world it will try and set the year length to equal the day length, however if your homeworld is a moon of another planet you may not want this to happen, and may want to use the length of the parent bodies orbit as the year length. In this case simply enable the "tidalOverride" setting and this will prevent Kronometer from trying to modify your year length.

Lastly AND VERY IMPORTANTLY I will note that while I have made these modifications to fix problems within my own game and have decided to share them as a good gesture for anyone else having similar issues with mod compatibility, I am not interested in taking over or continuing any mods or maintaining anything for the long term. If you use my DLL's and something breaks, you can DM me (don't post here as it may be considered off topic) and I may try and help fix the issue. But I must stress these modified DLL's are USE AT YOUR OWN RISK, they shouldn't have any problems as I am going to be using them in my own game, but if you intend to use them on an existing save for example, I strongly recommend backing up your save. You have been warned.

EDIT: Was just doing some testing... Definitely something interesting seeing a year be this long...

16640cde51544107e8f5eefc77e4c93b.png?dl=  851c1e6b665299c6cdd86d274257f6b5.png?dl=

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  • 2 weeks later...

@CoriW - that was a fun read,  (and I'm so glad you got to the bottom of it rather than me having to!). If you ever feel like sending me a PR on Github I can merge your changes if I ever decide to pick up modding again.

Thought I'd share a little insight into why it hung (and stopped logging).

So when you click the button, as you rightly say, it queries the BudgetEvent to get the completion time of the event and display it in the UI (it doesn't calculate it again, it just pulls the UT timestamp out of the BudgetEvent class as it's already stored there).  The thing is, that timestamp is how many (in game) seconds have passed since the game started, not every helpful for a UI. So we call a method in the Utilities class that converts a UT timestamp to a more helpful string (Yx Dx).

That method is a bit crude, it just counts the number of years that need to pass to get within a year of the timestamp, and then when we have less than 1 year left, does the same with days. Works well in (nearly) all situations and doesn't log (because honestly if I logged every time the UI updated, you'd be spammed to hell).

So, the UT to Date String method grabs the completionTime from the BudgetEvent, and keeps adding a year at a time until it hits the timestamp. Uh how many years does it take to reach infinity again?  And thats why it hung. Bureaucracy got stuck in an infinite loop (literally), never released the main thread, and nothing else was allowed to run.

As an aside - I'm not really sure why it decided the completionTime was Infinity rather than 0 - but even if it had picked 0, your game would have frozen the moment you loaded your save (your timestamp of 0 is Y1 D1, and if the timestamp was in the past then you'd be stuck in an infinite loop of budgets firing).

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  • 2 weeks later...

@severedsolo  - Glad I could write a good novel for you to read lol! While I'm not necessarily an expert in coding or anything in particular, I will admit that I tend to not be the most patient person around and thus I've learned to do many things in order to tweak, fix, or update things when needed instead of having to rely on others to do so for me, as I hate asking people to do things without giving anything in return. So that being said, I'm glad I could help with figuring out the problem and coming to a solution for it.

Regarding the PR on Github, it took me awhile just to figure out how to get the source code into an editor to tinker with it in the first place and recompile it for testing. So if I can figure out how to actually do a PR I will submit the changes but I've just had a look at it now and I'm a bit lost, so I will need to do some more research. (Also have a lot of stuff going on IRL at the moment so I'm unsure if I'll have the time or not to get around to it.) That being said, if you're interested at all, the changes I made were actually relatively small and if I can't figure out the PR thing I could just message you with the code changes I made and you could make the modifications to the mod and post an update. DM me if you're interested in that. (Or perhaps you could help me figure out how to do a PR lol)

As for the insights into why it hung, that's some good information and makes a lot of sense. I remember when I was initially looking through the code I seen the bits that handle the UT to Date String stuff and suspected that had something to do with it, but didn't look much further into it and just started implementing the stuff to remove and replace the SolarDayLength checking. Thanks so much for clarifying it and letting me know I was on the right track.

The completionTime being Infinity rather than 0 was a strange oddity, but it's probably better it happened that way since if it was crashing upon savegame load instead of when I clicked the button, I may have had a harder and longer road figuring out what the actual problem was, definitely better it happened that way in the end lol.

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  • 2 months later...
On 2/28/2023 at 4:57 AM, bobisback said:

Does anyone have any idea how well this mod plays with scrap inventory, oh scrap, and stage recovery mods when it comes to refunding costs of parts?


P.S Does this place nicely with Kerbalism? Even there science piece? 


With Kerbalism it ran fine for me, though I don't use it at the time. If I remember correct, I went into trouble with Scrapyard though.

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On 2/28/2023 at 3:57 AM, bobisback said:

Does anyone have any idea how well this mod plays with scrap inventory, oh scrap, and stage recovery mods when it comes to refunding costs of parts?


P.S Does this place nicely with Kerbalism? Even there science piece? 

Kerbalism and Bureaucracy talk to each other. Kerbalism collects the science and hands the processing over to Bureaucracy.

Re refunding parts etc. Bureaucracy will just ignore anything that isn't the contract system giving funds.

Also minor point (to everyone): I'm sure y'all figured this out already considering how little I've been here but support for KSP1 mods has been withdrawn. Mods may or may not be ported to KSP2 in the future depending on how development of that game goes.

If anyone has any burning bugs they want fixed before I retire from KSP1 modding entirely please call them out. (I plan to be back for KSP2, but see the open letter for my current position).

Thank you for your support over the last 7 years, you're all stars.

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19 hours ago, severedsolo said:

Kerbalism and Bureaucracy talk to each other. Kerbalism collects the science and hands the processing over to Bureaucracy.

Re refunding parts etc. Bureaucracy will just ignore anything that isn't the contract system giving funds.

Also minor point (to everyone): I'm sure y'all figured this out already considering how little I've been here but support for KSP1 mods has been withdrawn. Mods may or may not be ported to KSP2 in the future depending on how development of that game goes.

If anyone has any burning bugs they want fixed before I retire from KSP1 modding entirely please call them out. (I plan to be back for KSP2, but see the open letter for my current position).

Thank you for your support over the last 7 years, you're all stars.

So this was driving me nuts... to the point that I started my mod list fresh and installed everything with Kerbalism as a core mod. The intended behaviour of the Bureaucracy mod works great... if you are in a Career mode save. The science goes through the Bureaucracy research stage and you get your science. If you're running a Science mode save, it doesn't work at all. You just never get the science. 


I doubt it's a bug that realistically needs fixing, since I would assume that people who are using Bureaucracy are playing in Career mode (I had it installed as a leftover from a long time ago and started a Science mode playthrough recently and decided to add Kerbalism and stopped getting any science progression). Maybe just a compatibility note on the homepage for this mod. I will also post on the Kerbalism forum page since they have a very detailed mod compatibility, but it makes no mention of this very niche compatibility behaviour.

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36 minutes ago, CrzyCrg said:

So this was driving me nuts... to the point that I started my mod list fresh and installed everything with Kerbalism as a core mod. The intended behaviour of the Bureaucracy mod works great... if you are in a Career mode save. The science goes through the Bureaucracy research stage and you get your science. If you're running a Science mode save, it doesn't work at all. You just never get the science. 

How the... how has this got 3 years in with nobody pointing this out. It definitely does need fixing - mod should not be running in other modes and that's going to cause issues down the line (at the very least it's performance overhead you don't need). luckily it's a one line fix. Thanks for bringing it up. Fixed in dev, WIll hold off on a release in case anything else comes up first.

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1 hour ago, severedsolo said:

How the... how has this got 3 years in with nobody pointing this out.

Probably all the people who play Bureaucracy like the...  dare I say it?  "Bureaucracy" of full Career mode?

Just a guess, lol.

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1 hour ago, severedsolo said:

How the... how has this got 3 years in with nobody pointing this out. It definitely does need fixing - mod should not be running in other modes and that's going to cause issues down the line (at the very least it's performance overhead you don't need). luckily it's a one line fix. Thanks for bringing it up. Fixed in dev, WIll hold off on a release in case anything else comes up first.

I can only think that it's such a limited use case (having it installed with Kerbalism and doing science mode. I didn't notice it at all without Kerbalism, my science mode game was working 100%. Glad it's an easy fix at least!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bureaucracy 1.6 Released

  • Bureaucracy will now yield control of the science system back to Kerbalism when not running in a Career game.
  • Fixed an issue where Bureaucracy would incorrectly believe the time to be Y1D1 the first time it is used in a save, even if it was an existing save.
  • Added setting to turn off Messages (SuppressMessages) (bool).
  • Settings version updated to 1.6. Previous version - upgrading from a version of Bureaucracy prior to will result in settings being reset to defaults.
  • Barring any major issues being found this will be the last release of Bureaucracy. I'd like to thank you all for your support over the last 7 years.
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I love this mod, I kind of don't want to play without it, but I'm running into an issue with my current career modlist. It's pretty extensive, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was a conflict of some kind, but I can't figure it out. Most of the time, I'm getting instant research. Rather than being sent to my research department and then gathered slowly with funding, I'm just getting instant science from transmissions as I would in vanilla. I've reinstalled the game + modpack several times, and each time what seems to happen is that I can do between one and three launches with Bureaucracy working as normal, and then after a bit, the science just flips back to vanilla instant rewards. This then persists across savegames and even in new games. Starting a new career save, I get instant science right off the bat. This is the mod list:


[x] Science! Continued (xScienceContinued
AlphaMensae's Modular Launch Pads (ModularLaunchPads 2.5.3)
ASET Consolidated Agency (ASETAgency v2.0.2)
ASET Consolidated Props Pack (ASETProps v2.0.3)
Astrogator (Astrogator v1.0.0)
Astronomer's Visual Pack (AstronomersVisualPack 3:v4.13)
Astronomer's Visual Pack-2k Textures (AVP-2kTextures v1.13)
AtmosphereAutopilot (Fly-By-Wire) (AtmosphereAutopilot v1.6.0)
B9 Aerospace Procedural Wings - Fork (B9-PWings-Fork 3:0.44.0)
B9 Part Switch (B9PartSwitch v2.20.0)
Background Resources (BackgroundResources 1:v0.18.0.0)
Better Load Save Game Renewed (BetterLoadSaveGame
BetterBurnTime (BetterBurnTime 1.10)
BetterTimeWarpContinued (BetterTimeWarpCont 2.3.13)
Breaking Ground (BreakingGround-DLC 1.7.1)
Bureaucracy (Bureaucracy 1.6.1)
Chatterer (Chatterer 0.9.99)
Chatterer Extended (ChattererExtended 0.6.2)
ClickThrough Blocker (ClickThroughBlocker 1:
Community Category Kit (CommunityCategoryKit v112.0.1)
Community Resource Pack (CommunityResourcePack v112.0.1)
Community Tech Tree (CommunityTechTree 1:3.4.4)
Community Terrain Texture Pack (CommunityTerrainTexturePack 1:1.0.5)
Contract Configurator (ContractConfigurator v2.2.2.0)
Contract Pack: Bases and Stations Reborn (ContractConfigurator-KerbinSpaceStation 2:3.7.3)
Contract Pack: Clever Sats (ContractConfigurator-CleverSats 1.4)
Contract Pack: Exploration Plus (ContractConfigurator-ExplorationPlus 2.0.1)
Contract Pack: Field Research (ContractConfigurator-FieldResearch 1.2.2)
Contract Pack: Kerbal Academy (ContractConfigurator-KerbalAcademy 1.1.10)
Contract Pack: RemoteTech (ContractConfigurator-RemoteTech 2.1.4)
Contract Pack: Research Advancement Division (ResearchAdvancementDivision 1.2.1)
Crowd Sourced Science (CrowdSourcedScience v6.0)
Cryo Tanks (CryoTanks 1.6.5)
Cryo Tanks Core (CryoTanks-Core 1.6.5)
Cryogenic Engines (CryoEngines 1:2.0.6)
Cryogenic Engines - Near Future Aeronautics (CryoEngines-NFAero 2.0.6)
Custom Barn Kit (CustomBarnKit
Deadly Reentry Continued (DeadlyReentry 1:v.7.9.0)
Deployable Engines Plugin (DeployableEngines 1.3.1)
Docking Port Alignment Indicator (DockingPortAlignmentIndicator
Dynamic Battery Storage (DynamicBatteryStorage 2:
Environmental Visual Enhancements Redux (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 3:
EVARepairs (EVARepairs 1:v1.3.4)
Far Future Technologies (FarFutureTechnologies 1.2.0)
Firespitter Core (FirespitterCore v7.17)
Firespitter Resources config (FirespitterResourcesConfig v7.17)
Flight Tracker (FlightTracker
FreeIva (FreeIva
Harmony 2 (Harmony2
Heat Control (HeatControl 0.6.1)
Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes (HideEmptyTechNodes 1.3.2)
JSIPartUtilities (JSIPartUtilities
Kerbal Actuators (KerbalActuators v1.8.5)
Kerbal Aircraft Expansion (KerbalAircraftExpansion 4:
Kerbal Atomics (KerbalAtomics 1:1.3.3)
Kerbal Atomics - Other Mod Support (KerbalAtomics-NTRModSupport 1.3.3)
Kerbal Changelog (KerbalChangelog v1.4.2)
Kerbal Engineer Redux (KerbalEngineerRedux
Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - Next (KerbalJointReinforcementNext v4.1.19)
Kerbal Planetary Base Systems (KerbalPlanetaryBaseSystems v1.6.16)
Kopernicus Planetary System Modifier (Kopernicus 2:release-1.12.1-165)
KRASH - Kerbal Ramification Artifical Simulation Hub (simulation mod for KSP) (KRASH
KSP Community Fixes (KSPCommunityFixes 1.24.6)
KSP Recall (KSP-Recall v0.3.0.10)
Making History (MakingHistory-DLC 1.12.1)
Maneuver Queue (ManeuverQueue
MechJeb 2 (MechJeb2
MechJeb and Engineer for all! (MechJebForAll
ModularFlightIntegrator (ModularFlightIntegrator
Module Manager (ModuleManager 4.2.2)
Near Future Aeronautics (NearFutureAeronautics 2.1.1)
Near Future Construction (NearFutureConstruction 1.3.1)
Near Future Electrical (NearFutureElectrical 1.2.3)
Near Future Electrical Core (NearFutureElectrical-Core 1.2.3)
Near Future Exploration (NearFutureExploration 1.1.2)
Near Future IVA Props (NearFutureProps 1:0.7.1)
Near Future Launch Vehicles (NearFutureLaunchVehicles 2.2.0)
Near Future Propulsion (NearFuturePropulsion 1.3.5)
Near Future Solar (NearFutureSolar 1.3.2)
Near Future Solar Core (NearFutureSolar-Core 1.3.2)
Near Future Spacecraft (NearFutureSpacecraft 1.4.3)
Outer Planets Mod (OuterPlanetsMod 2:2.2.10)
Patch Manager (PatchManager
PersistentRotation Upgraded (PersistentRotationUpgraded
Planes With Purposes (ContractConfigurator-PlanesWithPurposes 1.5)
Procedural Fairings (ProceduralFairings 1:v6.3.0)
Procedural Parts (ProceduralParts v2.4.3)
RasterPropMonitor (RasterPropMonitor 1:v0.31.11.1)
RasterPropMonitor Core (RasterPropMonitor-Core 1:v0.31.11.1)
RCS Build Aid (RCSBuildAid v1.0.6)
Real Plume (RealPlume 2:v13.3.2)
Real Plume - Stock Configs (RealPlume-StockConfigs v4.0.8)
RealChute Parachute Systems (RealChute v1.4.8.3)
RemoteTech (RemoteTech v1.9.12)
ReStock (ReStock 1.4.3)
ReStock+ (ReStockPlus 1.4.3)
SCANsat (SCANsat v20.4)
Scatterer (Scatterer 3:v0.0838)
Scatterer Default Config (Scatterer-config 3:v0.0838)
Scatterer Sunflare (Scatterer-sunflare 3:v0.0838)
ScienceAlert ReAlerted (ScienceAlert
SmokeScreen - Extended FX Plugin (SmokeScreen
Space Dust (SpaceDust 0.4.4)
SpaceTux Library (SpaceTuxLibrary
SRB Waterfall Effects (SRBWaterfallEffects 2.3.5)
Staged Animation (StagedAnimation v2.0)
StageRecovery (StageRecovery
Stock Waterfall Effects (StockWaterfallEffects 0.7.0)
Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux (StationPartsExpansionRedux 2.0.10)
Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux - Internal Spaces (StationPartsExpansionRedux-IVAs 2.0.10)
Strategia (Strategia 1.8.0)
System Heat (SystemHeat 0.6.0)
System Heat - Nuclear Engine Configuration (SystemHeat-FissionEngines 0.6.0)
System Heat - Nuclear Reactor Configuration (SystemHeat-FissionReactors 0.6.0)
System Heat - Resource Converter Configuration (SystemHeat-Converters 0.6.0)
System Heat - Resource Harvester Configuration (SystemHeat-Harvesters 0.6.0)
TAC Life Support (TACLS) (TACLS 1:v0.18.0.0)
Textures Unlimited (TexturesUnlimited
The Janitor's Closet (JanitorsCloset
Toolbar (Toolbar 1:
Toolbar Controller (ToolbarController 1:
Trajectories (Trajectories v2.4.3)
TweakScale - Rescale Everything! (TweakScale v2.4.6.23)
TweakScale Companion for ReStockPlus (TweakScaleCompanion-ReStockPlus v1.1.0.0)
TweakScale Redistributable (TweakScale-Redist v2.4.6.23)
Un Kerballed Start (UnKerballedStart .1.3.2)
Vessel Viewer Continued (VesselView 2:
VesselView-UI-RasterPropMonitor (VesselView-UI-RasterPropMonitor 1:
VesselView-UI-Toolbar (VesselView-UI-Toolbar 1:
Waterfall - Restock (WaterfallRestock 0.2.3)
Waterfall Core (Waterfall 0.9.0)
WaypointManager (WaypointManager

My strongest suspicion at the moment is that it has something to do with the EVARepairs mod. That mod gives you science whenever a part fails, and I think, though I'm not sure, that it always seems to start when that happens. The science from the failure comes through instantly, and somehow that breaks Bureaucracy's science management. I'm really not confident about that, though. Has anybody encountered a similar bug?

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Okay so I turned off EVARepairs and it hasn't happened since, so I'm fairly confident it's that. I'll reproduce and make a log if I get a chance, but at the moment I don't want to screw up my save by re-enabling the mod. I will come back to this, though, since it would be cool to get the two to work together.

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Never mind. It happened again, and it had nothing to do with the science rewards from EVARepairs. Here is the log.


[LOG 19:09:14.273] Game State Created.
[LOG 19:09:14.324] [ScenarioTypes]: List Created 44 scenario types loaded from 126 loaded assemblies.
[LOG 19:09:14.330] [BetterTimeWarp]: Settings saved
[LOG 19:09:14.333] Game State Saved to saves/BAerospace/persistent
[LOG 19:09:14.338] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:09:14.338] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:09:14.338] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:09:14.338] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:09:14.477] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5226.74]: Game scene load requested: SPACECENTER
[LOG 19:09:14.477] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5226.74]: Game scene load requested: SPACECENTER
[LOG 19:09:14.477] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5226.74]: Game scene load requested: SPACECENTER
[LOG 19:09:14.478] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5226.74]: Game scene load requested: SPACECENTER
[LOG 19:09:14.479] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5226.74]: Game scene load requested: SPACECENTER
[LOG 19:09:14.480] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: cleaning modules hash table
[LOG 19:09:14.519] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Karen_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Karen_normal.dds
[LOG 19:09:14.519] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Karen
[LOG 19:09:14.519] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Plock_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Plock_normal.dds
[LOG 19:09:14.520] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Plock
[LOG 19:09:14.520] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Nissee_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Nissee_normal.dds
[LOG 19:09:14.520] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Nissee
[LOG 19:09:14.520] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Thatmo_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Thatmo_normal.dds
[LOG 19:09:14.520] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Thatmo
[LOG 19:09:14.520] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Neidon_color.dds and
[LOG 19:09:14.520] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Tal_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Tal_normal.dds
[LOG 19:09:14.521] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Tal
[LOG 19:09:14.521] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Wal_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Wal_normal.dds
[LOG 19:09:14.521] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Wal
[LOG 19:09:14.521] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Priax_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Priax_normal.dds
[LOG 19:09:14.521] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Priax
[LOG 19:09:14.521] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Polta_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Polta_normal.dds
[LOG 19:09:14.521] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Polta
[LOG 19:09:14.521] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Urlum_color.dds and
[LOG 19:09:14.522] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Tekto_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Tekto_normal.dds
[LOG 19:09:14.522] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Tekto
[LOG 19:09:14.522] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Slate_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Slate_normal.dds
[LOG 19:09:14.522] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Slate
[LOG 19:09:14.522] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Eeloo_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Eeloo_normal.dds
[LOG 19:09:14.523] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Eeloo
[LOG 19:09:14.523] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Ovok_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Ovok_normal.dds
[LOG 19:09:14.523] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Ovok
[LOG 19:09:14.523] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Hale_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Hale_normal.dds
[LOG 19:09:14.523] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Hale
[LOG 19:09:14.523] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Sarnus_color.dds and
[LOG 19:09:14.524] [UIMasterController]: HideUI
[LOG 19:09:14.575] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From MAINMENU to SPACECENTER (Async) =====================
[WRN 19:09:15.300] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Thatmo'
[WRN 19:09:15.318] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Polta'
[WRN 19:09:15.335] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Slate'
[WRN 19:09:15.352] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Tekto'
[LOG 19:09:17.183] [Scatterer][Debug] Effects unloaded for Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:17.187] [Scatterer][Debug] No changes to main config, skipping saving.
[LOG 19:09:17.964] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'NyanSkyBox' from assembly 'SigmaReplacementsSkyBox'
[LOG 19:09:17.967] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'TitleTrackerHelper' from assembly 'ContractConfigurator'
[LOG 19:09:17.968] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RTDebugUnit' from assembly 'RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:09:17.968] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RemoteTechAssistant' from assembly 'CC_RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:09:17.969] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'DynamicBatteryStorage' from assembly 'DynamicBatteryStorage'
[LOG 19:09:17.969] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'GlobalEVEManager' from assembly 'EVEManager'
[LOG 19:09:17.974] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:09:17.974] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'AtmosphereFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:09:17.975] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SinkingBugFix' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:09:17.976] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ShadowMan' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:09:17.976] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:09:17.981] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:09:17.982] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Scatterer' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:09:17.982] [Scatterer][Debug] Core instance created
[LOG 19:09:17.982] [Scatterer][Info] Version:0.0838
[LOG 19:09:17.982] [Scatterer][Info] Running on: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] on Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
[LOG 19:09:17.982] [Scatterer][Info] Game resolution: 2560x1440
[LOG 19:09:17.982] [Scatterer][Info] Compute shader support: True
[LOG 19:09:17.982] [Scatterer][Info] Async GPU readback support: True
[LOG 19:09:17.982] [Scatterer][Info] Using depth buffer mode: True
[LOG 19:09:18.004] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Kerbin. TransformName: Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:18.005] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Kerbin, actual ingame name: Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:18.005] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Duna. TransformName: Duna
[LOG 19:09:18.005] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Duna, actual ingame name: Duna
[LOG 19:09:18.005] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Laythe. TransformName: Laythe
[LOG 19:09:18.005] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Laythe, actual ingame name: Laythe
[LOG 19:09:18.005] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Jool. TransformName: Jool
[LOG 19:09:18.005] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Jool, actual ingame name: Jool
[LOG 19:09:18.005] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Eve. TransformName: Eve
[LOG 19:09:18.005] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Eve, actual ingame name: Eve
[LOG 19:09:18.005] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Sarnus. TransformName: Sarnus
[LOG 19:09:18.005] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Sarnus, actual ingame name: Sarnus
[LOG 19:09:18.005] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Tekto. TransformName: Tekto
[LOG 19:09:18.005] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Tekto, actual ingame name: Tekto
[LOG 19:09:18.005] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Urlum. TransformName: Urlum
[LOG 19:09:18.005] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Urlum, actual ingame name: Urlum
[LOG 19:09:18.005] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Neidon. TransformName: Neidon
[LOG 19:09:18.005] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Neidon, actual ingame name: Neidon
[LOG 19:09:18.005] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Thatmo. TransformName: Thatmo
[LOG 19:09:18.005] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Thatmo, actual ingame name: Thatmo
[LOG 19:09:18.006] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:09:18.006] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'PersistentEmitterManager' from assembly 'SmokeScreen'
[LOG 19:09:18.006] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceDust' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:09:18.007] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'CurrencyPopup' from assembly 'Strategia'
[LOG 19:09:18.008] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SystemHeat' from assembly 'SystemHeat'
[LOG 19:09:18.010] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Waterfall' from assembly 'Waterfall'
[LOG 19:09:18.010] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'EVARepairsAppButton' from assembly 'EVARepairs'
[LOG 19:09:18.012] [UIMasterController]: HideUI
[LOG 19:09:23.643] [Scatterer][Debug] No changes to main config, skipping saving.
[LOG 19:09:24.437] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'CustomConfigsManager' from assembly 'ModuleManager'
[LOG 19:09:24.438] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'CBTGlobalMonitor' from assembly 'ClickThroughBlocker'
[LOG 19:09:24.438] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ClearInputLocks' from assembly 'ClickThroughBlocker'
[LOG 19:09:24.438] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'OneTimePopup' from assembly 'ClickThroughBlocker'
[LOG 19:09:24.439] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SceneChangeCleanup' from assembly 'ClickThroughBlocker'
[LOG 19:09:24.442] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceCentreHelper' from assembly 'Refunding'
[LOG 19:09:24.443] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceCenterAstrogator' from assembly 'Astrogator'
[LOG 19:09:24.444] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'NyanSkyBox' from assembly 'SigmaReplacementsSkyBox'
[LOG 19:09:24.444] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'KSCTriggers' from assembly 'SigmaReplacementsSkyBox'
[LOG 19:09:24.446] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ManageSaves' from assembly 'BetterLoadSaveGame'
[LOG 19:09:24.446] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Main' from assembly 'BetterLoadSaveGame'
[LOG 19:09:24.446] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'BankOfKerbinSc' from assembly 'Bureaucracy'
[LOG 19:09:24.447] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'BureaucracySpaceCentre' from assembly 'Bureaucracy'
[LOG 19:09:24.447] [Bureaucracy]: Can't find settings file for save. Creating it
[LOG 19:09:24.447] [Bureaucracy]: Loading Settings
[LOG 19:09:24.449] [Bureaucracy]: Settings Loaded
[LOG 19:09:24.449] [Bureaucracy]: Saving Settings
[LOG 19:09:24.450] [Bureaucracy]: Settings Saved
[LOG 19:09:24.450] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager is ready
[LOG 19:09:24.450] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility Administration
[LOG 19:09:24.450] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility AstronautComplex
[LOG 19:09:24.450] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility LaunchPad
[LOG 19:09:24.450] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility MissionControl
[LOG 19:09:24.450] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility ResearchAndDevelopment
[LOG 19:09:24.450] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility Runway
[LOG 19:09:24.450] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility TrackingStation
[LOG 19:09:24.450] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility SpaceplaneHangar
[LOG 19:09:24.450] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility VehicleAssemblyBuilding
[LOG 19:09:24.450] [Bureaucracy]: Checking For ResearchBodies
[LOG 19:09:24.451] [Bureaucracy]: Did not find ResearchBodies
[LOG 19:09:24.451] [Bureaucracy]: Facility Manager Ready
[LOG 19:09:24.451] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager Ready
[LOG 19:09:24.451] [Bureaucracy]: New CrewMember setup: Jebediah Kerman
[LOG 19:09:24.451] [Bureaucracy]: New CrewMember setup: Bill Kerman
[LOG 19:09:24.451] [Bureaucracy]: New CrewMember setup: Bob Kerman
[LOG 19:09:24.451] [Bureaucracy]: New CrewMember setup: Valentina Kerman
[LOG 19:09:24.451] [Bureaucracy]: Crew Manager Ready
[LOG 19:09:24.451] [Bureaucracy]: Awake
[LOG 19:09:24.451] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'AstronautComplexOverride' from assembly 'Bureaucracy'
[LOG 19:09:24.452] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'FacilityMenuOverride' from assembly 'Bureaucracy'
[LOG 19:09:24.452] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RandomEventLoader' from assembly 'Bureaucracy'
[LOG 19:09:24.452] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'TimerScriptSpaceCentre' from assembly 'Bureaucracy'
[LOG 19:09:24.452] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'UiControllerSpaceCentre' from assembly 'Bureaucracy'
[LOG 19:09:24.454] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'MissionControlUI' from assembly 'ContractConfigurator'
[LOG 19:09:24.455] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'TitleTrackerHelper' from assembly 'ContractConfigurator'
[LOG 19:09:24.456] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RTDebugUnit' from assembly 'RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:09:24.457] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RTCoreSpaceCenter' from assembly 'RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:09:24.457] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RTSpaceCentre' from assembly 'RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:09:24.457] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RemoteTechAssistant' from assembly 'CC_RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:09:24.458] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'CustomBarnKit' from assembly 'CustomBarnKit'
[LOG 19:09:24.458] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ReentryPhysics' from assembly 'DeadlyReentry'
[LOG 19:09:24.458] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'DynamicBatteryStorage' from assembly 'DynamicBatteryStorage'
[LOG 19:09:24.458] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'GlobalEVEManager' from assembly 'EVEManager'
[LOG 19:09:24.461] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ChangeTechTree' from assembly 'HideEmptyTechTreeNodes'
[LOG 19:09:24.461] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ChangeTechTreeVisuals' from assembly 'HideEmptyTechTreeNodes'
[LOG 19:09:24.462] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ChangelogAddonSpaceCenter' from assembly 'KerbalChangelog'
[LOG 19:09:24.463] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'FlightEngineerCore' from assembly 'KerbalEngineer'
[LOG 19:09:24.464] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:09:24.464] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'AtmosphereFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:09:24.465] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SinkingBugFix' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:09:24.465] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ShadowMan' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:09:24.465] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:09:24.469] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'PatchManagerClass' from assembly 'PatchManager'
[LOG 19:09:24.471] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SCANtoolbar' from assembly 'SCANsat'
[LOG 19:09:24.473] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:09:24.473] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Scatterer' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:09:24.473] [Scatterer][Debug] Core instance created
[LOG 19:09:24.474] [Scatterer][Info] Version:0.0838
[LOG 19:09:24.474] [Scatterer][Info] Running on: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] on Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
[LOG 19:09:24.474] [Scatterer][Info] Game resolution: 2560x1440
[LOG 19:09:24.474] [Scatterer][Info] Compute shader support: True
[LOG 19:09:24.474] [Scatterer][Info] Async GPU readback support: True
[LOG 19:09:24.474] [Scatterer][Info] Using depth buffer mode: True
[LOG 19:09:24.502] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Kerbin. TransformName: Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:24.502] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Kerbin, actual ingame name: Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:24.502] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Duna. TransformName: Duna
[LOG 19:09:24.502] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Duna, actual ingame name: Duna
[LOG 19:09:24.502] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Laythe. TransformName: Laythe
[LOG 19:09:24.502] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Laythe, actual ingame name: Laythe
[LOG 19:09:24.502] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Jool. TransformName: Jool
[LOG 19:09:24.502] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Jool, actual ingame name: Jool
[LOG 19:09:24.502] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Eve. TransformName: Eve
[LOG 19:09:24.502] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Eve, actual ingame name: Eve
[LOG 19:09:24.502] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Sarnus. TransformName: Sarnus
[LOG 19:09:24.502] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Sarnus, actual ingame name: Sarnus
[LOG 19:09:24.502] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Tekto. TransformName: Tekto
[LOG 19:09:24.502] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Tekto, actual ingame name: Tekto
[LOG 19:09:24.502] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Urlum. TransformName: Urlum
[LOG 19:09:24.502] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Urlum, actual ingame name: Urlum
[LOG 19:09:24.502] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Neidon. TransformName: Neidon
[LOG 19:09:24.502] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Neidon, actual ingame name: Neidon
[LOG 19:09:24.502] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Thatmo. TransformName: Thatmo
[LOG 19:09:24.502] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Thatmo, actual ingame name: Thatmo
[LOG 19:09:24.503] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:09:24.504] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'PersistentEmitterManager' from assembly 'SmokeScreen'
[LOG 19:09:24.504] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceDustInstruments' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:09:24.505] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'MapOverlay' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:09:24.505] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarUI' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:09:24.505] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceDust' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:09:24.505] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceDustResourceMap' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:09:24.505] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'StageRecovery' from assembly 'StageRecovery'
[LOG 19:09:24.507] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'AdminResizer' from assembly 'Strategia'
[LOG 19:09:24.507] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'DepartmentFixer' from assembly 'Strategia'
[LOG 19:09:24.507] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'CurrencyPopup' from assembly 'Strategia'
[LOG 19:09:24.508] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SystemHeat' from assembly 'SystemHeat'
[LOG 19:09:24.510] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Waterfall' from assembly 'Waterfall'
[LOG 19:09:24.510] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'EVARepairsAppButton' from assembly 'EVARepairs'
[LOG 19:09:26.267] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-MainClouds) OnSphereActive
[LOG 19:09:26.267] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:09:26.271] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-Auroras) OnSphereActive
[LOG 19:09:26.271] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:09:26.271] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-CirrusClouds) OnSphereActive
[LOG 19:09:26.271] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:09:26.271] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-Lightning) OnSphereActive
[LOG 19:09:26.271] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:09:26.393] [UIMasterController]: HideUI
[LOG 19:09:28.166] [SceneLoadSpeedBoost] Save loaded from cache in 0ms
[LOG 19:09:28.181] GetSubclassesOfParentClass: Using cached results for AlarmTypeBase
[LOG 19:09:28.184] [R&D]: No tech nodes defined. Assuming initial state
[WRN 19:09:28.185] [R&D Tech start]: Tech Node did not contain cost data. Looking for node in TechTree.cfg. This message should not appear again for this node.
[LOG 19:09:28.187] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Loading... 0 objects registered
[LOG 19:09:28.191] [ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities]: Loading in initial state...
[LOG 19:09:28.192] [ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities]: Loading... 0 objects registered
[LOG 19:09:28.216] [Bureaucracy]: OnLoad
[LOG 19:09:28.216] [Bureaucracy]: Loading Settings
[LOG 19:09:28.219] [Bureaucracy]: Settings Loaded
[LOG 19:09:28.219] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnLoad
[LOG 19:09:28.219] [Bureaucracy]: Next Budget at 648000
[LOG 19:09:28.219] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnLoad Complete
[LOG 19:09:28.220] [Bureaucracy]: FacilityManager OnLoad
[LOG 19:09:28.220] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager OnLoad
[LOG 19:09:28.220] [Bureaucracy]: Crew Manager OnLoad
[LOG 19:09:28.220] [Bureaucracy]: OnLoad Complete
[LOG 19:09:28.229] [KPBS] updateFilterSettings
[LOG 19:09:28.230] 3/20/2023 7:09:28 PM,BackgroundResources,OnAwake in SPACECENTER
[LOG 19:09:28.230] 3/20/2023 7:09:28 PM,BackgroundResources,BackgroundProcessed Awake
[LOG 19:09:28.230] 3/20/2023 7:09:28 PM,BackgroundResources,OnLoad:
[LOG 19:09:28.232] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Awake
[LOG 19:09:28.232] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Started Loading
[LOG 19:09:28.232] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Done Loading
[LOG 19:09:28.232] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[FFD5C94C][5226.78]: OnAwake in SPACECENTER
[LOG 19:09:28.233] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[FFD5C94C][5226.78]: Adding SpaceCenterManager
[LOG 19:09:28.233] -INFO- Tac.SpaceCenterManager[FFD5C94A][5226.78]: Awake
[LOG 19:09:28.233] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[FFD5C94C][5226.78]: Adding LifeSupportController
[LOG 19:09:28.233] -INFO- Tac.LifeSupportController[FFD5C948][5226.78]: Awake
[LOG 19:09:28.250] -INFO- Tac.TACEditorFilter[FFE21B72][5226.78]: TACLS EditorFilter Setup
[LOG 19:09:28.250] -INFO- Tac.TACEditorFilter[FFE21B72][5226.78]: TACLS EditorFilter TacMMCallBack
[LOG 19:09:28.251] -INFO- Tac.TACEditorFilter[FFE21B72][5226.78]: TACLS EditorFilter TacMMCallBack end
[LOG 19:09:28.274] [CustomConfigsManager] Setting modded tech tree as the active one
[LOG 19:09:28.281] [Bureaucracy]: Checking for KCT
[LOG 19:09:28.281] [Bureaucracy]: KCT not found
[LOG 19:09:28.286] [RemoteTech] Load default settings into object with RemoteTechSettings
    RemoteTechEnabled = True
    CommNetEnabled = False
    ConsumptionMultiplier = 1
    RangeMultiplier = 1
    MissionControlRangeMultiplier = 1
    OmniRangeClampFactor = 100
    DishRangeClampFactor = 1000
    ActiveVesselGuid = 35b89a0d664c43c6bec8d0840afc97b2
    NoTargetGuid = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    SpeedOfLight = 3E+08
    MapFilter = Omni, Cone, Path
    EnableSignalDelay = True
    RangeModelType = Standard
    MultipleAntennaMultiplier = 0
    ThrottleTimeWarp = True
    ThrottleZeroOnNoConnection = True
    StopTimeWrapOnReConnection = False
    HideGroundStationsBehindBody = True
    ControlAntennaWithoutConnection = False
    UpgradeableMissionControlAntennas = True
    HideGroundStationsOnDistance = True
    ShowMouseOverInfoGroundStations = True
    AutoInsertKaCAlerts = True
    FCLeadTime = 180
    FCOffAfterExecute = False
    DistanceToHideGroundStations = 3E+07
    DishConnectionColor = 0.996078372,0.701960802,0.0313725509,1
    OmniConnectionColor = 0.552941203,0.517647088,0.407843113,1
    ActiveConnectionColor = 0.65882349,1,0.0156862792,1
    RemoteStationColorDot = 0.996078014,0,0,1
    DirectConnectionColor = 0,0.749,0.952,1
    SignalRelayEnabled = False
    IgnoreLineOfSight = False
    FCWinPosX = 100
    FCWinPosY = 100
    FlightTermP = 2.0
    FlightTermI = 0.8
    FlightTermD = 1.0
            Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc488
            Name = Mission Control
            Latitude = -0.13133150339126601
            Longitude = -74.594841003417997
            Height = 75
            Body = 1
            MarkColor = 0.996078014,0,0,1
                    Omni = 75000000
                    Dish = 0
                    CosAngle = 1
                    UpgradeableOmni = 4E+06;3.0E+07;7.5E+07
                    UpgradeableDish =
                    UpgradeableCosAngle =
        PRESETS = RemoteTech/Default_Settings/RemoteTechSettings
[WRN 19:09:28.286] File 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/..//saves/BAerospace\RemoteTech_Settings.cfg' does not exist
[LOG 19:09:28.293] [DRE] - ReentryPhysics.Start(): LoadSettings(), Difficulty: Default
[LOG 19:09:28.298] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: [Settings]: Started loading
[LOG 19:09:28.298] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: [Settings]: Located settings file
[LOG 19:09:28.299] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: [Settings]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:09:28.299] [HETTN] Reading RDNodes from GameData\ModuleManager.TechTree...
[LOG 19:09:28.315] [HETTN] Not hiding 0 unique PARTUPGRADE only nodes.
[LOG 19:09:28.317] [HETTN] Successfully hid 34 empty tech tree nodes and repaired 7 bad node-parent links.
[LOG 19:09:28.320] [HETTN] New tech tree saved to: GameData\HideEmptyTechTreeNodes\Resources\HETTN.TechTree.
[LOG 19:09:28.320] [HETTN] Repopulating instanced TechTree Node...
[LOG 19:09:28.320] [HETTN] GameData\HideEmptyTechTreeNodes\Resources\HETTN.TechTree
[LOG 19:09:28.382] PatchManager: PatchManager loaded configs, count: 1
[LOG 19:09:28.383] PatchManager: modname: B9 PWings, patchName: High Speed Controls, srcPath: B9_Aerospace_ProceduralWings/PatchManager/PluginData/HighSpeedControls.cfg, installedWithMod: False, destPath: GameData/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches, activePatchPath: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/B9_PWings_HighSpeedControls.cfg,  enabled: False
[LOG 19:09:28.384] [SpaceDust][Settings]: SystemHeat detected. Thermal considerations will be active for harvesters
[LOG 19:09:28.384] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Started loading
[LOG 19:09:28.387] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Game Scale is 1
[LOG 19:09:28.388] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Resources configured as visible are Oxidizer, LiquidFuel, XenonGas, Antimatter, LqdHe3, LqdDeuterium, ArgonGas, LqdHydrogen
[LOG 19:09:28.388] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:09:28.390] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added XenonSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:09:28.391] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added OxidizerSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:09:28.391] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added LiquidFuelSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:09:28.391] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added ArgonSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:09:28.391] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added HydrogenSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:09:28.391] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added DeuteriumSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:09:28.391] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Loaded 6 telescope instruments
[LOG 19:09:28.394] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Discovered Antimatter in kerbRing at Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:28.395] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Discovered ArgonGas in kerbinAtmo at Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:28.395] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Identified ArgonGas in kerbinAtmo at Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:28.395] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Discovered LqdDeuterium in joolAtmo at Jool
[LOG 19:09:28.395] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Discovered LqdHe3 in joolAtmo at Jool
[LOG 19:09:28.395] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Discovered LqdHydrogen in joolAtmo at Jool
[LOG 19:09:28.395] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Discovered Oxidizer in kerbinAtmo at Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:28.395] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Identified Oxidizer in kerbinAtmo at Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:28.395] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Discovered XenonGas in kerbinAtmo at Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:28.395] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Identified XenonGas in kerbinAtmo at Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:28.395] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 43 resource distributions
[LOG 19:09:28.396] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 6 resource distributions for Sarnus
[LOG 19:09:28.396] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Eeloo
[LOG 19:09:28.396] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 3 resource distributions for Tekto
[LOG 19:09:28.396] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 6 resource distributions for Urlum
[LOG 19:09:28.396] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Wal
[LOG 19:09:28.396] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Tal
[LOG 19:09:28.396] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 6 resource distributions for Neidon
[LOG 19:09:28.396] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 2 resource distributions for Thatmo
[LOG 19:09:28.396] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 5 resource distributions for Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:28.396] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 5 resource distributions for Jool
[LOG 19:09:28.396] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 2 resource distributions for Laythe
[LOG 19:09:28.396] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 3 resource distributions for Eve
[LOG 19:09:28.396] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Duna
[LOG 19:09:28.396] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Sun
[LOG 19:09:28.398] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Started loading
[LOG 19:09:28.398] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Located settings file
[LOG 19:09:28.401] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Loading coolant types
[LOG 19:09:28.404] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Loaded coolant Basic Coolant: Density 1000, heat Capacity 4
[LOG 19:09:28.405] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Loaded coolant types
[LOG 19:09:28.405] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:09:28.405] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Started loading
[LOG 19:09:28.405] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loading models
[LOG 19:09:28.407] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loaded 12 models
[LOG 19:09:28.407] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loading textures
[LOG 19:09:28.409] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loaded 27 textures
[LOG 19:09:28.409] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loading shaders
[LOG 19:09:28.411] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loaded 11 shaders
[LOG 19:09:28.411] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:09:28.467] -INFO- Tac.LifeSupportController[FFD5C948][5226.74]: Start
[WRN 19:09:28.488] DontDestroyOnLoad only works for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects.
[WRN 19:09:28.488] DontDestroyOnLoad only works for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects.
[LOG 19:09:28.513] [Kopernicus] Using Kopernicus Asteroid Spawner.
[LOG 19:09:29.727] [SCANsat] Loading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:29.732] -INFO- Tac.SpaceCenterManager[FFD5C94A][5226.74]: Start, new game = True
[LOG 19:09:29.733] -INFO- Tac.AddLifeSupport[8C75B600][5226.74]: AddLifeSupport Constructor
[LOG 19:09:29.733] -INFO- Tac.AddLifeSupport[8C75B600][5226.74]: run AddLifeSupport
[LOG 19:09:29.738] [ShadowMan][Info] Running in unified camera mode
[LOG 19:09:29.738] [ShadowMan][Debug] Adding TweakShadowCascades: (0.002, 0.015, 0.035) to Camera Camera 00
[LOG 19:09:29.738] [ShadowMan][Debug] Default split: (0.050, 0.152, 0.264)
[LOG 19:09:29.739] [ShadowMan][Debug] Setting shadowmap resolution to: 8192 on SunLight
[LOG 19:09:29.746] [ShadowMan][Debug] Found rings for Sarnus
[LOG 19:09:29.747] [ShadowMan][Debug] Found rings for Urlum
[LOG 19:09:29.750] [ShadowMan][Debug] Kopernicus.ShadowMan setup done
[LOG 19:09:29.788] [EVE CloudsManager]: Disable clouds when camera: 12805.12 layer: 6500
[LOG 19:09:29.807] [SCANsat] All Height Maps Generated
[LOG 19:09:29.812] [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ContractDisabler: Enabling ContractType: FinePrint.Contracts.SurveyContract (Assembly-CSharp.dll)
[LOG 19:09:29.813] [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ContractDisabler: Enabling ContractType: SentinelMission.SentinelContract (Assembly-CSharp.dll)
[LOG 19:09:29.813] [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ContractDisabler: Disabling ContractType: FinePrint.Contracts.ExplorationContract (Assembly-CSharp.dll)
[LOG 19:09:29.813] [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ContractDisabler: Disabling ContractType: FinePrint.Contracts.SatelliteContract (Assembly-CSharp.dll)
[LOG 19:09:29.814] [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ContractDisabler: Disabling ContractType: Contracts.Templates.CollectScience (Assembly-CSharp.dll)
[LOG 19:09:29.814] [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ContractDisabler: Disabling ContractType: Contracts.Templates.RecoverAsset (Assembly-CSharp.dll)
[LOG 19:09:29.820] KerbalEngineer -> FlightEngineerCore->Awake
[LOG 19:09:29.820] KerbalEngineer -> FlightEngineerCore->Start
[LOG 19:09:29.859] [RemoteTech] First start of RemoteTech!
[LOG 19:09:29.864] [CustomBarnKit] Loading new upgrades prices
[LOG 19:09:29.936] [ModularFlightIntegrator] CalculateSunBodyFlux already has an override
[LOG 19:09:29.936] [ModularFlightIntegrator] CalculateBackgroundRadiationTemperature already has an override
[ERR 19:09:29.965] [SurfaceObject]: Cannot return to original parent, it no longer exists.

[LOG 19:09:29.992] [Kopernicus] Due to selected asteroid spawner, SENTINEL Contracts are broken and have been scrubbed.
[LOG 19:09:29.993] [UiApp] Awake: Contracts
[LOG 19:09:29.993] [UiApp] Awake: KSPedia
[LOG 19:09:29.993] [UiApp] Awake: Missions App
[LOG 19:09:29.994] [UiApp] Awake: AlarmClock
[LOG 19:09:29.995] [ApplicationLauncher] OnSceneLoadedGUIReady: scene SPACECENTER ShouldBeVisible() True ShouldBeOnTop() False iIsPositionedAtTop True
[LOG 19:09:29.995] [ApplicationLauncher] SpawnSimpleLayout: HorizontalRightLeft
[LOG 19:09:29.999] [ApplicationLauncher] SetVisible:
[LOG 19:09:30.001] ScaleModList: listSize 205 maxListSize 2001
[LOG 19:09:30.001] ScaleModList: listSize 205 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:09:30.001] ScaleModList: listSize 205 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:09:30.001] ScaleModList: listSize 205 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:09:30.002] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:09:30.003] ScaleModList: listSize 287 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:09:30.005] ScaleModList: listSize 328 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:09:30.006] ScaleModList: listSize 369 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:09:30.007] ScaleModList: listSize 410 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:09:30.009] ScaleModList: listSize 451 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:09:30.010] ScaleModList: listSize 410 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:09:30.012] ScaleModList: listSize 451 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:09:30.012] [DeadlyReentry.DRToolBar] OnGUIAppLauncherReady fired but AppLauncher not ready or button already created!
[WRN 19:09:30.012] [3/20/2023 7:09:30 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ScienceChecklistAddon) - Game type is CAREER. Activating.
[LOG 19:09:30.017] ScaleModList: listSize 492 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:09:30.017] ScaleModList: listSize 451 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:09:30.019] ScaleModList: listSize 492 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:09:30.020] ScaleModList: listSize 533 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:09:30.020] ScaleModList: listSize 492 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:09:30.020] [Kopernicus]: StarLightSwitcher: Set active star => Sun
[LOG 19:09:30.086] [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ContractDisabler: Enabling ContractType: FinePrint.Contracts.ExplorationContract (Assembly-CSharp.dll)
[LOG 19:09:30.086] [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ContractDisabler: Enabling ContractType: FinePrint.Contracts.SatelliteContract (Assembly-CSharp.dll)
[LOG 19:09:30.086] [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ContractDisabler: Enabling ContractType: Contracts.Templates.CollectScience (Assembly-CSharp.dll)
[LOG 19:09:30.086] [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ContractDisabler: Enabling ContractType: Contracts.Templates.RecoverAsset (Assembly-CSharp.dll)
[LOG 19:09:30.086] [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ContractDisabler: Enabling ContractType: SentinelMission.SentinelContract (Assembly-CSharp.dll)
[LOG 19:09:30.093] CurrencyOperationRandomized.OnLoadFromConfig
[LOG 19:09:30.094] CurrencyOperationRandomized.OnLoadFromConfig
[LOG 19:09:30.094] CurrencyOperationRandomized.OnLoadFromConfig
[LOG 19:09:30.113] ScaleModList: listSize 533 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:09:30.182] [MessageSystem] Reposition 0.02 483367
[LOG 19:09:30.182] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.02 483367
[LOG 19:09:30.183] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.02 483367
[LOG 19:09:30.304] [Scatterer][Info] Running in unified camera mode
[LOG 19:09:30.310] [Scatterer][Debug] Found rings for Sarnus
[LOG 19:09:30.312] [Scatterer][Debug] Found rings for Urlum
[LOG 19:09:30.341] [Scatterer][Debug] Sunflare syntax version: 2
[LOG 19:09:30.342] [Scatterer][Debug] Added custom sun flare for Sun
[LOG 19:09:30.342] [Scatterer][Debug] mapping EVE clouds
[LOG 19:09:30.355] [Scatterer][Debug] Eve assembly type found
[LOG 19:09:30.356] [Scatterer][Debug] Eve assembly version: Atmosphere, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 19:09:30.356] [Scatterer][Info] Successfully grabbed EVE Instance
[LOG 19:09:30.356] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Urlum
[LOG 19:09:30.356] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Tekto
[LOG 19:09:30.356] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Sarnus
[LOG 19:09:30.356] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Neidon
[LOG 19:09:30.356] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Sarnus
[LOG 19:09:30.356] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Urlum
[LOG 19:09:30.356] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Urlum
[LOG 19:09:30.356] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Sarnus
[LOG 19:09:30.356] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Neidon
[LOG 19:09:30.356] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Tekto
[LOG 19:09:30.356] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Thatmo
[LOG 19:09:30.356] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Polta
[LOG 19:09:30.356] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Slate
[LOG 19:09:30.356] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Slate
[LOG 19:09:30.357] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Urlum
[LOG 19:09:30.357] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Tekto
[LOG 19:09:30.357] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Sarnus
[LOG 19:09:30.357] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Neidon
[LOG 19:09:30.357] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:30.357] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Duna
[LOG 19:09:30.357] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Jool
[LOG 19:09:30.357] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Laythe
[LOG 19:09:30.357] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Eve
[LOG 19:09:30.357] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Eve
[LOG 19:09:30.357] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:30.357] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:30.357] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Laythe
[LOG 19:09:30.357] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Eve
[LOG 19:09:30.357] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Eve
[LOG 19:09:30.357] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Jool
[LOG 19:09:30.357] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Jool
[LOG 19:09:30.357] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Jool
[LOG 19:09:30.357] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Jool
[LOG 19:09:30.357] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Jool
[LOG 19:09:30.358] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Jool
[LOG 19:09:30.358] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Duna
[LOG 19:09:30.358] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Laythe
[LOG 19:09:30.358] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Mun
[LOG 19:09:30.358] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Minmus
[LOG 19:09:30.358] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Pol
[LOG 19:09:30.358] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Eeloo
[LOG 19:09:30.358] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Dres
[LOG 19:09:30.358] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Vall
[LOG 19:09:30.358] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Tylo
[LOG 19:09:30.358] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Ike
[LOG 19:09:30.358] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Moho
[LOG 19:09:30.358] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Duna
[LOG 19:09:30.358] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Eeloo
[LOG 19:09:30.358] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Eeloo
[LOG 19:09:30.358] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Minmus
[LOG 19:09:30.358] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Mun
[LOG 19:09:30.358] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Eeloo
[LOG 19:09:30.358] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Ike
[LOG 19:09:30.358] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Moho
[LOG 19:09:30.358] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Dres
[LOG 19:09:30.358] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Duna
[LOG 19:09:30.358] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Tylo
[LOG 19:09:30.359] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Moho
[LOG 19:09:30.359] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Minmus
[LOG 19:09:30.359] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:30.359] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Laythe
[LOG 19:09:30.359] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Eve
[LOG 19:09:30.359] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Duna
[LOG 19:09:30.359] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Jool
[LOG 19:09:30.359] [Scatterer][Debug] Core setup done
[LOG 19:09:30.360] [Scatterer][Debug] Added eclipse caster Mun for Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:30.360] [Scatterer][Debug] Added eclipse caster Minmus for Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:30.360] [Scatterer][Debug]  Atmosphere config found for: Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:30.437] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:09:30.437] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:09:30.437] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:09:30.437] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:09:30.438] [Scatterer][Debug] Skynode initiated for Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:30.438] [Scatterer][Debug] Ocean config found for: Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:30.589] [Scatterer][Debug] Effects loaded for Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:31.226] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-MainClouds) OnSphereActive
[LOG 19:09:31.226] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:09:31.226] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-Auroras) OnSphereActive
[LOG 19:09:31.226] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:09:31.226] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-CirrusClouds) OnSphereActive
[LOG 19:09:31.226] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:09:31.226] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-Lightning) OnSphereActive
[LOG 19:09:31.226] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:09:31.288] [Scatterer][Debug] Disabling stock sunflare for Sun
[LOG 19:09:31.290] [Scatterer][Info] Skynode switch effects to local mode Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:31.384] [Scatterer][Debug]  Mapping EVE volumetrics for planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:31.384] [Scatterer][Debug] No volumetric cloud for layer on planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:31.384] [Scatterer][Debug] No volumetric cloud for layer on planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:31.384] [Scatterer][Debug] No volumetric cloud for layer on planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:31.384] [Scatterer][Debug] Raymarched volumetric clouds error on planet: KerbinSystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at scatterer.EVEReflectionHandler.mapEVEVolumetrics (System.String celestialBodyName, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] EVEvolumetrics) [0x00156] in <684aa87c0d2345f8a9e4739403f4afff>:0
[LOG 19:09:31.384] [Scatterer][Debug] Raymarched volumetric clouds error on planet: KerbinSystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at scatterer.EVEReflectionHandler.mapEVEVolumetrics (System.String celestialBodyName, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] EVEvolumetrics) [0x00156] in <684aa87c0d2345f8a9e4739403f4afff>:0
[LOG 19:09:31.384] [Scatterer][Debug] Raymarched volumetric clouds error on planet: KerbinSystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at scatterer.EVEReflectionHandler.mapEVEVolumetrics (System.String celestialBodyName, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] EVEvolumetrics) [0x00156] in <684aa87c0d2345f8a9e4739403f4afff>:0
[LOG 19:09:31.384] [Scatterer][Debug] Raymarched volumetric clouds error on planet: KerbinSystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at scatterer.EVEReflectionHandler.mapEVEVolumetrics (System.String celestialBodyName, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] EVEvolumetrics) [0x00156] in <684aa87c0d2345f8a9e4739403f4afff>:0
[LOG 19:09:31.384] [Scatterer][Debug]  Detected 1 EVE volumetric layers for planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:09:31.386] [UIApp] Adding AlarmClock to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:09:31.387] ScaleModList: listSize 533 maxListSize 1951
[LOG 19:09:31.388] [UIApp] Adding Missions App to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:09:31.389] ScaleModList: listSize 533 maxListSize 1910
[LOG 19:09:31.389] [UIApp] Adding Contracts to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:09:31.390] ScaleModList: listSize 533 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:09:31.435] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.2379745 483373
[LOG 19:09:31.440] [MissionsApp] OnAppStarted(): id: -2770212
[LOG 19:09:31.440] MissionsApp does not execute in this game mode, destroying this instance
[LOG 19:09:31.440] [UIApp] OnDestroy: Missions App
[LOG 19:09:31.441] ScaleModList: listSize 533 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:09:31.442] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.2379745 483373
[LOG 19:09:31.463] [UIApp] Adding KSPedia to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:09:31.464] ScaleModList: listSize 533 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:09:31.465] Flight State Captured
[LOG 19:09:31.465] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 19:09:31.466] [Bureaucracy]: OnSave
[LOG 19:09:31.466] [Bureaucracy]: Saving Settings
[LOG 19:09:31.467] [Bureaucracy]: Settings Saved
[LOG 19:09:31.467] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnSave
[EXC 19:09:31.472] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    Bureaucracy.BudgetManager.OnSave (ConfigNode cn) (at <442e0296f8d643abbd88647c4ab06c7b>:0)
    Bureaucracy.Bureaucracy.OnSave (ConfigNode node) (at <442e0296f8d643abbd88647c4ab06c7b>:0)
    Bureaucracy.BureaucracyScenario.OnSave (ConfigNode node) (at <442e0296f8d643abbd88647c4ab06c7b>:0)
    ScenarioModule.Save (ConfigNode node) (at <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0)
    ProtoScenarioModule..ctor (ScenarioModule module) (at <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0)
    ScenarioRunner.UpdateModules () (at <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0)
    ScenarioRunner.GetUpdatedProtoModules () (at <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0)
    Game.Updated (GameScenes startSceneOverride) (at <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0)
    GamePersistence.SaveGame (System.String saveFileName, System.String saveFolder, SaveMode saveMode, GameScenes startScene) (at <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0)
    GamePersistence.SaveGame (System.String saveFileName, System.String saveFolder, SaveMode saveMode) (at <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0)
    SpaceCenterMain+<Start>d__4.MoveNext () (at <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0)
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <12e76cd50cc64cf19e759e981cb725af>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
[LOG 19:09:32.127] [Bureaucracy]: Next Budget at 648001
[LOG 19:09:33.684] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI
[LOG 19:13:56.243] Flight State Captured
[LOG 19:13:56.243] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 19:13:56.244] [Bureaucracy]: OnSave
[LOG 19:13:56.244] [Bureaucracy]: Saving Settings
[LOG 19:13:56.245] [Bureaucracy]: Settings Saved
[LOG 19:13:56.245] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnSave
[LOG 19:13:56.245] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:13:56.245] [Bureaucracy]: FacilityManager OnSave
[LOG 19:13:56.245] [Bureaucracy]: FacilityManager OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:13:56.245] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager OnSave
[LOG 19:13:56.245] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager OnSaveComplete
[LOG 19:13:56.245] [Bureaucracy]: CrewManager OnSave
[LOG 19:13:56.245] [Bureaucracy]: Crew Manager OnSaveComplete
[LOG 19:13:56.245] [Bureaucracy]: OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:13:56.246] 3/20/2023 7:13:56 PM,BackgroundResources,OnSave:
[LOG 19:13:56.252] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Started Saving
[LOG 19:13:56.253] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Done Saving
[LOG 19:13:56.253] [MessageSystem] Save Messages
[LOG 19:13:56.255] -INFO- Tac.AddLifeSupport[F166D00][5491.24]: AddLifeSupport Constructor
[LOG 19:13:56.261] [BetterTimeWarp]: Settings saved
[LOG 19:13:56.266] Game State Saved to saves/BAerospace/persistent
[LOG 19:15:15.354] Game Paused!
[LOG 19:15:15.356] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI
[LOG 19:15:15.513] [HETTN] Using tech tree path: GameData\HideEmptyTechTreeNodes\Resources\HETTN.TechTree
[LOG 19:16:10.394] Game Unpaused!
[LOG 19:16:10.394] Flight State Captured
[LOG 19:16:10.394] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 19:16:10.395] [Bureaucracy]: OnSave
[LOG 19:16:10.395] [Bureaucracy]: Saving Settings
[LOG 19:16:10.396] [Bureaucracy]: Settings Saved
[LOG 19:16:10.396] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnSave
[LOG 19:16:10.396] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:16:10.396] [Bureaucracy]: FacilityManager OnSave
[LOG 19:16:10.396] [Bureaucracy]: FacilityManager OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:16:10.396] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager OnSave
[LOG 19:16:10.396] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager OnSaveComplete
[LOG 19:16:10.396] [Bureaucracy]: CrewManager OnSave
[LOG 19:16:10.396] [Bureaucracy]: Crew Manager OnSaveComplete
[LOG 19:16:10.396] [Bureaucracy]: OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:16:10.397] 3/20/2023 7:16:10 PM,BackgroundResources,OnSave:
[LOG 19:16:10.402] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Started Saving
[LOG 19:16:10.402] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Done Saving
[LOG 19:16:10.403] [MessageSystem] Save Messages
[LOG 19:16:10.404] -INFO- Tac.AddLifeSupport[1797D700][5569.89]: AddLifeSupport Constructor
[LOG 19:16:10.409] [BetterTimeWarp]: Settings saved
[LOG 19:16:10.413] Game State Saved to saves/BAerospace/persistent
[LOG 19:16:10.414] [UIMasterController] RemoveCanvas:ResearchAndDevelopment
[LOG 19:16:10.957] Game Paused!
[LOG 19:16:10.957] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI
[LOG 19:16:11.505] Launcher start settings screen: False
[LOG 19:16:12.399] -INFO- Tac.AddLifeSupport[E0F5C300][5570.39]: AddLifeSupport Constructor
[WRN 19:16:13.130] File 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/001_ToolbarControl/PluginData/Debug.cfg' does not exist
[LOG 19:16:22.031] Game Unpaused!
[LOG 19:16:22.489] Game Paused!
[LOG 19:16:22.490] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI
[LOG 19:16:22.627] [HETTN] Using tech tree path: GameData\HideEmptyTechTreeNodes\Resources\HETTN.TechTree
[LOG 19:16:29.328] [HETTN] Node: "basicRocketry" | Unlocked child: "generalRocketry".
[LOG 19:16:34.856] Game Unpaused!
[LOG 19:16:34.857] Flight State Captured
[LOG 19:16:34.857] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 19:16:34.857] [Bureaucracy]: OnSave
[LOG 19:16:34.857] [Bureaucracy]: Saving Settings
[LOG 19:16:34.858] [Bureaucracy]: Settings Saved
[LOG 19:16:34.858] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnSave
[LOG 19:16:34.859] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:16:34.859] [Bureaucracy]: FacilityManager OnSave
[LOG 19:16:34.859] [Bureaucracy]: FacilityManager OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:16:34.859] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager OnSave
[LOG 19:16:34.859] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager OnSaveComplete
[LOG 19:16:34.859] [Bureaucracy]: CrewManager OnSave
[LOG 19:16:34.859] [Bureaucracy]: Crew Manager OnSaveComplete
[LOG 19:16:34.859] [Bureaucracy]: OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:16:34.859] 3/20/2023 7:16:34 PM,BackgroundResources,OnSave:
[LOG 19:16:34.865] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Started Saving
[LOG 19:16:34.865] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Done Saving
[LOG 19:16:34.865] [MessageSystem] Save Messages
[LOG 19:16:34.866] -INFO- Tac.AddLifeSupport[52AB3800][5570.85]: AddLifeSupport Constructor
[LOG 19:16:34.871] [BetterTimeWarp]: Settings saved
[LOG 19:16:34.875] Game State Saved to saves/BAerospace/persistent
[LOG 19:16:34.876] [UIMasterController] RemoveCanvas:ResearchAndDevelopment
[LOG 19:16:37.727] Game Paused!
[LOG 19:16:37.727] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI
[LOG 19:16:37.859] [HETTN] Using tech tree path: GameData\HideEmptyTechTreeNodes\Resources\HETTN.TechTree
[LOG 19:16:45.778] [HETTN] Node: "engineering101" | Unlocked child: "survivability".
[LOG 19:16:45.778] [HETTN] Node: "engineering101" | Unlocked child: "stability".
[LOG 19:16:45.779] [HETTN] Node: "engineering101" | Unlocked child: "gadgets".
[LOG 19:16:46.324] Game Unpaused!
[LOG 19:16:46.325] Flight State Captured
[LOG 19:16:46.326] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 19:16:46.328] [Bureaucracy]: OnSave
[LOG 19:16:46.328] [Bureaucracy]: Saving Settings
[LOG 19:16:46.334] [Bureaucracy]: Settings Saved
[LOG 19:16:46.334] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnSave
[LOG 19:16:46.334] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:16:46.334] [Bureaucracy]: FacilityManager OnSave
[LOG 19:16:46.334] [Bureaucracy]: FacilityManager OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:16:46.335] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager OnSave
[LOG 19:16:46.335] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager OnSaveComplete
[LOG 19:16:46.335] [Bureaucracy]: CrewManager OnSave
[LOG 19:16:46.335] [Bureaucracy]: Crew Manager OnSaveComplete
[LOG 19:16:46.335] [Bureaucracy]: OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:16:46.335] 3/20/2023 7:16:46 PM,BackgroundResources,OnSave:
[LOG 19:16:46.423] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Started Saving
[LOG 19:16:46.423] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Done Saving
[LOG 19:16:46.424] [MessageSystem] Save Messages
[LOG 19:16:46.426] -INFO- Tac.AddLifeSupport[6CEA3100][5573.49]: AddLifeSupport Constructor
[LOG 19:16:46.431] [BetterTimeWarp]: Settings saved
[LOG 19:16:46.434] Game State Saved to saves/BAerospace/persistent
[LOG 19:16:46.435] [UIMasterController] RemoveCanvas:ResearchAndDevelopment
[LOG 19:16:47.487] Game Paused!
[LOG 19:16:47.487] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI
[WRN 19:16:49.398] ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil: Got an unexpected exception trying to load 'scienceSubjectsTemp1' as a list:
[EXC 19:16:49.402] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.SubjectParser+<>c.<RegisterMethods>b__2_17 (ContractConfigurator.Biome b) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    System.Linq.Lookup`2[TKey,TElement].Create (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source, System.Func`2[T,TResult] keySelector, System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1[T] comparer) (at <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0)
    System.Linq.GroupedEnumerable`2[TSource,TKey].GetEnumerator () (at <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0)
    System.Linq.Enumerable+SelectEnumerableIterator`2[TSource,TResult].MoveNext () (at <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0)
    System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereEnumerableIterator`1[TSource].MoveNext () (at <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.Util.Science+<GetSubjects>d__13.MoveNext () (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T]..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] collection) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
    System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source) (at <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.SubjectParser+<>c.<RegisterMethods>b__2_8 (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] biomes, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] exps) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.Function`3[T1,T2,TResult].Invoke (T1 p1, T2 p2) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.Function`3[T1,T2,TResult].Invoke (System.Object[] parameters) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseMethod[TResult] (ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.BaseParser+Token token, T obj, System.Boolean isFunction) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ListExpressionParser`1[T].ParseMethod[TResult] (ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.BaseParser+Token token, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] obj, System.Boolean isFunction) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseFunction (ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.BaseParser+Token token) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseSimpleStatement[TResult] () (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseStatementInner[TResult] () (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseStatement[TResult] () (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseExpression (System.String key, System.String expression, ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.DataNode dataNode) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    Rethrow as Exception: Error parsing statement.
    Error occurred near '*':
    AllScienceSubjectsByBiomeExperiment([@biome1], @experiments1)
    .............................................................* <-- HERE
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseExpression (System.String key, System.String expression, ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.DataNode dataNode) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ExecuteExpression (System.String key, System.String expression, ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.DataNode dataNode) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseSingleValue[T] (System.String key, System.String stringValue, System.Boolean allowExpression) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[T] (ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, System.Boolean allowExpression) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Boolean)
    ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, List`1, Func`2)
    ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, Func`2)
    System.Reflection.MethodBase:Invoke(Object, Object[])
[ERR 19:16:49.403] ContractConfigurator.ContractType: CONTRACT_TYPE 'RAD_LocalFlight': Error parsing scienceSubjectsTemp1

[EXC 19:16:49.405] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.SubjectParser+<>c.<RegisterMethods>b__2_17 (ContractConfigurator.Biome b) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    System.Linq.Lookup`2[TKey,TElement].Create (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source, System.Func`2[T,TResult] keySelector, System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1[T] comparer) (at <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0)
    System.Linq.GroupedEnumerable`2[TSource,TKey].GetEnumerator () (at <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0)
    System.Linq.Enumerable+SelectEnumerableIterator`2[TSource,TResult].MoveNext () (at <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0)
    System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereEnumerableIterator`1[TSource].MoveNext () (at <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.Util.Science+<GetSubjects>d__13.MoveNext () (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T]..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] collection) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
    System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source) (at <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.SubjectParser+<>c.<RegisterMethods>b__2_8 (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] biomes, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] exps) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.Function`3[T1,T2,TResult].Invoke (T1 p1, T2 p2) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.Function`3[T1,T2,TResult].Invoke (System.Object[] parameters) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseMethod[TResult] (ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.BaseParser+Token token, T obj, System.Boolean isFunction) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseFunction (ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.BaseParser+Token token) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseSimpleStatement[TResult] () (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseStatementInner[TResult] () (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseStatement[TResult] () (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseExpression (System.String key, System.String expression, ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.DataNode dataNode) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    Rethrow as Exception: Error parsing statement.
    Error occurred near '*':
    AllScienceSubjectsByBiomeExperiment([@biome1], @experiments1)
    .............................................................* <-- HERE
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseExpression (System.String key, System.String expression, ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.DataNode dataNode) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ExecuteExpression (System.String key, System.String expression, ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.DataNode dataNode) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseSingleValue[T] (System.String key, System.String stringValue, System.Boolean allowExpression) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
    Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
    System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
    System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[T] (ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, System.Boolean allowExpression) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[T] (ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, System.Action`1[T] setter, ContractConfigurator.IContractConfiguratorFactory obj, T defaultValue, System.Func`2[T,TResult] validation) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, List`1, Func`2)
    ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, Func`2)
    System.Reflection.MethodBase:Invoke(Object, Object[])
[LOG 19:16:50.674] Text Generator Loaded: 202 entries.
[LOG 19:17:04.881] Game Unpaused!
[LOG 19:17:04.882] Flight State Captured
[LOG 19:17:04.883] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 19:17:04.884] [Bureaucracy]: OnSave
[LOG 19:17:04.884] [Bureaucracy]: Saving Settings
[LOG 19:17:04.885] [Bureaucracy]: Settings Saved
[LOG 19:17:04.885] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnSave
[LOG 19:17:04.885] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:17:04.885] [Bureaucracy]: FacilityManager OnSave
[LOG 19:17:04.885] [Bureaucracy]: FacilityManager OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:17:04.886] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager OnSave
[LOG 19:17:04.886] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager OnSaveComplete
[LOG 19:17:04.886] [Bureaucracy]: CrewManager OnSave
[LOG 19:17:04.886] [Bureaucracy]: Crew Manager OnSaveComplete
[LOG 19:17:04.886] [Bureaucracy]: OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:17:04.888] 3/20/2023 7:17:04 PM,BackgroundResources,OnSave:
[LOG 19:17:04.893] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Started Saving
[LOG 19:17:04.893] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Done Saving
[LOG 19:17:04.893] [MessageSystem] Save Messages
[LOG 19:17:04.895] -INFO- Tac.AddLifeSupport[448FB900][5574.33]: AddLifeSupport Constructor
[LOG 19:17:04.902] [BetterTimeWarp]: Settings saved
[LOG 19:17:04.905] Game State Saved to saves/BAerospace/persistent
[LOG 19:17:04.906] [UIMasterController] RemoveCanvas:MissionControl
[LOG 19:17:10.507] Game Paused!
[LOG 19:17:10.507] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI
[LOG 19:17:11.143] Launcher start settings screen: False
[LOG 19:17:12.151] -INFO- Tac.AddLifeSupport[8C5EFB00][5579.65]: AddLifeSupport Constructor
[LOG 19:17:18.543] Game Unpaused!
[LOG 19:17:19.175] Flight State Captured
[LOG 19:17:19.175] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 19:17:19.175] [Bureaucracy]: OnSave
[LOG 19:17:19.175] [Bureaucracy]: Saving Settings
[LOG 19:17:19.176] [Bureaucracy]: Settings Saved
[LOG 19:17:19.176] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnSave
[LOG 19:17:19.176] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:17:19.176] [Bureaucracy]: FacilityManager OnSave
[LOG 19:17:19.176] [Bureaucracy]: FacilityManager OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:17:19.176] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager OnSave
[LOG 19:17:19.176] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager OnSaveComplete
[LOG 19:17:19.176] [Bureaucracy]: CrewManager OnSave
[LOG 19:17:19.177] [Bureaucracy]: Crew Manager OnSaveComplete
[LOG 19:17:19.177] [Bureaucracy]: OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:17:19.178] 3/20/2023 7:17:19 PM,BackgroundResources,OnSave:
[LOG 19:17:19.184] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Started Saving
[LOG 19:17:19.184] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Done Saving
[LOG 19:17:19.184] [MessageSystem] Save Messages
[LOG 19:17:19.185] -INFO- Tac.AddLifeSupport[8AD14400][5580.28]: AddLifeSupport Constructor
[LOG 19:17:19.191] [BetterTimeWarp]: Settings saved
[LOG 19:17:19.195] Game State Saved to saves/BAerospace/persistent
[LOG 19:17:19.197] -INFO- Tac.LifeSupportController[FFD5C948][5580.28]: Game scene load requested: EDITOR
[LOG 19:17:19.216] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:17:19.217] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[FFD5C94C][5580.28]: Game scene load requested: EDITOR
[LOG 19:17:19.217] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay] Load Requested
[LOG 19:17:19.217] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay]: Removing body fields
[LOG 19:17:19.217] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-Lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.217] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.217] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-Lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.217] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.217] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Duna-Lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.217] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.217] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Duna-Lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.217] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.217] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eve-lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.217] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.218] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eve-lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.218] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.218] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Laythe-Lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.218] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.218] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Laythe-Lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.218] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.218] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-Lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.218] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.218] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-Lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.218] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.218] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Minmus-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.218] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.218] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Minmus-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.218] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.218] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Moho-ablation) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.218] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.218] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Moho-ablation) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.218] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.218] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Tylo-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.218] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.218] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Tylo-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.218] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Duna-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Duna-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Dres-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Dres-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Moho-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Moho-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Ike-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Ike-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eeloo-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eeloo-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Mun-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Mun-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Minmus_geyser) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Minmus_geyser) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.219] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eeloo-geyser2) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eeloo-geyser2) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eeloo-geyser1) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eeloo-geyser1) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Duna-Duststorms) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Duna-Duststorms) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Moho-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Moho-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Ike-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Ike-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Tylo-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Tylo-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Vall-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Vall-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Dres-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Dres-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eeloo-Dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eeloo-Dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Pol-Dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Pol-Dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Minmus-Dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Minmus-Dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Mun-Dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Mun-Dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Laythe-CloudsLow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Laythe-CloudsLow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.220] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Duna-MainClouds) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Duna-MainClouds) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-altostratus) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-altostratus) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-base) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-base) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-kerbin) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-kerbin) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-cirrus) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-cirrus) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-layers2) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-layers2) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-layers1) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-layers1) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.222] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eve-clouds2) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.222] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.222] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eve-clouds2) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.222] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.222] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eve-clouds1) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.222] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.222] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eve-clouds1) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.222] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.222] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Laythe-CloudsHigh) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.222] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.222] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Laythe-CloudsHigh) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.222] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.222] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-CirrusClouds) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.222] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.222] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-CirrusClouds) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.222] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.222] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-MainClouds) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.222] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.222] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-MainClouds) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.222] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.222] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eve-Auroras2) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.222] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eve-Auroras2) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eve-Auroras1) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eve-Auroras1) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Laythe-Aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Laythe-Aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-Aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-Aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Duna-Aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Duna-Aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-Auroras) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-Auroras) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Neidon-lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Neidon-lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Sarnus-lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Sarnus-lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Tekto-lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Tekto-lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Urlum-lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Urlum-lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Slate-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Slate-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Slate-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Slate-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Polta-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Polta-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Thatmo-MainClouds) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Thatmo-MainClouds) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Tekto-MainClouds) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Tekto-MainClouds) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Neidon-cirrus) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Neidon-cirrus) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Sarnus-altostratus) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Sarnus-altostratus) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Urlum-altostratus) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Urlum-altostratus) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Urlum-cirrus) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Urlum-cirrus) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Sarnus-layers1) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Sarnus-layers1) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Neidon-aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Neidon-aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Sarnus-aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Sarnus-aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Tekto-aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.225] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.226] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Tekto-aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.226] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.226] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Urlum-aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.226] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.226] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Urlum-aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:17:19.226] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:17:19.226] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5580.28]: Game scene load requested: EDITOR
[LOG 19:17:19.226] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5580.28]: Game scene load requested: EDITOR
[LOG 19:17:19.226] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5580.28]: Game scene load requested: EDITOR
[LOG 19:17:19.226] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5580.28]: Game scene load requested: EDITOR
[LOG 19:17:19.227] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5580.28]: Game scene load requested: EDITOR
[LOG 19:17:19.227] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:17:19.228] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:17:19.228] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:17:19.229] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:17:19.229] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:17:19.229] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:17:19.231] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: cleaning modules hash table
[LOG 19:17:19.231] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Karen_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Karen_normal.dds
[LOG 19:17:19.232] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Karen
[LOG 19:17:19.232] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Plock_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Plock_normal.dds
[LOG 19:17:19.232] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Plock
[LOG 19:17:19.232] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Nissee_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Nissee_normal.dds
[LOG 19:17:19.232] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Nissee
[LOG 19:17:19.232] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Thatmo_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Thatmo_normal.dds
[LOG 19:17:19.232] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Thatmo
[LOG 19:17:19.232] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Neidon_color.dds and
[LOG 19:17:19.232] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Tal_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Tal_normal.dds
[LOG 19:17:19.233] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Tal
[LOG 19:17:19.233] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Wal_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Wal_normal.dds
[LOG 19:17:19.233] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Wal
[LOG 19:17:19.233] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Priax_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Priax_normal.dds
[LOG 19:17:19.233] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Priax
[LOG 19:17:19.233] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Polta_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Polta_normal.dds
[LOG 19:17:19.233] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Polta
[LOG 19:17:19.233] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Urlum_color.dds and
[LOG 19:17:19.233] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Tekto_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Tekto_normal.dds
[LOG 19:17:19.233] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Tekto
[LOG 19:17:19.234] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Slate_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Slate_normal.dds
[LOG 19:17:19.234] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Slate
[LOG 19:17:19.234] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Eeloo_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Eeloo_normal.dds
[LOG 19:17:19.234] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Eeloo
[LOG 19:17:19.234] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Ovok_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Ovok_normal.dds
[LOG 19:17:19.234] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Ovok
[LOG 19:17:19.234] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Hale_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Hale_normal.dds
[LOG 19:17:19.234] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Hale
[LOG 19:17:19.234] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Sarnus_color.dds and
[LOG 19:17:19.235] [UIMasterController]: HideUI
[LOG 19:17:19.241] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[FFD5C94C][5580.28]: OnDestroy
[WRN 19:17:19.243] [3/20/2023 7:17:19 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (Config) - SettingsFile: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/..//GameData/[x]_Science!/PluginData/settings.cfg
[LOG 19:17:19.243] [3/20/2023 7:17:19 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (Config) - Saving toC:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/..//GameData/[x]_Science!/PluginData/settings.cfg
[WRN 19:17:19.243] [3/20/2023 7:17:19 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (Config) - SettingsFile: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/..//GameData/[x]_Science!/PluginData/settings.cfg
[LOG 19:17:19.245] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:17:19.245] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From SPACECENTER to EDITOR (Async) =====================
[LOG 19:17:19.967] -INFO- Tac.SpaceCenterManager[FFD5C94A][5580.28]: OnDestroy
[LOG 19:17:19.967] -INFO- Tac.LifeSupportController[FFD5C948][5580.28]: OnDestroy
[LOG 19:17:21.304] [Scatterer][Debug] Effects unloaded for Kerbin
[LOG 19:17:21.324] [Scatterer][Debug] No changes to main config, skipping saving.
[LOG 19:17:21.330] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:17:21.330] [UIApp] OnDestroy: AlarmClock
[LOG 19:17:21.330] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:17:21.330] [UIApp] OnDestroy: KSPedia
[LOG 19:17:21.330] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:17:21.330] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:17:21.345] [FlightEngineer]: Destroying Floating Window for HUD 1
[LOG 19:17:21.345] [FlightEngineer]: Destroying Floating Window for HUD 2
[LOG 19:17:21.345] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:17:21.345] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:17:21.346] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:17:21.347] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:17:21.347] [Bureaucracy]: No Events to Unregister for Budget
[LOG 19:17:21.347] [Bureaucracy]: No Events to Unregister for Research
[LOG 19:17:21.347] [Bureaucracy]: No Events to Unregister for Blank Manager
[LOG 19:17:21.347] [UIApp] OnDestroy: Contracts
[LOG 19:17:21.347] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:17:21.352] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onVesselChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.352] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KerbalActuators:WBIVTOLManager instance is owning a onVesselChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.353] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onVesselChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.353] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onVesselChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.353] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KerbalActuators:WBIVTOLManager instance is owning a onVesselLoaded GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.354] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KerbalActuators:WBIVTOLManager instance is owning a onStageActivate GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.354] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.354] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed scatterer:RenderTypeFixer instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.354] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed scatterer:RenderTypeFixer instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.354] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.355] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.355] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.355] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.355] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.355] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed scatterer:RenderTypeFixer instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.355] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed RealChute:RCToolbarManager instance is owning a onGameSceneSwitchRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.355] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed CustomBarnKit:CustomBarnKit instance is owning a onNewGameLevelLoadRequestWasSanctionedAndActioned GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.355] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a OnMapEntered GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.355] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a OnMapExited GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.356] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onPartRemove GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.356] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onPartRemove GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.356] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Strategia:StrategyNotifier instance is owning a onFacilityContextMenuSpawn GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.356] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Strategia:StrategyNotifier instance is owning a onFacilityContextMenuSpawn GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.356] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Strategia:StrategyNotifier instance is owning a onFacilityContextMenuSpawn GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.356] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Strategia:StrategyNotifier instance is owning a onFacilityContextMenuSpawn GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.357] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KRASH:UICLASS instance is owning a OnHideUI GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.357] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KRASH:UICLASS instance is owning a OnShowUI GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.357] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KerbalActuators:WBIVTOLAppButton instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.357] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed RealChute:RCToolbarManager instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.357] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.357] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.357] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.357] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.357] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:ReactorToolbar instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.357] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.357] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.357] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.357] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.357] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.357] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.357] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:DynamicBatteryStorageUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.357] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Waterfall:WaterfallUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.357] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.358] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:ReactorToolbar instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.358] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.358] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed NearFutureElectrical:ReactorUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.358] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed NearFutureElectrical:DischargeCapacitorUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.358] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:DynamicBatteryStorageUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.358] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.358] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:DynamicBatteryStorageUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.358] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.358] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed RealChute:RCToolbarManager instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.358] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed RealChute:RCToolbarManager instance is owning a onGUIEditorToolbarReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.358] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KAX:BaseFilter instance is owning a onGUIEditorToolbarReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.358] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatEngineerReport instance is owning a onGUIEngineersReportReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.358] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatEngineerReport instance is owning a onGUIEngineersReportReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.358] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatEngineerReport instance is owning a onGUIEngineersReportDestroy GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.358] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatEngineerReport instance is owning a onGUIEngineersReportDestroy GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.358] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorShipModified GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.358] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorShipModified GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.358] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorScreenChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.359] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorScreenChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.359] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.359] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.359] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.359] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.359] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed CustomBarnKit:CustomBarnKit instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.359] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorLoad GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.359] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorLoad GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.359] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorLoad GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.359] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorLoad GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.359] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorStarted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.359] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorStarted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.359] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorStarted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.359] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorStarted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.359] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorPartPicked GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.359] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorPartPicked GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.359] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorPodDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.359] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorPodDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.360] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorPartDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.360] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorPartDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.360] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorPartDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.360] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorPartDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.360] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Scale.PartDB.19x:GameEventEditorVariantAppliedListener instance is owning a onEditorVariantApplied GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.360] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Scale.PartDB.19x:GameEventEditorVariantAppliedListener instance is owning a onEditorVariantApplied GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.360] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Scale.PartDB.19x:GameEventEditorVariantAppliedListener instance is owning a onEditorVariantApplied GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.362] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Kopernicus:Injector instance is owning a OnPSystemReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:17:21.362] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Removed a OnInViewChange GameEvents callback owned by a destroyed Assembly-CSharp:BuildingPickerItem instance
[LOG 19:17:21.362] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Removed a OnClick GameEvents callback owned by a destroyed Assembly-CSharp:BuildingPickerItem instance
[LOG 19:17:21.362] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Leaving scene "SpaceCenter", cleaned 6 memory leaks in 0.010s. GameEvents callbacks : 2076. Allocated memory : 2.063 GiB (managed heap), 5.472 GiB (unmanaged)
[LOG 19:17:22.145] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'NyanSkyBox' from assembly 'SigmaReplacementsSkyBox'
[LOG 19:17:22.148] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'TitleTrackerHelper' from assembly 'ContractConfigurator'
[LOG 19:17:22.148] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RTDebugUnit' from assembly 'RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:17:22.149] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RemoteTechAssistant' from assembly 'CC_RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:17:22.150] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'DynamicBatteryStorage' from assembly 'DynamicBatteryStorage'
[LOG 19:17:22.150] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'GlobalEVEManager' from assembly 'EVEManager'
[LOG 19:17:22.155] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:17:22.155] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'AtmosphereFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:17:22.156] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SinkingBugFix' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:17:22.156] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ShadowMan' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:17:22.156] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:17:22.162] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:17:22.162] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Scatterer' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:17:22.162] [Scatterer][Debug] Core instance created
[LOG 19:17:22.162] [Scatterer][Info] Version:0.0838
[LOG 19:17:22.162] [Scatterer][Info] Running on: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] on Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
[LOG 19:17:22.162] [Scatterer][Info] Game resolution: 2560x1440
[LOG 19:17:22.163] [Scatterer][Info] Compute shader support: True
[LOG 19:17:22.163] [Scatterer][Info] Async GPU readback support: True
[LOG 19:17:22.163] [Scatterer][Info] Using depth buffer mode: True
[LOG 19:17:22.163] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:17:22.164] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'PersistentEmitterManager' from assembly 'SmokeScreen'
[LOG 19:17:22.165] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceDust' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:17:22.166] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'CurrencyPopup' from assembly 'Strategia'
[LOG 19:17:22.166] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SystemHeat' from assembly 'SystemHeat'
[LOG 19:17:22.168] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Waterfall' from assembly 'Waterfall'
[LOG 19:17:22.169] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'EVARepairsAppButton' from assembly 'EVARepairs'
[LOG 19:17:22.171] [UIMasterController]: HideUI
[LOG 19:17:27.824] UICanvasPrefabSpawner SceneLogic spawning Editor
[LOG 19:17:27.886] No Input Locks in effect right now
[LOG 19:17:28.630] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'CBTGlobalMonitor' from assembly 'ClickThroughBlocker'
[LOG 19:17:28.630] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ClearInputLocks' from assembly 'ClickThroughBlocker'
[LOG 19:17:28.630] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SceneChangeCleanup' from assembly 'ClickThroughBlocker'
[LOG 19:17:28.632] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'EditorReflectionUpdate' from assembly 'TexturesUnlimited'
[LOG 19:17:28.632] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'TexturesUnlimitedDebug' from assembly 'TexturesUnlimited'
[EXC 19:17:28.633] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    KSP.UI.Screens.ApplicationLauncher.RemoveModApplication (KSP.UI.Screens.ApplicationLauncherButton button) (at <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0)
    KSPShaderTools.Addon.TexturesUnlimitedDebug.Awake () (at <d05d146f0f32458d9a30cf17e61f35a8>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    AddonLoader:StartAddon(LoadedAssembly, Type, KSPAddon, Startup)
    AddonLoader:OnSceneLoaded(Scene, LoadSceneMode)
    UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:Internal_SceneLoaded(Scene, LoadSceneMode)
[LOG 19:17:28.634] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'EditorHelper' from assembly 'Attached'
[LOG 19:17:28.634] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'EditorHelper' from assembly 'Refunding'
[LOG 19:17:28.634] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'EditorHelper' from assembly 'Resourceful'
[LOG 19:17:28.634] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'NyanSkyBox' from assembly 'SigmaReplacementsSkyBox'
[LOG 19:17:28.647] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'PrefabManagerEditor' from assembly 'B9PartSwitch'
[LOG 19:17:28.648] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ManageSaves' from assembly 'BetterLoadSaveGame'
[LOG 19:17:28.648] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'BankOfKerbinEditor' from assembly 'Bureaucracy'
[LOG 19:17:28.649] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'TitleTrackerHelper' from assembly 'ContractConfigurator'
[LOG 19:17:28.650] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RTDebugUnit' from assembly 'RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:17:28.650] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RTEditor' from assembly 'RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:17:28.650] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RTPartInfoReloader' from assembly 'RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:17:28.651] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RemoteTechAssistant' from assembly 'CC_RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:17:28.651] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'EditorVesselDataManager' from assembly 'DynamicBatteryStorage'
[LOG 19:17:28.651] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'DynamicBatteryStorage' from assembly 'DynamicBatteryStorage'
[LOG 19:17:28.652] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'DynamicBatteryStorageUI' from assembly 'DynamicBatteryStorage'
[LOG 19:17:28.652] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'GlobalEVEManager' from assembly 'EVEManager'
[LOG 19:17:28.652] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'FarFutureTechnologies' from assembly 'FarFutureTechnologies'
[LOG 19:17:28.652] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'AntimatterManager' from assembly 'FarFutureTechnologies'
[LOG 19:17:28.654] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'GetExportName' from assembly 'JanitorsCloset'
[LOG 19:17:28.654] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ImportExport' from assembly 'JanitorsCloset'
[LOG 19:17:28.654] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ImportExportSelect' from assembly 'JanitorsCloset'
[LOG 19:17:28.656] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'BuildAdvanced' from assembly 'KerbalEngineer'
[LOG 19:17:28.664] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'BuildAppLauncher' from assembly 'KerbalEngineer'
[LOG 19:17:28.664] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'BuildOverlay' from assembly 'KerbalEngineer'
[LOG 19:17:28.676] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:17:28.676] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'AtmosphereFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:17:28.676] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SinkingBugFix' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:17:28.677] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ShadowMan' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:17:28.677] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:17:28.677] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'EditorMaterialFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:17:28.680] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RCSBuildAid' from assembly 'RCSBuildAid'
[LOG 19:17:28.701] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Toolbar' from assembly 'RCSBuildAidToolbar'
[LOG 19:17:28.702] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SCANtoolbar' from assembly 'SCANsat'
[LOG 19:17:28.703] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:17:28.704] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Scatterer' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:17:28.704] [Scatterer][Debug] Core instance created
[LOG 19:17:28.704] [Scatterer][Info] Version:0.0838
[LOG 19:17:28.704] [Scatterer][Info] Running on: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] on Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
[LOG 19:17:28.704] [Scatterer][Info] Game resolution: 2560x1440
[LOG 19:17:28.704] [Scatterer][Info] Compute shader support: True
[LOG 19:17:28.704] [Scatterer][Info] Async GPU readback support: True
[LOG 19:17:28.704] [Scatterer][Info] Using depth buffer mode: True
[LOG 19:17:28.704] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:17:28.705] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'PersistentEmitterManager' from assembly 'SmokeScreen'
[LOG 19:17:28.706] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceDustInstruments' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:17:28.706] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'MapOverlay' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:17:28.706] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarUI' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:17:28.706] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceDust' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:17:28.706] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceDustResourceMap' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:17:28.706] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'StageRecovery' from assembly 'StageRecovery'
[LOG 19:17:28.707] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'CurrencyPopup' from assembly 'Strategia'
[LOG 19:17:28.707] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SystemHeat' from assembly 'SystemHeat'
[LOG 19:17:28.707] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SystemHeatEditor' from assembly 'SystemHeat'
[LOG 19:17:28.707] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SystemHeatEngineerReport' from assembly 'SystemHeat'
[LOG 19:17:28.708] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SystemHeatDebugUI' from assembly 'SystemHeat'
[LOG 19:17:28.708] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SystemHeatOverlay' from assembly 'SystemHeat'
[LOG 19:17:28.708] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SystemHeatUI' from assembly 'SystemHeat'
[LOG 19:17:28.708] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'EngineersReportLifeSupportTests' from assembly 'TacLifeSupport'
[LOG 19:17:28.708] -INFO- Tac.EngineersReportLifeSupportTests[FFD2DBFC][5580.32]: Awake
[LOG 19:17:28.709] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'TechUpdater' from assembly 'Scale'
[LOG 19:17:28.709] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'TweakScaleHotKeys' from assembly 'Scale'
[LOG 19:17:28.716] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarSupport' from assembly 'Scale'
[LOG 19:17:28.716] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SettingsGui' from assembly 'Scale'
[LOG 19:17:28.717] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Waterfall' from assembly 'Waterfall'
[LOG 19:17:28.718] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'WBIActuatorsGUIMgr' from assembly 'KerbalActuators'
[LOG 19:17:28.718] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'EVARepairsAppButton' from assembly 'EVARepairs'
[LOG 19:17:28.730] [UIMasterController]: HideUI
[LOG 19:17:30.764] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'NyanSkyBox' from assembly 'SigmaReplacementsSkyBox'
[LOG 19:17:30.767] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'TitleTrackerHelper' from assembly 'ContractConfigurator'
[LOG 19:17:30.768] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RTDebugUnit' from assembly 'RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:17:30.768] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RemoteTechAssistant' from assembly 'CC_RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:17:30.769] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'DynamicBatteryStorage' from assembly 'DynamicBatteryStorage'
[LOG 19:17:30.769] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'GlobalEVEManager' from assembly 'EVEManager'
[LOG 19:17:30.773] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:17:30.773] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'AtmosphereFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:17:30.773] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SinkingBugFix' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:17:30.774] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ShadowMan' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:17:30.774] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:17:30.781] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:17:30.782] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Scatterer' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[ERR 19:17:30.782] [Scatterer][Error] Destroying duplicate instance, check your install for duplicate scatterer folders, or nested GameData folders

[LOG 19:17:30.782] [Scatterer][Info] Version:0.0838
[LOG 19:17:30.782] [Scatterer][Info] Running on: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] on Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
[LOG 19:17:30.782] [Scatterer][Info] Game resolution: 2560x1440
[LOG 19:17:30.782] [Scatterer][Info] Compute shader support: True
[LOG 19:17:30.782] [Scatterer][Info] Async GPU readback support: True
[LOG 19:17:30.782] [Scatterer][Info] Using depth buffer mode: True
[LOG 19:17:30.782] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:17:30.783] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'PersistentEmitterManager' from assembly 'SmokeScreen'
[LOG 19:17:30.784] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceDust' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:17:30.784] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'CurrencyPopup' from assembly 'Strategia'
[LOG 19:17:30.785] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SystemHeat' from assembly 'SystemHeat'
[LOG 19:17:30.787] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Waterfall' from assembly 'Waterfall'
[LOG 19:17:30.788] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'EVARepairsAppButton' from assembly 'EVARepairs'
[LOG 19:17:30.789] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI
[LOG 19:17:30.961] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'NyanSkyBox' from assembly 'SigmaReplacementsSkyBox'
[LOG 19:17:30.964] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'TitleTrackerHelper' from assembly 'ContractConfigurator'
[LOG 19:17:30.965] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RTDebugUnit' from assembly 'RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:17:30.965] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RemoteTechAssistant' from assembly 'CC_RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:17:30.966] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'DynamicBatteryStorage' from assembly 'DynamicBatteryStorage'
[LOG 19:17:30.966] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'GlobalEVEManager' from assembly 'EVEManager'
[LOG 19:17:30.970] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:17:30.970] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'AtmosphereFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:17:30.971] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SinkingBugFix' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:17:30.971] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ShadowMan' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:17:30.971] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:17:30.976] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:17:30.977] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Scatterer' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[ERR 19:17:30.977] [Scatterer][Error] Destroying duplicate instance, check your install for duplicate scatterer folders, or nested GameData folders

[LOG 19:17:30.977] [Scatterer][Info] Version:0.0838
[LOG 19:17:30.977] [Scatterer][Info] Running on: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] on Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
[LOG 19:17:30.977] [Scatterer][Info] Game resolution: 2560x1440
[LOG 19:17:30.977] [Scatterer][Info] Compute shader support: True
[LOG 19:17:30.977] [Scatterer][Info] Async GPU readback support: True
[LOG 19:17:30.977] [Scatterer][Info] Using depth buffer mode: True
[LOG 19:17:30.977] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:17:30.978] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'PersistentEmitterManager' from assembly 'SmokeScreen'
[LOG 19:17:30.978] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceDust' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:17:30.979] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'CurrencyPopup' from assembly 'Strategia'
[LOG 19:17:30.980] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SystemHeat' from assembly 'SystemHeat'
[LOG 19:17:30.981] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Waterfall' from assembly 'Waterfall'
[LOG 19:17:30.982] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'EVARepairsAppButton' from assembly 'EVARepairs'
[LOG 19:17:30.984] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI
[LOG 19:17:30.994] ------------------- initializing editor mode... ------------------
[LOG 19:17:30.994] editor started
[LOG 19:17:30.995] [SceneLoadSpeedBoost] Save loaded from cache in 0ms
[LOG 19:17:31.006] GetSubclassesOfParentClass: Using cached results for AlarmTypeBase
[LOG 19:17:31.007] GetSubclassesOfParentClass: Using cached results for AlarmTypeBase
[LOG 19:17:31.008] Loading Depletion Nodes
[LOG 19:17:31.008] DepNodeCount:  0
[LOG 19:17:31.008] Loading Biome Nodes
[LOG 19:17:31.008] BiomeNodeCount:  0
[LOG 19:17:31.008] Loading Planet Nodes
[LOG 19:17:31.008] PlanetNodeCount:  0
[LOG 19:17:31.011] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Loading... 0 objects registered
[LOG 19:17:31.011] [ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities]: Loading... 0 objects registered
[LOG 19:17:31.025] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Awake
[LOG 19:17:31.025] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Started Loading
[LOG 19:17:31.025] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Done Loading
[LOG 19:17:31.025] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[FFD2D0F4][5580.32]: OnAwake in EDITOR
[LOG 19:17:31.026] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[FFD2D0F4][5580.32]: Adding EditorController
[LOG 19:17:31.026] -INFO- Tac.EditorController[FFD2D0F2][5580.32]: Awake
[WRN 19:17:31.369] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[ERR 19:17:31.433] Couldn't find loaded texture at path: NearFutureLaunchVehicles/Patches/CBP/icons/5mSelected

[ERR 19:17:31.434] Couldn't find loaded texture at path: NearFutureLaunchVehicles/Patches/CBP/icons/7_5mSelected

[LOG 19:17:31.547] Created custom editor reflection probe.
[LOG 19:17:31.547]     Resolution   : 512
[LOG 19:17:31.547]     Culling Mask : 8816144
[LOG 19:17:31.547]     Near Clip    : 0.1
[LOG 19:17:31.547]     Far Clip     : 2000
[LOG 19:17:31.547]     Probe Size   : (1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0)
[LOG 19:17:31.547]     Clear Flags  : Skybox
[LOG 19:17:31.547] [B9PartSwitch.UI.UIPartActionSubtypeSelector] added prefab to UIPartActionController
[LOG 19:17:31.547] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: [Settings]: Started loading
[LOG 19:17:31.547] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: [Settings]: Located settings file
[LOG 19:17:31.548] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: [Settings]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:17:31.548] [FFT][FFT Settings]: Started loading
[ERR 19:17:31.548] Cannot find config in file : FFTSETTINGS

[LOG 19:17:31.548] [FFT][FFT Settings]: Located settings file
[ERR 19:17:31.548] Cannot find config in file : FFTSETTINGS

[LOG 19:17:31.548] [FFT][FFT Settings]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:17:31.551] [SpaceDust][Settings]: SystemHeat detected. Thermal considerations will be active for harvesters
[LOG 19:17:31.551] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Started loading
[LOG 19:17:31.554] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Game Scale is 1
[LOG 19:17:31.554] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Resources configured as visible are Oxidizer, LiquidFuel, XenonGas, Antimatter, LqdHe3, LqdDeuterium, ArgonGas, LqdHydrogen
[LOG 19:17:31.554] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:17:31.558] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added XenonSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:17:31.558] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added OxidizerSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:17:31.558] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added LiquidFuelSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:17:31.558] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added ArgonSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:17:31.558] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added HydrogenSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:17:31.558] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added DeuteriumSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:17:31.558] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Loaded 6 telescope instruments
[LOG 19:17:31.562] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 43 resource distributions
[LOG 19:17:31.562] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 6 resource distributions for Sarnus
[LOG 19:17:31.562] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Eeloo
[LOG 19:17:31.562] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 3 resource distributions for Tekto
[LOG 19:17:31.562] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 6 resource distributions for Urlum
[LOG 19:17:31.562] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Wal
[LOG 19:17:31.562] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Tal
[LOG 19:17:31.562] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 6 resource distributions for Neidon
[LOG 19:17:31.562] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 2 resource distributions for Thatmo
[LOG 19:17:31.562] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 5 resource distributions for Kerbin
[LOG 19:17:31.562] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 5 resource distributions for Jool
[LOG 19:17:31.562] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 2 resource distributions for Laythe
[LOG 19:17:31.562] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 3 resource distributions for Eve
[LOG 19:17:31.563] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Duna
[LOG 19:17:31.563] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Sun
[LOG 19:17:31.564] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Started loading
[LOG 19:17:31.565] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Located settings file
[LOG 19:17:31.567] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Loading coolant types
[LOG 19:17:31.568] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Loaded coolant Basic Coolant: Density 1000, heat Capacity 4
[LOG 19:17:31.568] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Loaded coolant types
[LOG 19:17:31.568] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:17:31.568] -INFO- Tac.EngineersReportLifeSupportTests[FFD2DBFC][5580.32]: Start
[LOG 19:17:31.573] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Started loading
[LOG 19:17:31.573] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loading models
[LOG 19:17:31.575] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loaded 12 models
[LOG 19:17:31.575] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loading textures
[LOG 19:17:31.577] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loaded 27 textures
[LOG 19:17:31.577] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loading shaders
[LOG 19:17:31.579] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loaded 11 shaders
[LOG 19:17:31.579] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:17:31.581] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: [Settings]: Started loading
[LOG 19:17:31.581] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: [Settings]: Located settings file
[LOG 19:17:31.582] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: [Settings]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:17:31.584] [SpaceDust][Settings]: SystemHeat detected. Thermal considerations will be active for harvesters
[LOG 19:17:31.584] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Started loading
[LOG 19:17:31.586] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Game Scale is 1
[LOG 19:17:31.587] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Resources configured as visible are Oxidizer, LiquidFuel, XenonGas, Antimatter, LqdHe3, LqdDeuterium, ArgonGas, LqdHydrogen
[LOG 19:17:31.587] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:17:31.589] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added XenonSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:17:31.589] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added OxidizerSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:17:31.589] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added LiquidFuelSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:17:31.589] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added ArgonSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:17:31.589] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added HydrogenSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:17:31.589] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added DeuteriumSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:17:31.589] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Loaded 6 telescope instruments
[LOG 19:17:31.591] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 43 resource distributions
[LOG 19:17:31.591] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 6 resource distributions for Sarnus
[LOG 19:17:31.592] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Eeloo
[LOG 19:17:31.592] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 3 resource distributions for Tekto
[LOG 19:17:31.592] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 6 resource distributions for Urlum
[LOG 19:17:31.592] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Wal
[LOG 19:17:31.592] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Tal
[LOG 19:17:31.592] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 6 resource distributions for Neidon
[LOG 19:17:31.592] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 2 resource distributions for Thatmo
[LOG 19:17:31.592] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 5 resource distributions for Kerbin
[LOG 19:17:31.592] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 5 resource distributions for Jool
[LOG 19:17:31.592] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 2 resource distributions for Laythe
[LOG 19:17:31.592] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 3 resource distributions for Eve
[LOG 19:17:31.592] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Duna
[LOG 19:17:31.592] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Sun
[LOG 19:17:31.592] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Started loading
[LOG 19:17:31.592] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Located settings file
[LOG 19:17:31.595] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Loading coolant types
[LOG 19:17:31.598] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Loaded coolant Basic Coolant: Density 1000, heat Capacity 4
[LOG 19:17:31.598] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Loaded coolant types
[LOG 19:17:31.598] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:17:31.598] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Started loading
[LOG 19:17:31.598] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loading models
[LOG 19:17:31.601] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loaded 12 models
[LOG 19:17:31.601] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loading textures
[LOG 19:17:31.603] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loaded 27 textures
[LOG 19:17:31.603] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loading shaders
[LOG 19:17:31.605] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loaded 11 shaders
[LOG 19:17:31.605] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:17:31.607] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: [Settings]: Started loading
[LOG 19:17:31.607] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: [Settings]: Located settings file
[LOG 19:17:31.608] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: [Settings]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:17:31.610] [SpaceDust][Settings]: SystemHeat detected. Thermal considerations will be active for harvesters
[LOG 19:17:31.611] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Started loading
[LOG 19:17:31.614] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Game Scale is 1
[LOG 19:17:31.614] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Resources configured as visible are Oxidizer, LiquidFuel, XenonGas, Antimatter, LqdHe3, LqdDeuterium, ArgonGas, LqdHydrogen
[LOG 19:17:31.614] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:17:31.617] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added XenonSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:17:31.617] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added OxidizerSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:17:31.617] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added LiquidFuelSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:17:31.617] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added ArgonSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:17:31.617] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added HydrogenSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:17:31.617] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added DeuteriumSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:17:31.617] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Loaded 6 telescope instruments
[LOG 19:17:31.621] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 43 resource distributions
[LOG 19:17:31.621] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 6 resource distributions for Sarnus
[LOG 19:17:31.621] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Eeloo
[LOG 19:17:31.621] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 3 resource distributions for Tekto
[LOG 19:17:31.621] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 6 resource distributions for Urlum
[LOG 19:17:31.621] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Wal
[LOG 19:17:31.621] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Tal
[LOG 19:17:31.621] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 6 resource distributions for Neidon
[LOG 19:17:31.621] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 2 resource distributions for Thatmo
[LOG 19:17:31.621] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 5 resource distributions for Kerbin
[LOG 19:17:31.621] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 5 resource distributions for Jool
[LOG 19:17:31.621] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 2 resource distributions for Laythe
[LOG 19:17:31.621] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 3 resource distributions for Eve
[LOG 19:17:31.621] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Duna
[LOG 19:17:31.622] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Sun
[LOG 19:17:31.622] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Started loading
[LOG 19:17:31.622] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Located settings file
[LOG 19:17:31.625] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Loading coolant types
[LOG 19:17:31.628] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Loaded coolant Basic Coolant: Density 1000, heat Capacity 4
[LOG 19:17:31.628] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Loaded coolant types
[LOG 19:17:31.628] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:17:31.628] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Started loading
[LOG 19:17:31.628] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loading models
[LOG 19:17:31.630] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loaded 12 models
[LOG 19:17:31.630] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loading textures
[LOG 19:17:31.632] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loaded 27 textures
[LOG 19:17:31.632] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loading shaders
[LOG 19:17:31.634] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loaded 11 shaders
[LOG 19:17:31.634] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Finished loading
[EXC 19:17:31.697] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    SystemHeat.SystemHeatEditor.FixedUpdate () (at <2e62a3a58b7b49e4b572caf6a58e7a44>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
[LOG 19:17:31.744] -INFO- Tac.EditorController[FFD2D0F2][5580.30]: Start
[EXC 19:17:31.756] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    SystemHeat.SystemHeatEditor.FixedUpdate () (at <2e62a3a58b7b49e4b572caf6a58e7a44>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
[LOG 19:17:31.793] KerbalEngineer -> FlightEngineerCore->OnDestroy
[WRN 19:17:31.896] HighlightingSystem : Framebuffer depth data is not available and can't be used to occlude highlighting. Highlighting occluders enabled.
[LOG 19:17:31.945] [CustomBarnKit] Loading new upgrades prices
[LOG 19:17:32.031] [Kopernicus] Due to selected asteroid spawner, SENTINEL Contracts are broken and have been scrubbed.
[LOG 19:17:32.033] [UiApp] Awake: EngineersReport
[LOG 19:17:32.034] [UiApp] Awake: Contracts
[LOG 19:17:32.034] [UiApp] Awake: KSPedia
[LOG 19:17:32.034] [UiApp] Awake: Missions App
[LOG 19:17:32.034] [UiApp] Awake: DeltaVApp
[LOG 19:17:32.034] [UiApp] Awake: ActionGroupsApp
[LOG 19:17:32.034] [UiApp] Awake: AlarmClock
[WRN 19:17:32.034] BetterTimeWarp: Failed to set warp rates
[WRN 19:17:32.034] BetterTimeWarp: Failed to set warp rates
[LOG 19:17:32.034] [ApplicationLauncher] OnSceneLoadedGUIReady: scene EDITOR ShouldBeVisible() True ShouldBeOnTop() False iIsPositionedAtTop False
[LOG 19:17:32.040] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 1723
[LOG 19:17:32.041] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 1723
[LOG 19:17:32.042] ScaleModList: listSize 82 maxListSize 1723
[LOG 19:17:32.044] ScaleModList: listSize 123 maxListSize 1723
[LOG 19:17:32.047] ScaleModList: listSize 164 maxListSize 1723
[LOG 19:17:32.048] ScaleModList: listSize 123 maxListSize 1723
[LOG 19:17:32.050] ScaleModList: listSize 164 maxListSize 1723
[LOG 19:17:32.052] ScaleModList: listSize 205 maxListSize 1723
[LOG 19:17:32.054] ScaleModList: listSize 164 maxListSize 1723
[LOG 19:17:32.054] ScaleModList: listSize 164 maxListSize 1723
[LOG 19:17:32.056] ScaleModList: listSize 205 maxListSize 1723
[LOG 19:17:32.056] ScaleModList: listSize 205 maxListSize 1723
[LOG 19:17:32.058] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1723
[LOG 19:17:32.061] ScaleModList: listSize 287 maxListSize 1723
[LOG 19:17:32.082] ScaleModList: listSize 328 maxListSize 1723
[LOG 19:17:32.085] ScaleModList: listSize 369 maxListSize 1723
[LOG 19:17:32.085] [DeadlyReentry.DRToolBar] OnGUIAppLauncherReady fired but AppLauncher not ready or button already created!
[LOG 19:17:32.089] ScaleModList: listSize 410 maxListSize 1723
[LOG 19:17:32.091] ScaleModList: listSize 369 maxListSize 1723
[LOG 19:17:32.094] ScaleModList: listSize 410 maxListSize 1723
[LOG 19:17:32.094] [Kopernicus]: StarLightSwitcher: Set active star => Sun
[LOG 19:17:32.142] [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ContractDisabler: Enabling ContractType: SentinelMission.SentinelContract (Assembly-CSharp.dll)
[LOG 19:17:32.147] CurrencyOperationRandomized.OnLoadFromConfig
[LOG 19:17:32.147] CurrencyOperationRandomized.OnLoadFromConfig
[LOG 19:17:32.147] CurrencyOperationRandomized.OnLoadFromConfig
[LOG 19:17:32.190] [MessageSystem] Reposition 0.02 525115
[LOG 19:17:32.190] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.02 525115
[LOG 19:17:32.190] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.02 525115
[WRN 19:17:32.206] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 19:17:32.206] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 19:17:32.206] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 19:17:32.206] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 19:17:32.206] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[LOG 19:17:32.289] Rendering environment for custom editor reflection probe.
[LOG 19:17:32.351] [UIApp] Adding AlarmClock to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:17:32.354] ScaleModList: listSize 328 maxListSize 1682
[LOG 19:17:32.354] [UIApp] Adding ActionGroupsApp to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:17:32.358] ScaleModList: listSize 328 maxListSize 1641
[LOG 19:17:32.358] [ApplicationLauncher] SetHidden:
[LOG 19:17:32.360] ScaleModList: listSize 328 maxListSize 1682
[LOG 19:17:32.360] [UIApp] Adding Missions App to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:17:32.364] ScaleModList: listSize 328 maxListSize 1641
[LOG 19:17:32.364] [UIApp] Adding Contracts to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:17:32.366] ScaleModList: listSize 328 maxListSize 1600
[LOG 19:17:32.366] [UIApp] Adding EngineersReport to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:17:32.370] ScaleModList: listSize 328 maxListSize 1559
[LOG 19:17:32.423] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.2087221 525121
[LOG 19:17:32.440] [ActionGroupsApp] OnAppStarted(): id: -3006902
[LOG 19:17:32.442] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.2087221 525121
[LOG 19:17:32.443] [UIApp] Adding DeltaVApp to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:17:32.447] ScaleModList: listSize 328 maxListSize 1518
[LOG 19:17:32.447] [MissionsApp] OnAppStarted(): id: -3006890
[LOG 19:17:32.447] MissionsApp does not execute in this game mode, destroying this instance
[LOG 19:17:32.447] [UIApp] OnDestroy: Missions App
[LOG 19:17:32.448] ScaleModList: listSize 328 maxListSize 1518
[LOG 19:17:32.449] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.2087221 525121
[LOG 19:17:32.458] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.2087221 525121
[LOG 19:17:32.804] -INFO- Tac.EngineersReportLifeSupportTests[FFD2DBFC][5580.53]: OnGUIEngineersReportReady
[LOG 19:17:32.804] -INFO- Tac.CheckSupplies[8E686500][5580.53]: constructor
[ERR 19:17:32.807] [Engineer's Report] couldn't find the test.

[ERR 19:17:32.807] [Engineer's Report] couldn't find the test.

[ERR 19:17:32.808] [Engineer's Report] couldn't find the test.

[ERR 19:17:32.808] [Engineer's Report] couldn't find the test.

[LOG 19:17:32.847] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.2487221 525122
[LOG 19:17:32.878] [UIApp] Adding KSPedia to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:17:32.884] ScaleModList: listSize 328 maxListSize 1518
[LOG 19:17:32.946] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI
[LOG 19:18:09.123] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 19:18:09.124] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Started Saving
[LOG 19:18:09.124] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Done Saving
[LOG 19:18:09.124] [MessageSystem] Save Messages
[LOG 19:18:09.126] -INFO- Tac.AddLifeSupport[A75D0000][5616.63]: AddLifeSupport Constructor
[LOG 19:18:09.132] [BetterTimeWarp]: Settings saved
[LOG 19:18:09.136] Game State Saved to saves/BAerospace/persistent
[LOG 19:18:12.210] [MechJeb2] Loading Mechjeb 2.14.3
[LOG 19:18:12.393] Create button for module Aircraft Approach & Autoland
[LOG 19:18:12.394] Create button for module Aircraft Autopilot
[LOG 19:18:12.395] Create button for module Ascent Guidance
[LOG 19:18:12.396] Create button for module Attitude Adjustment
[LOG 19:18:12.397] Create button for module Custom Window Editor
[LOG 19:18:12.397] Create button for module Docking Autopilot
[LOG 19:18:12.398] Create button for module Flight Recorder
[LOG 19:18:12.399] Create button for module RCS Balancer
[LOG 19:18:12.400] Create button for module Rover Autopilot
[LOG 19:18:12.401] Create button for module Scripting Module
[LOG 19:18:12.401] Create button for module Settings
[LOG 19:18:12.402] Create button for module Smart A.S.S.
[LOG 19:18:12.403] Create button for module SmartRcs
[LOG 19:18:12.404] Create button for module Translatron
[LOG 19:18:12.404] Create button for module Utilities
[LOG 19:18:12.405] Create button for module Warp Helper
[LOG 19:18:12.406] Create button for module Ascent Stats
[LOG 19:18:12.406] Create button for module Atmosphere Info
[LOG 19:18:12.407] [MechJeb2] No icon for Atmosphere_Info
[LOG 19:18:12.407] Create button for module Delta-V Stats
[LOG 19:18:12.408] Create button for module Landing Info
[LOG 19:18:12.409] Create button for module Orbit Info
[LOG 19:18:12.409] Create button for module Rendezvous Info
[LOG 19:18:12.410] Create button for module Surface Info
[LOG 19:18:12.411] Create button for module Target Orbit Info
[LOG 19:18:12.411] Create button for module Vessel Info
[LOG 19:18:22.189] [Pre-Flight Check]: Checking for FacilityOperational: PASS!
[LOG 19:18:22.190] [Pre-Flight Check]: All Checks Complete. Go for Launch!
[LOG 19:18:22.199] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 19:18:22.199] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Started Saving
[LOG 19:18:22.199] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Done Saving
[LOG 19:18:22.199] [MessageSystem] Save Messages
[LOG 19:18:22.201] -INFO- Tac.AddLifeSupport[AF62AA00][5629.46]: AddLifeSupport Constructor
[LOG 19:18:22.207] [BetterTimeWarp]: Settings saved
[LOG 19:18:22.211] Game State Saved to saves/BAerospace/persistent
[LOG 19:18:29.181] sensorThermometer added to ship - part count: 2
[LOG 19:18:32.290] sensorBarometer added to ship - part count: 3
[LOG 19:18:35.271] sensorBarometer added to ship - part count: 3
[LOG 19:18:38.064] sensorThermometer added to ship - part count: 3
[LOG 19:18:45.123] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTDataTransmitter::OnLoad
[LOG 19:18:45.123] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTAntenna: Find TRANSMITTER success.
[LOG 19:18:45.123] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTAntenna: Add TRANSMITTER success.
[ERR 19:18:45.124] MechJeb module MechJebModuleDeployableAntennaController threw an exception in MechJebCore.OnVesselWasModified: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at MuMech.MechJebModuleDeployableController.DiscoverDeployablePartModules () [0x00011] in <24b14848e53c4c4492718006da41870f>:0
  at MuMech.MechJebModuleDeployableController.OnVesselWasModified (Vessel v) [0x00000] in <24b14848e53c4c4492718006da41870f>:0
  at MuMech.MechJebCore.OnVesselWasModified (Vessel v) [0x00063] in <24b14848e53c4c4492718006da41870f>:0

[ERR 19:18:45.124] MechJeb module MechJebModuleSolarPanelController threw an exception in MechJebCore.OnVesselWasModified: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at MuMech.MechJebModuleDeployableController.DiscoverDeployablePartModules () [0x00011] in <24b14848e53c4c4492718006da41870f>:0
  at MuMech.MechJebModuleDeployableController.OnVesselWasModified (Vessel v) [0x00000] in <24b14848e53c4c4492718006da41870f>:0
  at MuMech.MechJebCore.OnVesselWasModified (Vessel v) [0x00063] in <24b14848e53c4c4492718006da41870f>:0

[LOG 19:18:50.727] RTShortAntenna1 added to ship - part count: 4
[LOG 19:18:50.729] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTDataTransmitter::OnSave
[LOG 19:18:52.724] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: A module was removed
[LOG 19:18:52.725] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: A modulehandler was removed
[LOG 19:18:52.725] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: A module was removed
[LOG 19:18:52.725] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: A modulehandler was removed
[LOG 19:18:52.725] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: A module was removed
[LOG 19:18:52.725] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: A modulehandler was removed
[LOG 19:18:53.071] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTAntenna: Find TRANSMITTER success.
[LOG 19:18:54.360] RTShortAntenna1 added to ship - part count: 4
[LOG 19:18:54.360] RTShortAntenna1 added to ship - part count: 5
[LOG 19:18:54.362] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTDataTransmitter::OnSave
[LOG 19:18:54.363] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTDataTransmitter::OnSave
[LOG 19:19:05.860] SnapMode
[LOG 19:19:07.996] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTDataTransmitter::OnSave
[LOG 19:19:07.997] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTDataTransmitter::OnSave
[LOG 19:19:27.175] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTDataTransmitter::OnSave
[LOG 19:19:27.175] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTDataTransmitter::OnSave
[LOG 19:19:27.359] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTDataTransmitter::OnSave
[LOG 19:19:27.359] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTDataTransmitter::OnSave
[LOG 19:19:34.090] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTDataTransmitter::OnSave
[LOG 19:19:34.091] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTDataTransmitter::OnSave
[LOG 19:19:34.385] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTDataTransmitter::OnSave
[LOG 19:19:34.385] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTDataTransmitter::OnSave
[LOG 19:19:34.404] [Pre-Flight Check]: Checking for CraftWithinPartCountLimit: PASS!
[LOG 19:19:34.404] [Pre-Flight Check]: Checking for CraftWithinSizeLimits: PASS!
[LOG 19:19:34.405] [Pre-Flight Check]: Checking for CraftWithinMassLimits: PASS!
[LOG 19:19:34.405] [Pre-Flight Check]: Checking for ExperimentalPartsAvailable: PASS!
[LOG 19:19:34.405] [Pre-Flight Check]: Checking for CanAffordLaunchTest: PASS!
[LOG 19:19:34.405] [Pre-Flight Check]: Checking for FacilityOperational: PASS!
[LOG 19:19:34.405] [Pre-Flight Check]: Checking for NoControlSources: PASS!
[LOG 19:19:34.405] [Pre-Flight Check]: Checking for LaunchSiteClear: PASS!
[LOG 19:19:34.405] [Pre-Flight Check]: All Checks Complete. Go for Launch!
[LOG 19:19:34.424] Launching vessel from LaunchPad. Craft file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\saves\BAerospace\Ships\VAB\/Auto-Saved Ship.craft
[LOG 19:19:34.425] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 19:19:34.425] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Started Saving
[LOG 19:19:34.425] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Done Saving
[LOG 19:19:34.425] [MessageSystem] Save Messages
[LOG 19:19:34.427] -INFO- Tac.AddLifeSupport[51AD7300][5701.55]: AddLifeSupport Constructor
[LOG 19:19:34.433] [BetterTimeWarp]: Settings saved
[LOG 19:19:34.437] Game State Saved to saves/BAerospace/persistent
[LOG 19:19:34.463] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1518
[LOG 19:19:34.463] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[FFD2D0F4][5701.55]: Game scene load requested: FLIGHT
[LOG 19:19:34.463] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay] Load Requested
[LOG 19:19:34.463] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay]: Removing body fields
[LOG 19:19:34.464] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5701.55]: Game scene load requested: FLIGHT
[LOG 19:19:34.569] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5701.55]: Game scene load requested: FLIGHT
[LOG 19:19:34.569] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5701.55]: Game scene load requested: FLIGHT
[LOG 19:19:34.569] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5701.55]: Game scene load requested: FLIGHT
[LOG 19:19:34.569] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5701.55]: Game scene load requested: FLIGHT
[LOG 19:19:34.569] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5701.55]: Game scene load requested: FLIGHT
[LOG 19:19:34.569] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1518
[LOG 19:19:34.570] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1518
[LOG 19:19:34.571] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1518
[LOG 19:19:34.571] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1518
[LOG 19:19:34.571] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1518
[LOG 19:19:34.575] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: cleaning modules hash table
[LOG 19:19:34.620] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Karen_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Karen_normal.dds
[LOG 19:19:34.620] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Karen
[LOG 19:19:34.620] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Plock_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Plock_normal.dds
[LOG 19:19:34.621] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Plock
[LOG 19:19:34.621] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Nissee_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Nissee_normal.dds
[LOG 19:19:34.621] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Nissee
[LOG 19:19:34.621] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Thatmo_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Thatmo_normal.dds
[LOG 19:19:34.621] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Thatmo
[LOG 19:19:34.621] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Neidon_color.dds and
[LOG 19:19:34.621] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Tal_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Tal_normal.dds
[LOG 19:19:34.621] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Tal
[LOG 19:19:34.621] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Wal_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Wal_normal.dds
[LOG 19:19:34.622] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Wal
[LOG 19:19:34.622] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Priax_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Priax_normal.dds
[LOG 19:19:34.622] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Priax
[LOG 19:19:34.622] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Polta_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Polta_normal.dds
[LOG 19:19:34.622] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Polta
[LOG 19:19:34.622] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Urlum_color.dds and
[LOG 19:19:34.622] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Tekto_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Tekto_normal.dds
[LOG 19:19:34.622] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Tekto
[LOG 19:19:34.622] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Slate_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Slate_normal.dds
[LOG 19:19:34.622] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Slate
[LOG 19:19:34.623] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Eeloo_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Eeloo_normal.dds
[LOG 19:19:34.623] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Eeloo
[LOG 19:19:34.623] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Ovok_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Ovok_normal.dds
[LOG 19:19:34.623] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Ovok
[LOG 19:19:34.623] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Hale_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Hale_normal.dds
[LOG 19:19:34.623] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Hale
[LOG 19:19:34.623] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Sarnus_color.dds and
[LOG 19:19:34.624] [UIMasterController]: HideUI
[LOG 19:19:34.636] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[FFD2D0F4][5701.55]: OnDestroy
[WRN 19:19:34.704] [3/20/2023 7:19:34 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (Config) - SettingsFile: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/..//GameData/[x]_Science!/PluginData/settings.cfg
[LOG 19:19:34.704] [3/20/2023 7:19:34 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (Config) - Saving toC:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/..//GameData/[x]_Science!/PluginData/settings.cfg
[WRN 19:19:34.704] [3/20/2023 7:19:34 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (Config) - SettingsFile: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/..//GameData/[x]_Science!/PluginData/settings.cfg
[LOG 19:19:34.706] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From EDITOR to FLIGHT (Async) =====================
[LOG 19:19:35.636] -INFO- Tac.EditorController[FFD2D0F2][5701.55]: OnDestroy
[LOG 19:19:37.112] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1518
[LOG 19:19:37.112] [UIApp] OnDestroy: ActionGroupsApp
[LOG 19:19:37.112] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1518
[LOG 19:19:37.114] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1518
[LOG 19:19:37.128] [UIApp] OnDestroy: Contracts
[LOG 19:19:37.129] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1518
[LOG 19:19:37.142] [RemoteTech] ModuleSPU: OnDestroy: no vessel!
[LOG 19:19:37.142] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTAntennaPassive: OnDestroy
[LOG 19:19:37.142] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTAntenna: OnDestroy
[LOG 19:19:37.142] [RemoteTech] ModuleSPUPassive: OnDestroy
[LOG 19:19:37.142] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTAntenna: OnDestroy
[LOG 19:19:37.142] [RemoteTech] ModuleSPUPassive: OnDestroy
[LOG 19:19:37.144] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1518
[LOG 19:19:37.145] [UIApp] OnDestroy: AlarmClock
[LOG 19:19:37.145] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1518
[LOG 19:19:37.145] [UIApp] OnDestroy: DeltaVApp
[LOG 19:19:37.145] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1518
[LOG 19:19:37.146] [UIApp] OnDestroy: EngineersReport
[LOG 19:19:37.146] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1518
[LOG 19:19:37.146] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1518
[LOG 19:19:37.146] [UIApp] OnDestroy: KSPedia
[LOG 19:19:37.146] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1518
[LOG 19:19:37.147] -INFO- Tac.EngineersReportLifeSupportTests[FFD2DBFC][5701.59]: OnDestroy
[LOG 19:19:37.161] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onVesselChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.161] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onVesselChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.161] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KerbalActuators:WBIVTOLManager instance is owning a onVesselChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.161] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onVesselChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.161] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onVesselChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.162] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KerbalActuators:WBIVTOLManager instance is owning a onVesselLoaded GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.162] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KerbalActuators:WBIVTOLManager instance is owning a onStageActivate GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.163] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.163] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.163] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed scatterer:RenderTypeFixer instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.163] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed scatterer:RenderTypeFixer instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.163] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.163] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.163] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.163] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.163] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.163] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed scatterer:RenderTypeFixer instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.164] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed RealChute:RCToolbarManager instance is owning a onGameSceneSwitchRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.164] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed CustomBarnKit:CustomBarnKit instance is owning a onNewGameLevelLoadRequestWasSanctionedAndActioned GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.164] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a OnMapEntered GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.164] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a OnMapExited GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.164] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onPartRemove GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.164] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onPartRemove GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.164] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onPartRemove GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.165] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Strategia:StrategyNotifier instance is owning a onFacilityContextMenuSpawn GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.165] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Strategia:StrategyNotifier instance is owning a onFacilityContextMenuSpawn GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.165] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Strategia:StrategyNotifier instance is owning a onFacilityContextMenuSpawn GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.165] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Strategia:StrategyNotifier instance is owning a onFacilityContextMenuSpawn GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.165] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KRASH:UICLASS instance is owning a OnHideUI GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.165] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KRASH:UICLASS instance is owning a OnShowUI GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.165] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KerbalActuators:WBIVTOLAppButton instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.165] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed RealChute:RCToolbarManager instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.165] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.165] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.165] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.165] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.165] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.165] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:ReactorToolbar instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.166] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.166] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.166] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.166] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.166] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:DynamicBatteryStorageUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.166] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.166] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.166] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.166] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:DynamicBatteryStorageUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.166] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Waterfall:WaterfallUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.166] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.166] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:ReactorToolbar instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.166] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.166] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed NearFutureElectrical:ReactorUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.166] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed NearFutureElectrical:DischargeCapacitorUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.166] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:DynamicBatteryStorageUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.166] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.166] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:DynamicBatteryStorageUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.166] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.166] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed RealChute:RCToolbarManager instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.166] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed RealChute:RCToolbarManager instance is owning a onGUIEditorToolbarReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.166] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KAX:BaseFilter instance is owning a onGUIEditorToolbarReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.166] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatEngineerReport instance is owning a onGUIEngineersReportReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.166] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatEngineerReport instance is owning a onGUIEngineersReportReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.167] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatEngineerReport instance is owning a onGUIEngineersReportReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.167] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatEngineerReport instance is owning a onGUIEngineersReportDestroy GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.167] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatEngineerReport instance is owning a onGUIEngineersReportDestroy GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.167] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatEngineerReport instance is owning a onGUIEngineersReportDestroy GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.167] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorShipModified GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.167] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorShipModified GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.167] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorShipModified GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.167] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorScreenChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.167] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorScreenChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.167] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorScreenChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.167] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Removed a onEditorSnapModeChange GameEvents callback owned by a destroyed Assembly-CSharp:GizmoOffset instance
[LOG 19:19:37.167] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.167] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.167] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.167] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.167] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.167] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.168] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed CustomBarnKit:CustomBarnKit instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.168] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorLoad GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.168] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorLoad GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.168] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorLoad GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.168] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorLoad GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.168] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorLoad GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.168] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorLoad GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.168] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorStarted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.168] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorStarted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.168] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorStarted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.168] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorStarted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.168] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorStarted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.168] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorStarted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.168] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorPartPicked GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.168] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorPartPicked GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.168] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorPartPicked GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.168] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorPodDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.168] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorPodDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.168] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorPodDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.168] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorPartDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.168] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorPartDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.168] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorPartDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.169] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorPartDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.169] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorPartDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.169] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorPartDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.169] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Scale.PartDB.19x:GameEventEditorVariantAppliedListener instance is owning a onEditorVariantApplied GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.169] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Scale.PartDB.19x:GameEventEditorVariantAppliedListener instance is owning a onEditorVariantApplied GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.169] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Scale.PartDB.19x:GameEventEditorVariantAppliedListener instance is owning a onEditorVariantApplied GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.169] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Scale.PartDB.19x:GameEventEditorVariantAppliedListener instance is owning a onEditorVariantApplied GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.171] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Kopernicus:Injector instance is owning a OnPSystemReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:19:37.171] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Removed a OnClick GameEvents callback owned by a destroyed Assembly-CSharp:EditorLogic instance
[LOG 19:19:37.172] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Leaving scene "Editor", cleaned 28 memory leaks in 0.011s. GameEvents callbacks : 2915. Allocated memory : 2.018 GiB (managed heap), 5.152 GiB (unmanaged)
[LOG 19:19:37.953] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'NyanSkyBox' from assembly 'SigmaReplacementsSkyBox'
[LOG 19:19:37.956] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'TitleTrackerHelper' from assembly 'ContractConfigurator'
[LOG 19:19:37.957] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RTDebugUnit' from assembly 'RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:19:37.957] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RemoteTechAssistant' from assembly 'CC_RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:19:37.958] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'DynamicBatteryStorage' from assembly 'DynamicBatteryStorage'
[LOG 19:19:37.958] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'GlobalEVEManager' from assembly 'EVEManager'
[LOG 19:19:37.962] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:19:37.962] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'AtmosphereFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:19:37.963] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SinkingBugFix' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:19:37.963] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ShadowMan' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:19:37.963] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:19:37.968] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:19:37.969] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Scatterer' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:19:37.969] [Scatterer][Debug] Core instance created
[LOG 19:19:37.969] [Scatterer][Info] Version:0.0838
[LOG 19:19:37.969] [Scatterer][Info] Running on: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] on Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
[LOG 19:19:37.969] [Scatterer][Info] Game resolution: 2560x1440
[LOG 19:19:37.969] [Scatterer][Info] Compute shader support: True
[LOG 19:19:37.969] [Scatterer][Info] Async GPU readback support: True
[LOG 19:19:37.969] [Scatterer][Info] Using depth buffer mode: True
[LOG 19:19:37.984] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Kerbin. TransformName: Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:37.984] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Kerbin, actual ingame name: Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:37.984] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Duna. TransformName: Duna
[LOG 19:19:37.984] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Duna, actual ingame name: Duna
[LOG 19:19:37.984] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Laythe. TransformName: Laythe
[LOG 19:19:37.984] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Laythe, actual ingame name: Laythe
[LOG 19:19:37.984] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Jool. TransformName: Jool
[LOG 19:19:37.984] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Jool, actual ingame name: Jool
[LOG 19:19:37.984] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Eve. TransformName: Eve
[LOG 19:19:37.985] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Eve, actual ingame name: Eve
[LOG 19:19:37.985] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Sarnus. TransformName: Sarnus
[LOG 19:19:37.985] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Sarnus, actual ingame name: Sarnus
[LOG 19:19:37.985] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Tekto. TransformName: Tekto
[LOG 19:19:37.985] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Tekto, actual ingame name: Tekto
[LOG 19:19:37.985] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Urlum. TransformName: Urlum
[LOG 19:19:37.985] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Urlum, actual ingame name: Urlum
[LOG 19:19:37.985] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Neidon. TransformName: Neidon
[LOG 19:19:37.985] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Neidon, actual ingame name: Neidon
[LOG 19:19:37.985] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Thatmo. TransformName: Thatmo
[LOG 19:19:37.985] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Thatmo, actual ingame name: Thatmo
[LOG 19:19:37.985] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:19:37.986] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'PersistentEmitterManager' from assembly 'SmokeScreen'
[LOG 19:19:37.987] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceDust' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:19:37.988] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'CurrencyPopup' from assembly 'Strategia'
[LOG 19:19:37.988] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SystemHeat' from assembly 'SystemHeat'
[LOG 19:19:37.990] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Waterfall' from assembly 'Waterfall'
[LOG 19:19:37.991] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'EVARepairsAppButton' from assembly 'EVARepairs'
[LOG 19:19:37.993] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:37.993] [UIMasterController]: HideUI
[LOG 19:19:43.369] [Scatterer][Debug] No changes to main config, skipping saving.
[LOG 19:19:43.419] UICanvasPrefabSpawner FlightUI spawning Flight
[LOG 19:19:43.468] UICanvasPrefabSpawner FlightUI spawning VesselLabels
[LOG 19:19:43.468] [UiApp] Awake: ResourceDisplay
[LOG 19:19:44.204] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'AeroGUI' from assembly 'KSP'
[LOG 19:19:44.218] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'CBTGlobalMonitor' from assembly 'ClickThroughBlocker'
[LOG 19:19:44.218] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ClearInputLocks' from assembly 'ClickThroughBlocker'
[LOG 19:19:44.219] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SceneChangeCleanup' from assembly 'ClickThroughBlocker'
[LOG 19:19:44.220] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'TexturesUnlimitedDebug' from assembly 'TexturesUnlimited'
[EXC 19:19:44.221] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    KSP.UI.Screens.ApplicationLauncher.RemoveModApplication (KSP.UI.Screens.ApplicationLauncherButton button) (at <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0)
    KSPShaderTools.Addon.TexturesUnlimitedDebug.Awake () (at <d05d146f0f32458d9a30cf17e61f35a8>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    AddonLoader:StartAddon(LoadedAssembly, Type, KSPAddon, Startup)
    AddonLoader:OnSceneLoaded(Scene, LoadSceneMode)
    UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:Internal_SceneLoaded(Scene, LoadSceneMode)
[LOG 19:19:44.222] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'FlightHelper' from assembly 'Refunding'
[LOG 19:19:44.222] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'FlightAstrogator' from assembly 'Astrogator'
[LOG 19:19:44.222] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'NyanSkyBox' from assembly 'SigmaReplacementsSkyBox'
[LOG 19:19:44.223] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'AtmosphereTracker' from assembly 'BetterBurnTime'
[LOG 19:19:44.224] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'BetterBurnTime' from assembly 'BetterBurnTime'
[LOG 19:19:44.224] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'BurnInfo' from assembly 'BetterBurnTime'
[LOG 19:19:44.224] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ClosestApproachTracker' from assembly 'BetterBurnTime'
[LOG 19:19:44.224] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'GeosyncTracker' from assembly 'BetterBurnTime'
[LOG 19:19:44.224] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ImpactTracker' from assembly 'BetterBurnTime'
[LOG 19:19:44.224] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'OverrideKey' from assembly 'BetterBurnTime'
[LOG 19:19:44.224] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Propulsion' from assembly 'BetterBurnTime'
[LOG 19:19:44.224] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ManageSaves' from assembly 'BetterLoadSaveGame'
[LOG 19:19:44.224] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Main' from assembly 'BetterLoadSaveGame'
[LOG 19:19:44.225] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'BankOfKerbinFlight' from assembly 'Bureaucracy'
[LOG 19:19:44.225] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'BureaucracyFlight' from assembly 'Bureaucracy'
[LOG 19:19:44.225] [Bureaucracy]: Loading Settings
[LOG 19:19:44.226] [Bureaucracy]: Settings Loaded
[LOG 19:19:44.226] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager is ready
[LOG 19:19:44.226] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility Administration
[LOG 19:19:44.226] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility AstronautComplex
[LOG 19:19:44.226] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility LaunchPad
[LOG 19:19:44.226] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility MissionControl
[LOG 19:19:44.226] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility ResearchAndDevelopment
[LOG 19:19:44.226] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility Runway
[LOG 19:19:44.226] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility TrackingStation
[LOG 19:19:44.226] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility SpaceplaneHangar
[LOG 19:19:44.227] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility VehicleAssemblyBuilding
[LOG 19:19:44.227] [Bureaucracy]: Checking For ResearchBodies
[LOG 19:19:44.227] [Bureaucracy]: Did not find ResearchBodies
[LOG 19:19:44.227] [Bureaucracy]: Facility Manager Ready
[LOG 19:19:44.227] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager Ready
[LOG 19:19:44.227] [Bureaucracy]: New CrewMember setup: Jebediah Kerman
[LOG 19:19:44.227] [Bureaucracy]: New CrewMember setup: Bill Kerman
[LOG 19:19:44.227] [Bureaucracy]: New CrewMember setup: Bob Kerman
[LOG 19:19:44.227] [Bureaucracy]: New CrewMember setup: Valentina Kerman
[LOG 19:19:44.227] [Bureaucracy]: Crew Manager Ready
[LOG 19:19:44.227] [Bureaucracy]: Awake
[LOG 19:19:44.227] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'TimerScriptFlight' from assembly 'Bureaucracy'
[LOG 19:19:44.228] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'UiControllerFlight' from assembly 'Bureaucracy'
[LOG 19:19:44.228] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'chatterer' from assembly 'Chatterer'
[WRN 19:19:44.345] File 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Chatterer\Plugins/PluginData/Chatterer/plugin.cfg' does not exist
[LOG 19:19:44.544] [CHATR] Chatterer (v. loaded.
[LOG 19:19:44.545] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ResourceConsumptionChecker' from assembly 'ContractConfigurator'
[LOG 19:19:44.545] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'TitleTrackerHelper' from assembly 'ContractConfigurator'
[LOG 19:19:44.546] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RTDebugUnit' from assembly 'RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:19:44.546] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RTCoreFlight' from assembly 'RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:19:44.547] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RemoteTechAssistant' from assembly 'CC_RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:19:44.547] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'DynamicBatteryStorage' from assembly 'DynamicBatteryStorage'
[LOG 19:19:44.548] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'DynamicBatteryStorageUI' from assembly 'DynamicBatteryStorage'
[LOG 19:19:44.548] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'GlobalEVEManager' from assembly 'EVEManager'
[LOG 19:19:44.549] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'FarFutureTechnologies' from assembly 'FarFutureTechnologies'
[LOG 19:19:44.549] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'AntimatterManager' from assembly 'FarFutureTechnologies'
[LOG 19:19:44.550] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'KerbalIvaAddon' from assembly 'FreeIva'
[LOG 19:19:44.551] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'FreeIva' from assembly 'FreeIva'
[LOG 19:19:44.551] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ChangeTechTree' from assembly 'HideEmptyTechTreeNodes'
[LOG 19:19:44.553] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'FlightAppLauncher' from assembly 'KerbalEngineer'
[LOG 19:19:44.553] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'DisplayStack' from assembly 'KerbalEngineer'
[LOG 19:19:44.553] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'FlightEngineerCore' from assembly 'KerbalEngineer'
[LOG 19:19:44.553] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'KJRManager' from assembly 'KerbalJointReinforcementNext'
[LOG 19:19:44.561] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:19:44.562] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'AtmosphereFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:19:44.562] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SinkingBugFix' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:19:44.562] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ShadowMan' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:19:44.563] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:19:44.563] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'FlightModule' from assembly 'KRASH'
[LOG 19:19:44.563] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SimulationPauseMenu' from assembly 'KRASH'
[LOG 19:19:44.565] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'DockingPortAlignmentIndicator' from assembly 'DockingPortAlignmentIndicator'
[LOG 19:19:44.671] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'DischargeCapacitorUI' from assembly 'NearFutureElectrical'
[LOG 19:19:44.671] [NearFutureElectrical]: UI: Awake
[LOG 19:19:44.671] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ReactorUI' from assembly 'NearFutureElectrical'
[LOG 19:19:44.671] [NearFutureElectrical]: UI: Awake
[LOG 19:19:44.671] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Data' from assembly 'Persistent Rotation Upgraded'
[LOG 19:19:44.671] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Interface' from assembly 'Persistent Rotation Upgraded'
[LOG 19:19:44.673] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Main' from assembly 'Persistent Rotation Upgraded'
[LOG 19:19:44.676] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SCANtoolbar' from assembly 'SCANsat'
[LOG 19:19:44.678] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SCANmechStarter' from assembly 'SCANmechjeb'
[LOG 19:19:44.679] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:19:44.679] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Scatterer' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:19:44.679] [Scatterer][Debug] Core instance created
[LOG 19:19:44.679] [Scatterer][Info] Version:0.0838
[LOG 19:19:44.679] [Scatterer][Info] Running on: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] on Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
[LOG 19:19:44.679] [Scatterer][Info] Game resolution: 2560x1440
[LOG 19:19:44.680] [Scatterer][Info] Compute shader support: True
[LOG 19:19:44.680] [Scatterer][Info] Async GPU readback support: True
[LOG 19:19:44.680] [Scatterer][Info] Using depth buffer mode: True
[LOG 19:19:44.699] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Kerbin. TransformName: Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:44.699] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Kerbin, actual ingame name: Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:44.699] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Duna. TransformName: Duna
[LOG 19:19:44.699] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Duna, actual ingame name: Duna
[LOG 19:19:44.699] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Laythe. TransformName: Laythe
[LOG 19:19:44.699] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Laythe, actual ingame name: Laythe
[LOG 19:19:44.699] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Jool. TransformName: Jool
[LOG 19:19:44.699] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Jool, actual ingame name: Jool
[LOG 19:19:44.699] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Eve. TransformName: Eve
[LOG 19:19:44.699] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Eve, actual ingame name: Eve
[LOG 19:19:44.699] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Sarnus. TransformName: Sarnus
[LOG 19:19:44.700] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Sarnus, actual ingame name: Sarnus
[LOG 19:19:44.700] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Tekto. TransformName: Tekto
[LOG 19:19:44.700] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Tekto, actual ingame name: Tekto
[LOG 19:19:44.700] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Urlum. TransformName: Urlum
[LOG 19:19:44.700] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Urlum, actual ingame name: Urlum
[LOG 19:19:44.700] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Neidon. TransformName: Neidon
[LOG 19:19:44.700] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Neidon, actual ingame name: Neidon
[LOG 19:19:44.700] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Thatmo. TransformName: Thatmo
[LOG 19:19:44.700] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Thatmo, actual ingame name: Thatmo
[LOG 19:19:44.700] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:19:44.701] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ScienceAlert' from assembly 'ScienceAlert'
[LOG 19:19:44.701] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'PersistentEmitterManager' from assembly 'SmokeScreen'
[LOG 19:19:44.701] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SmokeScreenUI' from assembly 'SmokeScreen'
[LOG 19:19:44.702] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SmokeScreenConfig' from assembly 'SmokeScreen'
[LOG 19:19:44.702] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceDustInstruments' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:19:44.702] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'MapOverlay' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:19:44.702] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarUI' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:19:44.702] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceDust' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:19:44.703] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceDustResourceMap' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:19:44.703] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'StageRecovery' from assembly 'StageRecovery'
[LOG 19:19:44.704] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'CurrencyPopup' from assembly 'Strategia'
[LOG 19:19:44.705] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SystemHeat' from assembly 'SystemHeat'
[LOG 19:19:44.705] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SystemHeatDebugUI' from assembly 'SystemHeat'
[LOG 19:19:44.705] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SystemHeatOverlay' from assembly 'SystemHeat'
[LOG 19:19:44.706] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ReactorToolbar' from assembly 'SystemHeat'
[LOG 19:19:44.706] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SystemHeatUI' from assembly 'SystemHeat'
[LOG 19:19:44.707] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'VesselViewPlugin' from assembly 'VesselViewerContinued'
[LOG 19:19:44.708] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Waterfall' from assembly 'Waterfall'
[LOG 19:19:44.708] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'WaterfallUI' from assembly 'Waterfall'
[LOG 19:19:44.708] [Waterfall][UI]: Awake fired
[LOG 19:19:44.708] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'WBIVTOLAppButton' from assembly 'KerbalActuators'
[LOG 19:19:44.709] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'WBIVTOLManager' from assembly 'KerbalActuators'
[LOG 19:19:44.709] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'WBIActuatorsGUIMgr' from assembly 'KerbalActuators'
[LOG 19:19:44.709] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'EVARepairsAppButton' from assembly 'EVARepairs'
[LOG 19:19:44.711] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:44.711] [SpaceDust][ToolbarUI] Changed focus to Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:44.711] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay] Changed focus to Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:44.711] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay]: Removing body fields
[LOG 19:19:44.712] [UIMasterController]: HideUI
[LOG 19:19:46.707] [UIMasterController]: HideUI
[LOG 19:19:46.707] ------------------- initializing flight mode... ------------------
[LOG 19:19:46.708] [SceneLoadSpeedBoost] Save loaded from cache in 0ms
[LOG 19:19:46.723] -INFO- Tac.AddLifeSupport[AE6C9E00][5701.59]: AddLifeSupport Constructor
[LOG 19:19:46.728] [MessageSystem] Save Messages
[LOG 19:19:46.729] [BetterTimeWarp]: Settings saved
[LOG 19:19:46.731] GetSubclassesOfParentClass: Using cached results for AlarmTypeBase
[LOG 19:19:46.732] GetSubclassesOfParentClass: Using cached results for AlarmTypeBase
[LOG 19:19:46.733] Loading Depletion Nodes
[LOG 19:19:46.733] DepNodeCount:  0
[LOG 19:19:46.733] Loading Biome Nodes
[LOG 19:19:46.733] BiomeNodeCount:  0
[LOG 19:19:46.733] Loading Planet Nodes
[LOG 19:19:46.733] PlanetNodeCount:  0
[LOG 19:19:46.737] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Loading... 0 objects registered
[LOG 19:19:46.737] [ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities]: Loading... 0 objects registered
[LOG 19:19:46.758] [Bureaucracy]: OnLoad
[LOG 19:19:46.758] [Bureaucracy]: Loading Settings
[LOG 19:19:46.759] [Bureaucracy]: Settings Loaded
[LOG 19:19:46.759] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnLoad
[LOG 19:19:46.759] [Bureaucracy]: Next Budget at 648353.56
[LOG 19:19:46.759] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnLoad Complete
[LOG 19:19:46.759] [Bureaucracy]: FacilityManager OnLoad
[LOG 19:19:46.759] [Bureaucracy]: FacilityManager OnLoadComplete
[LOG 19:19:46.759] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager OnLoad
[LOG 19:19:46.760] [Bureaucracy]: Crew Manager OnLoad
[LOG 19:19:46.760] [Bureaucracy]: Crew Manager OnLoad Complete
[LOG 19:19:46.760] [Bureaucracy]: OnLoad Complete
[LOG 19:19:46.779] 3/20/2023 7:19:46 PM,BackgroundResources,OnAwake in FLIGHT
[LOG 19:19:46.780] 3/20/2023 7:19:46 PM,BackgroundResources,BackgroundProcessed Awake
[LOG 19:19:46.780] 3/20/2023 7:19:46 PM,BackgroundResources,OnLoad:
[LOG 19:19:46.781] [SCANsat] SCANsat Controller: Loading 0 known vessels
[LOG 19:19:46.781] [SCANsat] SCANsat Controller: Loading map for Kerbin
[WRN 19:19:46.795] ScienceAlert: Persistent save has no saved profiles
[LOG 19:19:46.795] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Awake
[LOG 19:19:46.795] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Started Loading
[LOG 19:19:46.795] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Done Loading
[LOG 19:19:46.796] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[FFD16EBA][5701.59]: OnAwake in FLIGHT
[LOG 19:19:46.796] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[FFD16EBA][5701.59]: Adding LifeSupportController
[LOG 19:19:46.796] -INFO- Tac.LifeSupportController[FFD16EB8][5701.59]: Awake
[LOG 19:19:46.810] [Trajectories] Loading settings
[LOG 19:19:46.845] [Trajectories] Using Blizzy toolbar
[LOG 19:19:46.849] Loading ship from file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\saves\BAerospace\Ships\VAB\/Auto-Saved Ship.craft
[LOG 19:19:46.849] [UIMasterController]: HideUI
[LOG 19:19:46.857] [MechJeb2] Loading Mechjeb 2.14.3
[LOG 19:19:47.015] [RemoteTech] Loading Flightcomputer from persistent!
[WRN 19:19:47.027] [KSPCF:ModuleIndexingMismatch] Part "RTShortAntenna1" configuration has changed. Synchronizing persisted modules...
[WRN 19:19:47.053] [KSPCF:ModuleIndexingMismatch] Persisted module "ModuleRTDataTransmitter" at index [6] has been removed, no matching module in the part config
[WRN 19:19:47.057] [KSPCF:ModuleIndexingMismatch] Part "RTShortAntenna1" configuration has changed. Synchronizing persisted modules...
[WRN 19:19:47.079] [KSPCF:ModuleIndexingMismatch] Persisted module "ModuleRTDataTransmitter" at index [6] has been removed, no matching module in the part config
[LOG 19:19:47.079] Untitled Space Craft loaded!
[LOG 19:19:48.864] putting ship to ground: 14.71983
[LOG 19:19:48.869] [Untitled Space Craft]: Ready to Launch - waiting to start physics...
[LOG 19:19:48.875] [FLIGHT GLOBALS]: Switching To Vessel Untitled Space Craft ----------------------
[LOG 19:19:48.875] [RemoteTech] OnVesselSwitching - from: N/A to: Untitled Space Craft
[LOG 19:19:48.875] setting new dominant body: Kerbin
FlightGlobals.mainBody: Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:48.875] Reference Frame: Rotating
[LOG 19:19:48.877] [RemoteTech] OnVesselChange - new vessel: Untitled Space Craft
[WRN 19:19:48.877] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[LOG 19:19:48.901] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1518
[LOG 19:19:48.901] [BetterBurnTime] Vessel changed to Untitled Space Craft
[LOG 19:19:48.907] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: vessel switch to Untitled Space Craft
[LOG 19:19:48.907] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: new vessel, creating new module map for Untitled Space Craft
[LOG 19:19:48.914] Vessel assembly complete!
[LOG 19:19:50.666] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-MainClouds) OnSphereActive
[LOG 19:19:50.667] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:19:50.670] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-Auroras) OnSphereActive
[LOG 19:19:50.670] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:19:50.670] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-CirrusClouds) OnSphereActive
[LOG 19:19:50.670] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:19:50.670] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-Lightning) OnSphereActive
[LOG 19:19:50.670] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:19:50.796] all systems started
[LOG 19:19:50.902] [BetterBurnTime] Using complex acceleration model
[LOG 19:19:50.902] [BetterBurnTime] Using complex acceleration model
[WRN 19:19:50.927] Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.
[WRN 19:19:50.928] Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.
[WRN 19:19:50.928] Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.
[LOG 19:19:50.933] [Bureaucracy]: Checking for KCT
[LOG 19:19:50.933] [Bureaucracy]: KCT not found
[LOG 19:19:50.945] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1518
[LOG 19:19:50.946] [RemoteTech] NetworkManager: SatelliteRegister(Mission Control)
[LOG 19:19:50.952] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1518
[LOG 19:19:50.954] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1518
[LOG 19:19:50.981] [RemoteTech] RTCore v1.9.12 loaded successfully.
[LOG 19:19:50.981] [RemoteTech] SatelliteManager: RegisterProto(Untitled Space Craft, 4613d301-693b-455e-b873-e5b26ec65d72)
[LOG 19:19:50.981] [RemoteTech] GetSignalProcessor(Untitled Space Craft): Check
[LOG 19:19:50.982] [RemoteTech] SatelliteManager: OnRegister(VesselSatellite(Untitled Space Craft, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000))
[LOG 19:19:50.982] [RemoteTech] NetworkManager: SatelliteRegister(VesselSatellite(Untitled Space Craft, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000))
[LOG 19:19:50.982] [RemoteTech] AntennaManager: RegisterProtos(Untitled Space Craft, 4613d301-693b-455e-b873-e5b26ec65d72)
[LOG 19:19:50.982] [RemoteTech] ProtoAntenna(Name: Reflectron DP-10, Guid: 4613d301-693b-455e-b873-e5b26ec65d72, Dish: -1, Omni: 500000, Target: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, CosAngle: 1)
[LOG 19:19:50.982] [RemoteTech] AntennaManager: OnRegister(Reflectron DP-10)
[LOG 19:19:50.982] [RemoteTech] ProtoAntenna(Name: Reflectron DP-10, Guid: 4613d301-693b-455e-b873-e5b26ec65d72, Dish: -1, Omni: 500000, Target: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, CosAngle: 1)
[LOG 19:19:50.982] [RemoteTech] AntennaManager: OnRegister(Reflectron DP-10)
[LOG 19:19:51.006] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: [Settings]: Started loading
[LOG 19:19:51.006] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: [Settings]: Located settings file
[LOG 19:19:51.006] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: [Settings]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:19:51.006] [FFT][FFT Settings]: Started loading
[ERR 19:19:51.007] Cannot find config in file : FFTSETTINGS

[LOG 19:19:51.007] [FFT][FFT Settings]: Located settings file
[ERR 19:19:51.007] Cannot find config in file : FFTSETTINGS

[LOG 19:19:51.007] [FFT][FFT Settings]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:19:51.007] [FreeIVA] Loading settings...
[WRN 19:19:51.073] [NearFutureElectrical]: 1075332162
[LOG 19:19:51.073] [PR] Loading Data.
[LOG 19:19:51.096] [PR] Generating data for Untitled Space Craft
[LOG 19:19:51.096] [PR] Reloading old save, flushing data.
[LOG 19:19:51.101] [PR] Saving Data.
[LOG 19:19:51.103] [PR] Oldest time: 2118870
[LOG 19:19:51.103] [PR] Loaded time: 1296296.19709719
[LOG 19:19:51.103] [PR] Initializing MechJeb wrapper...
[LOG 19:19:51.111] [PR] MechJeb reflection successfull!
[LOG 19:19:51.111] [PR] Initializing RemoteTech wrapper...
[LOG 19:19:51.114] [PR] RemoteTech reflection successfull!
[LOG 19:19:51.114] [SCANsatMechJeb] Starting SCANsat - MechJeb Interface...
[LOG 19:19:51.118] SmokeScreenConfig loading config
[LOG 19:19:51.119] [SpaceDust][Settings]: SystemHeat detected. Thermal considerations will be active for harvesters
[LOG 19:19:51.119] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Started loading
[LOG 19:19:51.122] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Game Scale is 1
[LOG 19:19:51.123] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Resources configured as visible are Oxidizer, LiquidFuel, XenonGas, Antimatter, LqdHe3, LqdDeuterium, ArgonGas, LqdHydrogen
[LOG 19:19:51.123] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:19:51.126] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added XenonSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:19:51.126] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added OxidizerSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:19:51.126] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added LiquidFuelSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:19:51.126] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added ArgonSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:19:51.126] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added HydrogenSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:19:51.126] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added DeuteriumSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:19:51.126] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Loaded 6 telescope instruments
[LOG 19:19:51.131] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 43 resource distributions
[LOG 19:19:51.131] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 6 resource distributions for Sarnus
[LOG 19:19:51.131] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Eeloo
[LOG 19:19:51.131] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 3 resource distributions for Tekto
[LOG 19:19:51.131] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 6 resource distributions for Urlum
[LOG 19:19:51.131] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Wal
[LOG 19:19:51.131] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Tal
[LOG 19:19:51.131] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 6 resource distributions for Neidon
[LOG 19:19:51.131] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 2 resource distributions for Thatmo
[LOG 19:19:51.131] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 5 resource distributions for Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:51.131] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 5 resource distributions for Jool
[LOG 19:19:51.131] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 2 resource distributions for Laythe
[LOG 19:19:51.131] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 3 resource distributions for Eve
[LOG 19:19:51.131] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Duna
[LOG 19:19:51.131] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Sun
[LOG 19:19:51.146] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Started loading
[LOG 19:19:51.147] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Located settings file
[LOG 19:19:51.151] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Loading coolant types
[LOG 19:19:51.154] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Loaded coolant Basic Coolant: Density 1000, heat Capacity 4
[LOG 19:19:51.155] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Loaded coolant types
[LOG 19:19:51.155] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:19:51.155] VesselView.VesselViewPlugin.Start 1
[LOG 19:19:51.155] VesselView.VesselViewPlugin.Start 2
[LOG 19:19:51.155] VesselViewer.cs, creating basicSettings
[LOG 19:19:51.155] VesselView.VesselViewPlugin.Start 3
[LOG 19:19:51.155] VesselView.VesselViewPlugin.Start 5
[LOG 19:19:51.155] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Started loading
[LOG 19:19:51.155] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loading models
[LOG 19:19:51.158] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loaded 12 models
[LOG 19:19:51.159] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loading textures
[LOG 19:19:51.162] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loaded 27 textures
[LOG 19:19:51.162] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loading shaders
[LOG 19:19:51.166] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loaded 11 shaders
[LOG 19:19:51.166] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:19:51.166] [Waterfall][UI]: Start fired
[LOG 19:19:51.230] -INFO- Tac.LifeSupportController[FFD16EB8][5701.56]: Start
[LOG 19:19:51.242] [RemoteTech] ModuleSPU: OnStart [Untitled Space Craft]
[LOG 19:19:51.242] [RemoteTech] SatelliteManager: Register(ModuleSPU(Untitled Space Craft, 4613d301-693b-455e-b873-e5b26ec65d72))
[LOG 19:19:51.242] [RemoteTech] SatelliteManager: UnregisterProto(4613d301-693b-455e-b873-e5b26ec65d72)
[LOG 19:19:51.242] [RemoteTech] SatelliteManager: OnUnregister(VesselSatellite(Untitled Space Craft, 4613d301-693b-455e-b873-e5b26ec65d72))
[LOG 19:19:51.242] [RemoteTech] NetworkManager: SatelliteUnregister(VesselSatellite(Untitled Space Craft, 4613d301-693b-455e-b873-e5b26ec65d72))
[LOG 19:19:51.242] [RemoteTech] SatelliteManager: OnRegister(VesselSatellite(Untitled Space Craft, 4613d301-693b-455e-b873-e5b26ec65d72))
[LOG 19:19:51.242] [RemoteTech] NetworkManager: SatelliteRegister(VesselSatellite(Untitled Space Craft, 4613d301-693b-455e-b873-e5b26ec65d72))
[LOG 19:19:51.243] [RemoteTech] AntennaManager: Register(ModuleRTAntennaPassive(Name: Probodobodyne Stayputnik, Guid: 4613d301-693b-455e-b873-e5b26ec65d72, Omni: 0))
[LOG 19:19:51.243] [RemoteTech] AntennaManager: UnregisterProtos(4613d301-693b-455e-b873-e5b26ec65d72)
[LOG 19:19:51.243] [RemoteTech] AntennaManager: OnUnregister(Reflectron DP-10)
[LOG 19:19:51.243] [RemoteTech] AntennaManager: OnUnregister(Reflectron DP-10)
[LOG 19:19:51.243] [RemoteTech] AntennaManager: OnRegister(Probodobodyne Stayputnik)
[LOG 19:19:51.244] [MechJeb2] Loading Mechjeb 2.14.3
[LOG 19:19:51.401] [RemoteTech] AntennaManager: Register(ModuleRTAntenna(Name: Reflectron DP-10, Guid: 4613d301-693b-455e-b873-e5b26ec65d72, Dish: -1, Omni: 500000, Target: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, CosAngle: 1))
[LOG 19:19:51.401] [RemoteTech] AntennaManager: OnRegister(Reflectron DP-10)
[LOG 19:19:51.401] [RemoteTech] SatelliteManager: Register(ModuleSPUPassive(Untitled Space Craft, 4613d301-693b-455e-b873-e5b26ec65d72))
[LOG 19:19:51.402] [RemoteTech] AntennaManager: Register(ModuleRTAntenna(Name: Reflectron DP-10, Guid: 4613d301-693b-455e-b873-e5b26ec65d72, Dish: -1, Omni: 500000, Target: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, CosAngle: 1))
[LOG 19:19:51.402] [RemoteTech] AntennaManager: OnRegister(Reflectron DP-10)
[LOG 19:19:51.402] [RemoteTech] SatelliteManager: Register(ModuleSPUPassive(Untitled Space Craft, 4613d301-693b-455e-b873-e5b26ec65d72))
[LOG 19:19:51.403] [ModularFlightIntegrator] MFI Start
[LOG 19:19:51.403] [ModularFlightIntegrator] Start. VesselModule on vessel :

[WRN 19:19:51.418] DontDestroyOnLoad only works for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects.
[WRN 19:19:51.419] DontDestroyOnLoad only works for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects.
[LOG 19:19:51.419] [Kopernicus] Using Kopernicus Asteroid Spawner.
[LOG 19:19:52.632] [SCANsat] Loading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:52.664] [ShadowMan][Info] Running in unified camera mode
[LOG 19:19:52.664] [ShadowMan][Debug] Adding TweakShadowCascades: (0.002, 0.015, 0.035) to Camera Camera 00
[LOG 19:19:52.664] [ShadowMan][Debug] Default split: (0.050, 0.152, 0.264)
[LOG 19:19:52.665] [ShadowMan][Debug] Setting shadowmap resolution to: 8192 on SunLight
[LOG 19:19:52.672] [ShadowMan][Debug] Found rings for Sarnus
[LOG 19:19:52.674] [ShadowMan][Debug] Found rings for Urlum
[LOG 19:19:52.678] [ShadowMan][Debug] Kopernicus.ShadowMan setup done
[LOG 19:19:52.698] [Waterfall][UI]: Initializing
[LOG 19:19:52.703] [EVE CloudsManager]: Disable clouds when camera: 12805.12 layer: 6500
[LOG 19:19:52.720] [SCANsat] All Height Maps Generated
[LOG 19:19:52.721] [Trajectories] New vessel, profiles created
[LOG 19:19:52.722] Create button for module Aircraft Approach & Autoland
[LOG 19:19:52.723] Create button for module Aircraft Autopilot
[LOG 19:19:52.724] Create button for module Ascent Guidance
[LOG 19:19:52.724] Create button for module Attitude Adjustment
[LOG 19:19:52.725] Create button for module Custom Window Editor
[LOG 19:19:52.726] Create button for module Docking Autopilot
[LOG 19:19:52.726] Create button for module Flight Recorder
[LOG 19:19:52.727] Create button for module RCS Balancer
[LOG 19:19:52.727] Create button for module Rover Autopilot
[LOG 19:19:52.728] Create button for module Scripting Module
[LOG 19:19:52.728] Create button for module Settings
[LOG 19:19:52.729] Create button for module Smart A.S.S.
[LOG 19:19:52.730] Create button for module SmartRcs
[LOG 19:19:52.731] Create button for module Translatron
[LOG 19:19:52.731] Create button for module Utilities
[LOG 19:19:52.732] Create button for module Warp Helper
[LOG 19:19:52.733] Create button for module Ascent Stats
[LOG 19:19:52.735] Create button for module Atmosphere Info
[LOG 19:19:52.736] [MechJeb2] No icon for Atmosphere_Info
[LOG 19:19:52.736] Create button for module Delta-V Stats
[LOG 19:19:52.738] Create button for module Landing Info
[LOG 19:19:52.738] Create button for module Orbit Info
[LOG 19:19:52.739] Create button for module Rendezvous Info
[LOG 19:19:52.740] Create button for module Surface Info
[LOG 19:19:52.741] Create button for module Target Orbit Info
[LOG 19:19:52.742] Create button for module Vessel Info
[LOG 19:19:52.751] KerbalEngineer -> Exception  // System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at KerbalEngineer.Editor.BuildOverlayPartInfo.OnGUI () [0x00021] in <134deb60e87843589b7ea1a020650b28>:0
[LOG 19:19:52.751] KerbalEngineer ->   at KerbalEngineer.Editor.BuildOverlayPartInfo.OnGUI () [0x00021] in <134deb60e87843589b7ea1a020650b28>:0
[LOG 19:19:52.751] KerbalEngineer -> Exception  // System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at KerbalEngineer.Editor.BuildOverlayPartInfo.OnGUI () [0x00021] in <134deb60e87843589b7ea1a020650b28>:0
[LOG 19:19:52.751] KerbalEngineer ->   at KerbalEngineer.Editor.BuildOverlayPartInfo.OnGUI () [0x00021] in <134deb60e87843589b7ea1a020650b28>:0
[LOG 19:19:52.752] KerbalEngineer -> BuildAdvanced->OnDestroy
[LOG 19:19:52.752] KerbalEngineer -> ActionMenu->Awake
[LOG 19:19:52.752] KerbalEngineer -> FlightEngineerCore->Awake
[LOG 19:19:52.752] KerbalEngineer -> ActionMenu->Start
[LOG 19:19:52.752] KerbalEngineer -> FlightEngineerCore->Start
[LOG 19:19:52.845] [CustomBarnKit] Loading new upgrades prices
[LOG 19:19:52.978] [Kopernicus] Due to selected asteroid spawner, SENTINEL Contracts are broken and have been scrubbed.
[LOG 19:19:52.982] [UiApp] Awake: CurrencyWidgetsApp
[LOG 19:19:52.982] [UiApp] Awake: Contracts
[LOG 19:19:52.982] [UiApp] Awake: ResourceDisplay
[LOG 19:19:52.982] [UiApp] Awake: KSPedia
[LOG 19:19:52.982] [UiApp] Awake: Missions App
[LOG 19:19:52.982] [UiApp] Awake: DeltaVApp
[LOG 19:19:52.982] [UiApp] Awake: ActionGroupsApp
[LOG 19:19:52.983] [UiApp] Awake: Construction
[LOG 19:19:52.983] [UiApp] Awake: Cargo
[LOG 19:19:52.983] [UiApp] Awake: AlarmClock
[LOG 19:19:52.983] [UiApp] Awake: ManeuverTool
[LOG 19:19:52.985] [ApplicationLauncher] OnSceneLoadedGUIReady: scene FLIGHT ShouldBeVisible() True ShouldBeOnTop() True iIsPositionedAtTop False
[LOG 19:19:52.985] [ApplicationLauncher] SpawnSimpleLayout: VerticalTopDown
[LOG 19:19:52.999] ScaleModList: listSize 164 maxListSize 983
[LOG 19:19:53.000] ScaleModList: listSize 164 maxListSize 973
[LOG 19:19:53.003] ScaleModList: listSize 205 maxListSize 973
[LOG 19:19:53.005] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 973
[LOG 19:19:53.008] ScaleModList: listSize 287 maxListSize 973
[LOG 19:19:53.010] ScaleModList: listSize 328 maxListSize 973
[LOG 19:19:53.012] ScaleModList: listSize 369 maxListSize 973
[LOG 19:19:53.015] ScaleModList: listSize 410 maxListSize 973
[LOG 19:19:53.017] ScaleModList: listSize 451 maxListSize 973
[LOG 19:19:53.017] [Waterfall][UI]: App Launcher Ready
[LOG 19:19:53.020] ScaleModList: listSize 492 maxListSize 973
[WRN 19:19:53.042] The referenced script (RectSizeLimiter) on this Behaviour is missing!
[WRN 19:19:53.042] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'Panel') is missing!
[WRN 19:19:53.043] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'Panel') is missing!
[LOG 19:19:53.049] ScaleModList: listSize 533 maxListSize 973
[LOG 19:19:53.052] ScaleModList: listSize 492 maxListSize 973
[LOG 19:19:53.060] ScaleModList: listSize 533 maxListSize 973
[LOG 19:19:53.061] ScaleModList: listSize 574 maxListSize 973
[LOG 19:19:53.062] ScaleModList: listSize 533 maxListSize 973
[LOG 19:19:53.064] ScaleModList: listSize 574 maxListSize 973
[LOG 19:19:53.065] [KnowledgeBase] OnAppLauncherReady 536567
[LOG 19:19:53.082] [DeadlyReentry.DRToolBar] OnGUIAppLauncherReady fired but AppLauncher not ready or button already created!
[LOG 19:19:53.087] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 973
[LOG 19:19:53.089] ScaleModList: listSize 656 maxListSize 973
[LOG 19:19:53.090] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 973
[LOG 19:19:53.090] [Kopernicus]: StarLightSwitcher: Set active star => Sun
[LOG 19:19:53.140] [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ContractDisabler: Enabling ContractType: SentinelMission.SentinelContract (Assembly-CSharp.dll)
[LOG 19:19:53.145] CurrencyOperationRandomized.OnLoadFromConfig
[LOG 19:19:53.146] CurrencyOperationRandomized.OnLoadFromConfig
[LOG 19:19:53.146] CurrencyOperationRandomized.OnLoadFromConfig
[LOG 19:19:53.255] ScaleModList: listSize 656 maxListSize 973
[LOG 19:19:53.330] [FlightIntegrator]: Reloaded drag cube for zeroed cube root part probeCoreSphere.v2 on vessel Untitled Space Craft
[LOG 19:19:53.332] [FlightIntegrator]: Vessel Untitled Space Craft has been unloaded 1.79769313486232E+308, applying analytic temperature 312.73143688413
[LOG 19:19:53.353] [MessageSystem] Reposition 0.02 536568
[LOG 19:19:53.354] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.02 536568
[LOG 19:19:53.354] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.02 536568
[LOG 19:19:53.368] [Scatterer][Info] Running in unified camera mode
[LOG 19:19:53.375] [Scatterer][Debug] Found rings for Sarnus
[LOG 19:19:53.376] [Scatterer][Debug] Found rings for Urlum
[LOG 19:19:53.407] [Scatterer][Debug] Sunflare syntax version: 2
[LOG 19:19:53.409] [Scatterer][Debug] Added custom sun flare for Sun
[LOG 19:19:53.409] [Scatterer][Debug] mapping EVE clouds
[LOG 19:19:53.421] [Scatterer][Debug] Eve assembly type found
[LOG 19:19:53.422] [Scatterer][Debug] Eve assembly version: Atmosphere, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 19:19:53.422] [Scatterer][Info] Successfully grabbed EVE Instance
[LOG 19:19:53.422] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Urlum
[LOG 19:19:53.422] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Tekto
[LOG 19:19:53.422] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Sarnus
[LOG 19:19:53.422] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Neidon
[LOG 19:19:53.422] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Sarnus
[LOG 19:19:53.422] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Urlum
[LOG 19:19:53.423] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Urlum
[LOG 19:19:53.423] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Sarnus
[LOG 19:19:53.423] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Neidon
[LOG 19:19:53.423] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Tekto
[LOG 19:19:53.423] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Thatmo
[LOG 19:19:53.423] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Polta
[LOG 19:19:53.423] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Slate
[LOG 19:19:53.423] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Slate
[LOG 19:19:53.424] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Urlum
[LOG 19:19:53.424] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Tekto
[LOG 19:19:53.424] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Sarnus
[LOG 19:19:53.424] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Neidon
[LOG 19:19:53.424] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:53.424] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Duna
[LOG 19:19:53.424] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Jool
[LOG 19:19:53.424] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Laythe
[LOG 19:19:53.424] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Eve
[LOG 19:19:53.424] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Eve
[LOG 19:19:53.425] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:53.425] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:53.425] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Laythe
[LOG 19:19:53.425] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Eve
[LOG 19:19:53.425] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Eve
[LOG 19:19:53.425] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Jool
[LOG 19:19:53.425] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Jool
[LOG 19:19:53.425] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Jool
[LOG 19:19:53.425] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Jool
[LOG 19:19:53.426] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Jool
[LOG 19:19:53.426] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Jool
[LOG 19:19:53.426] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Duna
[LOG 19:19:53.426] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Laythe
[LOG 19:19:53.426] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Mun
[LOG 19:19:53.426] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Minmus
[LOG 19:19:53.426] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Pol
[LOG 19:19:53.426] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Eeloo
[LOG 19:19:53.426] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Dres
[LOG 19:19:53.426] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Vall
[LOG 19:19:53.426] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Tylo
[LOG 19:19:53.426] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Ike
[LOG 19:19:53.426] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Moho
[LOG 19:19:53.427] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Duna
[LOG 19:19:53.427] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Eeloo
[LOG 19:19:53.427] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Eeloo
[LOG 19:19:53.427] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Minmus
[LOG 19:19:53.427] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Mun
[LOG 19:19:53.427] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Eeloo
[LOG 19:19:53.427] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Ike
[LOG 19:19:53.427] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Moho
[LOG 19:19:53.428] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Dres
[LOG 19:19:53.428] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Duna
[LOG 19:19:53.428] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Tylo
[LOG 19:19:53.428] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Moho
[LOG 19:19:53.428] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Minmus
[LOG 19:19:53.428] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:53.428] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Laythe
[LOG 19:19:53.428] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Eve
[LOG 19:19:53.428] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Duna
[LOG 19:19:53.429] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Jool
[LOG 19:19:53.429] [Scatterer][Debug] Core setup done
[LOG 19:19:53.430] [Scatterer][Debug] Added eclipse caster Mun for Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:53.430] [Scatterer][Debug] Added eclipse caster Minmus for Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:53.430] [Scatterer][Debug]  Atmosphere config found for: Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:53.505] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:19:53.505] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:19:53.505] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:19:53.505] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:19:53.505] [Scatterer][Debug] Skynode initiated for Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:53.506] [Scatterer][Debug] Ocean config found for: Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:53.648] [Scatterer][Debug] Effects loaded for Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:54.324] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-MainClouds) OnSphereActive
[LOG 19:19:54.324] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:19:54.324] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-Auroras) OnSphereActive
[LOG 19:19:54.324] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:19:54.324] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-CirrusClouds) OnSphereActive
[LOG 19:19:54.324] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:19:54.325] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-Lightning) OnSphereActive
[LOG 19:19:54.325] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:19:54.561] [Scatterer][Debug] Disabling stock sunflare for Sun
[LOG 19:19:54.563] [Scatterer][Info] Skynode switch effects to local mode Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:54.574] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Untitled Space Craft
[LOG 19:19:54.582] [SpaceDust][ToolbarUI] Changed focus to Untitled Space Craft
[LOG 19:19:54.582] [SpaceDust][ToolbarPanel] Clearing all entries
[LOG 19:19:54.582] [SpaceDust][ToolbarPanel]: Adding a new resource element for Antimatter
[LOG 19:19:54.584] [SpaceDust][ToolbarPanel] Added a new resource entry for Antimatter
[LOG 19:19:54.584] [SpaceDust][ToolbarPanel]: Adding a new resource element for ArgonGas
[LOG 19:19:54.585] [SpaceDust][ToolbarPanel] Added a new resource entry for ArgonGas
[LOG 19:19:54.585] [SpaceDust][ToolbarPanel]: Adding a new resource element for LqdHydrogen
[LOG 19:19:54.586] [SpaceDust][ToolbarPanel] Added a new resource entry for LqdHydrogen
[LOG 19:19:54.586] [SpaceDust][ToolbarPanel]: Adding a new resource element for Oxidizer
[LOG 19:19:54.588] [SpaceDust][ToolbarPanel] Added a new resource entry for Oxidizer
[LOG 19:19:54.588] [SpaceDust][ToolbarPanel]: Adding a new resource element for XenonGas
[LOG 19:19:54.589] [SpaceDust][ToolbarPanel] Added a new resource entry for XenonGas
[LOG 19:19:54.589] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay] Changed focus to Untitled Space Craft
[LOG 19:19:54.589] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay]: Removing body fields
[LOG 19:19:54.589] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay]: Generating fields for Antimatter around Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:54.590] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay]: Generating fields for kerbRing FLIGHT
[LOG 19:19:54.598] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay]: Generated field for Kerbin.kerbRing
[LOG 19:19:54.598] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay]: Generating fields for kerbRingHigher FLIGHT
[LOG 19:19:54.598] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay]: Generated field for Kerbin.kerbRingHigher
[LOG 19:19:54.598] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay]: Generating fields for ArgonGas around Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:54.598] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay]: Generating fields for kerbinAtmo FLIGHT
[LOG 19:19:54.602] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay]: Generated field for Kerbin.kerbinAtmo
[LOG 19:19:54.602] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay]: Generating fields for LqdHydrogen around Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:54.602] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay]: Generating fields for kerbinExo FLIGHT
[LOG 19:19:54.602] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay]: Generated field for Kerbin.kerbinExo
[LOG 19:19:54.602] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay]: Generating fields for Oxidizer around Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:54.602] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay]: Generating fields for kerbinAtmo FLIGHT
[LOG 19:19:54.606] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay]: Generated field for Kerbin.kerbinAtmo
[LOG 19:19:54.606] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay]: Generating fields for XenonGas around Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:54.607] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay]: Generating fields for kerbinAtmo FLIGHT
[LOG 19:19:54.609] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay]: Generated field for Kerbin.kerbinAtmo
[LOG 19:19:54.623] [UIApp] Adding ResourceDisplay to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:19:54.628] ScaleModList: listSize 656 maxListSize 933
[LOG 19:19:54.628] [UIApp] Adding ResourceDisplay to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:19:54.632] ScaleModList: listSize 656 maxListSize 892
[LOG 19:19:54.649] [ResourceDisplay] OnAppStarted(): id: -3059632
[LOG 19:19:54.651] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.1640988 536572
[LOG 19:19:54.652] [ResourceDisplay] OnAppStarted(): id: 370906
[LOG 19:19:54.652] ResourceDisplay already exist, destroying this instance
[LOG 19:19:54.652] [UIApp] OnDestroy: ResourceDisplay
[LOG 19:19:54.653] ScaleModList: listSize 656 maxListSize 892
[LOG 19:19:54.686] [Scatterer][Debug]  Mapping EVE volumetrics for planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:54.686] [Scatterer][Debug] No volumetric cloud for layer on planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:54.686] [Scatterer][Debug] No volumetric cloud for layer on planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:54.686] [Scatterer][Debug] No volumetric cloud for layer on planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:54.687] [Scatterer][Debug] Raymarched volumetric clouds error on planet: KerbinSystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at scatterer.EVEReflectionHandler.mapEVEVolumetrics (System.String celestialBodyName, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] EVEvolumetrics) [0x00156] in <684aa87c0d2345f8a9e4739403f4afff>:0
[LOG 19:19:54.687] [Scatterer][Debug] Raymarched volumetric clouds error on planet: KerbinSystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at scatterer.EVEReflectionHandler.mapEVEVolumetrics (System.String celestialBodyName, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] EVEvolumetrics) [0x00156] in <684aa87c0d2345f8a9e4739403f4afff>:0
[LOG 19:19:54.687] [Scatterer][Debug] Raymarched volumetric clouds error on planet: KerbinSystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at scatterer.EVEReflectionHandler.mapEVEVolumetrics (System.String celestialBodyName, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] EVEvolumetrics) [0x00156] in <684aa87c0d2345f8a9e4739403f4afff>:0
[LOG 19:19:54.687] [Scatterer][Debug] Raymarched volumetric clouds error on planet: KerbinSystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at scatterer.EVEReflectionHandler.mapEVEVolumetrics (System.String celestialBodyName, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] EVEvolumetrics) [0x00156] in <684aa87c0d2345f8a9e4739403f4afff>:0
[LOG 19:19:54.687] [Scatterer][Debug]  Detected 1 EVE volumetric layers for planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:19:54.699] [UIApp] Adding AlarmClock to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:19:54.705] ScaleModList: listSize 656 maxListSize 892
[LOG 19:19:54.706] [UIApp] Adding ActionGroupsApp to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:19:54.711] ScaleModList: listSize 656 maxListSize 851
[LOG 19:19:54.711] [UIApp] Adding Missions App to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:19:54.718] ScaleModList: listSize 656 maxListSize 810
[LOG 19:19:54.719] [UIApp] Adding Contracts to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:19:54.724] ScaleModList: listSize 656 maxListSize 769
[LOG 19:19:54.724] CURRENCY WIDGET True True True
[LOG 19:19:54.724] [UIApp] Adding CurrencyWidgetsApp to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:19:54.728] ScaleModList: listSize 656 maxListSize 728
[LOG 19:19:54.793] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.2421565 536574
[LOG 19:19:54.806] [ActionGroupsApp] OnAppStarted(): id: -3059656
[LOG 19:19:54.807] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.2421565 536574
[LOG 19:19:54.808] [UIApp] Adding DeltaVApp to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:19:54.813] ScaleModList: listSize 656 maxListSize 687
[LOG 19:19:54.813] [MissionsApp] OnAppStarted(): id: -3059644
[LOG 19:19:54.813] MissionsApp does not execute in this game mode, destroying this instance
[LOG 19:19:54.813] [UIApp] OnDestroy: Missions App
[LOG 19:19:54.814] ScaleModList: listSize 656 maxListSize 687
[LOG 19:19:54.815] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.2421565 536574
[LOG 19:19:54.850] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.2821565 536575
[WRN 19:19:54.879] HighlightingSystem : Edge Highlighting requires AA to work!
[LOG 19:19:54.879] [UIApp] Adding Cargo to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:19:54.885] ScaleModList: listSize 656 maxListSize 687
[LOG 19:19:54.886] [UIApp] Adding Construction to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:19:54.893] ScaleModList: listSize 656 maxListSize 646
[LOG 19:19:54.893] [UIApp] Adding KSPedia to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:19:54.898] ScaleModList: listSize 656 maxListSize 573
[WRN 19:19:54.898] HighlightingSystem : Edge Highlighting requires AA to work!
[LOG 19:19:54.923] [ApplicationLauncher] SetHidden:
[LOG 19:19:54.928] ScaleModList: listSize 656 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:19:54.991] [FlightTracker]: OnVesselRollout fired
[LOG 19:19:54.991] [FlightTracker]: Checking for vessels that no longer exist
[LOG 19:19:54.997] Flight State Captured
[LOG 19:19:54.997] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 19:19:54.998] [Bureaucracy]: OnSave
[LOG 19:19:54.998] [Bureaucracy]: Saving Settings
[LOG 19:19:54.999] [Bureaucracy]: Settings Saved
[LOG 19:19:54.999] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnSave
[LOG 19:19:54.999] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:19:54.999] [Bureaucracy]: FacilityManager OnSave
[LOG 19:19:54.999] [Bureaucracy]: FacilityManager OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:19:54.999] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager OnSave
[LOG 19:19:54.999] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager OnSaveComplete
[LOG 19:19:54.999] [Bureaucracy]: CrewManager OnSave
[LOG 19:19:55.000] [Bureaucracy]: Crew Manager OnSaveComplete
[LOG 19:19:55.000] [Bureaucracy]: OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:19:55.001] 3/20/2023 7:19:55 PM,BackgroundResources,OnSave:
[LOG 19:19:55.007] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Started Saving
[LOG 19:19:55.007] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Done Saving
[LOG 19:19:55.007] [PR] Saving Data.
[LOG 19:19:55.009] [MessageSystem] Save Messages
[LOG 19:19:55.010] -INFO- Tac.AddLifeSupport[3EF05100][5702.01]: AddLifeSupport Constructor
[LOG 19:19:55.017] [BetterTimeWarp]: Settings saved
[LOG 19:19:55.022] Game State Saved as persistent
[LOG 19:19:55.583] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTDataTransmitter::OnLoad
[LOG 19:19:55.583] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTAntenna: Find TRANSMITTER success.
[LOG 19:19:55.583] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTAntenna: Add TRANSMITTER success.
[LOG 19:19:55.600] -INFO- Tac.LifeSupportController[FFD16EB8][5702.56]: Vessel Modified: Untitled Space Craft (4613d301-693b-455e-b873-e5b26ec65d72)
[LOG 19:19:55.601] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTDataTransmitter::OnLoad
[LOG 19:19:55.601] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTAntenna: Find TRANSMITTER success.
[LOG 19:19:55.601] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTAntenna: Add TRANSMITTER success.
[LOG 19:19:55.617] -INFO- Tac.LifeSupportController[FFD16EB8][5702.56]: Vessel Modified: Untitled Space Craft (4613d301-693b-455e-b873-e5b26ec65d72)
[LOG 19:19:56.166] [Untitled Space Craft]: ground contact! - error. Moving Vessel  down -0.197m
[LOG 19:19:56.166] Unpacking Untitled Space Craft
[LOG 19:19:56.185] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI
[LOG 19:21:54.597] [BetterBurnTime] Current celestial body set to Kerbin
[LOG 19:21:54.597] [BetterBurnTime] Geosync altitude: 2863.334 km
[LOG 19:21:59.272] [Experiments]: Setting FX Modules to 1...
[LOG 19:21:59.272] [Experiments]: FX Modules set: 1
[LOG 19:22:02.805] [Experiments]: Setting FX Modules to 1...
[LOG 19:22:02.805] [Experiments]: FX Modules set: 1
[LOG 19:22:04.357] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTDataTransmitter::OnSave
[LOG 19:22:04.358] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTDataTransmitter::OnSave
[LOG 19:22:04.358] Flight State Captured
[LOG 19:22:04.361] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 19:22:04.362] [Bureaucracy]: OnSave
[LOG 19:22:04.362] [Bureaucracy]: Saving Settings
[LOG 19:22:04.364] [Bureaucracy]: Settings Saved
[LOG 19:22:04.364] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnSave
[LOG 19:22:04.364] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:22:04.364] [Bureaucracy]: FacilityManager OnSave
[LOG 19:22:04.364] [Bureaucracy]: FacilityManager OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:22:04.364] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager OnSave
[LOG 19:22:04.364] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager OnSaveComplete
[LOG 19:22:04.364] [Bureaucracy]: CrewManager OnSave
[LOG 19:22:04.365] [Bureaucracy]: Crew Manager OnSaveComplete
[LOG 19:22:04.365] [Bureaucracy]: OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:22:04.367] 3/20/2023 7:22:04 PM,BackgroundResources,OnSave:
[LOG 19:22:04.382] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Started Saving
[LOG 19:22:04.383] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Done Saving
[LOG 19:22:04.383] [PR] Saving Data.
[LOG 19:22:04.384] [MessageSystem] Save Messages
[LOG 19:22:04.386] -INFO- Tac.AddLifeSupport[A30AAE00][5829.20]: AddLifeSupport Constructor
[LOG 19:22:04.393] [BetterTimeWarp]: Settings saved
[LOG 19:22:04.398] Game State Saved to saves/BAerospace/persistent
[LOG 19:22:04.399] -INFO- Tac.LifeSupportController[FFD16EB8][5829.20]: Game scene load requested: SPACECENTER
[LOG 19:22:04.421] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:04.421] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[FFD16EBA][5829.20]: Game scene load requested: SPACECENTER
[LOG 19:22:04.421] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay] Load Requested
[LOG 19:22:04.421] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay]: Removing body fields
[LOG 19:22:04.422] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:04.422] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5829.20]: Game scene load requested: SPACECENTER
[LOG 19:22:04.422] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5829.20]: Game scene load requested: SPACECENTER
[LOG 19:22:04.501] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5829.20]: Game scene load requested: SPACECENTER
[LOG 19:22:04.501] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5829.20]: Game scene load requested: SPACECENTER
[LOG 19:22:04.501] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5829.20]: Game scene load requested: SPACECENTER
[LOG 19:22:04.501] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5829.20]: Game scene load requested: SPACECENTER
[LOG 19:22:04.502] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5829.20]: Game scene load requested: SPACECENTER
[LOG 19:22:04.503] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:04.504] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:04.505] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:04.505] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:04.505] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:04.506] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:04.506] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[WRN 19:22:04.512] File 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/AtmosphereAutopilot/designs/Untitled Space Craft.txt' does not exist
[LOG 19:22:04.518] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: cleaning modules hash table
[LOG 19:22:04.553] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Karen_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Karen_normal.dds
[LOG 19:22:04.554] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Karen
[LOG 19:22:04.554] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Plock_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Plock_normal.dds
[LOG 19:22:04.554] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Plock
[LOG 19:22:04.554] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Nissee_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Nissee_normal.dds
[LOG 19:22:04.554] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Nissee
[LOG 19:22:04.554] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Thatmo_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Thatmo_normal.dds
[LOG 19:22:04.555] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Thatmo
[LOG 19:22:04.555] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Neidon_color.dds and
[LOG 19:22:04.555] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Tal_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Tal_normal.dds
[LOG 19:22:04.555] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Tal
[LOG 19:22:04.555] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Wal_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Wal_normal.dds
[LOG 19:22:04.555] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Wal
[LOG 19:22:04.555] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Priax_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Priax_normal.dds
[LOG 19:22:04.555] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Priax
[LOG 19:22:04.555] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Polta_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Polta_normal.dds
[LOG 19:22:04.555] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Polta
[LOG 19:22:04.555] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Urlum_color.dds and
[LOG 19:22:04.555] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Tekto_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Tekto_normal.dds
[LOG 19:22:04.555] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Tekto
[LOG 19:22:04.555] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Slate_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Slate_normal.dds
[LOG 19:22:04.556] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Slate
[LOG 19:22:04.556] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Eeloo_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Eeloo_normal.dds
[LOG 19:22:04.556] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Eeloo
[LOG 19:22:04.556] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Ovok_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Ovok_normal.dds
[LOG 19:22:04.556] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Ovok
[LOG 19:22:04.556] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Hale_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Hale_normal.dds
[LOG 19:22:04.556] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Hale
[LOG 19:22:04.556] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Sarnus_color.dds and
[LOG 19:22:04.557] [UIMasterController]: HideUI
[LOG 19:22:04.574] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[FFD16EBA][5829.20]: OnDestroy
[LOG 19:22:04.582] [RemoteTech] FlightComputer: Dispose
[WRN 19:22:04.584] [3/20/2023 7:22:04 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (Config) - SettingsFile: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/..//GameData/[x]_Science!/PluginData/settings.cfg
[LOG 19:22:04.584] [3/20/2023 7:22:04 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (Config) - Saving toC:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/..//GameData/[x]_Science!/PluginData/settings.cfg
[WRN 19:22:04.584] [3/20/2023 7:22:04 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (Config) - SettingsFile: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/..//GameData/[x]_Science!/PluginData/settings.cfg
[WRN 19:22:04.585] [3/20/2023 7:22:04 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (Config) - SettingsFile: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/..//GameData/[x]_Science!/PluginData/settings.cfg
[LOG 19:22:04.585] [3/20/2023 7:22:04 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (Config) - Saving toC:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/..//GameData/[x]_Science!/PluginData/settings.cfg
[WRN 19:22:04.585] [3/20/2023 7:22:04 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (Config) - SettingsFile: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/..//GameData/[x]_Science!/PluginData/settings.cfg
[LOG 19:22:04.586] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From FLIGHT to SPACECENTER (Async) =====================
[LOG 19:22:05.224] [EVE CloudsManager]: Disable clouds when camera: 68.88914 layer: 6500
[WRN 19:22:05.246] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Karen'
[WRN 19:22:05.267] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Plock'
[WRN 19:22:05.287] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Nissee'
[WRN 19:22:05.306] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Thatmo'
[WRN 19:22:05.326] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Tal'
[WRN 19:22:05.348] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Wal'
[WRN 19:22:05.367] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Priax'
[WRN 19:22:05.387] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Polta'
[WRN 19:22:05.406] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Tekto'
[WRN 19:22:05.426] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Slate'
[WRN 19:22:05.464] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Ovok'
[WRN 19:22:05.483] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Hale'
[LOG 19:22:05.738] -INFO- Tac.LifeSupportController[FFD16EB8][5829.20]: OnDestroy
[LOG 19:22:05.738] [Trajectories] Saving settings
[LOG 19:22:07.140] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:07.141] KbApp.OnDestroy Planet Parameters
[LOG 19:22:07.146] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:07.147] KbApp.OnDestroy Planet Info
[LOG 19:22:07.152] [RemoteTech] ModuleSPU: OnDestroy [Untitled Space Craft]
[LOG 19:22:07.152] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTAntennaPassive: OnDestroy
[LOG 19:22:07.153] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTAntenna: OnDestroy
[LOG 19:22:07.153] [RemoteTech] ModuleSPUPassive: OnDestroy
[LOG 19:22:07.153] [RemoteTech] ModuleRTAntenna: OnDestroy
[LOG 19:22:07.153] [RemoteTech] ModuleSPUPassive: OnDestroy
[LOG 19:22:07.153] [UIApp] OnDestroy: KSPedia
[LOG 19:22:07.153] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:07.153] [UIApp] OnDestroy: ManeuverTool
[LOG 19:22:07.153] [UIApp] OnDestroy: ResourceDisplay
[LOG 19:22:07.153] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:07.154] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:07.154] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:07.159] [UIApp] OnDestroy: Construction
[LOG 19:22:07.159] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:07.159] KbApp.OnDestroy Planet Resources
[LOG 19:22:07.159] [UIApp] OnDestroy: DeltaVApp
[LOG 19:22:07.159] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:07.172] KbApp.OnDestroy Unowned Info
[LOG 19:22:07.173] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:07.182] [FlightEngineer]: Destroying Floating Window for HUD 1
[LOG 19:22:07.182] [FlightEngineer]: Destroying Floating Window for HUD 2
[LOG 19:22:07.183] [Bureaucracy]: No Events to Unregister for Budget
[LOG 19:22:07.183] [Bureaucracy]: No Events to Unregister for Research
[LOG 19:22:07.183] [Bureaucracy]: No Events to Unregister for Blank Manager
[LOG 19:22:07.183] KbApp.OnDestroy NullName
[LOG 19:22:07.185] [Scatterer][Debug] Effects unloaded for Kerbin
[LOG 19:22:07.208] [Scatterer][Debug] No changes to main config, skipping saving.
[LOG 19:22:07.208] [UIApp] OnDestroy: CurrencyWidgetsApp
[LOG 19:22:07.208] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:07.211] [Waterfall][UI]: OnDestroy Fired
[LOG 19:22:07.211] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:07.211] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:07.211] KbApp.OnDestroy Vessel Info
[LOG 19:22:07.211] [UIApp] OnDestroy: AlarmClock
[LOG 19:22:07.211] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:07.211] [UIApp] OnDestroy: Cargo
[LOG 19:22:07.211] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:07.211] [UIApp] OnDestroy: Contracts
[LOG 19:22:07.211] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:07.211] [UIApp] OnDestroy: ActionGroupsApp
[LOG 19:22:07.211] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:07.213] KbApp.OnDestroy Vessel Crew
[LOG 19:22:07.218] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KerbalActuators:WBIVTOLManager instance is owning a onVesselChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.218] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onVesselChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.218] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onVesselChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.218] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onVesselChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.218] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KerbalActuators:WBIVTOLManager instance is owning a onVesselChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.218] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onVesselChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.218] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onVesselChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.219] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KerbalActuators:WBIVTOLManager instance is owning a onVesselLoaded GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.219] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KerbalActuators:WBIVTOLManager instance is owning a onVesselLoaded GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.219] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KerbalActuators:WBIVTOLManager instance is owning a onStageActivate GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.220] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KerbalActuators:WBIVTOLManager instance is owning a onStageActivate GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.220] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.220] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.220] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.220] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed scatterer:RenderTypeFixer instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.220] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed scatterer:RenderTypeFixer instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.220] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.220] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.220] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.220] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.220] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.220] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed scatterer:RenderTypeFixer instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.221] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed RealChute:RCToolbarManager instance is owning a onGameSceneSwitchRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.221] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed CustomBarnKit:CustomBarnKit instance is owning a onNewGameLevelLoadRequestWasSanctionedAndActioned GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.221] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Removed a onPlanetariumTargetChange GameEvents callback owned by a destroyed Assembly-CSharp:OverlayGenerator instance
[LOG 19:22:07.221] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a OnMapEntered GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.221] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Removed a OnMapExited GameEvents callback owned by a destroyed Assembly-CSharp:NavBallToggle instance
[LOG 19:22:07.221] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a OnMapExited GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.221] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Removed a onGameStateLoad GameEvents callback owned by a destroyed Assembly-CSharp:OverlayGenerator instance
[LOG 19:22:07.221] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Removed a OnGameSettingsApplied GameEvents callback owned by a destroyed Assembly-CSharp:VesselAutopilotUI instance
[LOG 19:22:07.221] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onPartRemove GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.221] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onPartRemove GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.221] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onPartRemove GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.222] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Removed a onPartActionUICreate GameEvents callback owned by a destroyed RemoteTech:ModuleRTAntenna instance
[LOG 19:22:07.222] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Removed a onPartActionUICreate GameEvents callback owned by a destroyed RemoteTech:ModuleRTAntenna instance
[LOG 19:22:07.222] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Removed a onPartActionUIDismiss GameEvents callback owned by a destroyed RemoteTech:ModuleRTAntenna instance
[LOG 19:22:07.222] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Removed a onPartActionUIDismiss GameEvents callback owned by a destroyed RemoteTech:ModuleRTAntenna instance
[LOG 19:22:07.222] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Strategia:StrategyNotifier instance is owning a onFacilityContextMenuSpawn GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.222] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Strategia:StrategyNotifier instance is owning a onFacilityContextMenuSpawn GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.222] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Strategia:StrategyNotifier instance is owning a onFacilityContextMenuSpawn GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.222] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Strategia:StrategyNotifier instance is owning a onFacilityContextMenuSpawn GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.222] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Strategia:StrategyNotifier instance is owning a onFacilityContextMenuSpawn GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.222] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KRASH:UICLASS instance is owning a OnHideUI GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.223] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KRASH:UICLASS instance is owning a OnShowUI GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.223] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KerbalActuators:WBIVTOLAppButton instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.223] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KerbalActuators:WBIVTOLAppButton instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.223] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed RealChute:RCToolbarManager instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.223] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.223] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:ReactorToolbar instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.223] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.223] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.223] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.223] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.223] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.223] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.223] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:ReactorToolbar instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.223] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.223] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.223] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.223] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Waterfall:WaterfallUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.223] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.223] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:ReactorToolbar instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.223] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.223] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed NearFutureElectrical:ReactorUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.224] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed NearFutureElectrical:DischargeCapacitorUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.224] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:DynamicBatteryStorageUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.224] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.224] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:DynamicBatteryStorageUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.224] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.224] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.224] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.224] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:DynamicBatteryStorageUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.224] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Waterfall:WaterfallUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.224] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.224] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:ReactorToolbar instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.224] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.224] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed NearFutureElectrical:ReactorUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.224] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed NearFutureElectrical:DischargeCapacitorUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.224] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:DynamicBatteryStorageUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.224] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.224] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:DynamicBatteryStorageUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.224] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.224] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed RealChute:RCToolbarManager instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.224] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed RealChute:RCToolbarManager instance is owning a onGUIEditorToolbarReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.225] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KAX:BaseFilter instance is owning a onGUIEditorToolbarReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.225] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatEngineerReport instance is owning a onGUIEngineersReportReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.225] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatEngineerReport instance is owning a onGUIEngineersReportReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.225] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatEngineerReport instance is owning a onGUIEngineersReportReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.225] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatEngineerReport instance is owning a onGUIEngineersReportDestroy GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.225] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatEngineerReport instance is owning a onGUIEngineersReportDestroy GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.225] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatEngineerReport instance is owning a onGUIEngineersReportDestroy GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.225] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorShipModified GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.225] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorShipModified GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.225] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorShipModified GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.225] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorScreenChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.225] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorScreenChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.225] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorScreenChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.225] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.225] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.225] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.225] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.225] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.225] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.225] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed CustomBarnKit:CustomBarnKit instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.225] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorLoad GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.226] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorLoad GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.226] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorLoad GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.226] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorLoad GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.226] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorLoad GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.226] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorLoad GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.226] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorStarted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.226] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorStarted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.226] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorStarted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.226] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorStarted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.226] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorStarted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.226] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorStarted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.226] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorPartPicked GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.226] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorPartPicked GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.226] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorPartPicked GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.226] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorPodDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.226] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorPodDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.226] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorPodDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.226] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorPartDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.226] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorPartDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.226] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorPartDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.226] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorPartDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.227] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorPartDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.227] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorPartDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.227] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Scale.PartDB.19x:GameEventEditorVariantAppliedListener instance is owning a onEditorVariantApplied GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.227] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Scale.PartDB.19x:GameEventEditorVariantAppliedListener instance is owning a onEditorVariantApplied GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.227] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Scale.PartDB.19x:GameEventEditorVariantAppliedListener instance is owning a onEditorVariantApplied GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.227] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Scale.PartDB.19x:GameEventEditorVariantAppliedListener instance is owning a onEditorVariantApplied GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.227] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Scale.PartDB.19x:GameEventEditorVariantAppliedListener instance is owning a onEditorVariantApplied GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.227] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Removed a OnEVAConstructionMode GameEvents callback owned by a destroyed Assembly-CSharp:ModuleCargoPart instance
[LOG 19:22:07.227] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Removed a OnEVAConstructionMode GameEvents callback owned by a destroyed Assembly-CSharp:ModuleCargoPart instance
[LOG 19:22:07.227] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Removed a OnEVAConstructionMode GameEvents callback owned by a destroyed Assembly-CSharp:ModuleCargoPart instance
[LOG 19:22:07.227] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Removed a OnEVAConstructionMode GameEvents callback owned by a destroyed Assembly-CSharp:ModuleCargoPart instance
[LOG 19:22:07.228] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Removed a OnEVAConstructionMode GameEvents callback owned by a destroyed Assembly-CSharp:ModuleCargoPart instance
[LOG 19:22:07.228] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Removed a OnEVAConstructionMode GameEvents callback owned by a destroyed Assembly-CSharp:ModuleCargoPart instance
[LOG 19:22:07.228] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Removed a OnEVAConstructionMode GameEvents callback owned by a destroyed Assembly-CSharp:ModuleCargoPart instance
[LOG 19:22:07.228] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Removed a OnEVAConstructionMode GameEvents callback owned by a destroyed Assembly-CSharp:ModuleCargoPart instance
[LOG 19:22:07.228] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Removed a OnEVAConstructionMode GameEvents callback owned by a destroyed Assembly-CSharp:ModuleCargoPart instance
[LOG 19:22:07.228] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Removed a OnEVAConstructionMode GameEvents callback owned by a destroyed Assembly-CSharp:ModuleCargoPart instance
[LOG 19:22:07.229] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Kopernicus:Injector instance is owning a OnPSystemReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:22:07.229] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Removed a OnClick GameEvents callback owned by a destroyed Assembly-CSharp:EVAConstructionModeEditor instance
[LOG 19:22:07.229] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Leaving scene "Flight", cleaned 46 memory leaks in 0.012s. GameEvents callbacks : 2276. Allocated memory : 2.05 GiB (managed heap), 5.495 GiB (unmanaged)
[LOG 19:22:07.972] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'NyanSkyBox' from assembly 'SigmaReplacementsSkyBox'
[LOG 19:22:07.975] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'TitleTrackerHelper' from assembly 'ContractConfigurator'
[LOG 19:22:07.976] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RTDebugUnit' from assembly 'RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:22:07.976] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RemoteTechAssistant' from assembly 'CC_RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:22:07.977] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'DynamicBatteryStorage' from assembly 'DynamicBatteryStorage'
[LOG 19:22:07.977] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'GlobalEVEManager' from assembly 'EVEManager'
[LOG 19:22:07.981] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:22:07.981] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'AtmosphereFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:22:07.982] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SinkingBugFix' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:22:07.982] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ShadowMan' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:22:07.982] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:22:07.987] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:22:07.988] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Scatterer' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:22:07.988] [Scatterer][Debug] Core instance created
[LOG 19:22:07.988] [Scatterer][Info] Version:0.0838
[LOG 19:22:07.988] [Scatterer][Info] Running on: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] on Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
[LOG 19:22:07.988] [Scatterer][Info] Game resolution: 2560x1440
[LOG 19:22:07.988] [Scatterer][Info] Compute shader support: True
[LOG 19:22:07.988] [Scatterer][Info] Async GPU readback support: True
[LOG 19:22:07.988] [Scatterer][Info] Using depth buffer mode: True
[LOG 19:22:08.003] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Kerbin. TransformName: Kerbin
[LOG 19:22:08.003] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Kerbin, actual ingame name: Kerbin
[LOG 19:22:08.003] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Duna. TransformName: Duna
[LOG 19:22:08.003] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Duna, actual ingame name: Duna
[LOG 19:22:08.003] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Laythe. TransformName: Laythe
[LOG 19:22:08.003] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Laythe, actual ingame name: Laythe
[LOG 19:22:08.003] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Jool. TransformName: Jool
[LOG 19:22:08.003] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Jool, actual ingame name: Jool
[LOG 19:22:08.003] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Eve. TransformName: Eve
[LOG 19:22:08.003] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Eve, actual ingame name: Eve
[LOG 19:22:08.003] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Sarnus. TransformName: Sarnus
[LOG 19:22:08.003] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Sarnus, actual ingame name: Sarnus
[LOG 19:22:08.003] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Tekto. TransformName: Tekto
[LOG 19:22:08.004] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Tekto, actual ingame name: Tekto
[LOG 19:22:08.004] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Urlum. TransformName: Urlum
[LOG 19:22:08.004] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Urlum, actual ingame name: Urlum
[LOG 19:22:08.004] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Neidon. TransformName: Neidon
[LOG 19:22:08.004] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Neidon, actual ingame name: Neidon
[LOG 19:22:08.004] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Thatmo. TransformName: Thatmo
[LOG 19:22:08.004] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Thatmo, actual ingame name: Thatmo
[LOG 19:22:08.004] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:22:08.005] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'PersistentEmitterManager' from assembly 'SmokeScreen'
[LOG 19:22:08.005] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceDust' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:22:08.006] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'CurrencyPopup' from assembly 'Strategia'
[LOG 19:22:08.007] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SystemHeat' from assembly 'SystemHeat'
[LOG 19:22:08.008] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Waterfall' from assembly 'Waterfall'
[LOG 19:22:08.009] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'EVARepairsAppButton' from assembly 'EVARepairs'
[LOG 19:22:08.010] [UIMasterController]: HideUI
[LOG 19:22:13.156] [Scatterer][Debug] No changes to main config, skipping saving.
[LOG 19:22:13.921] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'CustomConfigsManager' from assembly 'ModuleManager'
[LOG 19:22:13.921] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'CBTGlobalMonitor' from assembly 'ClickThroughBlocker'
[LOG 19:22:13.921] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ClearInputLocks' from assembly 'ClickThroughBlocker'
[LOG 19:22:13.921] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'OneTimePopup' from assembly 'ClickThroughBlocker'
[LOG 19:22:13.922] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SceneChangeCleanup' from assembly 'ClickThroughBlocker'
[LOG 19:22:13.924] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceCentreHelper' from assembly 'Refunding'
[LOG 19:22:13.924] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceCenterAstrogator' from assembly 'Astrogator'
[LOG 19:22:13.925] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'NyanSkyBox' from assembly 'SigmaReplacementsSkyBox'
[LOG 19:22:13.949] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'KSCTriggers' from assembly 'SigmaReplacementsSkyBox'
[LOG 19:22:13.951] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ManageSaves' from assembly 'BetterLoadSaveGame'
[LOG 19:22:13.951] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Main' from assembly 'BetterLoadSaveGame'
[LOG 19:22:13.951] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'BankOfKerbinSc' from assembly 'Bureaucracy'
[LOG 19:22:13.951] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'BureaucracySpaceCentre' from assembly 'Bureaucracy'
[LOG 19:22:13.951] [Bureaucracy]: Loading Settings
[LOG 19:22:13.952] [Bureaucracy]: Settings Loaded
[LOG 19:22:13.952] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager is ready
[LOG 19:22:13.953] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility Administration
[LOG 19:22:13.953] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility AstronautComplex
[LOG 19:22:13.953] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility LaunchPad
[LOG 19:22:13.953] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility MissionControl
[LOG 19:22:13.953] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility ResearchAndDevelopment
[LOG 19:22:13.953] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility Runway
[LOG 19:22:13.953] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility TrackingStation
[LOG 19:22:13.953] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility SpaceplaneHangar
[LOG 19:22:13.953] [Bureaucracy]: Setup Facility VehicleAssemblyBuilding
[LOG 19:22:13.953] [Bureaucracy]: Checking For ResearchBodies
[LOG 19:22:13.953] [Bureaucracy]: Did not find ResearchBodies
[LOG 19:22:13.953] [Bureaucracy]: Facility Manager Ready
[LOG 19:22:13.953] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager Ready
[LOG 19:22:13.953] [Bureaucracy]: New CrewMember setup: Jebediah Kerman
[LOG 19:22:13.953] [Bureaucracy]: New CrewMember setup: Bill Kerman
[LOG 19:22:13.953] [Bureaucracy]: New CrewMember setup: Bob Kerman
[LOG 19:22:13.953] [Bureaucracy]: New CrewMember setup: Valentina Kerman
[LOG 19:22:13.953] [Bureaucracy]: Crew Manager Ready
[LOG 19:22:13.953] [Bureaucracy]: Awake
[LOG 19:22:13.953] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'AstronautComplexOverride' from assembly 'Bureaucracy'
[LOG 19:22:13.954] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'FacilityMenuOverride' from assembly 'Bureaucracy'
[LOG 19:22:13.954] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RandomEventLoader' from assembly 'Bureaucracy'
[LOG 19:22:13.954] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'TimerScriptSpaceCentre' from assembly 'Bureaucracy'
[LOG 19:22:13.954] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'UiControllerSpaceCentre' from assembly 'Bureaucracy'
[LOG 19:22:13.955] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'MissionControlUI' from assembly 'ContractConfigurator'
[LOG 19:22:13.955] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'TitleTrackerHelper' from assembly 'ContractConfigurator'
[LOG 19:22:13.956] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RTDebugUnit' from assembly 'RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:22:13.956] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RTCoreSpaceCenter' from assembly 'RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:22:13.956] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RTSpaceCentre' from assembly 'RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:22:13.956] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RemoteTechAssistant' from assembly 'CC_RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:22:13.957] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'CustomBarnKit' from assembly 'CustomBarnKit'
[LOG 19:22:13.957] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ReentryPhysics' from assembly 'DeadlyReentry'
[LOG 19:22:13.957] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'DynamicBatteryStorage' from assembly 'DynamicBatteryStorage'
[LOG 19:22:13.958] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'GlobalEVEManager' from assembly 'EVEManager'
[LOG 19:22:13.959] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ChangeTechTree' from assembly 'HideEmptyTechTreeNodes'
[LOG 19:22:13.960] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ChangeTechTreeVisuals' from assembly 'HideEmptyTechTreeNodes'
[LOG 19:22:13.961] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ChangelogAddonSpaceCenter' from assembly 'KerbalChangelog'
[LOG 19:22:13.962] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'FlightEngineerCore' from assembly 'KerbalEngineer'
[LOG 19:22:13.962] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:22:13.963] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'AtmosphereFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:22:13.963] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SinkingBugFix' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:22:13.963] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ShadowMan' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:22:13.963] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:22:13.966] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'PatchManagerClass' from assembly 'PatchManager'
[LOG 19:22:13.968] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SCANtoolbar' from assembly 'SCANsat'
[LOG 19:22:13.970] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:22:13.970] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Scatterer' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:22:13.970] [Scatterer][Debug] Core instance created
[LOG 19:22:13.970] [Scatterer][Info] Version:0.0838
[LOG 19:22:13.970] [Scatterer][Info] Running on: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] on Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
[LOG 19:22:13.970] [Scatterer][Info] Game resolution: 2560x1440
[LOG 19:22:13.970] [Scatterer][Info] Compute shader support: True
[LOG 19:22:13.970] [Scatterer][Info] Async GPU readback support: True
[LOG 19:22:13.970] [Scatterer][Info] Using depth buffer mode: True
[LOG 19:22:13.986] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Kerbin. TransformName: Kerbin
[LOG 19:22:13.986] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Kerbin, actual ingame name: Kerbin
[LOG 19:22:13.986] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Duna. TransformName: Duna
[LOG 19:22:13.986] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Duna, actual ingame name: Duna
[LOG 19:22:13.986] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Laythe. TransformName: Laythe
[LOG 19:22:13.986] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Laythe, actual ingame name: Laythe
[LOG 19:22:13.986] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Jool. TransformName: Jool
[LOG 19:22:13.987] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Jool, actual ingame name: Jool
[LOG 19:22:13.987] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Eve. TransformName: Eve
[LOG 19:22:13.987] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Eve, actual ingame name: Eve
[LOG 19:22:13.987] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Sarnus. TransformName: Sarnus
[LOG 19:22:13.987] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Sarnus, actual ingame name: Sarnus
[LOG 19:22:13.987] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Tekto. TransformName: Tekto
[LOG 19:22:13.987] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Tekto, actual ingame name: Tekto
[LOG 19:22:13.987] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Urlum. TransformName: Urlum
[LOG 19:22:13.987] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Urlum, actual ingame name: Urlum
[LOG 19:22:13.987] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Neidon. TransformName: Neidon
[LOG 19:22:13.987] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Neidon, actual ingame name: Neidon
[LOG 19:22:13.987] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Thatmo. TransformName: Thatmo
[LOG 19:22:13.987] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Thatmo, actual ingame name: Thatmo
[LOG 19:22:13.987] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:22:13.988] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'PersistentEmitterManager' from assembly 'SmokeScreen'
[LOG 19:22:13.989] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceDustInstruments' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:22:13.989] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'MapOverlay' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:22:13.989] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarUI' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:22:13.989] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceDust' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:22:13.989] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceDustResourceMap' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:22:13.990] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'StageRecovery' from assembly 'StageRecovery'
[LOG 19:22:13.991] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'AdminResizer' from assembly 'Strategia'
[LOG 19:22:13.991] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'DepartmentFixer' from assembly 'Strategia'
[LOG 19:22:13.991] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'CurrencyPopup' from assembly 'Strategia'
[LOG 19:22:13.992] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SystemHeat' from assembly 'SystemHeat'
[LOG 19:22:13.993] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Waterfall' from assembly 'Waterfall'
[LOG 19:22:13.994] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'EVARepairsAppButton' from assembly 'EVARepairs'
[LOG 19:22:15.725] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-MainClouds) OnSphereActive
[LOG 19:22:15.725] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:22:15.725] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-Auroras) OnSphereActive
[LOG 19:22:15.725] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:22:15.725] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-CirrusClouds) OnSphereActive
[LOG 19:22:15.725] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:22:15.725] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-Lightning) OnSphereActive
[LOG 19:22:15.726] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:22:15.845] [UIMasterController]: HideUI
[LOG 19:22:17.633] [SceneLoadSpeedBoost] Save loaded from cache in 0ms
[LOG 19:22:17.647] GetSubclassesOfParentClass: Using cached results for AlarmTypeBase
[LOG 19:22:17.647] GetSubclassesOfParentClass: Using cached results for AlarmTypeBase
[LOG 19:22:17.648] Loading Depletion Nodes
[LOG 19:22:17.648] DepNodeCount:  0
[LOG 19:22:17.648] Loading Biome Nodes
[LOG 19:22:17.648] BiomeNodeCount:  0
[LOG 19:22:17.648] Loading Planet Nodes
[LOG 19:22:17.648] PlanetNodeCount:  0
[LOG 19:22:17.652] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Loading... 0 objects registered
[LOG 19:22:17.652] [ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities]: Loading... 0 objects registered
[LOG 19:22:17.668] [Bureaucracy]: OnLoad
[LOG 19:22:17.668] [Bureaucracy]: Loading Settings
[LOG 19:22:17.669] [Bureaucracy]: Settings Loaded
[LOG 19:22:17.669] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnLoad
[LOG 19:22:17.669] [Bureaucracy]: Next Budget at 648481.2
[LOG 19:22:17.669] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnLoad Complete
[LOG 19:22:17.669] [Bureaucracy]: FacilityManager OnLoad
[LOG 19:22:17.669] [Bureaucracy]: FacilityManager OnLoadComplete
[LOG 19:22:17.669] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager OnLoad
[LOG 19:22:17.670] [Bureaucracy]: Crew Manager OnLoad
[LOG 19:22:17.670] [Bureaucracy]: Crew Manager OnLoad Complete
[LOG 19:22:17.670] [Bureaucracy]: OnLoad Complete
[LOG 19:22:17.686] [KPBS] updateFilterSettings
[LOG 19:22:17.688] 3/20/2023 7:22:17 PM,BackgroundResources,OnAwake in SPACECENTER
[LOG 19:22:17.688] 3/20/2023 7:22:17 PM,BackgroundResources,BackgroundProcessed Awake
[LOG 19:22:17.688] 3/20/2023 7:22:17 PM,BackgroundResources,OnLoad:
[LOG 19:22:17.689] [SCANsat] SCANsat Controller: Loading 0 known vessels
[LOG 19:22:17.689] [SCANsat] SCANsat Controller: Loading map for Kerbin
[LOG 19:22:17.692] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Awake
[LOG 19:22:17.692] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Started Loading
[LOG 19:22:17.693] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Done Loading
[LOG 19:22:17.693] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[FFD0B654][5829.24]: OnAwake in SPACECENTER
[LOG 19:22:17.693] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[FFD0B654][5829.24]: Adding SpaceCenterManager
[LOG 19:22:17.693] -INFO- Tac.SpaceCenterManager[FFD0B652][5829.24]: Awake
[LOG 19:22:17.693] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[FFD0B654][5829.24]: Adding LifeSupportController
[LOG 19:22:17.693] -INFO- Tac.LifeSupportController[FFD0B650][5829.24]: Awake
[LOG 19:22:17.706] -INFO- Tac.TACEditorFilter[FFE21B72][5829.24]: TACLS EditorFilter Setup
[LOG 19:22:17.706] -INFO- Tac.TACEditorFilter[FFE21B72][5829.24]: TACLS EditorFilter TacMMCallBack
[LOG 19:22:17.707] -INFO- Tac.TACEditorFilter[FFE21B72][5829.24]: TACLS EditorFilter TacMMCallBack end
[LOG 19:22:17.732] [CustomConfigsManager] Setting modded tech tree as the active one
[LOG 19:22:17.737] [Bureaucracy]: Checking for KCT
[LOG 19:22:17.738] [Bureaucracy]: KCT not found
[LOG 19:22:17.741] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:17.741] [DRE] - ReentryPhysics.Start(): LoadSettings(), Difficulty: Default
[LOG 19:22:17.744] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: [Settings]: Started loading
[LOG 19:22:17.745] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: [Settings]: Located settings file
[LOG 19:22:17.745] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: [Settings]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:22:17.745] [HETTN] Repopulating instanced TechTree Node...
[LOG 19:22:17.745] [HETTN] GameData\HideEmptyTechTreeNodes\Resources\HETTN.TechTree
[LOG 19:22:17.797] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:17.801] PatchManager: PatchManager loaded configs, count: 1
[LOG 19:22:17.801] PatchManager: modname: B9 PWings, patchName: High Speed Controls, srcPath: B9_Aerospace_ProceduralWings/PatchManager/PluginData/HighSpeedControls.cfg, installedWithMod: False, destPath: GameData/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches, activePatchPath: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/B9_PWings_HighSpeedControls.cfg,  enabled: False
[LOG 19:22:17.802] ScaleModList: listSize 615 maxListSize 614
[LOG 19:22:17.803] [SpaceDust][Settings]: SystemHeat detected. Thermal considerations will be active for harvesters
[LOG 19:22:17.803] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Started loading
[LOG 19:22:17.806] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Game Scale is 1
[LOG 19:22:17.806] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Resources configured as visible are Oxidizer, LiquidFuel, XenonGas, Antimatter, LqdHe3, LqdDeuterium, ArgonGas, LqdHydrogen
[LOG 19:22:17.807] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:22:17.809] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added XenonSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:22:17.809] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added OxidizerSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:22:17.809] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added LiquidFuelSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:22:17.809] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added ArgonSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:22:17.809] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added HydrogenSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:22:17.809] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Added DeuteriumSpectrometer to database
[LOG 19:22:17.809] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustInstruments]: Loaded 6 telescope instruments
[LOG 19:22:17.812] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 43 resource distributions
[LOG 19:22:17.812] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 6 resource distributions for Sarnus
[LOG 19:22:17.812] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Eeloo
[LOG 19:22:17.812] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 3 resource distributions for Tekto
[LOG 19:22:17.813] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 6 resource distributions for Urlum
[LOG 19:22:17.813] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Wal
[LOG 19:22:17.813] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Tal
[LOG 19:22:17.813] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 6 resource distributions for Neidon
[LOG 19:22:17.813] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 2 resource distributions for Thatmo
[LOG 19:22:17.813] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 5 resource distributions for Kerbin
[LOG 19:22:17.813] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 5 resource distributions for Jool
[LOG 19:22:17.813] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 2 resource distributions for Laythe
[LOG 19:22:17.813] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 3 resource distributions for Eve
[LOG 19:22:17.813] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Duna
[LOG 19:22:17.813] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustResourceMap]: Loaded 1 resource distributions for Sun
[LOG 19:22:17.815] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Started loading
[LOG 19:22:17.815] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Located settings file
[LOG 19:22:17.817] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Loading coolant types
[LOG 19:22:17.819] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Loaded coolant Basic Coolant: Density 1000, heat Capacity 4
[LOG 19:22:17.819] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Loaded coolant types
[LOG 19:22:17.819] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:22:17.819] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Started loading
[LOG 19:22:17.819] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loading models
[LOG 19:22:17.822] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loaded 12 models
[LOG 19:22:17.822] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loading textures
[LOG 19:22:17.824] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loaded 27 textures
[LOG 19:22:17.824] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loading shaders
[LOG 19:22:17.826] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loaded 11 shaders
[LOG 19:22:17.826] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:22:17.929] -INFO- Tac.LifeSupportController[FFD0B650][5829.20]: Start
[WRN 19:22:17.931] DontDestroyOnLoad only works for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects.
[WRN 19:22:17.931] DontDestroyOnLoad only works for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects.
[LOG 19:22:17.931] [Kopernicus] Using Kopernicus Asteroid Spawner.
[LOG 19:22:19.127] [SCANsat] Loading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Kerbin
[LOG 19:22:19.131] -INFO- Tac.SpaceCenterManager[FFD0B652][5829.20]: Start, new game = False
[LOG 19:22:19.131] -INFO- Tac.AddLifeSupport[4C745400][5829.20]: AddLifeSupport Constructor
[LOG 19:22:19.136] [ShadowMan][Info] Running in unified camera mode
[LOG 19:22:19.136] [ShadowMan][Debug] Adding TweakShadowCascades: (0.002, 0.015, 0.035) to Camera Camera 00
[LOG 19:22:19.136] [ShadowMan][Debug] Default split: (0.050, 0.152, 0.264)
[LOG 19:22:19.136] [ShadowMan][Debug] Setting shadowmap resolution to: 8192 on SunLight
[LOG 19:22:19.144] [ShadowMan][Debug] Found rings for Sarnus
[LOG 19:22:19.146] [ShadowMan][Debug] Found rings for Urlum
[LOG 19:22:19.150] [ShadowMan][Debug] Kopernicus.ShadowMan setup done
[LOG 19:22:19.157] [SCANsat] All Height Maps Generated
[LOG 19:22:19.158] KerbalEngineer -> ActionMenu->OnDestroy
[LOG 19:22:19.158] KerbalEngineer -> FlightEngineerCore->OnDestroy
[LOG 19:22:19.158] KerbalEngineer -> FlightEngineerCore->Awake
[LOG 19:22:19.158] KerbalEngineer -> FlightEngineerCore->Start
[LOG 19:22:19.412] [CustomBarnKit] Loading new upgrades prices
[LOG 19:22:19.471] [ModularFlightIntegrator] CalculateSunBodyFlux already has an override
[LOG 19:22:19.471] [ModularFlightIntegrator] CalculateBackgroundRadiationTemperature already has an override
[ERR 19:22:19.499] [SurfaceObject]: Cannot return to original parent, it no longer exists.

[LOG 19:22:19.525] [Kopernicus] Due to selected asteroid spawner, SENTINEL Contracts are broken and have been scrubbed.
[LOG 19:22:19.528] [UiApp] Awake: Contracts
[LOG 19:22:19.528] [UiApp] Awake: KSPedia
[LOG 19:22:19.528] [UiApp] Awake: Missions App
[LOG 19:22:19.528] [UiApp] Awake: AlarmClock
[LOG 19:22:19.529] [ApplicationLauncher] OnSceneLoadedGUIReady: scene SPACECENTER ShouldBeVisible() True ShouldBeOnTop() False iIsPositionedAtTop True
[LOG 19:22:19.529] [ApplicationLauncher] SpawnSimpleLayout: HorizontalRightLeft
[LOG 19:22:19.537] ScaleModList: listSize 205 maxListSize 2001
[LOG 19:22:19.538] ScaleModList: listSize 205 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:22:19.539] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:22:19.540] ScaleModList: listSize 287 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:22:19.541] ScaleModList: listSize 328 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:22:19.543] ScaleModList: listSize 369 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:22:19.543] ScaleModList: listSize 410 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:22:19.546] ScaleModList: listSize 451 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:22:19.547] ScaleModList: listSize 410 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:22:19.550] ScaleModList: listSize 451 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:22:19.550] ScaleModList: listSize 451 maxListSize 1992
[WRN 19:22:19.550] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[LOG 19:22:19.550] ScaleModList: listSize 451 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:22:19.550] [DeadlyReentry.DRToolBar] OnGUIAppLauncherReady fired but AppLauncher not ready or button already created!
[LOG 19:22:19.553] ScaleModList: listSize 492 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:22:19.553] ScaleModList: listSize 451 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:22:19.555] ScaleModList: listSize 492 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:22:19.557] ScaleModList: listSize 533 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:22:19.557] ScaleModList: listSize 492 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:22:19.557] [Kopernicus]: StarLightSwitcher: Set active star => Sun
[LOG 19:22:19.603] [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ContractDisabler: Enabling ContractType: SentinelMission.SentinelContract (Assembly-CSharp.dll)
[LOG 19:22:19.607] CurrencyOperationRandomized.OnLoadFromConfig
[LOG 19:22:19.608] CurrencyOperationRandomized.OnLoadFromConfig
[LOG 19:22:19.608] CurrencyOperationRandomized.OnLoadFromConfig
[LOG 19:22:19.621] ScaleModList: listSize 533 maxListSize 1992
[LOG 19:22:19.649] [MessageSystem] Reposition 0.02 545342
[LOG 19:22:19.649] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.02 545342
[LOG 19:22:19.649] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.02 545342
[LOG 19:22:19.737] [Scatterer][Info] Running in unified camera mode
[LOG 19:22:19.744] [Scatterer][Debug] Found rings for Sarnus
[LOG 19:22:19.745] [Scatterer][Debug] Found rings for Urlum
[LOG 19:22:19.780] [Scatterer][Debug] Sunflare syntax version: 2
[LOG 19:22:19.781] [Scatterer][Debug] Added custom sun flare for Sun
[LOG 19:22:19.781] [Scatterer][Debug] mapping EVE clouds
[LOG 19:22:19.795] [Scatterer][Debug] Eve assembly type found
[LOG 19:22:19.795] [Scatterer][Debug] Eve assembly version: Atmosphere, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 19:22:19.795] [Scatterer][Info] Successfully grabbed EVE Instance
[LOG 19:22:19.795] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Urlum
[LOG 19:22:19.795] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Tekto
[LOG 19:22:19.795] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Sarnus
[LOG 19:22:19.795] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Neidon
[LOG 19:22:19.796] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Sarnus
[LOG 19:22:19.796] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Urlum
[LOG 19:22:19.796] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Urlum
[LOG 19:22:19.796] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Sarnus
[LOG 19:22:19.796] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Neidon
[LOG 19:22:19.796] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Tekto
[LOG 19:22:19.796] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Thatmo
[LOG 19:22:19.796] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Polta
[LOG 19:22:19.796] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Slate
[LOG 19:22:19.796] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Slate
[LOG 19:22:19.796] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Urlum
[LOG 19:22:19.796] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Tekto
[LOG 19:22:19.796] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Sarnus
[LOG 19:22:19.796] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Neidon
[LOG 19:22:19.796] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:22:19.796] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Duna
[LOG 19:22:19.796] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Jool
[LOG 19:22:19.796] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Laythe
[LOG 19:22:19.796] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Eve
[LOG 19:22:19.796] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Eve
[LOG 19:22:19.797] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:22:19.797] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:22:19.797] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Laythe
[LOG 19:22:19.797] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Eve
[LOG 19:22:19.797] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Eve
[LOG 19:22:19.797] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Jool
[LOG 19:22:19.797] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Jool
[LOG 19:22:19.797] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Jool
[LOG 19:22:19.797] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Jool
[LOG 19:22:19.797] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Jool
[LOG 19:22:19.797] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Jool
[LOG 19:22:19.797] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Duna
[LOG 19:22:19.797] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Laythe
[LOG 19:22:19.797] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Mun
[LOG 19:22:19.797] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Minmus
[LOG 19:22:19.797] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Pol
[LOG 19:22:19.797] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Eeloo
[LOG 19:22:19.797] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Dres
[LOG 19:22:19.797] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Vall
[LOG 19:22:19.797] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Tylo
[LOG 19:22:19.797] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Ike
[LOG 19:22:19.798] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Moho
[LOG 19:22:19.798] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Duna
[LOG 19:22:19.798] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Eeloo
[LOG 19:22:19.798] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Eeloo
[LOG 19:22:19.798] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Minmus
[LOG 19:22:19.798] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Mun
[LOG 19:22:19.798] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Eeloo
[LOG 19:22:19.798] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Ike
[LOG 19:22:19.798] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Moho
[LOG 19:22:19.798] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Dres
[LOG 19:22:19.798] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Duna
[LOG 19:22:19.798] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Tylo
[LOG 19:22:19.798] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Moho
[LOG 19:22:19.798] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Minmus
[LOG 19:22:19.798] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:22:19.798] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Laythe
[LOG 19:22:19.798] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Eve
[LOG 19:22:19.798] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Duna
[LOG 19:22:19.798] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Jool
[LOG 19:22:19.798] [Scatterer][Debug] Core setup done
[LOG 19:22:19.799] [Scatterer][Debug] Added eclipse caster Mun for Kerbin
[LOG 19:22:19.799] [Scatterer][Debug] Added eclipse caster Minmus for Kerbin
[LOG 19:22:19.799] [Scatterer][Debug]  Atmosphere config found for: Kerbin
[LOG 19:22:19.878] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:22:19.878] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:22:19.879] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:22:19.879] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:22:19.879] [Scatterer][Debug] Skynode initiated for Kerbin
[LOG 19:22:19.879] [Scatterer][Debug] Ocean config found for: Kerbin
[LOG 19:22:20.010] [Scatterer][Debug] Effects loaded for Kerbin
[LOG 19:22:20.646] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-MainClouds) OnSphereActive
[LOG 19:22:20.646] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:22:20.646] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-Auroras) OnSphereActive
[LOG 19:22:20.646] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:22:20.646] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-CirrusClouds) OnSphereActive
[LOG 19:22:20.646] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:22:20.646] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-Lightning) OnSphereActive
[LOG 19:22:20.646] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:22:20.673] [Scatterer][Debug] Disabling stock sunflare for Sun
[LOG 19:22:20.674] [Scatterer][Info] Skynode switch effects to local mode Kerbin
[LOG 19:22:20.778] [Scatterer][Debug]  Mapping EVE volumetrics for planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:22:20.778] [Scatterer][Debug] No volumetric cloud for layer on planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:22:20.778] [Scatterer][Debug] No volumetric cloud for layer on planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:22:20.778] [Scatterer][Debug] No volumetric cloud for layer on planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:22:20.778] [Scatterer][Debug] Raymarched volumetric clouds error on planet: KerbinSystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at scatterer.EVEReflectionHandler.mapEVEVolumetrics (System.String celestialBodyName, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] EVEvolumetrics) [0x00156] in <684aa87c0d2345f8a9e4739403f4afff>:0
[LOG 19:22:20.778] [Scatterer][Debug] Raymarched volumetric clouds error on planet: KerbinSystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at scatterer.EVEReflectionHandler.mapEVEVolumetrics (System.String celestialBodyName, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] EVEvolumetrics) [0x00156] in <684aa87c0d2345f8a9e4739403f4afff>:0
[LOG 19:22:20.779] [Scatterer][Debug] Raymarched volumetric clouds error on planet: KerbinSystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at scatterer.EVEReflectionHandler.mapEVEVolumetrics (System.String celestialBodyName, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] EVEvolumetrics) [0x00156] in <684aa87c0d2345f8a9e4739403f4afff>:0
[LOG 19:22:20.779] [Scatterer][Debug] Raymarched volumetric clouds error on planet: KerbinSystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at scatterer.EVEReflectionHandler.mapEVEVolumetrics (System.String celestialBodyName, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] EVEvolumetrics) [0x00156] in <684aa87c0d2345f8a9e4739403f4afff>:0
[LOG 19:22:20.779] [Scatterer][Debug]  Detected 1 EVE volumetric layers for planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:22:20.793] [UIApp] Adding AlarmClock to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:22:20.795] ScaleModList: listSize 533 maxListSize 1951
[LOG 19:22:20.795] [UIApp] Adding Missions App to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:22:20.797] ScaleModList: listSize 533 maxListSize 1910
[LOG 19:22:20.797] [UIApp] Adding Contracts to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:22:20.798] ScaleModList: listSize 533 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:22:20.868] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.2545608 545348
[LOG 19:22:20.882] [MissionsApp] OnAppStarted(): id: -3102350
[LOG 19:22:20.882] MissionsApp does not execute in this game mode, destroying this instance
[LOG 19:22:20.882] [UIApp] OnDestroy: Missions App
[LOG 19:22:20.884] ScaleModList: listSize 533 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:22:20.885] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.2545608 545348
[LOG 19:22:20.897] -INFO- Tac.LifeSupportController[FFD0B650][5829.49]: Vessel Recovered [4613d301-693b-455e-b873-e5b26ec65d72] Untitled Space Craft
[LOG 19:22:20.910] [VesselRecovery]: Untitled Space Craft recovered At LaunchPad. Recovery Value: 100.0%
[LOG 19:22:20.918] [Research & Development]: +12 data on Atmospheric Pressure Scan from LaunchPad. 4 Science added. Subject value is 0.00
[LOG 19:22:20.922] [Progress Node Reached]: Science
[LOG 19:22:20.926] [Progress Node Reached]: Kerbin
[LOG 19:22:20.929] [Progress Node Complete]: Science
[LOG 19:22:20.930] Added 1.999999 (2) reputation: 'ContractReward'.
[LOG 19:22:20.937] Contract (Gather scientific data from Kerbin.): 'Achieve goal' complete!

<color=#E0D503><sprite="CurrencySpriteAsset" name="Reputation" tint=1> 2   </color>
[LOG 19:22:20.937] Awarding 2 reputation to player for contract completion
[LOG 19:22:20.937] Added 1.999999 (2) reputation: 'ContractReward'.
[LOG 19:22:20.943] Contract (Gather scientific data from Kerbin.): When we got to page nine of your report we thought you might be stalling! We are starting the launch countdown now.

<b><color=#8BED8B>Completion Rewards:</color></b>
<color=#E0D503><sprite="CurrencySpriteAsset" name="Reputation" tint=1> 2   </color>

[LOG 19:22:20.944] [FlightTracker]: OnProgressComplete fired
[LOG 19:22:20.945] Added 0.9999995 (1) reputation: 'Progression'.
[LOG 19:22:20.955] [Research & Development]: +8 data on Temperature Scan from LaunchPad. 2 Science added. Subject value is 0.00
[LOG 19:22:20.977] [FlightTracker]: onVesselRecovered Fired
[LOG 19:22:20.977] [FlightTracker]: Untitled Space Craft hasn't gone anywhere. No credit will be awarded for this flight
[LOG 19:22:20.978] Flight State Captured
[LOG 19:22:20.978] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 19:22:20.978] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 19:22:20.979] [Bureaucracy]: OnSave
[LOG 19:22:20.979] [Bureaucracy]: Saving Settings
[LOG 19:22:20.980] [Bureaucracy]: Settings Saved
[LOG 19:22:20.980] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnSave
[LOG 19:22:20.980] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:22:20.980] [Bureaucracy]: FacilityManager OnSave
[LOG 19:22:20.980] [Bureaucracy]: FacilityManager OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:22:20.980] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager OnSave
[LOG 19:22:20.980] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager OnSaveComplete
[LOG 19:22:20.980] [Bureaucracy]: CrewManager OnSave
[LOG 19:22:20.980] [Bureaucracy]: Crew Manager OnSaveComplete
[LOG 19:22:20.980] [Bureaucracy]: OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:22:20.982] 3/20/2023 7:22:20 PM,BackgroundResources,OnSave:
[LOG 19:22:20.988] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Started Saving
[LOG 19:22:20.988] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Done Saving
[LOG 19:22:20.988] [MessageSystem] Save Messages
[LOG 19:22:20.989] -INFO- Tac.AddLifeSupport[ED357800][5829.49]: AddLifeSupport Constructor
[LOG 19:22:20.995] [BetterTimeWarp]: Settings saved
[LOG 19:22:21.000] Game State Saved to saves/BAerospace/persistent
[LOG 19:22:21.237] [UIApp] Adding KSPedia to Application Launcher
[LOG 19:22:21.240] ScaleModList: listSize 533 maxListSize 1869
[WRN 19:22:22.395] ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil: Got an unexpected exception trying to load 'scienceSubjectsTemp1' as a list:
[EXC 19:22:22.397] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.SubjectParser+<>c.<RegisterMethods>b__2_17 (ContractConfigurator.Biome b) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    System.Linq.Lookup`2[TKey,TElement].Create (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source, System.Func`2[T,TResult] keySelector, System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1[T] comparer) (at <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0)
    System.Linq.GroupedEnumerable`2[TSource,TKey].GetEnumerator () (at <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0)
    System.Linq.Enumerable+SelectEnumerableIterator`2[TSource,TResult].MoveNext () (at <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0)
    System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereEnumerableIterator`1[TSource].MoveNext () (at <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.Util.Science+<GetSubjects>d__13.MoveNext () (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T]..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] collection) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
    System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source) (at <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.SubjectParser+<>c.<RegisterMethods>b__2_8 (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] biomes, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] exps) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.Function`3[T1,T2,TResult].Invoke (T1 p1, T2 p2) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.Function`3[T1,T2,TResult].Invoke (System.Object[] parameters) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseMethod[TResult] (ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.BaseParser+Token token, T obj, System.Boolean isFunction) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ListExpressionParser`1[T].ParseMethod[TResult] (ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.BaseParser+Token token, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] obj, System.Boolean isFunction) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseFunction (ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.BaseParser+Token token) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseSimpleStatement[TResult] () (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseStatementInner[TResult] () (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseStatement[TResult] () (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseExpression (System.String key, System.String expression, ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.DataNode dataNode) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    Rethrow as Exception: Error parsing statement.
    Error occurred near '*':
    AllScienceSubjectsByBiomeExperiment([@biome1], @experiments1)
    .............................................................* <-- HERE
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseExpression (System.String key, System.String expression, ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.DataNode dataNode) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ExecuteExpression (System.String key, System.String expression, ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.DataNode dataNode) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseSingleValue[T] (System.String key, System.String stringValue, System.Boolean allowExpression) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[T] (ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, System.Boolean allowExpression) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Boolean)
    ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, List`1, Func`2)
    ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, Func`2)
    System.Reflection.MethodBase:Invoke(Object, Object[])
[ERR 19:22:22.398] ContractConfigurator.ContractType: CONTRACT_TYPE 'RAD_LocalFlight': Error parsing scienceSubjectsTemp1

[EXC 19:22:22.400] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.SubjectParser+<>c.<RegisterMethods>b__2_17 (ContractConfigurator.Biome b) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    System.Linq.Lookup`2[TKey,TElement].Create (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source, System.Func`2[T,TResult] keySelector, System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1[T] comparer) (at <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0)
    System.Linq.GroupedEnumerable`2[TSource,TKey].GetEnumerator () (at <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0)
    System.Linq.Enumerable+SelectEnumerableIterator`2[TSource,TResult].MoveNext () (at <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0)
    System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereEnumerableIterator`1[TSource].MoveNext () (at <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.Util.Science+<GetSubjects>d__13.MoveNext () (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T]..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] collection) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
    System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source) (at <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.SubjectParser+<>c.<RegisterMethods>b__2_8 (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] biomes, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] exps) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.Function`3[T1,T2,TResult].Invoke (T1 p1, T2 p2) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.Function`3[T1,T2,TResult].Invoke (System.Object[] parameters) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseMethod[TResult] (ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.BaseParser+Token token, T obj, System.Boolean isFunction) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseFunction (ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.BaseParser+Token token) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseSimpleStatement[TResult] () (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseStatementInner[TResult] () (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseStatement[TResult] () (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseExpression (System.String key, System.String expression, ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.DataNode dataNode) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    Rethrow as Exception: Error parsing statement.
    Error occurred near '*':
    AllScienceSubjectsByBiomeExperiment([@biome1], @experiments1)
    .............................................................* <-- HERE
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseExpression (System.String key, System.String expression, ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.DataNode dataNode) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ExecuteExpression (System.String key, System.String expression, ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.DataNode dataNode) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseSingleValue[T] (System.String key, System.String stringValue, System.Boolean allowExpression) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
    Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
    System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
    System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[T] (ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, System.Boolean allowExpression) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[T] (ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, System.Action`1[T] setter, ContractConfigurator.IContractConfiguratorFactory obj, T defaultValue, System.Func`2[T,TResult] validation) (at <7cf636bf2f2f4038af6634d8e4f57459>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, List`1, Func`2)
    ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, Func`2)
    System.Reflection.MethodBase:Invoke(Object, Object[])
[LOG 19:22:23.545] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI
[LOG 19:23:09.583] [Bureaucracy]: Costs are dirty. Recalculating
[LOG 19:23:09.583] [Bureaucracy]: Cached costs 42000. Setting Costs not dirty for next 5 seconds
[LOG 19:23:14.580] [Bureaucracy]: Costs are dirty
[LOG 19:23:23.646] Game Paused!
[LOG 19:23:23.647] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI
[LOG 19:23:24.464] Flight State Captured
[LOG 19:23:24.465] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 19:23:24.465] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 19:23:24.465] [Bureaucracy]: OnSave
[LOG 19:23:24.465] [Bureaucracy]: Saving Settings
[LOG 19:23:24.468] [Bureaucracy]: Settings Saved
[LOG 19:23:24.468] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnSave
[LOG 19:23:24.468] [Bureaucracy]: Budget Manager: OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:23:24.468] [Bureaucracy]: FacilityManager OnSave
[LOG 19:23:24.468] [Bureaucracy]: FacilityManager OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:23:24.468] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager OnSave
[LOG 19:23:24.468] [Bureaucracy]: Research Manager OnSaveComplete
[LOG 19:23:24.468] [Bureaucracy]: CrewManager OnSave
[LOG 19:23:24.468] [Bureaucracy]: Crew Manager OnSaveComplete
[LOG 19:23:24.468] [Bureaucracy]: OnSave Complete
[LOG 19:23:24.470] 3/20/2023 7:23:24 PM,BackgroundResources,OnSave:
[LOG 19:23:24.475] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Started Saving
[LOG 19:23:24.475] [SpaceDust][SpaceDustScenario]: Done Saving
[LOG 19:23:24.475] [MessageSystem] Save Messages
[LOG 19:23:24.477] -INFO- Tac.AddLifeSupport[13207D00][5891.46]: AddLifeSupport Constructor
[LOG 19:23:24.485] [BetterTimeWarp]: Settings saved
[LOG 19:23:24.489] Game State Saved to saves/BAerospace/persistent
[LOG 19:23:24.491] -INFO- Tac.LifeSupportController[FFD0B650][5891.46]: Game scene load requested: MAINMENU
[LOG 19:23:24.509] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:23:24.511] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[FFD0B654][5891.46]: Game scene load requested: MAINMENU
[LOG 19:23:24.511] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay] Load Requested
[LOG 19:23:24.511] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay]: Removing body fields
[LOG 19:23:24.511] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5891.46]: Game scene load requested: MAINMENU
[LOG 19:23:24.511] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5891.46]: Game scene load requested: MAINMENU
[LOG 19:23:24.511] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5891.46]: Game scene load requested: MAINMENU
[LOG 19:23:24.511] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-Lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.511] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.511] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Duna-Lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.512] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.512] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eve-lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.512] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.512] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Laythe-Lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.512] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.512] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-Lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.512] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.512] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Minmus-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.512] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.512] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Moho-ablation) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.512] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.512] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Tylo-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.512] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.512] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Duna-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.512] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.512] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Dres-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.512] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.512] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Moho-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.512] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.512] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Ike-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.512] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.512] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eeloo-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.512] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.513] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Mun-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.513] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.513] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Minmus_geyser) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.513] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eeloo-geyser2) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.513] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eeloo-geyser1) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.513] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Duna-Duststorms) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.513] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Moho-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.513] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Ike-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.513] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Tylo-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.513] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Vall-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.513] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Dres-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.513] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eeloo-Dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.513] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Pol-Dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.513] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Minmus-Dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.513] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Mun-Dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.513] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Laythe-CloudsLow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.513] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.513] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Duna-MainClouds) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.513] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.513] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-altostratus) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.513] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.513] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-base) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.513] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.513] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-kerbin) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.514] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.514] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-cirrus) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.514] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.514] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-layers2) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.514] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.514] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-layers1) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.514] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.514] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eve-clouds2) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.514] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.514] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eve-clouds1) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.514] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.514] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Laythe-CloudsHigh) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.514] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.514] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-CirrusClouds) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.514] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.514] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-MainClouds) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.514] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.514] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eve-Auroras2) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.515] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.515] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eve-Auroras1) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.515] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.515] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Laythe-Aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.515] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.515] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-Aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.515] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.515] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Duna-Aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.515] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.515] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-Auroras) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.515] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.515] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Neidon-lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.515] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.515] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Sarnus-lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.515] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.515] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Tekto-lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.515] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.515] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Urlum-lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.515] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.515] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Slate-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.515] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.515] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Slate-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.515] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.515] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Polta-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.515] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Thatmo-MainClouds) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.516] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.516] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Tekto-MainClouds) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.516] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.516] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Neidon-cirrus) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.516] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.516] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Sarnus-altostratus) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.516] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.516] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Urlum-altostratus) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.516] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.516] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Urlum-cirrus) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.516] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.516] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Sarnus-layers1) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.516] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.516] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Neidon-aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.516] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.516] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Sarnus-aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.516] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.516] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Tekto-aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.516] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.516] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Urlum-aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:24.516] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:24.516] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5891.46]: Game scene load requested: MAINMENU
[LOG 19:23:24.516] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5891.46]: Game scene load requested: MAINMENU
[LOG 19:23:24.516] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5891.46]: Game scene load requested: MAINMENU
[LOG 19:23:24.516] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5891.46]: Game scene load requested: MAINMENU
[LOG 19:23:24.517] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[0][5891.46]: Game scene load requested: MAINMENU
[LOG 19:23:24.518] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:23:24.518] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:23:24.519] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:23:24.519] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:23:24.519] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:23:24.519] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:23:24.522] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: cleaning modules hash table
[LOG 19:23:24.522] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Karen_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Karen_normal.dds
[LOG 19:23:24.522] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Karen
[LOG 19:23:24.522] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Plock_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Plock_normal.dds
[LOG 19:23:24.522] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Plock
[LOG 19:23:24.522] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Nissee_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Nissee_normal.dds
[LOG 19:23:24.523] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Nissee
[LOG 19:23:24.523] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Thatmo_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Thatmo_normal.dds
[LOG 19:23:24.523] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Thatmo
[LOG 19:23:24.523] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Neidon_color.dds and
[LOG 19:23:24.523] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Tal_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Tal_normal.dds
[LOG 19:23:24.523] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Tal
[LOG 19:23:24.523] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Wal_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Wal_normal.dds
[LOG 19:23:24.523] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Wal
[LOG 19:23:24.523] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Priax_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Priax_normal.dds
[LOG 19:23:24.523] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Priax
[LOG 19:23:24.523] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Polta_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Polta_normal.dds
[LOG 19:23:24.524] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Polta
[LOG 19:23:24.524] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Urlum_color.dds and
[LOG 19:23:24.524] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Tekto_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Tekto_normal.dds
[LOG 19:23:24.524] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Tekto
[LOG 19:23:24.524] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Slate_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Slate_normal.dds
[LOG 19:23:24.524] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Slate
[LOG 19:23:24.524] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Eeloo_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Eeloo_normal.dds
[LOG 19:23:24.524] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Eeloo
[LOG 19:23:24.524] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Ovok_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Ovok_normal.dds
[LOG 19:23:24.524] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Ovok
[LOG 19:23:24.525] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Hale_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Hale_normal.dds
[LOG 19:23:24.525] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Hale
[LOG 19:23:24.525] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Sarnus_color.dds and
[LOG 19:23:24.525] [UIMasterController]: HideUI
[LOG 19:23:24.531] -INFO- Tac.TacLifeSupport[FFD0B654][5891.46]: OnDestroy
[LOG 19:23:24.532] [Bureaucracy]: Unregistering Events
[LOG 19:23:24.533] [Bureaucracy] Unregistered Stock Events
[LOG 19:23:24.533] [Bureaucracy] Unregistered Flight Tracker Event
[WRN 19:23:24.533] [3/20/2023 7:23:24 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (Config) - SettingsFile: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/..//GameData/[x]_Science!/PluginData/settings.cfg
[LOG 19:23:24.533] [3/20/2023 7:23:24 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (Config) - Saving toC:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/..//GameData/[x]_Science!/PluginData/settings.cfg
[WRN 19:23:24.533] [3/20/2023 7:23:24 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (Config) - SettingsFile: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/..//GameData/[x]_Science!/PluginData/settings.cfg
[LOG 19:23:24.535] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:23:24.535] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From SPACECENTER to MAINMENU (Async) =====================
[LOG 19:23:25.168] [Scatterer][Info] Skynode switch effects to scaled mode: Kerbin
[LOG 19:23:25.169] Game Unpaused!
[LOG 19:23:25.171] -INFO- Tac.SpaceCenterManager[FFD0B652][5891.46]: OnDestroy
[LOG 19:23:25.171] -INFO- Tac.LifeSupportController[FFD0B650][5891.46]: OnDestroy
[WRN 19:23:25.193] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Karen'
[WRN 19:23:25.211] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Plock'
[WRN 19:23:25.229] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Nissee'
[WRN 19:23:25.247] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Thatmo'
[WRN 19:23:25.264] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Tal'
[WRN 19:23:25.282] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Wal'
[WRN 19:23:25.300] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Priax'
[WRN 19:23:25.318] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Polta'
[WRN 19:23:25.336] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Tekto'
[WRN 19:23:25.354] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Slate'
[WRN 19:23:25.393] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Ovok'
[WRN 19:23:25.415] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Hale'
[LOG 19:23:27.026] [Scatterer][Debug] Effects unloaded for Kerbin
[LOG 19:23:27.047] [Scatterer][Debug] No changes to main config, skipping saving.
[LOG 19:23:27.052] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:23:27.052] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:23:27.052] [UIApp] OnDestroy: Contracts
[LOG 19:23:27.052] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:23:27.052] [Bureaucracy]: No Events to Unregister for Budget
[LOG 19:23:27.052] [Bureaucracy]: No Events to Unregister for Research
[LOG 19:23:27.053] [Bureaucracy]: No Events to Unregister for Blank Manager
[LOG 19:23:27.063] [FlightEngineer]: Destroying Floating Window for HUD 1
[LOG 19:23:27.063] [FlightEngineer]: Destroying Floating Window for HUD 2
[LOG 19:23:27.063] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:23:27.063] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:23:27.064] [UIApp] OnDestroy: KSPedia
[LOG 19:23:27.064] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:23:27.064] [UIApp] OnDestroy: AlarmClock
[LOG 19:23:27.064] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:23:27.068] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:23:27.068] [HETTN] HETTN.TechTree will reset next game.
[LOG 19:23:27.070] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 1869
[LOG 19:23:27.075] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KerbalActuators:WBIVTOLManager instance is owning a onVesselChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.075] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onVesselChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.075] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onVesselChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.075] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onVesselChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.075] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KerbalActuators:WBIVTOLManager instance is owning a onVesselChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.075] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onVesselChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.075] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onVesselChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.076] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KerbalActuators:WBIVTOLManager instance is owning a onVesselLoaded GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.076] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KerbalActuators:WBIVTOLManager instance is owning a onVesselLoaded GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.078] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KerbalActuators:WBIVTOLManager instance is owning a onStageActivate GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.078] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KerbalActuators:WBIVTOLManager instance is owning a onStageActivate GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.078] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.078] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.078] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.078] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.078] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed scatterer:RenderTypeFixer instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.078] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed scatterer:RenderTypeFixer instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.078] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.078] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.079] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.079] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.079] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed TacLifeSupport:TacLifeSupport instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.079] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed scatterer:RenderTypeFixer instance is owning a onGameSceneLoadRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.079] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed RealChute:RCToolbarManager instance is owning a onGameSceneSwitchRequested GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.079] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed CustomBarnKit:CustomBarnKit instance is owning a onNewGameLevelLoadRequestWasSanctionedAndActioned GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.079] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a OnMapEntered GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.079] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a OnMapExited GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.079] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onPartRemove GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.079] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onPartRemove GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.080] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onPartRemove GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.080] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Strategia:StrategyNotifier instance is owning a onFacilityContextMenuSpawn GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.080] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Strategia:StrategyNotifier instance is owning a onFacilityContextMenuSpawn GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.080] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Strategia:StrategyNotifier instance is owning a onFacilityContextMenuSpawn GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.080] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Strategia:StrategyNotifier instance is owning a onFacilityContextMenuSpawn GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.080] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Strategia:StrategyNotifier instance is owning a onFacilityContextMenuSpawn GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.081] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Strategia:StrategyNotifier instance is owning a onFacilityContextMenuSpawn GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.081] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KRASH:UICLASS instance is owning a OnHideUI GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.081] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KRASH:UICLASS instance is owning a OnShowUI GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.081] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KerbalActuators:WBIVTOLAppButton instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.081] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KerbalActuators:WBIVTOLAppButton instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.081] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed RealChute:RCToolbarManager instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.081] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.081] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.081] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:ReactorToolbar instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.081] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.081] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.081] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.081] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.081] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.081] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.081] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:ReactorToolbar instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.081] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.082] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.082] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.082] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.082] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Waterfall:WaterfallUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.082] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.082] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:ReactorToolbar instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.082] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.082] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed NearFutureElectrical:ReactorUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.082] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed NearFutureElectrical:DischargeCapacitorUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.082] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:DynamicBatteryStorageUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.082] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.082] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:DynamicBatteryStorageUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.082] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.082] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.082] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.082] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:DynamicBatteryStorageUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.083] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Waterfall:WaterfallUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.083] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.083] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:ReactorToolbar instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.083] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.083] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed NearFutureElectrical:ReactorUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.083] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed NearFutureElectrical:DischargeCapacitorUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.083] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:DynamicBatteryStorageUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.083] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.083] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:DynamicBatteryStorageUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.083] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SpaceDust:ToolbarUI instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.083] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed RealChute:RCToolbarManager instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.083] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed RealChute:RCToolbarManager instance is owning a onGUIEditorToolbarReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.083] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed KAX:BaseFilter instance is owning a onGUIEditorToolbarReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.083] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatEngineerReport instance is owning a onGUIEngineersReportReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.083] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatEngineerReport instance is owning a onGUIEngineersReportReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.083] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatEngineerReport instance is owning a onGUIEngineersReportReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.083] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatEngineerReport instance is owning a onGUIEngineersReportDestroy GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.083] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatEngineerReport instance is owning a onGUIEngineersReportDestroy GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.083] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatEngineerReport instance is owning a onGUIEngineersReportDestroy GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.083] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorShipModified GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.083] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorShipModified GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.084] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorShipModified GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.084] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorScreenChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.084] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorScreenChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.084] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorScreenChange GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.084] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.084] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.084] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.084] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.084] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.084] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.084] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed CustomBarnKit:CustomBarnKit instance is owning a onEditorRestart GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.084] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorLoad GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.084] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorLoad GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.084] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorLoad GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.084] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorLoad GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.084] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorLoad GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.084] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorLoad GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.084] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorStarted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.085] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorStarted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.085] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorStarted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.085] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorStarted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.085] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorStarted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.085] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorStarted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.085] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorPartPicked GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.085] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorPartPicked GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.085] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorPartPicked GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.085] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorPodDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.085] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorPodDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.085] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorPodDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.085] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorPartDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.085] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorPartDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.085] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorPartDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.085] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorPartDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.085] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed DynamicBatteryStorage:EditorVesselDataManager instance is owning a onEditorPartDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.085] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed SystemHeat:SystemHeatOverlay instance is owning a onEditorPartDeleted GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.085] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Scale.PartDB.19x:GameEventEditorVariantAppliedListener instance is owning a onEditorVariantApplied GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.085] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Scale.PartDB.19x:GameEventEditorVariantAppliedListener instance is owning a onEditorVariantApplied GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.085] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Scale.PartDB.19x:GameEventEditorVariantAppliedListener instance is owning a onEditorVariantApplied GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.086] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Scale.PartDB.19x:GameEventEditorVariantAppliedListener instance is owning a onEditorVariantApplied GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.086] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Scale.PartDB.19x:GameEventEditorVariantAppliedListener instance is owning a onEditorVariantApplied GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.086] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Scale.PartDB.19x:GameEventEditorVariantAppliedListener instance is owning a onEditorVariantApplied GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.087] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed Kopernicus:Injector instance is owning a OnPSystemReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 19:23:27.087] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Removed a OnInViewChange GameEvents callback owned by a destroyed Assembly-CSharp:BuildingPickerItem instance
[LOG 19:23:27.087] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Removed a OnClick GameEvents callback owned by a destroyed Assembly-CSharp:BuildingPickerItem instance
[LOG 19:23:27.088] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] Leaving scene "SpaceCenter", cleaned 6 memory leaks in 0.013s. GameEvents callbacks : 2253. Allocated memory : 2.009 GiB (managed heap), 5.473 GiB (unmanaged)
[LOG 19:23:27.951] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'NyanSkyBox' from assembly 'SigmaReplacementsSkyBox'
[LOG 19:23:27.954] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'TitleTrackerHelper' from assembly 'ContractConfigurator'
[LOG 19:23:27.954] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RTDebugUnit' from assembly 'RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:23:27.955] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RemoteTechAssistant' from assembly 'CC_RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:23:27.955] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'DynamicBatteryStorage' from assembly 'DynamicBatteryStorage'
[LOG 19:23:27.956] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'GlobalEVEManager' from assembly 'EVEManager'
[LOG 19:23:27.960] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:23:27.960] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'AtmosphereFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:23:27.961] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SinkingBugFix' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:23:27.961] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ShadowMan' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:23:27.961] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:23:27.967] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:23:27.967] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Scatterer' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:23:27.967] [Scatterer][Debug] Core instance created
[LOG 19:23:27.968] [Scatterer][Info] Version:0.0838
[LOG 19:23:27.968] [Scatterer][Info] Running on: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] on Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
[LOG 19:23:27.968] [Scatterer][Info] Game resolution: 2560x1440
[LOG 19:23:27.968] [Scatterer][Info] Compute shader support: True
[LOG 19:23:27.968] [Scatterer][Info] Async GPU readback support: True
[LOG 19:23:27.968] [Scatterer][Info] Using depth buffer mode: True
[LOG 19:23:27.995] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Kerbin. TransformName: Kerbin
[LOG 19:23:27.995] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Kerbin, actual ingame name: Kerbin
[LOG 19:23:27.995] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Duna. TransformName: Duna
[LOG 19:23:27.995] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Duna, actual ingame name: Duna
[LOG 19:23:27.995] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Laythe. TransformName: Laythe
[LOG 19:23:27.995] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Laythe, actual ingame name: Laythe
[LOG 19:23:27.995] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Jool. TransformName: Jool
[LOG 19:23:27.995] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Jool, actual ingame name: Jool
[LOG 19:23:27.995] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Eve. TransformName: Eve
[LOG 19:23:27.996] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Eve, actual ingame name: Eve
[LOG 19:23:27.996] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Sarnus. TransformName: Sarnus
[LOG 19:23:27.996] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Sarnus, actual ingame name: Sarnus
[LOG 19:23:27.996] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Tekto. TransformName: Tekto
[LOG 19:23:27.996] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Tekto, actual ingame name: Tekto
[LOG 19:23:27.996] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Urlum. TransformName: Urlum
[LOG 19:23:27.996] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Urlum, actual ingame name: Urlum
[LOG 19:23:27.996] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Neidon. TransformName: Neidon
[LOG 19:23:27.996] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Neidon, actual ingame name: Neidon
[LOG 19:23:27.996] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Thatmo. TransformName: Thatmo
[LOG 19:23:27.996] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Thatmo, actual ingame name: Thatmo
[LOG 19:23:27.996] [Scatterer][Debug] Replacing EVE shaders
[LOG 19:23:28.010] [Scatterer][Debug] Eve shaderloader type found
[LOG 19:23:28.010] [Scatterer][Debug] Eve shaderloader version: ShaderLoader, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 19:23:28.010] [Scatterer][Debug] Successfully grabbed EVE shader dictionary
[LOG 19:23:28.010] [Scatterer][Debug] replaced Cloud in EVE shader dictionary
[LOG 19:23:28.010] [Scatterer][Debug] replaced CloudVolumeParticle in EVE shader dictionary
[LOG 19:23:28.010] [Scatterer][Debug] replaced GeometryCloudVolumeParticle in EVE shader dictionary
[LOG 19:23:28.010] [Scatterer][Debug] replaced GeometryCloudVolumeParticleToTexture in EVE shader dictionary
[LOG 19:23:28.010] [Scatterer][Debug] Shader Scatterer-EVE/RaymarchCloud not loaded?
[LOG 19:23:28.054] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:23:28.055] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'PersistentEmitterManager' from assembly 'SmokeScreen'
[LOG 19:23:28.056] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceDust' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:23:28.056] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'CurrencyPopup' from assembly 'Strategia'
[LOG 19:23:28.057] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SystemHeat' from assembly 'SystemHeat'
[LOG 19:23:28.058] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Waterfall' from assembly 'Waterfall'
[LOG 19:23:28.059] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'EVARepairsAppButton' from assembly 'EVARepairs'
[LOG 19:23:28.060] [UIMasterController]: HideUI
[LOG 19:23:33.418] [Scatterer][Debug] No changes to main config, skipping saving.
[LOG 19:23:34.214] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'NyanMenu' from assembly 'SigmaReplacementsSkyBox'
[LOG 19:23:34.214] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'NyanSkyBox' from assembly 'SigmaReplacementsSkyBox'
[LOG 19:23:34.214] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'MenuTriggers' from assembly 'SigmaReplacementsSkyBox'
[LOG 19:23:34.215] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'StaticWingGlobals' from assembly 'B9 Aerospace Procedural Wings'
[LOG 19:23:34.217] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'TitleTrackerHelper' from assembly 'ContractConfigurator'
[LOG 19:23:34.217] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RTDebugUnit' from assembly 'RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:23:34.218] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RTMainMenu' from assembly 'RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:23:34.218] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RemoteTechAssistant' from assembly 'CC_RemoteTech'
[LOG 19:23:34.218] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'DynamicBatteryStorage' from assembly 'DynamicBatteryStorage'
[LOG 19:23:34.219] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'GlobalEVEManager' from assembly 'EVEManager'
[LOG 19:23:34.221] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'FindTexturePathFromModel' from assembly 'JanitorsCloset'
[LOG 19:23:34.221] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'GetInternalSpaceConfigUrl' from assembly 'JanitorsCloset'
[LOG 19:23:34.223] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:23:34.224] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'AtmosphereFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:23:34.224] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SinkingBugFix' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:23:34.224] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'MainMenuFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:23:34.244] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ShadowMan' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:23:34.245] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 19:23:34.247] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'MechJebBundlesManager' from assembly 'MechJeb2'
[LOG 19:23:34.251] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:23:34.251] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Scatterer' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:23:34.251] [Scatterer][Debug] Core instance created
[LOG 19:23:34.251] [Scatterer][Info] Version:0.0838
[LOG 19:23:34.251] [Scatterer][Info] Running on: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] on Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
[LOG 19:23:34.252] [Scatterer][Info] Game resolution: 2560x1440
[LOG 19:23:34.252] [Scatterer][Info] Compute shader support: True
[LOG 19:23:34.252] [Scatterer][Info] Async GPU readback support: True
[LOG 19:23:34.252] [Scatterer][Info] Using depth buffer mode: True
[LOG 19:23:34.266] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Kerbin. TransformName: Kerbin
[LOG 19:23:34.266] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Kerbin, actual ingame name: Kerbin
[LOG 19:23:34.266] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Duna. TransformName: Duna
[LOG 19:23:34.267] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Duna, actual ingame name: Duna
[LOG 19:23:34.267] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Laythe. TransformName: Laythe
[LOG 19:23:34.267] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Laythe, actual ingame name: Laythe
[LOG 19:23:34.267] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Jool. TransformName: Jool
[LOG 19:23:34.267] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Jool, actual ingame name: Jool
[LOG 19:23:34.267] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Eve. TransformName: Eve
[LOG 19:23:34.267] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Eve, actual ingame name: Eve
[LOG 19:23:34.267] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Sarnus. TransformName: Sarnus
[LOG 19:23:34.267] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Sarnus, actual ingame name: Sarnus
[LOG 19:23:34.267] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Tekto. TransformName: Tekto
[LOG 19:23:34.267] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Tekto, actual ingame name: Tekto
[LOG 19:23:34.267] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Urlum. TransformName: Urlum
[LOG 19:23:34.267] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Urlum, actual ingame name: Urlum
[LOG 19:23:34.267] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Neidon. TransformName: Neidon
[LOG 19:23:34.267] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Neidon, actual ingame name: Neidon
[LOG 19:23:34.267] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Thatmo. TransformName: Thatmo
[LOG 19:23:34.267] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Thatmo, actual ingame name: Thatmo
[LOG 19:23:34.267] [Scatterer][Debug] Replacing EVE shaders
[LOG 19:23:34.281] [Scatterer][Debug] Eve shaderloader type found
[LOG 19:23:34.282] [Scatterer][Debug] Eve shaderloader version: ShaderLoader, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 19:23:34.282] [Scatterer][Debug] Successfully grabbed EVE shader dictionary
[LOG 19:23:34.282] [Scatterer][Debug] replaced Cloud in EVE shader dictionary
[LOG 19:23:34.282] [Scatterer][Debug] replaced CloudVolumeParticle in EVE shader dictionary
[LOG 19:23:34.282] [Scatterer][Debug] replaced GeometryCloudVolumeParticle in EVE shader dictionary
[LOG 19:23:34.282] [Scatterer][Debug] replaced GeometryCloudVolumeParticleToTexture in EVE shader dictionary
[LOG 19:23:34.282] [Scatterer][Debug] Shader Scatterer-EVE/RaymarchCloud not loaded?
[LOG 19:23:34.327] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Scatterer'
[LOG 19:23:34.328] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'PersistentEmitterManager' from assembly 'SmokeScreen'
[LOG 19:23:34.329] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceDust' from assembly 'SpaceDust'
[LOG 19:23:34.330] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'CurrencyPopup' from assembly 'Strategia'
[LOG 19:23:34.330] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SystemHeat' from assembly 'SystemHeat'
[LOG 19:23:34.332] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Waterfall' from assembly 'Waterfall'
[LOG 19:23:34.333] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'EVARepairsAppButton' from assembly 'EVARepairs'
[LOG 19:23:34.345] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI
[LOG 19:23:36.205] [B9PW] start bundle load process
[LOG 19:23:36.205] [B9PW] Aquiring bundle data
[LOG 19:23:36.215] [B9PW] Wing shader "KSP/Specular Layered" loaded. Shader supported? True
[LOG 19:23:36.218] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: [Settings]: Started loading
[LOG 19:23:36.218] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: [Settings]: Located settings file
[LOG 19:23:36.218] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: [Settings]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:23:36.498] [MechJeb2] Shaders already loaded
[LOG 19:23:36.499] [MechJeb2] Loading Shaders Bundles
[LOG 19:23:36.499] [SpaceDust][Settings]: SystemHeat detected. Thermal considerations will be active for harvesters
[LOG 19:23:36.499] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Started loading
[LOG 19:23:36.503] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Game Scale is 1
[LOG 19:23:36.503] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Resources configured as visible are Oxidizer, LiquidFuel, XenonGas, Antimatter, LqdHe3, LqdDeuterium, ArgonGas, LqdHydrogen
[LOG 19:23:36.503] [SpaceDust][Settings]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:23:36.503] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Started loading
[LOG 19:23:36.503] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Located settings file
[LOG 19:23:36.506] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Loading coolant types
[LOG 19:23:36.509] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Loaded coolant Basic Coolant: Density 1000, heat Capacity 4
[LOG 19:23:36.509] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Loaded coolant types
[LOG 19:23:36.509] [SystemHeat][Settings]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:23:36.509] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Started loading
[LOG 19:23:36.509] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loading models
[LOG 19:23:36.512] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loaded 12 models
[LOG 19:23:36.512] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loading textures
[LOG 19:23:36.513] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loaded 27 textures
[LOG 19:23:36.513] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loading shaders
[LOG 19:23:36.515] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Loaded 11 shaders
[LOG 19:23:36.515] [Waterfall][Asset Library]: Finished loading
[LOG 19:23:36.520] KerbalEngineer -> FlightEngineerCore->OnDestroy
[LOG 19:23:36.584] [ScenarioUpgradeables]: Back to Main Menu. Clearing persistent data.
[LOG 19:23:36.608] [Kopernicus] Due to selected asteroid spawner, SENTINEL Contracts are broken and have been scrubbed.
[LOG 19:23:36.628] [ScenarioTypes]: List Created 44 scenario types loaded from 126 loaded assemblies.
[WRN 19:23:36.646] File 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../Missions/MissionScoreInfo.cfg' does not exist
[WRN 19:23:36.647] BetterTimeWarp: Failed to set warp rates
[WRN 19:23:36.647] BetterTimeWarp: Failed to set warp rates
[LOG 19:23:36.647] [ApplicationLauncher] OnSceneLoadedGUIReady: scene MAINMENU ShouldBeVisible() True ShouldBeOnTop() True iIsPositionedAtTop False
[LOG 19:23:36.647] [ApplicationLauncher] SpawnSimpleLayout: VerticalTopDown
[LOG 19:23:36.651] [ApplicationLauncher] SetHidden:
[LOG 19:23:36.652] ScaleModList: listSize 82 maxListSize 1184
[LOG 19:23:36.653] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 1175
[LOG 19:23:36.654] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 1184
[LOG 19:23:36.655] [DeadlyReentry.DRToolBar] OnGUIAppLauncherReady fired but AppLauncher not ready or button already created!
[LOG 19:23:36.658] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 1184
[LOG 19:23:36.660] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 1184
[LOG 19:23:36.660] [Kopernicus]: StarLightSwitcher: Set active star => Sun
[LOG 19:23:36.710] [MessageSystem] Reposition 0.02 551360
[LOG 19:23:36.710] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.02 551360
[LOG 19:23:36.710] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.02 551360
[LOG 19:23:36.712] [B9PW] unloading bundle
[LOG 19:23:36.730] [MechJeb2] Loaded Shaders Bundles
[LOG 19:23:36.736] [ShadowMan][Debug] Kopernicus.ShadowMan setup done
[LOG 19:23:36.758] [EVE PQSManagerClass]: Running Setup
[LOG 19:23:36.758] [EVE TextureConfig]: Running Setup
[LOG 19:23:36.758] [EVE CloudsManager]: Running Setup
[LOG 19:23:36.758] [EVE CloudsManager]: Loading...
[LOG 19:23:36.762] [EVE CloudsManager]: AstronomersVisualPack/AVP_Configs/OPM/Aurora/EVE_CLOUDS
[LOG 19:23:36.762] [EVE CloudsManager]: AstronomersVisualPack/AVP_Configs/OPM/Clouds/EVE_CLOUDS
[LOG 19:23:36.762] [EVE CloudsManager]: AstronomersVisualPack/AVP_Configs/OPM/Duststorms/EVE_CLOUDS
[LOG 19:23:36.762] [EVE CloudsManager]: AstronomersVisualPack/AVP_Configs/OPM/Glow/EVE_CLOUDS
[LOG 19:23:36.762] [EVE CloudsManager]: AstronomersVisualPack/AVP_Configs/OPM/Lightning/EVE_CLOUDS
[LOG 19:23:36.762] [EVE CloudsManager]: AstronomersVisualPack/AVP_Configs/Stock/Aurora/EVE_CLOUDS
[LOG 19:23:36.762] [EVE CloudsManager]: AstronomersVisualPack/AVP_Configs/Stock/Clouds/EVE_CLOUDS
[LOG 19:23:36.762] [EVE CloudsManager]: AstronomersVisualPack/AVP_Configs/Stock/Duststorms/EVE_CLOUDS
[LOG 19:23:36.762] [EVE CloudsManager]: AstronomersVisualPack/AVP_Configs/Stock/Geysers/EVE_CLOUDS
[LOG 19:23:36.762] [EVE CloudsManager]: AstronomersVisualPack/AVP_Configs/Stock/Glow/EVE_CLOUDS
[LOG 19:23:36.762] [EVE CloudsManager]: AstronomersVisualPack/AVP_Configs/Stock/Lightning/EVE_CLOUDS
[LOG 19:23:36.762] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cleaning Clouds!
[LOG 19:23:36.762] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.762] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.763] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.763] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.763] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.763] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.763] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.764] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.764] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.764] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.764] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.764] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.764] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.764] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.764] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.764] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.764] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.765] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.765] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.765] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.765] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.765] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.765] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.765] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.765] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.765] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.765] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.765] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.766] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.766] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.766] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.766] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.766] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.766] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.766] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.766] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.766] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.766] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.766] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.766] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.767] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.767] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.767] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.767] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.767] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.767] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.767] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.767] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.767] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.767] [EVE CloudsManager]: Removing 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.769] [EVE CloudsManager]: No PQS! Instanciating one.
[LOG 19:23:36.769] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:36.769] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.779] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:36.780] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Urlum-aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:36.780] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[WRN 19:23:36.797] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'EVE PQS'
[LOG 19:23:36.877] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Urlum to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:36.878] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:36.878] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.888] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:36.889] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Tekto-aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:36.889] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:36.973] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Tekto to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:36.974] [EVE CloudsManager]: No PQS! Instanciating one.
[LOG 19:23:36.974] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:36.974] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:36.985] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:36.986] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Sarnus-aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:36.986] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[WRN 19:23:37.008] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'EVE PQS'
[LOG 19:23:37.092] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Sarnus to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:37.092] [EVE CloudsManager]: No PQS! Instanciating one.
[LOG 19:23:37.093] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:37.093] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:37.102] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:37.103] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Neidon-aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:37.103] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[WRN 19:23:37.122] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'EVE PQS'
[LOG 19:23:37.198] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Neidon to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:37.198] [EVE CloudsManager]: No PQS! Instanciating one.
[LOG 19:23:37.199] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:37.199] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:37.208] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:37.209] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Sarnus-layers1) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:37.209] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[WRN 19:23:37.226] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'EVE PQS'
[LOG 19:23:37.305] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Sarnus to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:37.305] [EVE CloudsManager]: No PQS! Instanciating one.
[LOG 19:23:37.306] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:37.306] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:37.315] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:37.315] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Urlum-cirrus) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:37.316] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[WRN 19:23:37.333] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'EVE PQS'
[LOG 19:23:37.425] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Urlum to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:37.426] [EVE CloudsManager]: No PQS! Instanciating one.
[LOG 19:23:37.426] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:37.426] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:37.436] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:37.437] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Urlum-altostratus) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:37.437] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[WRN 19:23:37.455] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'EVE PQS'
[LOG 19:23:37.532] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Urlum to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:37.532] [EVE CloudsManager]: No PQS! Instanciating one.
[LOG 19:23:37.532] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:37.532] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:37.542] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:37.542] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Sarnus-altostratus) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:37.542] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[WRN 19:23:37.560] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'EVE PQS'
[LOG 19:23:37.648] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Sarnus to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:37.649] [EVE CloudsManager]: No PQS! Instanciating one.
[LOG 19:23:37.649] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:37.649] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:37.660] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:37.660] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Neidon-cirrus) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:37.660] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[WRN 19:23:37.680] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'EVE PQS'
[LOG 19:23:37.767] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Neidon to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:37.768] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:37.769] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:37.779] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:37.780] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Tekto-MainClouds) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:37.780] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:37.862] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Tekto to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:37.863] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:37.863] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:37.873] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:37.873] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Thatmo-MainClouds) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:37.873] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:37.951] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Thatmo to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:37.952] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:37.952] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Polta-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:38.032] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Polta to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:38.033] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:38.033] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:38.043] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:38.043] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Slate-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:38.043] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:38.126] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Slate to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:38.127] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:38.127] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:38.137] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:38.137] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Slate-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:38.137] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:38.212] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Slate to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:38.213] [EVE CloudsManager]: No PQS! Instanciating one.
[LOG 19:23:38.213] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:38.213] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:38.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:38.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Urlum-lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:38.223] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[WRN 19:23:38.243] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'EVE PQS'
[LOG 19:23:38.343] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Urlum to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:38.344] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:38.344] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:38.356] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:38.356] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Tekto-lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:38.356] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:38.445] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Tekto to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:38.446] [EVE CloudsManager]: No PQS! Instanciating one.
[LOG 19:23:38.446] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:38.446] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:38.456] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:38.456] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Sarnus-lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:38.456] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[WRN 19:23:38.474] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'EVE PQS'
[LOG 19:23:38.550] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Sarnus to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:38.551] [EVE CloudsManager]: No PQS! Instanciating one.
[LOG 19:23:38.551] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:38.551] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:38.561] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:38.561] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Neidon-lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:38.561] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[WRN 19:23:38.579] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'EVE PQS'
[LOG 19:23:38.657] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Neidon to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:38.658] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:38.658] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:38.668] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:38.668] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-Auroras) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:38.668] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:38.745] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:38.754] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:38.755] [EVE CloudsManager]: EVE Clouds: Kerbin-Auroras Applying to main menu!
[LOG 19:23:38.756] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:38.756] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:38.765] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:38.766] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Duna-Aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:38.766] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:38.840] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Duna to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:38.840] [EVE CloudsManager]: No PQS! Instanciating one.
[LOG 19:23:38.841] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:38.841] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:38.850] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:38.850] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-Aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:38.850] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[WRN 19:23:38.868] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'EVE PQS'
[LOG 19:23:38.954] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Jool to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:38.954] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:38.955] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:38.964] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:38.964] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Laythe-Aurora) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:38.964] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:39.040] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Laythe to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:39.041] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:39.041] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:39.051] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:39.051] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eve-Auroras1) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:39.051] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:39.126] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Eve to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:39.127] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:39.127] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:39.136] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:39.137] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eve-Auroras2) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:39.137] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:39.210] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Eve to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:39.211] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:39.211] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:39.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:39.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-MainClouds) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:39.221] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:39.301] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:39.311] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:39.312] [EVE CloudsManager]: EVE Clouds: Kerbin-MainClouds Applying to main menu!
[LOG 19:23:39.312] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:39.312] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:39.322] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:39.323] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-CirrusClouds) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:39.323] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:39.396] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:39.406] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:39.407] [EVE CloudsManager]: EVE Clouds: Kerbin-CirrusClouds Applying to main menu!
[LOG 19:23:39.408] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:39.408] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:39.419] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:39.419] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Laythe-CloudsHigh) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:39.419] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:39.504] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Laythe to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:39.505] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:39.505] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:39.516] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:39.517] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eve-clouds1) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:39.517] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:39.604] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Eve to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:39.604] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:39.605] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:39.615] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:39.616] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eve-clouds2) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:39.616] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:39.696] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Eve to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:39.696] [EVE CloudsManager]: No PQS! Instanciating one.
[LOG 19:23:39.697] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:39.697] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:39.707] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:39.707] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-layers1) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:39.707] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[WRN 19:23:39.725] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'EVE PQS'
[LOG 19:23:39.809] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Jool to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:39.811] [EVE CloudsManager]: No PQS! Instanciating one.
[LOG 19:23:39.811] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:39.811] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:39.822] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:39.822] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-layers2) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:39.822] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[WRN 19:23:39.840] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'EVE PQS'
[LOG 19:23:39.922] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Jool to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:39.922] [EVE CloudsManager]: No PQS! Instanciating one.
[LOG 19:23:39.922] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:39.922] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:39.932] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:39.932] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-cirrus) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:39.932] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[WRN 19:23:39.950] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'EVE PQS'
[LOG 19:23:40.028] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Jool to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:40.028] [EVE CloudsManager]: No PQS! Instanciating one.
[LOG 19:23:40.028] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:40.029] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:40.038] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:40.039] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-kerbin) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:40.039] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[WRN 19:23:40.057] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'EVE PQS'
[LOG 19:23:40.146] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Jool to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:40.147] [EVE CloudsManager]: No PQS! Instanciating one.
[LOG 19:23:40.147] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:40.147] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:40.158] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:40.158] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-base) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:40.158] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[WRN 19:23:40.181] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'EVE PQS'
[LOG 19:23:40.271] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Jool to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:40.272] [EVE CloudsManager]: No PQS! Instanciating one.
[LOG 19:23:40.272] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:40.272] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:40.284] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:40.285] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-altostratus) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:40.285] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[WRN 19:23:40.307] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'EVE PQS'
[LOG 19:23:40.395] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Jool to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:40.396] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:40.396] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:40.407] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:40.408] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Duna-MainClouds) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:40.408] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:40.499] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Duna to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:40.500] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:40.500] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:40.510] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:40.510] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Laythe-CloudsLow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:40.510] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:40.598] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Laythe to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:40.599] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:40.599] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Mun-Dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:40.679] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Mun to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:40.680] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:40.680] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Minmus-Dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:40.756] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Minmus to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:40.756] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:40.757] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Pol-Dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:40.833] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Pol to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:40.834] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:40.834] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eeloo-Dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:40.920] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Eeloo to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:40.921] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:40.921] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Dres-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:41.006] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Dres to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:41.007] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:41.007] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Vall-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:41.097] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Vall to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:41.098] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:41.098] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Tylo-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:41.176] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Tylo to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:41.177] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:41.177] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Ike-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:41.258] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Ike to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:41.258] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:41.259] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Moho-dust) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:41.334] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Moho to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:41.335] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:41.335] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Duna-Duststorms) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:41.411] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Duna to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:41.412] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:41.412] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eeloo-geyser1) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:41.499] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Eeloo to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:41.500] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:41.500] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eeloo-geyser2) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:41.587] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Eeloo to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:41.588] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:41.588] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Minmus_geyser) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:41.676] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Minmus to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:41.677] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:41.677] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:41.688] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:41.689] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Mun-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:41.689] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:41.766] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Mun to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:41.767] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:41.767] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:41.777] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:41.778] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eeloo-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:41.778] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:41.855] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Eeloo to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:41.855] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:41.855] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:41.866] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:41.866] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Ike-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:41.867] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:41.953] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Ike to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:41.954] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:41.954] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:41.967] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:41.967] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Moho-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:41.967] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:42.056] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Moho to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:42.057] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:42.057] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:42.068] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:42.069] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Dres-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:42.069] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:42.162] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Dres to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:42.163] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:42.163] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:42.174] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:42.174] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Duna-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:42.174] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:42.263] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Duna to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:42.264] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:42.264] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:42.274] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:42.275] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Tylo-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:42.275] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:42.369] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Tylo to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:42.370] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:42.370] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:42.381] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:42.381] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Moho-ablation) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:42.381] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:42.460] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Moho to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:42.460] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:42.460] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:42.470] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:42.471] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Minmus-glow) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:42.471] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:42.547] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Minmus to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:42.548] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:42.548] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:42.558] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:42.558] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Kerbin-Lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:42.559] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:42.631] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:42.641] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:42.641] [EVE CloudsManager]: EVE Clouds: Kerbin-Lightning Applying to main menu!
[LOG 19:23:42.642] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:42.642] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:42.653] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:42.653] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Laythe-Lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:42.653] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:42.727] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Laythe to apply to main Menu!
[WRN 19:23:42.728] WARNING: Vector3 entry is not formatted properly! Proper format for Vector3 is x,y,z
[LOG 19:23:42.728] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:42.728] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:42.737] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:42.738] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Eve-lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:42.738] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:42.813] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Eve to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:42.813] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:42.813] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:42.823] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:42.824] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Duna-Lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:42.824] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:42.903] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Duna to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:42.904] [EVE CloudsManager]: No PQS! Instanciating one.
[LOG 19:23:42.904] [EVE CloudsManager]: PQS Applied
[LOG 19:23:42.904] [EVE CloudsManager]: Applying 2D clouds...
[LOG 19:23:42.914] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:42.914] [EVE CloudsManager]: CloudsPQS: (EVE Clouds: Jool-Lightning) OnSphereInactive
[LOG 19:23:42.914] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[WRN 19:23:42.932] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'EVE PQS'
[LOG 19:23:43.009] [EVE CloudsManager]: Cannot find Jool to apply to main Menu!
[LOG 19:23:43.009] [EVE AtmosphereManager]: Running Setup
[LOG 19:23:43.009] [EVE AtmosphereManager]: Loading...
[LOG 19:23:43.012] [EVE AtmosphereManager]: AstronomersVisualPack/AVP_Configs/Stock/Atmosphere/EVE_ATMOSPHERE
[LOG 19:23:43.012] [EVE AtmosphereManager]: Cleaning Atmosphere!
[LOG 19:23:43.013] [EVE CityLightsManager]: Running Setup
[LOG 19:23:43.013] [EVE CityLightsManager]: Loading...
[LOG 19:23:43.016] [EVE CityLightsManager]: AstronomersVisualPack/AVP_Configs/Stock/CityLights/EVE_CITY_LIGHTS
[LOG 19:23:43.016] [EVE CityLightsManager]: Removing City Lights obj
[LOG 19:23:43.016] [EVE CityLightsManager]: Removing scaled obj
[LOG 19:23:43.016] [EVE] Removing PQS Material Manager!
[LOG 19:23:43.017] [EVE] Applying PQS Material Manager!
[LOG 19:23:43.089] [EVE CityLightsManager]: Applied to main Menu
[LOG 19:23:43.089] [EVE TerrainManager]: Running Setup
[LOG 19:23:43.089] [EVE TerrainManager]: Loading...
[LOG 19:23:43.092] [EVE TerrainManager]: AstronomersVisualPack/AVP_Configs/Stock/Terrain/EVE_TERRAIN
[LOG 19:23:43.092] [EVE ShadowManager]: Running Setup
[LOG 19:23:43.092] [EVE ShadowManager]: Loading...
[LOG 19:23:43.096] [EVE ShadowManager]: AstronomersVisualPack/AVP_Configs/Stock/Shadows/EVE_SHADOWS
[LOG 19:23:43.102] [Scatterer][Debug] mapping EVE clouds
[LOG 19:23:43.115] [Scatterer][Debug] Eve assembly type found
[LOG 19:23:43.115] [Scatterer][Debug] Eve assembly version: Atmosphere, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 19:23:43.115] [Scatterer][Info] Successfully grabbed EVE Instance
[LOG 19:23:43.115] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Urlum
[LOG 19:23:43.115] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Tekto
[LOG 19:23:43.115] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Sarnus
[LOG 19:23:43.115] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Neidon
[LOG 19:23:43.115] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Sarnus
[LOG 19:23:43.115] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Urlum
[LOG 19:23:43.115] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Urlum
[LOG 19:23:43.116] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Sarnus
[LOG 19:23:43.116] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Neidon
[LOG 19:23:43.116] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Tekto
[LOG 19:23:43.116] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Thatmo
[LOG 19:23:43.116] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Polta
[LOG 19:23:43.116] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Slate
[LOG 19:23:43.116] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Slate
[LOG 19:23:43.116] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Urlum
[LOG 19:23:43.116] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Tekto
[LOG 19:23:43.116] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Sarnus
[LOG 19:23:43.116] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Neidon
[LOG 19:23:43.116] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:23:43.116] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Duna
[LOG 19:23:43.116] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Jool
[LOG 19:23:43.116] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Laythe
[LOG 19:23:43.116] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Eve
[LOG 19:23:43.116] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Eve
[LOG 19:23:43.116] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:23:43.116] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:23:43.116] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Laythe
[LOG 19:23:43.117] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Eve
[LOG 19:23:43.117] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Eve
[LOG 19:23:43.117] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Jool
[LOG 19:23:43.117] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Jool
[LOG 19:23:43.117] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Jool
[LOG 19:23:43.117] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Jool
[LOG 19:23:43.117] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Jool
[LOG 19:23:43.117] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Jool
[LOG 19:23:43.117] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Duna
[LOG 19:23:43.117] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Laythe
[LOG 19:23:43.117] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Mun
[LOG 19:23:43.117] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Minmus
[LOG 19:23:43.117] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Pol
[LOG 19:23:43.117] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Eeloo
[LOG 19:23:43.117] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Dres
[LOG 19:23:43.117] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Vall
[LOG 19:23:43.117] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Tylo
[LOG 19:23:43.117] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Ike
[LOG 19:23:43.117] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Moho
[LOG 19:23:43.117] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Duna
[LOG 19:23:43.117] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Eeloo
[LOG 19:23:43.117] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Eeloo
[LOG 19:23:43.117] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Minmus
[LOG 19:23:43.118] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Mun
[LOG 19:23:43.118] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Eeloo
[LOG 19:23:43.118] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Ike
[LOG 19:23:43.118] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Moho
[LOG 19:23:43.118] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Dres
[LOG 19:23:43.118] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Duna
[LOG 19:23:43.118] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Tylo
[LOG 19:23:43.118] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Moho
[LOG 19:23:43.118] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Minmus
[LOG 19:23:43.118] [Scatterer][Debug] Detected EVE 2d cloud layer for planet: Kerbin
[LOG 19:23:43.118] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Laythe
[LOG 19:23:43.118] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Eve
[LOG 19:23:43.118] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Duna
[LOG 19:23:43.118] [Scatterer][Debug] layer2d not found for layer on planet :Jool
[LOG 19:23:43.118] [Scatterer][Debug] Core setup done
[LOG 19:23:43.263] [Scatterer][Debug] Added eclipse caster Mun for Kerbin
[LOG 19:23:43.263] [Scatterer][Debug] Added eclipse caster Minmus for Kerbin
[LOG 19:23:43.335] [Scatterer][Debug]  Atmosphere config found for: Kerbin
[LOG 19:23:43.398] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO
[LOG 19:23:43.398] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now SCALED
[LOG 19:23:43.398] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO


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