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[BETA] KSRSS 0.7 - Kerbin (or x2.5) sized RSS


KSC location for the next release  

691 members have voted

  1. 1. Where should the KSC be located?

    • Cape Canaveral, Florida (28 degrees North)
    • Kourou, French Guiana (5 degrees North)

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Does this mod change the orbital inclination and orbit of planets or do the planets stay in their stock orbits and inclinations?

Also, does this work with KSC Switcher?


Edited by AeroSky
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5 hours ago, AeroSky said:


Does this mod change the orbital inclination and orbit of planets or do the planets stay in their stock orbits and inclinations?

Also, does this work with KSC Switcher?


This is a 100% copy of the RSS with all exact orbits, only in Kerbin's size.

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7 hours ago, AeroSky said:


Does this mod change the orbital inclination and orbit of planets or do the planets stay in their stock orbits and inclinations?

Also, does this work with KSC Switcher?


Yes it does, it works with KSC Switcher.

Orbits and inclinations are changed to be mostly accurate

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4 hours ago, Perantor said:

This is a 100% copy of the RSS with all exact orbits, only in Kerbin's size.

This is not a 100% copy of RSS, in RSS all the planets orbits are 23 degrees tilted, in KSRSS they are not.


4 hours ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

Err, not quite? In reality, the moon is 5-6 degrees inclined from the earth's equator. The lack of axial tilt support in KSP 1 requires some concessions to be made.

It's to be able to launch directly in the Moon plane from Cape Canaveral.

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3 hours ago, tony48 said:

It's to be able to launch directly in the Moon plane from Cape Canaveral.

Sure, that makes getting to the moon easier. It has some other side effects, though. For example, lunar launches have to be done at night. Also, any interplanetary operations that use the moon as a staging/refueling stop are made much harder - as the moon's inclination relative to the ecliptic is 28 degrees instead of 5ish.

There is no perfect solution while the game doesn't support axial tilt. Whatever you do will be the opposite of what some people want. Personally I would prefer the moon at 5-ish, the ecliptic at 0-ish, and an equatorial launch site on earth.  I would gladly "sacrifice" a Florida launch for somewhere else as a compromise until KSP allows for Earth to be done right. In this arrangement you'd have 2 launch windows for the moon instead of 1, I think?

Since I'm dreaming, might as well dream big:  I'd also be thrilled to have an "unfinished" KSRSS, called "KSRSS - The Rocky Planets"  :)  Ya know, just in case those pesky gas giants are harder than the inner planets and you wanted to release an early WIP version :D



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7 hours ago, tony48 said:

This is not a 100% copy of RSS, in RSS all the planets orbits are 23 degrees tilted, in KSRSS they are not.


It's to be able to launch directly in the Moon plane from Cape Canaveral.

Can we have the planets not be tilted and keep them in their stock inclination?

Can MechJeb still work here though? (Auto-create maneuver nodes, autopilot, etc.) 


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3 hours ago, AeroSky said:

Can we have the planets not be tilted and keep them in their stock inclination?

Can MechJeb still work here though? (Auto-create maneuver nodes, autopilot, etc.) 


There is a patch for that in the repo.

MechJeb still works (I recommend using PVG for ascents into orbit)

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9 minutes ago, kylelander said:

There is a patch for that in the repo.

How exactly do we apply that patch? Also, you're referring to the Github repo, right?

How do I find this patch?

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9 hours ago, AeroSky said:

How exactly do we apply that patch? Also, you're referring to the Github repo, right?

How do I find this patch?

Hmm... I recall seeing one on GitHub but it's gone.

Here's a patch to make all the planets have 0 inclonation:
(credit to tony48 for this)

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21 hours ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

There is no perfect solution while the game doesn't support axial tilt. Whatever you do will be the opposite of what some people want. Personally I would prefer the moon at 5-ish, the ecliptic at 0-ish, and an equatorial launch site on earth.  I would gladly "sacrifice" a Florida launch for somewhere else as a compromise until KSP allows for Earth to be done right. In this arrangement you'd have 2 launch windows for the moon instead of 1, I think?

In the next update the default launchsite will be Kourou (5 degrees North). I don't know yet if I will move the Moon to a 5 degrees inclination or not, because that would remove the ability to launch to the Moon from Cape.

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3 hours ago, tony48 said:

I don't know yet if I will move the Moon to a 5 degrees inclination or not, because that would remove the ability to launch to the Moon from Cape.

Thankfully a lot of this is cfg based, yes? And if you have alternate launch sites, then people will be able to tweak things if they want to. Whatever you guys decide it'll work out ok :)

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On 12/16/2020 at 5:29 PM, tony48 said:

In the next update the default launchsite will be Kourou (5 degrees North). I don't know yet if I will move the Moon to a 5 degrees inclination or not, because that would remove the ability to launch to the Moon from Cape.

I have only messed with KSRSS once, so I am not totally for sure, but does the mod not offer alternate launch sites like RSS/RO has with KSC Switcher? Could solve the issue and just let the players decide.

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On 12/17/2020 at 12:39 AM, kylelander said:

Hmm... I recall seeing one on GitHub but it's gone.

Here's a patch to make all the planets have 0 inclonation:
(credit to tony48 for this)

How do we apply that? I only see lines of code :/

Can someone tell me how we implement/apply that into the game?

Also, I installed the 4K textures in the Github. I assume that's alright, right?


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1 hour ago, AeroSky said:

How do we apply that? I only see lines of code :/

Can someone tell me how we implement/apply that into the game?

Also, I installed the 4K textures in the Github. I assume that's alright, right?


Just download the cfg file and place it in your GameData folder

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4 minutes ago, kylelander said:

Just download the cfg file and place it in your GameData folder


This one?

EDIT: I clicked it (the highlighted one) and it just brings me back to the code. I can't find a way to download it.

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9 hours ago, AeroSky said:

Alright, thanks! I'll test it out now to see if it works :)

The other way to tackle that is to just select the text (to the right of the line numbers) and copy it, then paste it into notepad and save a new file. Both ways should result in the same result. It's not at all uncommon to have a folder under your GameData folder where you put all your own custom configs.

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Love the pack! IMO, the way you handle the inclinations of Earth's Moon and the planets is perfect for me. Being able to zip around the Solar System with the same ease as the stock system is also great.

I've been making rough and ready configs to add Kerbalism radiation belts to the KSRSS planets but I can't seem to get Earth's belts to exist. I posed this over to the Kerbalism guys and they suggested I use the name "Kerbin" as opposed to "Earth" in the config file, but this didn't work either... @tony48 are there any naming conventions for the home planet or known mod conflicts I should know about when it comes to your KSRSS Earth planet?

For anyone who wants to play KSRSS with Kerbalism radiation belts, my radiation.cfg file is below in the spoiler:


// ============================================================================
// Distance-field models
// ============================================================================

// Use this when you tweak radiation belts, it helps. Promise.
// https://www.desmos.com/calculator/rxhsef6cxq - inner Belt
// https://www.desmos.com/calculator/ocj0mqx2m0 - outer Belt

// More Info about the Belts at
// https://www.nasa.gov/pdf/678135main_rbsp_pk_final_hi.pdf
// https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2018/studying-the-van-allen-belts-60-years-after-america-s-first-spacecraft
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Van_Allen_radiation_belt

  name = earth                     // unique name for the model

  has_inner = true
  inner_dist = 0.813               // orginal inner torus 'a' radius * inner_deform_xy
  inner_radius = 0.7000            // inner torus 'b' radius
  inner_deform_xy = 0.5720         // wanted (high / diameter) ^ 2
  inner_compression = 1.01         // deformation on the dayside
  inner_extension = 1.00           // deformation on the other side
  inner_border_dist = 0.0001       // original center of the inner torus we substract * inner_border_deform_xy
  inner_border_radius = 0.915      // radius of the inner torus we substract
  inner_border_deform_xy = 0.5     // wanted (high / diameter) ^ 2
  inner_quality = 50.0             // border quality, used at generation time

  has_outer = true
  outer_dist = 2.6338              // orignial outer torus 'a' radius * outer_deform_xy
  outer_radius = 2.48              // outer torus 'b' radius
  outer_deform_xy = 0.7225         // wanted (high / diameter) ^ 2
  outer_compression = 1.01         // deformation on the dayside
  outer_extension = 1.00           // deformation on the other side
  outer_border_dist = 1.4412       // original center of the outer torus we substract * outer_border_deform_xy
  outer_border_radius = 1.4875     // radius of the outer torus we substract
  outer_border_deform_xy = 0.7225  // wanted (high / diameter) ^ 2
  outer_quality = 60.0             // border quality, used at generation time

  has_pause = true
  pause_radius = 20.0            // pause sphere radius
  pause_compression = 1.30         // deformation on the dayside
  pause_extension = 0.20           // deformation on the other side
  pause_height_scale = 1.8         // 'vertical' deformation
  pause_quality = 30.0             // border quality, used at generation time

// http://evildrganymede.net/work/magfield.htm
// the magnetopause lies at a distance of between 60 and 70 RJ
// Within 20 RJ are immense radiation belts similar in nature to the Terran Van Allen
// belts, but over 10,000 times as powerful. Highly energetic particles are trapped
// within these belts - Pioneer 10 (the first spacecraft to fly through the belts) was
// very heavily irradiated, receiving a total dose of over 250,000 rads from the protons
// and electrons therein. For comparison, a whole body dose of 500 rads would be fatal
// for a human. These belts were so intense that they seriously jeopardized the Pioneer 10
// mission, damaging several circuits and darkening optics. As a result, subsequent
// missions had to be redirected to bypass the radiation belts.
  name = giant

  has_inner = true
  inner_dist = 2.2
  inner_radius = 1.0
  inner_compression = 1.05
  inner_extension = 0.8
  inner_quality = 30.0

  has_outer = true
  outer_dist = 6.0
  outer_radius = 6.0
  outer_compression = 1.05
  outer_extension = 0.7
  outer_border_start = 0.1
  outer_border_end = 1.0
  outer_quality = 30.0

  has_pause = true
  pause_radius = 60
  pause_compression = 1.05
  pause_extension = 0.1
  pause_height_scale = 1.02
  pause_quality = 20.0

// some unknown mechanism is producing a very weak, irregular field
  name = irregular

  has_pause = true
  pause_radius = 1.25
  pause_compression = 1.1
  pause_extension = 0.75
  pause_deform = 0.1
  pause_quality = 60

// lacking internal dynamo, the upper strate of atmosphere is ionized into a rarefield plasma by the solar wind
  name = ionosphere

  has_pause = true
  pause_radius = 1.1
  pause_extension = 0.2
  pause_quality = 60

// dummy radiation model for bodies with surface radiation
  name = surface

// the body is deep in the star gravity well, and rich in heavy elements
  name = metallic

  has_inner = true
  inner_dist = 1.25
  inner_radius = 0.15
  inner_compression = 1.15
  inner_extension = 1.0
  inner_deform = 0.05
  inner_quality = 50.0

  has_pause = true
  pause_radius = 2.75
  pause_compression = 1.75
  pause_extension = 0.1
  pause_height_scale = 1.5
  pause_deform = 0.1
  pause_quality = 30.0

// radiation model for a giant's moon
  name = solidiron

  has_inner = true
  inner_dist = 1.38
  inner_radius = 0.2
  inner_compression = 1.1
  inner_extension = 1.0
  inner_deform = 0.05
  inner_quality = 45.0

  has_pause = true
  pause_radius = 2.5
  pause_compression = 1.05
  pause_extension = 1.2
  pause_height_scale = 1.1
  pause_deform = 0.04
  pause_quality = 20.0

// some not completely understood phenomena is generating a small but intense field at the poles
  name = anomaly

  has_pause = true
  pause_radius = 0.5
  pause_extension = 0.8
  pause_height_scale = 0.45
  pause_deform = 0.05
  pause_quality = 50.0

// the sun magnetopause
  name = heliopause

  has_pause = true
  pause_radius = 10000.0
  pause_quality = 0.05

// ============================================================================
// Radiation environments for bodies
// ============================================================================

  name = Sun
  radiation_model = heliopause
  radiation_pause = -0.025

  // we want ~0.01 rad/h at Kerbin (d = 1 AU)
  // d = 13.599.000.000 m
  // r = sun radius = 261.600.000
  // surface radiation = 0.01 / (r^2 / AU^2)
  radiation_surface = 27

  // 8 kerbin years
  solar_cycle = 72576000

  name = Mercury
  radiation_model = metallic
  radiation_inner = 1.0
  radiation_pause = -0.002
  geomagnetic_pole_lat = 96
  geomagnetic_pole_lon = 0

  name = Venus
  radiation_model = ionosphere
  radiation_pause = -0.005

  name = Earth
  radiation_model = earth                     // model used to determine zones
  radiation_inner = 10.376                    // rad/h inside the inner belt
  radiation_inner_gradient = 3.3              // how fast does radiation increase when you go in the belt
  radiation_outer = 2.214                     // rad/h inside the outer belt
  radiation_outer_gradient = 2.2              // how fast does radiation increase when you go in the belt
  radiation_pause = -0.011                    // rad/h inside the magnetopause
  geomagnetic_pole_lat = 80.37                // lat of the geomagnetic north pole

  geomagnetic_pole_lon = -72.62               // lon of the geomagnetic north pole
  // ...the Earth's magnetic field is currently ... and offset by 462 km.
  geomagnetic_offset = 0.07

  name = Mars
  radiation_model = irregular
  radiation_pause = -0.003

// The Jovian field is aligned at an angle of 10.8° to its rotational axis,
// and is currently 'reversely' polarized

  name = Jupiter
  radiation_model = giant
  radiation_inner = 200.0
  radiation_outer = 11.0
  radiation_pause = -0.012
  geomagnetic_pole_lat = -79.2
  geomagnetic_pole_lon = 0
  radiation_surface = 15

name = Saturn
  radiation_model = giant
  radiation_inner = 150.0
  radiation_outer = 6.0
  radiation_pause = -0.012
  geomagnetic_pole_lat = -79.2
  geomagnetic_pole_lon = 0
  radiation_surface = 15

  name = Uranus
  radiation_model = giant
  radiation_inner = 100.0
  radiation_outer = 3.0
  radiation_pause = -0.012
  geomagnetic_pole_lat = -79.2
  geomagnetic_pole_lon = 0
  radiation_surface = 15

  name = Neptune
  radiation_model = giant
  radiation_inner = 100.0
  radiation_outer = 3.0
  radiation_pause = -0.012
  geomagnetic_pole_lat = -79.2
  geomagnetic_pole_lon = 0
  radiation_surface = 15

// ============================================================================
// Radiation emitters
// ============================================================================

    name = Emitter
    radiation = 0.0000277775 // 0.1 rad/h
    @radiation *= 2.5 // 0.25 rad/h

    name = Emitter
    radiation = 0.0000277775 // 0.1 rad/h

    name = Emitter
    radiation = -0.00000277775 // 0.01 rad/h
    @radiation *= 4 // 0.04 rad/h
    toggle = true
    ec_rate = 2.5
    active = e10

Edit 1: I forgot to ask; do you have any plans to add atmospheres to both Triton and Pluto?
Edit 2: So I have all the planets (including Earth!) to work and have updated the Radiation.cfg above.

Edited by EimajOzear
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